From efc78fc1615010e13dcf22df85fdb63db34d5167 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Timothy Nunnink <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 15:19:02 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Finishing updates to instruction and block for now. I know
there are limitations with the referencing logic, but am going to kick fixing
these down the road in favor of pushing new release to start consuming and
finding issues.
src/.idea/.idea.L5Sharp/.idea/workspace.xml | 129 +-
src/L5Sharp/Common/CrossReference.cs | 20 +-
src/L5Sharp/Common/Instruction.cs | 1070 ++++++++++++-----
src/L5Sharp/Common/NeutralText.cs | 8 +
src/L5Sharp/Elements/Block.cs | 98 +-
src/L5Sharp/Elements/Line.cs | 32 +-
src/L5Sharp/Elements/Rung.cs | 6 +-
.../L5Sharp.Tests/Common/InstructionTests.cs | 211 ++--
.../L5Sharp.Tests/Common/NeutralTextTests.cs | 22 +-
tests/L5Sharp.Tests/ProofTesting.cs | 38 +-
10 files changed, 1062 insertions(+), 572 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/.idea/.idea.L5Sharp/.idea/workspace.xml b/src/.idea/.idea.L5Sharp/.idea/workspace.xml
index 9f5982d4..f67ec986 100644
--- a/src/.idea/.idea.L5Sharp/.idea/workspace.xml
+++ b/src/.idea/.idea.L5Sharp/.idea/workspace.xml
@@ -9,48 +9,15 @@
@@ -94,7 +61,11 @@
@@ -117,38 +88,38 @@
- {
- "keyToString": {
- "Notification.DisplayName-DoNotAsk-Plugin Error": "Plugins failed to load",
- "Notification.DoNotAsk-Plugin Error": "true",
- "RunOnceActivity.OpenProjectViewOnStart": "true",
- "RunOnceActivity.ShowReadmeOnStart": "true",
- "TODO_SCOPE": "All Places",
- "WebServerToolWindowFactoryState": "false",
- "a7604713-2340-41ef-8914-9a0e821f9675.executor": "Debug",
- "bb4529a5-d289-453a-84c6-89ce8148c18f.executor": "Debug",
- "git-widget-placeholder": "main",
- "ignore.virus.scanning.warn.message": "true",
- "last_opened_file_path": "C:/Users/tnunnink/Documents/GitHub/L5Sharp/src/L5Sharp.sln",
- "node.js.detected.package.eslint": "true",
- "node.js.detected.package.tslint": "true",
- "node.js.selected.package.eslint": "(autodetect)",
- "node.js.selected.package.tslint": "(autodetect)",
- "nodejs_package_manager_path": "npm",
- "settings.editor.selected.configurable": "preferences.pluginManager",
- "vue.rearranger.settings.migration": "true"
@@ -399,7 +370,8 @@
@@ -744,7 +716,7 @@
@@ -780,7 +752,6 @@
@@ -805,7 +776,8 @@
@@ -818,7 +790,7 @@
- 254
+ 232
@@ -829,19 +801,6 @@
- file://$PROJECT_DIR$/../tests/L5Sharp.Tests/ProofTesting.cs
- 31
diff --git a/src/L5Sharp/Common/CrossReference.cs b/src/L5Sharp/Common/CrossReference.cs
index f348e3d7..6adb260f 100644
--- a/src/L5Sharp/Common/CrossReference.cs
+++ b/src/L5Sharp/Common/CrossReference.cs
@@ -26,8 +26,10 @@ public class CrossReference
/// The name of the component that is being referenced.
/// The optional instruction name/key for the reference.
/// This is intended for code references as opposed to component references. Will be null if not applicable.
+ ///
/// element, type, or name is null.
- public CrossReference(XElement element, string type, string reference, Instruction? instruction = null)
+ public CrossReference(XElement element, string type, string reference, string? instruction = null,
+ string? operand = null)
_element = element ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(element));
@@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ public CrossReference(XElement element, string type, string reference, Instructi
Type = type;
Reference = reference;
Instruction = instruction;
+ Operand = operand;
@@ -82,9 +85,9 @@ public CrossReference(XElement element, string type, string reference, Instructi
/// the number of the referencing rung or line of logic (for RLL and ST code), or the ID of the referencing
/// diagram block (for FBD/SFC code). This helps further identify the reference element relative to other references.
- public string ElementId => _element.Attribute(L5XName.Name) is not null ? _element.Attribute(L5XName.Name)!.Value
+ public string ElementId => _element.Attribute(L5XName.ID) is not null ? _element.Attribute(L5XName.ID)!.Value
: _element.Attribute(L5XName.Number) is not null ? _element.Attribute(L5XName.Number)!.Value
- : _element.Attribute(L5XName.ID) is not null ? _element.Attribute(L5XName.ID)!.Value
+ : _element.Attribute(L5XName.Name) is not null ? _element.Attribute(L5XName.Name)!.Value
: string.Empty;
@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ public CrossReference(XElement element, string type, string reference, Instructi
/// A indicating scope of the reference.
public Scope Scope => Scope.Type(_element);
/// The name of the scoped program, instruction, or controller that the reference is contained within.
@@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ public CrossReference(XElement element, string type, string reference, Instructi
/// is contained within.
public string Container => Scope.Container(_element);
/// The name of the Routine that the reference is contained within, it is a
/// type element.
@@ -129,7 +132,12 @@ public CrossReference(XElement element, string type, string reference, Instructi
/// instruction can help for searching or filtering references and finding other references sharing the common
/// instruction.
