My Tasker files.
Profile triggered by any bluetooth connection or disconnection event (filtering by event type and bluetooth device category is handled downstream by LaunchPocketCasts task below).
Profile triggered by any NFC tagging event (I have only one NFC tag today so I am not filtering per tag ID).
I use this task in a Tasker Task widget to launch Instragran and then use AutoInput to automatically navigate to the Following tab. This shows me only posts from people I follow. No "recommended" content", no ads (so far). This task requires the AutoInput app to be installed and properly configured (but root is not required).
I use this task in conjunction with the BTConnection profile above. That's why the task starts with an IF condition action: I only want to execute the following actions if the trigger was a bluetooth headset connection or disconnection event. For this I use a condition based on the BT headphone class ID 1048. The rest of the task is pretty straightforward: if the event is a connection being established, I launch PocketCasts and raise the media volume to the max (25). If instead the event is a disconnection, I mute the media volume.
These tasks are a work in progress. I am trying to send intents to Google Fit in order to start and stop biking activity recording but so far not luck (suggestions are welcome!). I could use AutoInput to simulate clicks instead of using intent but that doesn't work for my goal to use the task while the screen locked (triggering it with a NFC tag).