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+date: 2016-03-05 21:59:03 +0100
+categories: advanced
+author: Tobias Bengfort
+summary: Color contrast is essential for legibility. But calculating it correctly is not as simple as it may seem, especially if you consider transparent colors.
+# Color contrast in web design
+Color contrast is essential for legibility in web design. The web content
+accessibility guidelines (WCAG) therefore include [strict requirements on
+minimum contrast](https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#visual-audio-contrast).
+In this article I want to explain some details about color contrast and propose
+a new algorithm that supports transparency and can be implemented in existing
+libraries without losing backwards compatibility. I will also discuss the
+current state of implementation in CSS preprocessors such as
+[Less](http://lesscss.org/) or [Sass](http://sass-lang.com/). Out of these, I
+personally prefer Sass, so all examples are written in that language.
+One final note: I assume that you have a basic understanding of working with
+colors, especially in CSS.
+## Solid colors
+### Definition
+So what is color contrast? There are [many
+definitions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_contrast), but the W3C chose
+one. As a first step, they decided that contrast should not factor in hue or
+saturation in order to make it meaningful for people with different kinds of
+color deficiencies. So their contrast formula is purely based on *luma*.
+So what is luma? More precisely: What is the difference between luma and the
+related concepts *brightness* and *luminance*?
+Brightness is simply the average of the red, green and blue channels. Luma and
+luminance on the other hand factor in the fact that humans perceive some colors
+as brighter than others. Compare for example yellow and blue. This can be done
+by using the [following
+ :::sass
+ $l = 0.2126 * $r + 0.7152 * $g + 0.0722 * $b
+This formula, as well as everything that follows, assumes that the RGBA values
+are in the range from 0 to 1.
+The difference between luminance and luma is that the former is based on raw
+RGB values; the latter factors in [*gamma
+Humans are better at distinguishing dark colors than bright colors. Gamma
+correction is a method that takes advantage of that. The gamma correction
+usually used on the web is taken from the
+[sRGB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srgb) standard and can be calculated like
+ :::sass
+ @function srgb($channel) {
+ @if $channel <= 0.03928 {
+ @return $channel / 12.92;
+ } @else {
+ @return pow(($channel + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
+ }
+ }
+Putting both formulas together we get this code for calculating the luma:
+ :::sass
+ @function luma($color) {
+ $r: srgb(red($color) / 255);
+ $g: srgb(green($color) / 255);
+ $b: srgb(blue($color) / 255);
+ @return 0.2126 * $r + 0.7152 * $g + 0.0722 * $b;
+ }
+Back to contrast: It is now simply defined as a [ratio of
+ :::sass
+ @function contrast($color1, $color2) {
+ $l1 = luma($color1);
+ $l2 = luma($color2);
+ @return (max($l1, $l2) + 0.05) / (min($l1, $l2) + 0.05);
+ }
+Note that the contrast can have values between 1 and 21. I am not sure what the
+rationale for the 0.05 is. It prevents the formula from going to infinity
+for near-black colors, but I find that it still produces overly high results
+for those.
+### Implementations
+I have seen three types of functions that you may wish to have in your CSS
+preprocessing code:
+- A function that calculates the contrast
+- A function that warns you if the contrast is below a certain threshold
+- A function that picks the color with the best contrast to a base color out
+ of a list of alternatives
+Less contains a [function to calculate
+luma](http://lesscss.org/functions/#color-channel-luma). It also contains a
+function of the third type called
+[`contrast()`](http://lesscss.org/functions/#color-operations-contrast). This
+function is not based on the W3C definition of contrast, but there is a [pull
+request](https://github.com/less/less.js/pull/2754) to fix that.
+Sass, on the other hand, does not contain any of these functions. It even lacks
+a `pow()` function needed to calculate gamma correction. However, compass (a
+popular Sass library) has a function of the third type called
+that is not based on the W3C definition. There is also a more specialised
+library called [sass-a11y](https://github.com/at-import/sass-a11y) which
+contains a function of the second type called `a11y-contrast()`. This one seems
+to be correct.
+## Transparent colors
+So now that we know how to calculate color contrast of solid colors, let's turn
+to transparent colors. This topic has been raised by [Lea
+Verou](http://lea.verou.me/2012/10/easy-color-contrast-ratios/) in 2012. The
+standard does not mention transparent colors, but in theory they work a lot
+like solid colors.
+The one additional step you have to do is [*alpha
+blending*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGBA), i.e. combine the transparent
+color with its background color to get the combination:
+ :::sass
+ @function alpha-blend($fg, $bg) {
+ $a: alpha($fg);
+ $r: red($fg) * $a + red($bg) * (1 - $a);
+ $g: green($fg) * $a + green($bg) * (1 - $a);
+ $b: blue($fg) * $a + blue($bg) * (1 - $a);
+ @return rgb($r, $g, $b);
+ }
+So we can simply apply alpha blending, then calculate the contrast and we are
+done, right? Unfortunately, there are two major issues with this:
+- If the background color is transparent itself we need to know (or guess) a
+ third color (called backdrop) that it will be blended on.
+- In order to apply alpha blending, we need to know which color is in the
+ foreground and which one is in the background. This did not make any
+ difference before.
+Lea got around these issues because she wrote a new library from scratch. Her
+function takes foreground and background colors in a specific order and
+returns two values: A minimum and a maximum possible contrast resulting from
+different backdrops.
