Property names are case insensitive. If a property accepts multiple values as an array, you do not need to use the [ ] to denote an array if only entering a single value.
Priority: All matching rules will be applied to a record in ascending priority. Default: 0
Matching priority will be applied in random order so be carful if multiple rules edit the same field on a record.
All rules must list, at least 1 record type, in the Types filter, either directly in the rule or via a group.
All other filters are optional, but when using multiple filters record must match all.
These filters can be used when creating a rule or group.
Types: List valid record types for this rule. Types are case insensitive.
List of implemented types.
Masters: List of mod names ("Skyrim.esm"). Original record must come from one of these master mods to match.
To change to a list of masters to exclude, use "!Masters" instead.
PatchedBy: List of mod names ("unofficial skyrim special edition patch.esp"). By default this is an OR check, so record must of been patched by just one of these mods to match.
Replace "PatchedBy" with
- "!PatchedBy": Exclude if matched by any listed mod.
- "^PatchedBy": XOR. Be patched by exactly one of the listed mods.
- "&PatchedBy": Change to AND check, so to match record, it must match all listed mods. When using AND each listed mod can be prefixed:
- "!unofficial skyrim special edition patch.esp": to mean mod must not of been patched by this mod.
NOTE: PatchedBy will not match records that originate from a mod, only if patched by. Use Masters for that.
So if listing in the same rule, the same single mod in both Masters and PatchedBy no records will ever match.
Patched: null (default), true or false. Checked if a previous rule has already applied a patch to this record.
Using "Patched": false will mean this rule will only match if the record hasn't already been patched by another rule.
Omit this or set to null to ignore patched state.
Note: This doesn't care what field has been patched, just that a patch record has been created.
EditorID: EditorID(s) to match. Can be a regular expression if starts and ends with /. Example "EditorID": "/.*fur.*/"
To change to a list of EditorID(s) to exclude, use "!EditorID" instead.
FormID: FormID(s) to match in the format "0123AB:Skyrim.esm". Can exclude leading 0s.
To change to a list of FormID(s) to exclude, use "!FormID" instead.
OnlyIfDefault: False by default. If set to True will only apply action if the winning record's field value matches the original value set by the master record. Good for example if you want to forward one patches changes, but only if a later patch set the value back to the default, so protecting other winning patches.
Checks are per field, meaning one action may fail to apply due to the field it updating not matching, but other action on the same record applies as it does match.
NOTE: Just because multiple fields are listed on a single fill/forward action, they are all still processed separately. No need to split into different rules.
Using Matches you can filter on any supported field.
In general they follow the following rules:
- If you use one of these filters, any record that doesn't contain that field will never match the rule.
- If field is single value, like Name then:
- +/!: You can add a prefix to these to say if they must be included or excluded from filter, however all entries should be the same prefix.
- If field is list of multiple values, like Keywords then:
- &/|/^ Operator: You can change the default operation using a prefix on the field name. Default is OR (|). Can set to And (&) or XOR (^).
- +/!: You can add a prefix to these to say if they must be included or excluded from filter. If using AND (&) each can be different prefix.
- Include (+) and OR (|) prefixes are default so no need to enter them however, can be used for unforeseen cases where the value you want to enter may start with a prefix value. Like trying to enter a negative number ("+-123" to allowed -123).
- If matching against a field that accepts a string or Editor ID you can use regular expression to match, like EditorID filter. If used with exclude operator the ! goes before the first /, like in the 4th example below.
- - is same as ! prefix
- Just like other filters if you list multiple different fields, the record must match all.
... Single Value Match - Matches any record when keywords assigned to record contains this keyword.
"Matches": { "Keywords": "ArmorMaterialLeather" },
... AND Match with exclude Example, so must contain all included keyworks, but none of the excluded keywords.
"Matches": { "&Keywords": [ "ArmorMaterialLeather", "ArmorMaterialHide", "!WAF_ClothingCloak" ] },
... OR Not Match Example. Will match any record that doesn't contain any of these keywords.
"Matches": { "Keywords": [ "!ArmorMaterialLeather", "!ArmorMaterialHide" ] },
... Exclude Regex Example - Will match any record where EditorID of the assigned InventoryArt, doesn't match the Regex.
"Matches": { "InventoryArt": "!/^(?!.*(?:(?:Book)|(?:Journal)|(?:Tome))).*((?:Note)|(?:Scroll)|(?:Paper)|(?:Map)|(?:Recipe)).*$/" }
At least 1 action should exist, under most circumstances (see SingleMatch Groups below), else what's the point of the rule. If multiple provided then multiple actions the processing order will be:
- Merge
- Forward - Should be self only if also using merge, else will overwrite merge.
- Fill - Could be used to add / remove extra stuff post Merge/Forward.
This will just apply the changes to all listed fields. The most basic of action.
If single value field, then will just overwrite field with what you put in fill action.
If field selected is a list then:
Fill will add / remove items from the list, based on prefix of the item.
To clear all current values use null as first element in list.
Surrounded multiple entries with [ ]
{ "Types": "Ingestible", "FormID": "FAA:CookingAdventuresInSkyrim.esp", "Fill": { "Name" : "My Name for This", "Effects": [ null, { "effect": "002EE1:Update.esm" } ] } }
This will forward fields from a parent that the current winning record.