- public Instruction? Instruction { get; }
+ public string? Instruction { get; }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public string? Operand { get; }
public override bool Equals(object? obj)
diff --git a/src/L5Sharp/Common/Instruction.cs b/src/L5Sharp/Common/Instruction.cs
index 6bb0ccc3..80d3ba8b 100644
--- a/src/L5Sharp/Common/Instruction.cs
+++ b/src/L5Sharp/Common/Instruction.cs
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
+using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using L5Sharp.Utilities;
+// ReSharper disable StringLiteralTypo
// ReSharper disable IdentifierTypo
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
// ReSharper disable CommentTypo
@@ -14,7 +16,7 @@
namespace L5Sharp.Common;
-/// A class containing the
public sealed class Instruction
@@ -31,13 +33,13 @@ public sealed class Instruction
/// the instruction.
private const string KeyPattern = @"[A-Za-z_]\w{1,39}(?=\()";*/
/// Captures all content within parentheses, including outer parentheses and nested parentheses, assuming they
/// are balanced (number of opening equals number of closing).
private const string SignaturePattern = @"\((?>\((?)|[^()]+|\)(?<-c>))*(?(c)(?!))\)";
/// The regex pattern for Logix tag names without starting and ending anchors.
/// This pattern also includes a negative lookahead for removing text prior to parenthesis (i.e. instruction keys)
@@ -56,39 +58,27 @@ public sealed class Instruction
/// Creates a new with the provided string key and regex signature pattern.
/// The key identifier of the instruction.
+ ///
- public Instruction(string key, params Argument[] arguments)
+ private Instruction(string key, string? signature = null, params Argument[] arguments)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
throw new ArgumentException("Instruction key cannot be null or empty.", nameof(key));
Key = key;
+ Signature = signature ?? $"{key}({DefaultArgs(arguments.Length)})";
Arguments = arguments;
+ Operadns = ExtractOperands(Signature);
- ///
- /// The collection of values for the instruction instance.
- ///
- /// A of value objects. These could represent literal values, tag names, or expressions.
- ///
- public IEnumerable Arguments { get; }
- ///
- /// Indicates whether this Instruction is one that calls or references a Routine component by name.
- ///
- public bool CallsRoutine => this == JSR || this == JXR || this == SFR || this == SFP || this == FOR;
- ///
- /// Indicates whether this Instruction is one that calls or references a Task component by name.
- ///
- public bool CallsTask => this == EVENT;
+ private IEnumerable ExtractOperands(string signature)
+ {
+ var input = Regex.Match(Signature, SignaturePattern).Value[1..^1];
- ///
- /// Indicates whether the instruction is conditional or evaluates a certain condition to be true or false, from which
- /// it directs the control flow of a program.
- ///
- /// true if the instruction is conditional; Otherwise, false.
- /// An example of a condition instruction is an .
- public bool IsConditional => ConditionalKeys().Contains(Key);
+ return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)
+ ? Regex.Split(input, ArgumentSplitPattern)
+ : Enumerable.Empty().ToArray();
+ }
/// The unique identifier of the instruction type.
@@ -107,50 +97,74 @@ public Instruction(string key, params Argument[] arguments)
/// A containing the signature of the Instruction.
/// This simply joins the and ecloses them in parenthesis.
- public string Signature => $"({string.Join(',', Arguments.AsEnumerable())})";
+ public string Signature { get; }
+ ///
+ /// The collection of values for the instruction instance.
+ ///
+ /// A of value objects. These could represent literal values, tag names, or expressions.
+ ///
+ public IEnumerable Arguments { get; }
+ ///
+ /// The collection of operand names found in the signature of the instruction.
+ ///
+ ///
+ public IEnumerable Operadns { get; }
/// The representation of the instruction instance.
/// A instance that represents the instruction in Logix neutral text format.
- public NeutralText Text => new($"{Key}{Signature}");
- ///
- public override bool Equals(object? obj)
- {
- if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
+ public NeutralText Text => new($"{Key}({string.Join(',', Arguments.AsEnumerable())})");
- return obj switch
- {
- Instruction other => Key.IsEquivalent(other.Key),
- string key => Key.IsEquivalent(key),
- _ => false
- };
- }
+ ///
+ /// Indicates whether the instruction is conditional or evaluates a certain condition to be true or false, from which
+ /// it directs the control flow of a program.
+ ///
+ /// true if the instruction is conditional; Otherwise, false.
+ /// An example of a condition instruction is an .
+ public bool IsConditional => Key is nameof(CMP) or nameof(EQU) or nameof(GEQ) or nameof(GRT) or nameof(LEQ)
+ or nameof(LES) or nameof(LIM) or nameof(MEQ) or nameof(NEQ) or nameof(XIC) or nameof(XIO);
- ///
- public override int GetHashCode() => Key.GetHashCode();
- /// Determines the the provided has the same.
+ /// Indicates whether this Instruction is one that calls or references a Task component by name.
- ///
- ///
- public bool IsEquivalent(Instruction? other) => other is not null && Text.Equals(other.Text);
+ public bool IsTaskCall => Key is nameof(EVENT);
- /// Creates a of the same type with the updated argument values.
+ /// Indicates whether this Instruction is one that calls or references a Routine component by name.
- /// The collection of arguments make up the instruction signature.
- /// A new complete with the provided values.
- public Instruction Append(params Argument[] arguments) => new(Key, Arguments.Concat(arguments).ToArray());
+ public bool IsRoutineCall => Key is nameof(JSR) or nameof(JXR) or nameof(SFR) or nameof(SFP) or nameof(FOR);
- /// Creates a of the same type with the updated argument values.
+ /// Indicates whether the instruction argument cound matches the operand count.
- /// The collection of arguments make up the instruction signature.
- /// A new complete with the provided values.
- public Instruction Of(params Argument[] arguments) => new(Key, arguments);
+ public bool IsValid => Key is nameof(JSR) or nameof(SBR) or nameof(RET) || Operadns.Count() == Arguments.Count();
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new with the provided key and optional arguments.
+ ///
+ /// A containing the unique name of the instruction.
+ /// A set of to initialize the intruction with.
+ /// A instance with the provided key and arguments.