+I wanted to come up with an algorithm that could easily be implemented in
+existing libraries, so breaking the API was undesirable. So the final sections
+of this article will describe the approach I took.
+### Transparent backgrounds
+Let's turn to the issue of the unknown backdrop color first. These are some
+approaches I could think of:
+- **Ignore the transparency.** The result of the algorithm should be that
+ colors with low alpha channel are considered to have a low contrast to
+ almost everything. So ignoring the transparency completely does not sound
+ like the right thing to do, though it would save us a lot of headaches.
+- **Use white as a backdrop color as it is the default background color on
+ most websites.** Using a white background might seem like a good idea, but
+ using a transparent background on a solid backdrop color is not actually a
+ common use case and should be advised against (just use the blended color
+ directly in these cases). [Almost all
+ examples](http://tympanus.net/codrops/2012/11/26/using-transparency-in-web-design-dos-and-donts/)
+ I saw used transparent backgrounds to increase contrast when displaying
+ text over images. So there is really no basis for assuming a white
+ backdrop.
+- **Calculate the minimum or maximum possible contrast or some combination of
+ them.** The difficulty with this approach is that using minimum or maximum
+ seems to be a bit biased against or in favour of transparency. And there
+ are so many possible ways to combine them that it is not clear which one to
+ choose.
+- **Calculate the expected value.** This might be the proper approach from a
+ purely theoretical perspective. It basically means that we choose some
+ random backdrop colors, calculate the contrast, and use the average of the
+ results. The big issue with this approach is that we would need to know
+ how probable each color is as a backdrop. How would we define that? Do a
+ field study or just assume that all colors are equally probable? This
+ sounds like overkill.
+Taking into account that the backdrop is most likely not a single color but an
+image, I think the most sensible approach out of these is to use the minimum
+possible contrast. So how is it calculated?
+The luma is strictly increasing in relation to every color channel. So the
+minimum luma can be achieved by using black as a backdrop color, while the
+maximum can be achieved with white. The luma is also continuous, meaning that
+for every possible luma between minimum and maximum there is a backdrop color
+that can produce it.
+This means that the minimum contrast is 1 if the foreground luma is somewhere
+in that range. Otherwise, it is the minimum of the white/black cases:
+ :::sass
+ @function contrast-min($fg, $bg) {
+ $bg-black: alpha-blend($bg, black);
+ $bg-white: alpha-blend($bg, white);
+ @if luma($bg-white) < luma($fg) {
+ @return contrast($fg, $bg-white);
+ } @else if luma($bg-black) > luma($fg) {
+ @return contrast($fg, $bg-black);
+ } @else {
+ @return 1;
+ }
+ }
+### Background/foreground
+In the case of solid colors, it was not relevant which of the colors was
+background and which was foreground. Now it is: When a transparent foreground
+is overlayed on the background, it is mixed with it, resulting in a slightly
+decreased contrast. A transparent background can have much more extreme effect
+depending on the backdrop. For example, the background may have a lower luma
+than the foreground, but when overlayed on white the result has a higher luma.
+This effect is unfortunate, because it makes the API much more complicated and
+is largely incompatible with existing implementations. So are there any ways
+around it?
+Let's first look at the actual impact. In order to do that we swap foreground
+and background colors and compare the results of different algorithms.
+In the case of minimum contrast, the regular and the swapped functions are
+correlated (I calculated a correlation of 0.88 in a set of 10000 random
+colors). This makes sense because the contrast goes down for both transparent
+foreground and transparent background.
+In the case of maximum contrast, they are negatively correlated (-0.23). This
+makes sense because the contrast goes down for transparent foreground while it
+goes up for transparent background.
+Given the high cost this would have and the high correlation between minimum
+contrast and its swapped version, I think it is a sensible approach to use a
+"symmetric minimal contrast" that is the average of the two:
+ :::sass
+ @function contrast-min-symmetric($color1, $color2) {
+ $c1 = contrast-min($color1, $color2);
+ $c2 = contrast-min($color2, $color1);
+ @return ($c1 + $c2) / 2;
+ }
+### Implementations
+- Lea Verou created a [tool](https://leaverou.github.io/contrast-ratio/)
+ written in JavaScript that reports minimum and maximum possible contrasts
+ for transparent background colors. It requires you to know which of the
+ colors will be the fore-/background.
+- Less ignores the alpha channel completely in its `contrast()` function and
+ they are [not going to change
+ that](https://github.com/less/less.js/pull/2843).
+- Compass also ignores the alpha channel in its `contrast-color()` function.
+- sass-a11y implements the algorithm proposed by Lea.
+- I created a Sass library called
+ [sass-planifolia](https://github.com/xi/sass-planifolia) which implements
+ the symmetric minimal contrast algorithm.
+## Conclusion
+This article covered many details about color contrast as well as a new
+algorithm that supports transparency and can be implemented in existing
+libraries without losing backwards compatibility.
+We discussed ways to ensure a minimum color contrast. Note, however, that this
+may not be sufficient to ensure good legibility: Typography and font size are
+other key factors. Also note that too much contrast can be hard on the eyes,
+especially very bright colors on dark background.
+This whole topic turned out to be surprisingly complicated, touching topics
+such as psycho-visual effects, maintaining backwards compatibility, and a
+significant amount of math.
+While writing this I created several bug reports and pull requests.
+Unfortunately, some projects mentioned are no longer maintained, e.g. Compass
+and sass-a11y.