tblite-run - Run tight-binding calculations
Evaluates the tight-binding model on the provided input structure. Periodic calculations are performed automatically for periodic input formats. Reads .CHRG and .UHF files if present in the same directory as the input.
Supported geometry input formats are:
Xmol/xyz files (xyz, log)
Turbomole’s coord, riper’s periodic coord (tmol, coord)
DFTB+ genFormat geometry inputs as cluster, supercell or fractional (gen)
VASP’s POSCAR/CONTCAR input files (vasp, poscar, contcar)
Protein Database files, only single files (pdb)
Connection table files, molfile (mol) and structure data format (sdf)
Gaussian’s external program input (ein)
- -c, --charge integer
Set charge to molecule, overrides charge in .CHRG file
- --spin integer
Set number of unpaired electrons for molecule, overrides spin in .UHF file
- --method string
Name of the parametrisation to use, supported are gfn1, ipea1 and gfn2 (default).
- --param string
Read tight binding parametrization from string.
- --etemp real
Electronic temperature for calculation in Kelvin (default: 300K).
- --guess string
Guess for the initial populations, possible options: sad (default), eeq, and ceh.
- --etemp-guess real
Electronic temperature for ceh-guess in Kelvin (default: 4000K).
- --efield real,real,real
Homogeneous electric field in V/Å, takes three comma separated real values.
- --alpb string
Use analytical linearized Poisson-Boltzmann (ALPB) solvation model. Solvent is specified by the solvent name. Uses parametrized ALPB with CDS and empirical shift.
- --gbsa string
Use generalized Born solvation model (GBSA). Solvent is specified by the solvent name. Uses parametrized GB with CDS and empirical shift.
- --gbe real|string
Use generalized Born with finite epsilion (GBSA) solvation model. Solvent is specified by dielectric constant or the solvent name.
- --gb real|string
Use generalized Born solvation model (GB). Solvent is specified by dielectric constant or solvent name.
- --cpcm real|string
Use polarizable continuum solvation model (CPCM). Solvent is specified by dielectric constant or solvent name.
- --born-kernel string
Specify Born kernel to use with ALPB, GBSA or GB solvation model. Possible options are p16 (default for ALPB) and still (default for GB/GBSA).
- --solv-state string
Solution state correction: gsolv (default), bar1mol, reference.
- --spin-polarized
Use spin-polarized Hamiltonian with colinear spins. Important: This feature is not stable and results are subject to change.
- --acc real
Accuracy of the calculation, lower values set tighter convergence criteria.
- --iterations int
Number of iterations for converging the electronic structure. Default: 250.
- --solver name
Electronic solver for SCF, possible options: gvd (default), and gvr
- --grad [file]
Evaluates analytical gradient, results are stored in file (default: tblite.txt)
- --json [file]
Dump results as JSON output to file (default: tblite.json)
- -i, --input format
Hint for the format of the input file
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity of printout
- -s, --silent
Reduce verbosity of printout
- --version
Prints version number and citation
- --help
Show this message
Command line arguments can be read from an indirect file / response file by specifying the file with @name in the command line. Each line in the file is interpreted as command line argument, shell like escape sequences are not available. The file can contain further @name inputs. If the file cannot be the argument is used literally.