+ ///
+ /// This factory method is the means through which to create unknown or other instruction that are not captured
+ /// in this classes static factory methods. If this is a known instruction, use the corresponding instruction
+ /// factory method so it can initialize the known signature.
+ ///
+ public static Instruction New(string key, params Argument[] args) => new(key, arguments: args);
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new with the provided key, signature, and optional arguments.
+ ///
+ /// A containing the unique name of the instruction.
+ /// A containing the method signature or format. This should be in the
+ /// format 'key(arg1,arg2,...)'.
+ /// A set of to initialize the intruction with.
+ /// A instance with the provided key, signature, and arguments.
+ public static Instruction New(string key, string? signature = null, params Argument[] args) =>
+ new(key, signature, args);
/// Parses the provided string neutral text into a instance.
@@ -161,20 +175,19 @@ public override bool Equals(object? obj)
public static Instruction Parse(string text)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
- throw new ArgumentException("Instruction text cannot be null or empty.", nameof(text));
+ throw new ArgumentException("Instruction text can not be null or empty.", nameof(text));
if (!Regex.IsMatch(text, Pattern))
- throw new FormatException("Instruction text must be in the format of 'KEY(ARGUMENTS)'.");
+ throw new FormatException("Instruction text must be in the format of 'key(arg1,arg2,...)'.");
var key = text[..text.IndexOf('(')];
var signature = Regex.Match(text, SignaturePattern).Value[1..^1];
var arguments = Regex.Split(signature, ArgumentSplitPattern).Select(Argument.Parse).ToArray();
- return new Instruction(key, arguments);
- }
- ///
- public override string ToString() => Key;
+ return _known.Value.TryGetValue(key, out var create)
+ ? create().Of(arguments)
+ : new Instruction(key, arguments: arguments);
+ }
/// Returns a collection of all known or defined instances.
@@ -185,26 +198,60 @@ public static Instruction Parse(string text)
public static IEnumerable Keys() => _known.Value.Keys.AsEnumerable();
- /// Returns a collection of all known or defined instances.
+ /// Retrieves teh argument for a specified operand name from the instruction.
- ///
- /// A containing all known instances with no arguments.
- ///
- public static IEnumerable Known() => _known.Value.Values.AsEnumerable();
+ /// A containing the operand name to search for.
+ /// A representing the value passed
+ public Argument? GetArgument(string operand)
+ {
+ var index = Operadns.ToList().IndexOf(operand);
+ return index >= 0 ? Arguments.ElementAt(index) : default;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves teh argument for a specified operand name from the instruction.
+ ///
+ /// A zero based index number at which to retrieve an argument.
+ /// A representing the value passed
+ public Argument? GetArgument(int index)
+ {
+ return index >= 0 && index < Arguments.Count() ? Arguments.ElementAt(index) : default;
+ }
- /// Implicitly converts the instance to a value.
+ /// Creates a of the same type with the updated argument values.
- /// The instruction to convert.
- /// A representing the instrcution key.
- public static implicit operator string(Instruction instruction) => instruction.Key;
+ /// The collection of arguments make up the instruction signature.
+ /// A new complete with the provided values.
+ public Instruction Append(params Argument[] arguments) =>
+ new(Key, Signature, Arguments.Concat(arguments).ToArray());
- /// Explicitly converts the value to an instance.
+ /// Creates a of the same type with the updated argument values.
- /// The string key of the instrution.
- ///
- public static implicit operator Instruction(string key) => new(key);
+ /// The collection of arguments make up the instruction signature.
+ /// A new complete with the provided values.
+ public Instruction Of(params Argument[] arguments) => new(Key, Signature, arguments);
+ ///
+ public override bool Equals(object? obj)
+ {
+ if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
+ return obj switch
+ {
+ Instruction other => Equals(Text, other.Text),
+ string text => Text.ToString().IsEquivalent(text),
+ _ => false
+ };
+ }
+ ///
+ public override int GetHashCode() => Text.GetHashCode();
+ ///
+ public override string ToString() => Text;
/// Determines the equality of two instances.
@@ -222,1031 +269,1466 @@ public static Instruction Parse(string text)
/// true if the values are not equal; Otherwise, false.
public static bool operator !=(Instruction? left, Instruction? right) => !Equals(left, right);
- #region Instructions
+ ///
+ /// Implicitly converts the instance to a value.
+ ///
+ /// The instruction to convert.
+ /// A representing the instrcution key.
+ public static implicit operator string(Instruction instruction) => instruction.Key;
+ ///
+ /// Explicitly converts the value to an instance.
+ ///
+ /// The string key of the instrution.
