Since the introduction of the Fortran 2008 standard, Fortran is a parallel language. Unlike the parallel extensions OpenMP or OpenACC, the coarray parallelism Coarrays is built into the language core, so there are fewer problems with interaction between different standards and different standards bodies.
This tutorial aims to introduce Fortran coarrays to the general user. A general familiarity with modern Fortran is assumed. People who are not familar with Fortran, but are familiar with other imperative languages like C might need to refer to other sources such as the FortranWiki to check what individual language constructs mean.
Coarrays follow the idea of a Partitioned global address space or PGAS. In PGAS, there are several images executing. Each image has its own local memory. It is, howewer, possible to access the memory of other images via special constructs.
This is more loosely coupled than the thread model, where threads share variables unless explicitly directed otherwise.
Using PGAS means that coarray Fortran can be used on a massively parallel computing system as well as a shared-memory implementation on a single, multi-CPU computer.
If you want to try out the example programs, you need to have a coarray-capable
compiler and know how to compile and run the programs. Setting the number
of images is done in a compiler-dependent manner, usually via a compiler option,
an environment variable, or, if the system is MPI-based, as an argument
to mpirun
One central concept of coarray Fortran is that of an image. When a program is run, it starts multiple copies (or, possibly, one copy) of itself. Each image runs in parallel until completion, and works independently of other images unless the programmer specifically asks for synchronization.
Here is a Coarray variant of the classic "Hello world" program:
program main
implicit none
write (*,*) "Hello from image", this_image(), "of", num_images()
end program main
This program will output something like
Hello from image 2 of 4
Hello from image 4 of 4
Hello from image 3 of 4
Hello from image 1 of 4
depending on how many images you run and shows the use of two
important functions: The number of images that is run can be found
with the
function and the current image via this_image()
Both of these are functions that are built into the language
(so-called intrinsic functions).
Usually, some kind of ordering has to be imposed on the images to do
anything useful. This can be done with the SYNC ALL
which partitions the programs into what the Fortran standard calls
segments. Anything before one SYNC ALL
statement will get executed
before anything after the SYNC ALL
Here is an example program, where each image prints both a Hello and a Goodbye message. Assume you want to make sure that each Goodbye message is printed before each Hello message, then this is not the way to do it:
program main
implicit none
write (*,*) "Hello from image", this_image(), "of", num_images()
write (*,*) "Goodbye from image", this_image(), "of", num_images()
end program main
The output will look something like
Hello from image 4 of 4
Goodbye from image 4 of 4
Hello from image 3 of 4
Goodbye from image 3 of 4
Hello from image 1 of 4
Hello from image 2 of 4
Goodbye from image 1 of 4
Goodbye from image 2 of 4
What you can do instead to put things into order is to insert
between the two write
statements, like this:
program main
implicit none
write (*,*) "Hello from image", this_image(), "of", num_images()
sync all
write (*,*) "Goodbye from image", this_image(), "of", num_images()
end program main
which will get the intended result:
Hello from image 2 of 4
Hello from image 4 of 4
Hello from image 3 of 4
Hello from image 1 of 4
Goodbye from image 1 of 4
Goodbye from image 2 of 4
Goodbye from image 4 of 4
Goodbye from image 3 of 4
statements do not have to be in the same place in the
program. For example, this program will print the "Hello" message
from image 1 later than all the others:
program main
implicit none
if (this_image() == 1) sync all
write (*,*) "Hello from image", this_image()
if (this_image() /= 1) sync all
end program
Output is (for example)
Hello from image 2
Hello from image 4
Hello from image 3
Hello from image 1
In order to be really useful, the images need a way to exchange data with other images. This can be done with coarrays.
A coarray is just a normal variable, of any type, which can be either a scalar or an array. Like for any other variable, there is one instance for each image. The variable itself can be a scalar or an array. A coarray has one important property: It is possible to access data on another image, both for reading and writing, using normal Fortran syntax. Let us see how this works.