By default this is just a straight replace including if it is a list field like Items. It doesn't do any merging.
ForwardIndexedByField: This changes how the contents of the Forward action is defined.
By default or with this set to false, it is "Mod.esp" : ["field1", ...].
Setting this to true changes it to "field":["Mod1.esp", "Mod2.esp", ....].
Depending on what you are doing one or the other may be more efficient for you to read. Inside the patcher both produce the same result.
If used with ForwardType of Default, as only a single mods value would be copied over it will pick a mod from the list to forward that contains this record. Some settings may require this to be True. In those cases you can still just exclude this from the config as they will auto set it. However if you include it you must have it set correctly else you will get an error.
Below example will forward record from PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp unless it doesn't contain the record in which case Immersive Weapons.esp will be tried.
"types": [ "NPC" ],
"OnlyIfDefault": true,
"ForwardIndexedByField": true,
"Forward": { "Items": [ "PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp", "Immersive Weapons.esp" ] }
ForwardType: ForwardType can change how Forwarding actions work. Following valid options:
Default: Will replace winning with value from forwarding mod as described above.
SelfMasterOnly: This is only relevant when forwarding changes from lists of FormIDs. This includes Keywords.
It will only add new FormIDs to lists if FormID is from the same Forwarding Mod.
It will not remove any current items from winning records.
Other field types will just behave like they do in Default.
Below example would make sure any cloaks that "Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp" added to outfits would be added to winning records if it was removed by another patch. However the couple of changes it makes like adding back "Vampire Boots" [00B5DE:Dawnguard.esm] that the original Cloaks.esp removed would not be forwarded.{ "types": "Outfit", "Masters": "Dawnguard.esm", "ForwardType": "SelfMasterOnly", "Forward": { "Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp": "Items" } }
DefaultThenSelfMasterOnly: This combines the two options above. This requires ForwardIndexedByField = true.
The first mod listed for a field will use the Default method. All others will follow using the SelfMasterOnly method.
NOTE: The first mod must successfully, by finding the record in that mod, and if OnlyIfDefault set, pass that check, else it will not apply any of the SelfMasterOnly forwards. All other mods do not check OnlyIfDefault, and can fail to find matching record without stopping the processing of other mods.{ "types": [ "Outfit" ], "Masters": "Dawnguard.esm", "ForwardType": "DefaultThenSelfMasterOnly", "Forward": { "Items": [ "Unofficial Skyrim Modders Patch.esp", "Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp" ] } }
DefaultRandom: This requires ForwardIndexedByField = true, however instead of picking the first valid mod to forward it will pick a random valid mod from the list.
The randomness is seeded for each rule, field & record combination so unless you change the rule you should get the same results each time.
Below example is the random version of the above example for ForwardIndexedByField. Changing the order of the listed mods, will change the seed used for randomness.{ "types": [ "NPC" ], "OnlyIfDefault": true, "ForwardType": "DefaultRandom", "Forward": { "Items": [ "PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp", "Immersive Weapons.esp" ] } }
This is like Bashing but with a lot more control, as you cannot only merge just the fields you want, but use filters to only merge the records you want. You also can tell the merge to exclude a plugin or force the values of a plugin to not be removed. Please see Merge Example.json
Groups allow you to group multiple rules together. This can assist in making the JSON files easier to maintain, but also opens up performance improvements, and some special processing.
You can not have groups within groups. Rules in groups are processed in order the are in the JSON file. This means the Priority field for Rules in a group is ignored.
SingleMatch: True or False (Default). If true a record will stop trying to match rules once it finds it's first match. When this is true, it is the one time having a rule with no actions does something. That something is stop any records that match the rule from progressing to further rules in the group.
Rules: This is the list of all the rules in this group.
Example - Both rules in this group must be Factions in Skyrim.esm, it will also stop search for rules once it find a match for a record.
SingleMatch not necessary in this example, as only a single rule would match anyway, but if lots of rules in group it could still save processing time by having it.
"Types": "Faction",
"Masters": "Skyrim.esm",
"SingleMatch": true,
"Rules": [
"FormID": [
"Fill": {
"flags": [
"FormID": [
"Fill": {
"flags": [
If you have set your logging level to Debug or Trace in the settings page of GSP in Synthesis, you can use the following to enable logs to be generated for select rules.
If used on a group it will only enable the Debug/Trace logging for the filters defined on the group. So you can add to both the group and/or rules in that group to get the logs you want.
Debug: True or False (Default).
"types": [ "NPC" ],
"OnlyIfDefault": true,
"ForwardType": "DefaultRandom",
"Debug": true,
"Forward": { "Items": [ "PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp", "Immersive Weapons.esp" ] }
Remember logging must be set to either Debug or Trace in Synthesis GSP plugin settings for this to have any effect.
Debug in general will output extra logs about what the patcher has done.
Trace will include all debug logs but also a lot extra, like why the patcher may not of done something (Failed to match rule, Value already matched what you tried to set).
You should always include Trace logs if reporting bugs, but as they are big:
- Use FormKey filter on settings page of GSP in Synthesis to limit to logging a single record that is affected by bug,
- or if FormKey not available the above Debug filter to only output logs for rule relevant to bug.
- Then either attach as text file to GitHub issue,
- or if you using Nexus you must use spoiler tags.