+ ///
+ public static implicit operator Instruction(string key) => new(key, $"{key}()");
+ #region Factories
/// Gets the ABL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ABL = new(nameof(ABL));
+ public static Instruction ABL(Argument channel, Argument serial_port_control, Argument character_count) =>
+ new(nameof(ABL), "ABL(channel,serial_port_control,character_count)", channel, serial_port_control,
+ character_count);
/// Gets the ABS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ABS = new(nameof(ABS));
+ public static Instruction ABS(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(ABS), "ABS(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the ACB instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ACB = new(nameof(ACB));
+ public static Instruction ACB(Argument channel, Argument serial_port_control, Argument character_count) =>
+ new(nameof(ACB), "ACB(channel,serial_port_control,character_count)", channel, serial_port_control,
+ character_count);
/// Gets the ACL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ACL = new(nameof(ACL));
+ public static Instruction
+ ACL(Argument channel, Argument clear_serial_port_read, Argument clear_serial_port_write) => new(nameof(ACL),
+ "ACL(channel,clear_serial_port_read,clear_serial_port_write)", channel, clear_serial_port_read,
+ clear_serial_port_write);
/// Gets the ACS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ACS = new(nameof(ACS));
+ public static Instruction ACS(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(ACS), "ACS(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the ADD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ADD = new(nameof(ADD));
+ public static Instruction ADD(Argument source_A, Argument source_B, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(ADD), "ADD(source_A,source_B,destination)", source_A, source_B, destination);
/// Gets the AFI instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction AFI = new(nameof(AFI));
+ public static Instruction AFI() => new(nameof(AFI), "AFI()");
/// Gets the AHL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction AHL = new(nameof(AHL));
+ public static Instruction AHL(Argument channel, Argument ANDMask, Argument ORMask, Argument serial_port_control,
+ Argument channel_status) => new(nameof(AHL),
+ "AHL(channel,ANDMask,ORMask,serial_port_control,channel_status)", channel, ANDMask, ORMask,
+ serial_port_control, channel_status);
/// Gets the ALMA instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ALMA = new(nameof(ALMA));
+ public static Instruction ALMA(Argument alma_tag, Argument @in, Argument program_acknowledge_all,
+ Argument program_disable, Argument program_enable) => new(nameof(ALMA),
+ "ALMA(alma_tag,in,program_acknowledge_all,program_disable,program_enable)", alma_tag, @in,
+ program_acknowledge_all, program_disable, program_enable);
/// Gets the ALMD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ALMD = new(nameof(ALMD));
+ public static Instruction ALMD(Argument almd_tag, Argument program_acknowledge, Argument program_reset,
+ Argument program_disable, Argument program_enable) => new(nameof(ALMD),
+ "ALMD(almd_tag,program_acknowledge,program_reset,program_disable,program_enable)", almd_tag,
+ program_acknowledge, program_reset, program_disable, program_enable);
/// Gets the AND instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction AND = new(nameof(AND));
+ public static Instruction AND(Argument source_A, Argument source_B, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(AND), "AND(source_A,source_B,destination)", source_A, source_B, destination);
/// Gets the ARD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ARD = new(nameof(ARD));
+ public static Instruction ARD(Argument channel, Argument destination, Argument serial_port_control,
+ Argument string_length, Argument characters_read) => new(nameof(ARD),
+ "ARD(channel,destination,serial_port_control,string_length,characters_read)", channel, destination,
+ serial_port_control, string_length, characters_read);
/// Gets the ARL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ARL = new(nameof(ARL));
+ public static Instruction ARL(Argument channel, Argument destination, Argument serial_port_control,
+ Argument string_length, Argument characters_read) => new(nameof(ARL),
+ "ARL(channel,destination,serial_port_control,string_length,characters_read)", channel, destination,
+ serial_port_control, string_length, characters_read);
/// Gets the ASN instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ASN = new(nameof(ASN));
+ public static Instruction ASN(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(ASN), "ASN(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the ATN instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ATN = new(nameof(ATN));
+ public static Instruction ATN(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(ATN), "ATN(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the AVC instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction AVC = new(nameof(AVC));
+ public static Instruction AVC(Argument avc_tag, Argument feedback_type, Argument feedback_reation_time,
+ Argument delay_type, Argument delay_time, Argument output_follows_actuate, Argument actuate,
+ Argument delay_enable, Argument feedback_1, Argument input_status, Argument output_status, Argument reset) =>
+ new(nameof(AVC),
+ "AVC(avc_tag,feedback_type,feedback_reation_time,delay_type,delay_time,output_follows_actuate,actuate,delay_enable,feedback_1,input_status,output_status,reset)",
+ avc_tag, feedback_type, feedback_reation_time, delay_type, delay_time, output_follows_actuate, actuate,
+ delay_enable, feedback_1, input_status, output_status, reset);
/// Gets the AVE instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction AVE = new(nameof(AVE));
+ public static Instruction AVE(Argument array, Argument dim_to_vary, Argument destination, Argument control,
+ Argument length, Argument position) => new(nameof(AVE),
+ "AVE(array,dim_to_vary,destination,control,length,position)", array, dim_to_vary, destination, control, length,
+ position);
/// Gets the AWA instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction AWA = new(nameof(AWA));
+ public static Instruction AWA(Argument channel, Argument source, Argument serial_port_control,
+ Argument string_length, Argument characters_sent) => new(nameof(AWA),
+ "AWA(channel,source,serial_port_control,string_length,characters_sent)", channel, source, serial_port_control,
+ string_length, characters_sent);
/// Gets the AWT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction AWT = new(nameof(AWT));