Coarrays are declared either by using the codimension
attribute or
by using square brackets in addition to normal brackets. The final
codimension is unknown at compile-time (and can usually be selected
at run-time). This is expressed by using a *
as the codimension.
The following declaration declares an integer coarray:
integer :: a[*]
as does this line:
integer, codimension[*] :: a
It is a matter of taste and line length which variant is used.
Accessing this coarray is done by putting the coindex in
square brackets. For the simple case above, this is equal to the
value of this_image()
. So, this statement prints the value of a on
image 5:
integer :: a[*]
print *,a[5]
and this sets the value of a on image 3 to 42:
integer :: a[*]
a[3] = 42
or you can even use I/O to set the value:
integer :: a[*]
read (*,*) a[3]
Of course, when these code fragments are run, the referenced image has to exist.
As previously mentioned, the images run independently unless otherwise directed. The most important rule is that changes to coarrays only get propagated to other images via synchronization. So, for example, this fragment will not work as maybe expected:
if (this_image() == 3) then
a[2] = 42
end if
print *,a[2]
but this will:
if (this_image() == 3) then
a[2] = 42
end if
sync all
print *,a[2]
You could access the variable a
declared as above on its own image
by using a[this_image(a)]
. While correct, there is a shortcut; you
can simply use a
in that case.
So, here is a small example where image number 1 sums up the image numbers, plus the expected value. This uses a rather common idiom, where all images do work, while only one of them does I/O.
program main
implicit none
integer :: me[*]
integer :: i, s, n
me = this_image()
sync all ! Do not forget this.
if (this_image() == 1) then
s = 0
n = num_images()
do i=1, n
s = s + me[i]
end do
write (*,'(*(A,I0))') "Number of images: ", n, " sum: ", s, &
" expected: ", n*(n+1)/2
end if
end program main
With four images, this gives the result
Number of images: 4 sum: 10 expected: 10
Here is another example: A program where each image writes "Hello
from" and its own image number into a character coarray of the
image with image_number()
one higher, or to 1 for the last
image number. Each image then prints out the greeting it received
from the other image. Here is the program:
program main
implicit none
character (len=30) :: greetings[*]
integer :: me, n, you
me = this_image()
n = num_images()
if (me /= n) then
you = me + 1
you = 1
end if
write (unit=greetings[you],fmt='(A,I0,A,I0)') &
"Greetings from ", me, " to ", you
sync all
write (*,'(A)') trim(greetings)
end program main
and here its output with four images:
Greetings from 3 to 4
Greetings from 1 to 2
Greetings from 2 to 3
Greetings from 4 to 1
All examples so far have used coarrays which were scalars, but they can be arrays, as well. A somewhat contrived example:
program main
implicit none
real, dimension(10) :: a[*]
integer :: i
call random_number(a)
a = a**2
sync all
if (this_image () == num_images()) then
do i=1,num_images()-1
a = a + a(:)[i]
end do
print '(*(F8.5))',a
end if
end program main
which will print the sum of the squares of 10 random numbers for each image, something which could look like
2.14682 2.70696 2.50518 3.09663 2.81545 1.88543 4.53160 2.67531 2.29398 2.96503
You will need the array reference (:)
before the coarray
reference [i]
, and you can use the full power of the
array indexing that Fortran provides.
If you feel like it, you can also set the lower bound of a coarray to some other value. If you are a fan of C and like zero lower bounds, the following is valid:
integer :: a[0:*]
or if you are a fan of Douglas Adams, you can use
integer :: a[42:*]
Actually, declaring a coarray a a[*]
is only a shortcut for
declaring the coarray as a[1:*]
with a lower cobound of 1.
There is a subtlety to the use of this_image()
: Without
any arguments, it gives you the image number. When it has
a coarray argument, it will give you the argument that you
need to access the coarray on the current image.
