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File metadata and controls

144 lines (112 loc) · 4.24 KB


Here I will demonstrate how we can use Snakemake to process files and to run a simulation on the cluster.

On our cluster, Snakemake is pre-installed, all you need to do is module load python, and you will have access to the snakemake command.

Why use Snakemake?

  • Helps others see exactly what steps are involved, helps with reproducibility.
  • Figures out job dependencies automatically - if a single job crashes, Snakemake will know what needs to be re-run.
  • Works on a variety of clusters, can be customized as far as how the jobs are sent out.


The key file that you need to run Snakemake is a Snakefile. This can file will contain rules that tell Snakemake how to create the necessary files. Here is a simple one:

rule all: 
  input: "final.txt"

rule make_txt:
  input: "{sample}.foo"
  output: "{sample}.txt"
  shell: "cp {input} {output}"

rule make_final:
  input: "a.txt", 
  output: "final.txt"
      "cat a.txt b.txt > final.txt"

We can run Snakemake in a testing mode with snakemake -np which will print out the lines it would run, but it won't actually run them. If we do this, it will tell us that it can't find and So then create touch files with touch and touch Now try again with snakemake -np.

Running on the cluster

We can run these in an interactive session, or we can submit them to the cluster scheduler. Nearly always for a real project you would want to submit jobs to the cluster scheduler (try to aim for each job to run for at least ~5 min to a few hours on the long end).

The command I use to run on the Longleaf cluster is, from an interactive node:

snakemake -j 4 --latency-wait 30 --cluster "sbatch -N 1 -n 6"

This will send 4 jobs at a time, and each job will run on one node, and require 6 cores (e.g. if I am using Salmon or multi-core R commands, otherwise set -n 1).

This will run Snakemake on the command line, so it will last as long as your interactive session lasts. You can also submit a job with the snakemake call by putting the above into a bash script and submitting that to the cluster with sbatch, see an example in the quantify transcripts instructions.

Running Snakemake across parameter values

The above works well for when we have input files and want to process them uniformly, and there are various tricks using glob_wildcards() to process e.g. all files that are in a directory with a certain file ending (see quantification example).

What about if we don't have input files per se but want to run a simulation across a grid of parameter values?

We can do this with a config.json file. For example, let's say we want to compute the mean of some numbers, from different distributions. We can make a config file:

dist : [norm, unif, exp]
n : [5,10]

Then we can write an R script that takes two arguments, the distribution and the sample size:

cmd_args <- commandArgs(TRUE)

dist <- cmd_args[1] # dist
n <- as.numeric(cmd_args[2]) # sample size
out <- cmd_args[3] # output filename

if (dist == "norm") {
  x <- rnorm(n)
} else if (dist == "unif") {
  x <- runif(n)
} else if (dist == "exp") {
  x <- rexp(n)
dat <- data.frame(dist=dist,x=x)
write.table(dat, file=out, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep=",")

And a Snakefile:

configfile: "config.json"

rule all:
        expand("dist_{dist}_n_{n}.csv", dist=config["dist"], n=config["n"])

rule make_data:
    output: "dist_{dist}_n_{n}.csv"
        "R CMD BATCH --no-save --no-restore '--args {wildcards.dist} {wildcards.n} {output}' " 
        " make_data.R log_dist_{wildcards.dist}_n_{wildcards.n}.Rout"


One problem with our above script is that we won't be able to reproduce those random numbers again because our R script did not set a seed with set.seed(). If we use the same value for each simulation, e.g. set.seed(5), then the same numbers would be used for the n=5 and n=10 case, which is typically undesirable. We could instead use the combination of dist and n to create unique seed integers, via a hash function:

seed <- digest2int(paste0(dist,n), seed=0L)