+ public static Instruction AWT(Argument channel, Argument source, Argument serial_port_control,
+ Argument string_length, Argument characters_sent) => new(nameof(AWT),
+ "AWT(channel,source,serial_port_control,string_length,characters_sent)", channel, source, serial_port_control,
+ string_length, characters_sent);
/// Gets the BRK instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction BRK = new(nameof(BRK));
+ public static Instruction BRK() => new(nameof(BRK), "BRK()");
/// Gets the BSL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction BSL = new(nameof(BSL));
+ public static Instruction BSL(Argument array, Argument control, Argument source_bit, Argument length) =>
+ new(nameof(BSL), "BSL(array,control,source_bit,length)", array, control, source_bit, length);
/// Gets the BSR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction BSR = new(nameof(BSR));
+ public static Instruction BSR(Argument array, Argument control, Argument source_bit, Argument length) =>
+ new(nameof(BSR), "BSR(array,control,source_bit,length)", array, control, source_bit, length);
/// Gets the BTD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction BTD = new(nameof(BTD));
+ public static Instruction BTD(Argument source, Argument source_bit, Argument destination, Argument destination_bit,
+ Argument length) => new(nameof(BTD),
+ "BTD(source,source_bit,destination,destination_bit,length)", source, source_bit, destination, destination_bit,
+ length);
/// Gets the CBCM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction CBCM = new(nameof(CBCM));
+ public static Instruction CBCM(Argument cbcm_tag, Argument ack_type, Argument mode, Argument takeover_mode,
+ Argument enable, Argument safety_enable, Argument standard_enable, Argument arm_continuous, Argument start,
+ Argument stop_at_top, Argument press_in_motion, Argument motion_monitor_fault, Argument slide_zone,
+ Argument safety_enable_ack) => new(nameof(CBCM),
+ "CBCM(cbcm_tag,ack_type,mode,takeover_mode,enable,safety_enable,standard_enable,arm_continuous,start,stop_at_top,press_in_motion,motion_monitor_fault,slide_zone,safety_enable_ack)",
+ cbcm_tag, ack_type, mode, takeover_mode, enable, safety_enable, standard_enable, arm_continuous, start,
+ stop_at_top, press_in_motion, motion_monitor_fault, slide_zone, safety_enable_ack);
/// Gets the CBIM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction CBIM = new(nameof(CBIM));
+ public static Instruction CBIM(Argument cbim_tag, Argument ack_type, Argument inch_time, Argument enable,
+ Argument safety_enable, Argument standard_enable, Argument start, Argument press_in_motion,
+ Argument motion_monitor_fault, Argument slide_zone, Argument safety_enable_ack) => new(nameof(CBIM),
+ "CBIM(cbim_tag,ack_type,inch_time,enable,safety_enable,standard_enable,start,press_in_motion,motion_monitor_fault,slide_zone,safety_enable_ack)",
+ cbim_tag, ack_type, inch_time, enable, safety_enable, standard_enable, start, press_in_motion,
+ motion_monitor_fault, slide_zone, safety_enable_ack);
/// Gets the CBSSM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction CBSSM = new(nameof(CBSSM));
+ public static Instruction CBSSM(Argument cbssm_tag, Argument ack_type, Argument takeover_mode, Argument enable,
+ Argument safety_enable, Argument standard_enable, Argument start, Argument press_in_motion,
+ Argument motion_monitor_fault, Argument slide_zone, Argument saefty_enable_ack) => new(nameof(CBSSM),
+ "CBSSM(cbssm_tag,ack_type,takeover_mode,enable,safety_enable,standard_enable,start,press_in_motion,motion_monitor_fault,slide_zone,saefty_enable_ack)",
+ cbssm_tag, ack_type, takeover_mode, enable, safety_enable, standard_enable, start, press_in_motion,
+ motion_monitor_fault, slide_zone, saefty_enable_ack);
/// Gets the CLR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction CLR = new(nameof(CLR));
+ public static Instruction CLR(Argument destination) => new(nameof(CLR), "CLR(destination)", destination);
/// Gets the CMP instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction CMP = new(nameof(CMP), false);
+ public static Instruction CMP(Argument expression) => new(nameof(CMP), "CMP(expression)", expression);
/// Gets the CONCAT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction CONCAT = new(nameof(CONCAT));
+ public static Instruction CONCAT(Argument sourceA, Argument sourceB, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(CONCAT), "CONCAT(sourceA,sourceB,destination)", sourceA, sourceB, destination);
/// Gets the COP instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction COP = new(nameof(COP));
+ public static Instruction COP(Argument source, Argument destination, Argument length) => new(nameof(COP),
+ "COP(source,destination,length)", source, destination, length);
/// Gets the COS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction COS = new(nameof(COS));
+ public static Instruction COS(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(COS), "COS(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the CPM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction CPM = new(nameof(CPM));
+ public static Instruction CPM(Argument cpm_tag, Argument cam_profile, Argument enable, Argument brake_cam,
+ Argument takeover_cam, Argument dynamic_cam, Argument input_status, Argument reverse,
+ Argument press_motion_status, Argument reset) => new(nameof(CPM),
+ "CPM(cpm_tag,cam_profile,enable,brake_cam,takeover_cam,dynamic_cam,input_status,reverse,press_motion_status,reset)",
+ cpm_tag, cam_profile, enable, brake_cam, takeover_cam, dynamic_cam, input_status, reverse, press_motion_status,
+ reset);
/// Gets the CPS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction CPS = new(nameof(CPS));
+ public static Instruction CPS(Argument source, Argument destination, Argument length) => new(nameof(CPS),
+ "CPS(source,destination,length)", source, destination, length);
/// Gets the CPT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction CPT = new(nameof(CPT));
+ public static Instruction CPT(Argument destination, Argument expression) =>
+ new(nameof(CPT), "CPT(destination,expression)", destination, expression);
/// Gets the CROUT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction CROUT = new(nameof(CROUT));
+ public static Instruction CROUT(Argument crout_tag, Argument feedback_type, Argument feedback_reaction_time,
+ Argument actuate, Argument feedback_1, Argument feedback_2, Argument input_status, Argument output_status,
+ Argument reset) => new(nameof(CROUT),
+ "CROUT(crout_tag,feedback_type,feedback_reaction_time,actuate,feedback_1,feedback_2,input_status,output_status,reset)",