For example, in this program
program main
integer :: a[42:*]
print *, this_image(), this_image(a)
end program main
you will need a coindex of 42 to access the coarray on the first image, and the program will print
4 45
2 43
1 42
3 44
A classic example is the estimation of pi/4 by Monte Carlo simulation. This program sets up the field n strips along the x-axis, then distributes points randomly and checks if they are inside or outside the unit circle.
program main
implicit none
integer, parameter :: blocks_per_image = 2**16
integer, parameter :: block_size = 2**10
real, dimension(block_size) :: x, y
integer :: in_circle[*]
integer :: i, n_circle, n_total
real :: step, xfrom
n_total = blocks_per_image * block_size * num_images()
step = 1./real(num_images())
xfrom = (this_image() - 1) * step
in_circle = 0
do i=1, blocks_per_image
call random_number(x)
call random_number(y)
in_circle = in_circle + count((xfrom + step * x)** 2 + y**2 < 1.)
end do
sync all
if (this_image() == 1) then
n_circle = in_circle
do i=2, num_images()
n_circle = n_circle + in_circle[i]
end do
print *,"pi/4 is approximately", real(n_circle)/real(n_total), "exact", atan(1.)
end if
end program main
It is also possible to have coarrays with more than one codimension. This can be useful, for example, when using a computational grid. The way to declare such a coarray is, for example,
real :: a[2,*]
The asterisk is always the last codimension that needs to be
specified. If you have four images running, this declaration
will give you a[1,1]
, a[2,1]
, a[1,2]
For coarrays with multiple codimension, this_image()
give you all the indices for accessint the current image,
like this:
program main
integer :: a[2,2:*]
print *, this_image(), this_image(a)
end program main
What happens if the number of images is not divisible by two in the above example? The answer is complex, and it is best to avoid this case for now.
It is generally not considered enough to set the size of a problem during compile-time. Therefore, Fortran introduced allocatable arrays, where the bounds can be set at run-time. This has also ben extended to allocatable coarrays. This is especially useful if the coarrays hold a large amount of data.
An allocatable coarray can be declared with the syntax
real, dimension(:), codimension(:), allocatable :: a
(note the colons in the declarations) and allocated with
allocate (a(n)[*])
Like a regular allocatable variable, it will be deallocated
automatically when going out of scope. SOURCE
and MOLD
can also be specified.
One important thing to notice is that coarray sizes have to agree on all images, otherwise unpredictable things will happen; at best, there will be an error message. If you want to, you can adjust the bounds. This, for example, would be legal:
from = (this_image() - 1) * n + 1
to = this_image () * n
allocate (a(from:to)[*])
and give you an index running from 1
to num_images * n
, but
you would still have to specify the correct coindices.
also do implicit synchronization,
so you can use the allocated coarrays directly, no need to
specifcy any SYNC
is not everything that may be needed for synchronization,
Fortran allows for more fine-grained control.
Suppose not every image needs to communicate with every other image,
but only with a specific set. It is possible to use SYNC IMAGES
for this purpose.
takes as argument an image, or a list of the images
with which it should synchronize, for example
if (this_image () == 2) sync_images ([1,3])
This will hold execution of image number two until a corresponding
statement has been executed on images 1 and 3:
if (this_image () == 1) sync_images (2)
if (this_image () == 3) sync_images (2)
The following example uses SYNC IMAGES
for a pairwise exchange of
greetings between different images:
program main
implicit none
character (len=30) :: greetings[*]
integer :: me, n, you
me = this_image()
n = num_images()
if (mod(n,2) == 1 .and. me == n) then
greetings = "Hello, myself"
you = me + 2 * modulo(me,2) - 1
write (unit=greetings[you],fmt='(A,I0,A,I0)') &
"Greetings from ", me, " to ", you
sync images (you)
end if
write (*,'(A)') trim(greetings)
end program main
Here is an idiom to have image 1 prepare something and have all images wait on image 1, plus have image 1 wait on all other images:
program main
implicit none
if (this_image() == 1) then
write (*,'(A)') "Preparing things on image 1"
sync images(*)
sync images(1)
end if
write (*,'(A,I0)') "Using prepared things on image ", this_image()
end program
Two images can issue SYNC IMAGES
commands to each other multiple
times. Execution will only continue if the numbers match.
