_$ (defun add (a b) (+ a b))
_$ .inspect 'add
Sym { sym: 'ADD' }
_$ .inspect add
UFun {
name: 'ADD',
params: [ 'A', 'B' ],
locals: [],
fun: [Function (anonymous)]
_$ .inspect (add 1 2)
Int { int: 3 }
_$ .context
$ node --inspect-brk src/main.js
Open Chrome -> Developer Tools -> Open dedicated DevTools for Node.js
$ grep 'VeLisp Extension' AutoLISP-Functions.md DCL-Functions.md
How to see Glade XML for DCL?
$ VELISP_DEBUG=glade node src/main.js examples/calc 2>calc.xml
$ glade calc.xml
$ node src/main.js --eval '("abc" 1 2)'
Error: "abc": function not defined
at __EVAL__:1
$ VELISP_DEBUG=fulltrace node src/main.js --eval '("abc" 1 2)'
Error: "abc": function not defined
at __EVAL__:1
$ VELISP_DEBUG=tree node src/main.js --eval '(+ 1 2)'
(file (expr ( (listExpr (expr +)) (listExpr (expr 1)) (listExpr (expr 2)) )))
$ VELISP_DEBUG=tree node src/main.js
_$ (+ 1 2)
(file (expr ( (listExpr (expr +)) (listExpr (expr 1)) (listExpr (expr 2)) )))
Various behaviors can be customized using the following environment variables:
- VELISP_DEBUG=glade | fulltrace | tree | libs | help
- VELISP_REPL_HISTORY: When a valid path is given, persistent REPL history will be saved to the specified file rather than .velisp_repl_history in the user's home directory. Setting this value to '' (an empty string) will disable persistent REPL history.
- VELISP_REPL_HISTORY_SIZE: Controls how many lines of history will be persisted if history is available. Must be a positive number. Default: 1000.