+ crout_tag, feedback_type, feedback_reaction_time, actuate, feedback_1, feedback_2, input_status, output_status,
+ reset);
/// Gets the CSM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction CSM = new(nameof(CSM));
+ public static Instruction CSM(Argument csm_tag, Argument mechanical_delay_timer, Argument max_pulse_period,
+ Argument motion_request, Argument channel_A, Argument channel_B, Argument input_status, Argument reset) => new(
+ nameof(CSM),
+ "CSM(csm_tag,mechanical_delay_timer,max_pulse_period,motion_request,channel_A,channel_B,input_status,reset)",
+ csm_tag, mechanical_delay_timer, max_pulse_period, motion_request, channel_A, channel_B, input_status, reset);
/// Gets the CTD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction CTD = new(nameof(CTD));
+ public static Instruction CTD(Argument counter, Argument preset, Argument accum) =>
+ new(nameof(CTD), "CTD(counter,preset,accum)", counter, preset, accum);
/// Gets the CTU instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction CTU = new(nameof(CTU));
+ public static Instruction CTU(Argument counter, Argument preset, Argument accum) =>
+ new(nameof(CTU), "CTU(counter,preset,accum)", counter, preset, accum);
/// Gets the DCM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction DCM = new(nameof(DCM));
+ public static Instruction DCM(Argument dcm_tag, Argument safety_function, Argument input_type,
+ Argument descrepancy_time, Argument channel_A, Argument channel_B, Argument input_status, Argument reset) =>
+ new(nameof(DCM),
+ "DCM(dcm_tag,safety_function,input_type,descrepancy_time,channel_A,channel_B,input_status,reset)", dcm_tag,
+ safety_function, input_type, descrepancy_time, channel_A, channel_B, input_status, reset);
/// Gets the DCS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction DCS = new(nameof(DCS));
+ public static Instruction DCS(Argument dcs_tag, Argument safety_function, Argument input_type,
+ Argument discrepancy_time, Argument restart_type, Argument cold_start_type, Argument channel_A,
+ Argument channel_B, Argument input_status, Argument reset) => new(nameof(DCS),
+ "DCS(dcs_tag,safety_function,input_type,discrepancy_time,restart_type,cold_start_type,channel_A,channel_B,input_status,reset)",
+ dcs_tag, safety_function, input_type, discrepancy_time, restart_type, cold_start_type, channel_A, channel_B,
+ input_status, reset);
/// Gets the DCSRT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction DCSRT = new(nameof(DCSRT));
+ public static Instruction DCSRT(Argument dcsrt_tag, Argument safety_function, Argument input_type,
+ Argument discrepancy_time, Argument enable, Argument channel_A, Argument channel_B, Argument input_status,
+ Argument reset) => new(nameof(DCSRT),
+ "DCSRT(dcsrt_tag,safety_function,input_type,discrepancy_time,enable,channel_A,channel_B,input_status,reset)",
+ dcsrt_tag, safety_function, input_type, discrepancy_time, enable, channel_A, channel_B, input_status, reset);
/// Gets the DCST instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction DCST = new(nameof(DCST));
+ public static Instruction DCST(Argument dcst_tag, Argument safety_function, Argument input_type,
+ Argument discrepancy_time, Argument restart_type, Argument cold_start_type, Argument channel_A,
+ Argument channel_B, Argument test_request, Argument input_status, Argument reset) => new(nameof(DCST),
+ "DCST(dcst_tag,safety_function,input_type,discrepancy_time,restart_type,cold_start_type,channel_A,channel_B,test_request,input_status,reset)",
+ dcst_tag, safety_function, input_type, discrepancy_time, restart_type, cold_start_type, channel_A, channel_B,
+ test_request, input_status, reset);
/// Gets the DCSTM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction DCSTM = new(nameof(DCSTM));
+ public static Instruction DCSTM(Argument dcstm_tag, Argument safety_function, Argument input_type,
+ Argument discrepancy_time, Argument restart_type, Argument cold_start_type, Argument test_type,
+ Argument test_time, Argument channel_A, Argument channel_B, Argument test_request, Argument mute,
+ Argument muting_lamp_status, Argument input_status, Argument reset) => new(nameof(DCSTM),
+ "DCSTM(dcstm_tag,safety_function,input_type,discrepancy_time,restart_type,cold_start_type,test_type,test_time,channel_A,channel_B,test_request,mute,muting_lamp_status,input_status,reset)",
+ dcstm_tag, safety_function, input_type, discrepancy_time, restart_type, cold_start_type, test_type, test_time,
+ channel_A, channel_B, test_request, mute, muting_lamp_status, input_status, reset);
/// Gets the DCSTL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction DCSTL = new(nameof(DCSTL));
+ public static Instruction DCSTL(Argument dcstl_tag, Argument safety_function, Argument input_type,
+ Argument discrepancy_time, Argument restart_type, Argument cold_start_type, Argument channel_A,
+ Argument channel_B, Argument test_request, Argument unlock_request, Argument lock_feedback,
+ Argument hazard_stopped, Argument input_status, Argument reset) => new(nameof(DCSTL),
+ "DCSTL(dcstl_tag,safety_function,input_type,discrepancy_time,restart_type,cold_start_type,channel_A,channel_B,test_request,unlock_request,lock_feedback,hazard_stopped,input_status,reset)",
+ dcstl_tag, safety_function, input_type, discrepancy_time, restart_type, cold_start_type, channel_A, channel_B,
+ test_request, unlock_request, lock_feedback, hazard_stopped, input_status, reset);
/// Gets the DDT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction DDT = new(nameof(DDT));
+ public static Instruction DDT(Argument source, Argument reference, Argument result, Argument cmp_control,
+ Argument length, Argument position, Argument result_control, Argument result_length,
+ Argument result_position) => new(nameof(DDT),
+ "DDT(source,reference,result,cmp_control,length,position,result_control,length,position)", source, reference,
+ result, cmp_control, length, position, result_control, result_length, result_position);
/// Gets the DEG instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction DEG = new(nameof(DEG));
+ public static Instruction DEG(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(DEG), "DEG(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the DELETE instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction DELETE = new(nameof(DELETE));
+ public static Instruction DELETE(Argument source, Argument quantity, Argument start, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(DELETE), "DELETE(source,quantity,start,destination)", source, quantity, start, destination);