A slightly more complex example. Assume you want to write "Hello, world" from each image in reverse sequence (because you can). Here is a program to do this:
program main
implicit none
integer :: me
me = this_image()
if (me < num_images()) sync images(me + 1)
print *,"Hello, world from", this_image()
if (me > 1) sync images (me - 1)
end program main
Let's look at what happens with this program: All images but the one
with the highest number wait until the image with one number higher
has synchronized with them, so they get stuck (temporarily) in the
statement. The image with the highest number
does not execute that, but runs straight through to the print statement
and synchronizes with the one below, which then runs executes the
print statement, which... until me = 1
Output could look like
Hello, world from 4
Hello, world from 3
Hello, world from 2
Hello, world from 1
Sometimes, it is desirable to protect some resource from interference
from other images. This can be done via the CRITICAL
The syntax is simple:
! Only one image may execute this part at a time
allows for some protection, pepole might want
something more fine-grained. For this, there is the LOCK_TYPE
. The LOCK
statements allow one
to manipulate such a lock. To be useful, this variable has to
be a coarray. An example: Let us assume we want to calculate
the factorial of the number of images in a parallel way. One
possibility would be
program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: lock_type
implicit none
type(lock_type), codimension[*] :: lck
integer, codimension[*] :: i
if (this_image() == 1) i = 1
sync all
lock (lck[1])
i[1] = i[1] * this_image()
unlock (lck[1])
if (this_image() == 1) print *,i
end program main
For four images, this will dutifully print 24
Data transfer between images can be repetetive to write. For example, setting a value on all images would require an explicit DO loop over all images, plus explicit synchronization.
To facilitate this, the Fortran 2018 standard introduced the collective subroutines. Using these subroutines, you can transfer data between images using normal (i.e. non-coarray) variables.
You use the subroutine CO_BROADCAST
to set the value of variables
on all images from one particular image. This variable can be an
array or a scalar. Here is an example:
program main
integer, dimension(3) :: a
if (this_image () == 1) then
a = [2,3,5]
end if
call co_broadcast (a, 1)
write (*,*) 'Image', this_image(), "a =", a
end program main
The call to co_broadcast works as if the value of a
been assigned to the value of a
on image 1.
is not a coarray (no square brackets), and no explicit
synchronization is needed. The compiler does that for you. The
example output is
Image 2 a = 2 3 5
Image 4 a = 2 3 5
Image 3 a = 2 3 5
Image 1 a = 2 3 5
You often want to know the sum, maximum, minimum or product of
something that is calculated on each image. This is common
enough so that three is a subroutine for each of these tasks:
, respectively. You can apply these
subroutines to scalars or arrays.
These subroutines take as argument the variable to be reduced, plus
an optional argument RESULT_IMAGE
where the result should be
stored. If you supply that image number, then the result is only
stored on the corresponding image, and the variables on all other
variables become undefined. If you do not supply RESULT_IMAGE
, the
result is stored on every variable. Here is an example without using
program main
integer :: a
a = this_image()
call co_sum(a)
write (*,*) this_image(), a
with the output
2 10
4 10
3 10
1 10
And here is a variant which used RESULT_IMAGE
to assign
the value to image 1 only:
program main
implicit none
integer :: me, n
me = this_image ()
n = num_images()
call co_sum (me, result_image = 1)
if (this_image() == 1) then
write (*,'(*(A,I0))') "Number of images: ", n, " sum: ", me, &
" expected: ", n*(n+1)/2
end if
end program main
with the output
Number of images: 4 sum: 10 expected: 10
Here is another example which calculates the sum, minimum and maximum of a value which is calculated for each image. The program prints out the values for each image, then the minimum, maximum and sum of each element.