/// Gets the DIN instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction DIN = new(nameof(DIN));
+ public static Instruction DIN(Argument din_tag, Argument reset_type, Argument channel_A, Argument channel_B,
+ Argument circuit_reset, Argument fault_reset) => new(nameof(DIN),
+ "DIN(din_tag,reset_type,channel_A,channel_B,circuit_reset,fault_reset)", din_tag, reset_type, channel_A,
+ channel_B, circuit_reset, fault_reset);
/// Gets the DIV instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction DIV = new(nameof(DIV));
+ public static Instruction DIV(Argument source_A, Argument source_B, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(DIV), "DIV(source_A,source_B,destination)", source_A, source_B, destination);
/// Gets the DTOS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction DTOS = new(nameof(DTOS));
+ public static Instruction DTOS(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(DTOS), "DTOS(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the DTR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction DTR = new(nameof(DTR));
+ public static Instruction DTR(Argument source, Argument mask, Argument reference) =>
+ new(nameof(DTR), "DTR(source,mask,reference)", source, mask, reference);
/// Gets the ENPEN instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ENPEN = new(nameof(ENPEN));
+ public static Instruction ENPEN(Argument enpen_tag, Argument reset_type, Argument channel_A, Argument channel_B,
+ Argument circuit_reset, Argument fault_reset) => new(nameof(ENPEN),
+ "ENPEN(enpen_tag,reset_type,channel_A,channel_B,circuit_reset,fault_reset)", enpen_tag, reset_type, channel_A,
+ channel_B, circuit_reset, fault_reset);
/// Gets the EOT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction EOT = new(nameof(EOT));
+ public static Instruction EOT(Argument data_bit) => new(nameof(EOT), "EOT(data_bit)", data_bit);
/// Gets the EPMS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction EPMS = new(nameof(EPMS));
+ public static Instruction EPMS(Argument epms_tag, Argument input_1, Argument input_2, Argument input_3,
+ Argument input_4, Argument input_5, Argument input_6, Argument input_7, Argument input_8, Argument input_status,
+ Argument lck, Argument reset) => new(nameof(EPMS),
+ "EPMS(epms_tag,input_1,input_2,input_3,input_4,input_5,input_6,input_7,input_8,input_status,lock,reset)",
+ epms_tag, input_1, input_2, input_3, input_4, input_5, input_6, input_7, input_8, input_status, lck, reset);
/// Gets the EQU instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction EQU = new(nameof(EQU), false);
+ public static Instruction EQU(Argument source_A, Argument source_B) =>
+ new(nameof(EQU), "EQU(source_A,source_B)", source_A, source_B);
/// Gets the ESTOP instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ESTOP = new(nameof(ESTOP));
+ public static Instruction ESTOP(Argument estop_tag, Argument reset_type, Argument channel_A, Argument channel_B,
+ Argument circuit_reset, Argument fault_reset) => new(nameof(ESTOP),
+ "ESTOP(estop_tag,reset_type,channel_A,channel_B,circuit_reset,fault_reset)", estop_tag, reset_type, channel_A,
+ channel_B, circuit_reset, fault_reset);
/// Gets the EVENT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction EVENT = new(nameof(EVENT));
+ public static Instruction EVENT(Argument task) => new(nameof(EVENT), "EVENT(task)", task);
/// Gets the FAL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction FAL = new(nameof(FAL));
+ public static Instruction FAL(Argument control, Argument length, Argument position, Argument mode,
+ Argument destination, Argument expression) =>
+ new(nameof(FAL), "FAL(control,length,position,mode,destination,expression)", control, length, position, mode,
+ destination, expression);
/// Gets the FBC instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction FBC = new(nameof(FBC));
+ public static Instruction FBC(Argument source, Argument reference, Argument result, Argument cmp_control,
+ Argument length, Argument position, Argument result_control, Argument result_length,
+ Argument result_position) => new(nameof(FBC),
+ "FBC(source,reference,result,cmp_control,length,position,result_control,length,position)", source, reference,
+ result, cmp_control, length, position, result_control, result_length, result_position);
/// Gets the FFL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction FFL = new(nameof(FFL));
+ public static Instruction FFL(Argument source, Argument FIFO, Argument control, Argument length,
+ Argument position) =>
+ new(nameof(FFL), "FFL(source,FIFO,control,length,position)", source, FIFO, control, length, position);
/// Gets the FFU instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction FFU = new(nameof(FFU));
+ public static Instruction FFU(Argument FIFO, Argument destination, Argument control, Argument length,
+ Argument position) =>
+ new(nameof(FFU), "FFU(FIFO,destination,control,length,position)", FIFO, destination, control, length,
+ position);
/// Gets the FIND instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction FIND = new(nameof(FIND));
+ public static Instruction FIND(Argument source, Argument search, Argument start, Argument result) =>
+ new(nameof(FIND), "FIND(source,search,start,result)", source, search, start, result);
/// Gets the FLL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction FLL = new(nameof(FLL));
+ public static Instruction FLL(Argument source, Argument destination, Argument length) => new(nameof(FLL),
+ "FLL(source,destination,length)", source, destination, length);
/// Gets the FOR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction FOR = new(nameof(FOR));
+ public static Instruction FOR(Argument routine_name, Argument index, Argument initial_value,
+ Argument terminal_value, Argument step_size) => new(nameof(FOR),
+ "FOR(routine_name,index,initial_value,terminal_value,step_size)", routine_name, index, initial_value,
+ terminal_value, step_size);
/// Gets the FPMS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction FPMS = new(nameof(FPMS));
+ public static Instruction FPMS(Argument fpms_tag, Argument input_1, Argument input_2, Argument input_3,
+ Argument input_4, Argument input_5, Argument fault_reset) => new(nameof(FPMS),
+ "FPMS(fpms_tag,input_1,input_2,input_3,input_4,input_5,fault_reset)", fpms_tag, input_1, input_2, input_3,
+ input_4, input_5, fault_reset);
/// Gets the FRD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction FRD = new(nameof(FRD));
+ public static Instruction FRD(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(FRD), "FRD(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the FSBM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction FSBM = new(nameof(FSBM));