program main
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 3
integer :: i
real, dimension(n) :: val
real, dimension(n) :: val_min, val_max, val_sum
val = [(cos(0.2*i*this_image()),i=1,n)]
write (*,'(I4," ",3F12.5)') this_image(), val
val_min = val
call co_min (val_min, result_image = 1)
val_max = val
call co_max (val_max, result_image = 1)
val_sum = val
call co_sum (val_sum, result_image = 1)
if (this_image() == 1) then
write (*,'(A,3F12.5)') "Min: ", val_min, "Max: ", val_max, &
"Sum: ", val_sum
end if
end program main
The output is, for four images
4 0.69671 -0.02920 -0.73739
2 0.92106 0.69671 0.36236
1 0.98007 0.92106 0.82534
3 0.82534 0.36236 -0.22720
Min: 0.69671 -0.02920 -0.73739
Max: 0.98007 0.92106 0.82534
Sum: 3.42317 1.95093 0.22310
There is a possibility that the reduction that is needed is not among
the supported ones above. In that case, you can define your own
function to do the reduction and call CO_REDUCE
The function needs to be PURE
, and it needs to apply the operation
to its two arguments. It also needs to be commutative, so
needs to do the same thing as f(b,a)
. The following
example checks if all elements of the logical variable flag
true, the same way that the ALL
intrinsic would do for normal
Fortran variables.
program main
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 3
integer :: i
logical, dimension(n) :: flag
flag = [(cos(0.2*i*this_image()) > 0.,i=1,n)]
write (*,'(I4," ",3L2)') this_image(), flag
call co_reduce (flag, both, result_image=1)
if (this_image() == 1) then
write (*,'(A5,3L2)') "All: ", flag
end if
pure function both (lhs,rhs) result(res)
logical, intent(in) :: lhs,rhs
logical :: res
res = lhs .AND. rhs
end program main
And here is its output:
2 T T T
3 T T F
4 T F F
1 T T T
All: T F F
What happens when errors occur and images terminate needs to be defined carefully. Fortran has facilities to detect failure on individual compute nodes and offers possibilities to deal with them.
There are three states that an image can be in: It can be an
- active image if it is running normally
- stopped image if it has been terminated normally by reaching
the end of the main program or by executing a
statement. - failed image when an image stopped working for some reason
(for example a hardware failure) or execution of a
Once an image is in a stopped or failed state, there is no coming
back - it will always remain in that state. An image can also be
terminated by an error condition; all other images should then also
be terminated by the system as soon as possible. This is what
usually happens when you try to allocate an already allocated
variable, open a non-existent file for reading without specifying
If you synchronize with a failed or stopped image, try to allocate or deallocate a variable there or other similar things, what is the system to do? Without direction from the programmer, it will simply terminate the program (an error condition, as above). This is not very useful as a fail-safe tactic.
However, the programmer can specify a STAT
and optionally the
arguments to catch the error and act accordingly. It
is then possible to compare the value returned for the STAT
argument against predefined values from iso_fortran_env
then use the intrinsic functions FAILED_IMAGES()
too look up which ones failed.
program main
use iso_fortran_env, only : STAT_FAILED_IMAGE, STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE
integer :: sync_stat, alloc_stat
sync all (stat=sync_stat)
if (stat /= 0) then
if (stat == STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) then
print *,"Failed images: ", failed_images()
else if (stat == STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE) then
print *,"Stopped images: ", stopped_images()
print *,"Unforseen error, aborting"
error stop
end if
end if
The GNU Fortran compiler supports OpenCoarrays. If you do not have it in your Linux distribution, you can follow the installation instructions . Compilation then will be done via
$ mpif90 hello.f90 -lcaf_mpi
and the program can then be run by
$ mpiexec -n 10 ./a.out
Another possibilility currently under development is the shared memory coarray branch. This will work without any additional libraries and currently under active development, but does not yet have all features implemented.
If you use ifort
, you can use the -coarray
option, as in
$ ifort -coarray hello.f90
and then run the executable. This will give you the shared memory version. For more details refer to the manpage of ifort.
If you use nagfor
, you can use the -coarray
option, as in
$ nagfor -coarray hello.f90
and then run the executable. This will give yo the shared memory version. For more details refert to the manpage of nagfor.