+ public static Instruction FSBM(Argument fsbm_tag, Argument restart_type, Argument S1_S2_time, Argument S2_LC_time,
+ Argument LC_S3_time, Argument S3_S4_time, Argument maximum_mute_time, Argument maximum_override_time,
+ Argument direction, Argument light_curtain, Argument sensor_1, Argument sensor_2, Argument sensor_3,
+ Argument sensor_4, Argument enable_mute, Argument @override, Argument input_status, Argument muting_lamp_status,
+ Argument reset) => new(nameof(FSBM),
+ "FSBM(fsbm_tag,restart_type,S1_S2_time,S2_LC_time,LC_S3_time,S3_S4_time,maximum_mute_time,maximum_override_time,direction,light_curtain,sensor_1,sensor_2,sensor_3,sensor_4,enable_mute,override,input_status,muting_lamp_status,reset)",
+ fsbm_tag, restart_type, S1_S2_time, S2_LC_time, LC_S3_time, S3_S4_time, maximum_mute_time,
+ maximum_override_time, direction, light_curtain, sensor_1, sensor_2, sensor_3, sensor_4, enable_mute, @override,
+ input_status, muting_lamp_status, reset);
/// Gets the FSC instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction FSC = new(nameof(FSC));
+ public static Instruction FSC(Argument control, Argument length, Argument position, Argument mode,
+ Argument expression) =>
+ new(nameof(FSC), "FSC(control,length,position,mode,expression)", control, length, position, mode, expression);
/// Gets the GEQ instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction GEQ = new(nameof(GEQ));
+ public static Instruction GEQ(Argument source_A, Argument source_B) =>
+ new(nameof(GEQ), "GEQ(source_A,source_B)", source_A, source_B);
/// Gets the GRT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction GRT = new(nameof(GRT));
+ public static Instruction GRT(Argument source_A, Argument source_B) =>
+ new(nameof(GRT), "GRT(source_A,source_B)", source_A, source_B);
/// Gets the GSV instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction GSV = new(nameof(GSV));
+ public static Instruction GSV(Argument class_name, Argument instance_name, Argument attribute_name,
+ Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(GSV), "GSV(class_name,instance_name,attribute_name,destination)", class_name, instance_name,
+ attribute_name, destination);
/// Gets the INSERT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction INSERT = new(nameof(INSERT));
+ public static Instruction INSERT(Argument sourceA, Argument sourceB, Argument start, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(INSERT), "INSERT(sourceA,sourceB,start,destination)", sourceA, sourceB, start, destination);
/// Gets the IOT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction IOT = new(nameof(IOT));
+ public static Instruction IOT(Argument output_tag) => new(nameof(IOT), "IOT(output_tag)", output_tag);
/// Gets the JMP instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction JMP = new(nameof(JMP));
+ public static Instruction JMP(Argument label_name) => new(nameof(JMP), "JMP(label_name)", label_name);
/// Gets the JSR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction JSR = new(nameof(JSR));
+ public static Instruction JSR(Argument routine_name, Argument number_of_inputs, params Argument[]? parameters) =>
+ new(nameof(JSR), "JSR(routine_name,number_of_inputs,input_1,input_n,return_1,return_n)",
+ parameters is not null
+ ? new[] { routine_name, number_of_inputs }.Concat(parameters).ToArray()
+ : new[] { routine_name, number_of_inputs });
/// Gets the JXR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction JXR = new(nameof(JXR));
+ public static Instruction JXR(Argument external_routine_name, Argument external_routine_control, Argument parameter,
+ Argument return_parameter) => new(nameof(JXR),
+ "JXR(external_routine_name,external_routine_control,parameter,return_parameter)", external_routine_name,
+ external_routine_control, parameter, return_parameter);
/// Gets the LBL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction LBL = new(nameof(LBL));
+ public static Instruction LBL(Argument label_name) => new(nameof(LBL), "LBL(label_name)", label_name);
/// Gets the LC instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction LC = new(nameof(LC));
+ public static Instruction LC(Argument lc_tag, Argument reset_type, Argument channel_A, Argument channel_B,
+ Argument input_filter_time, Argument mute_light_curtain, Argument circuit_reset, Argument fault_reset) => new(
+ nameof(LC),
+ "LC(lc_tag,reset_type,channel_A,channel_B,input_filter_time,mute_light_curtain,circuit_reset,fault_reset)",
+ lc_tag, reset_type, channel_A, channel_B, input_filter_time, mute_light_curtain, circuit_reset, fault_reset);
/// Gets the LEQ instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction LEQ = new(nameof(LEQ));
+ public static Instruction LEQ(Argument source_A, Argument source_B) =>
+ new(nameof(LEQ), "LEQ(source_A,source_B)", source_A, source_B);
/// Gets the LES instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction LES = new(nameof(LES));
+ public static Instruction LES(Argument source_A, Argument source_B) =>
+ new(nameof(LES), "LES(source_A,source_B)", source_A, source_B);
/// Gets the LFL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction LFL = new(nameof(LFL));
+ public static Instruction LFL(Argument source, Argument LIFO, Argument control, Argument length,
+ Argument position) =>
+ new(nameof(LFL), "LFL(source,LIFO,control,length,position)", source, LIFO, control, length, position);
/// Gets the LFU instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction LFU = new(nameof(LFU));
+ public static Instruction LFU(Argument LIFO, Argument destination, Argument control, Argument length,
+ Argument position) =>
+ new(nameof(LFU), "LFU(LIFO,destination,control,length,position)", LIFO, destination, control, length,
+ position);
/// Gets the LIM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction LIM = new(nameof(LIM));
+ public static Instruction LIM(Argument low_limit, Argument test, Argument high_limit) => new(nameof(LIM),
+ "LIM(low_limit,test,high_limit)", low_limit, test, high_limit);
/// Gets the LN instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction LN = new(nameof(LN));
+ public static Instruction LN(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(LN), "LN(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the LOG instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction LOG = new(nameof(LOG));
+ public static Instruction LOG(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(LOG), "LOG(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the LOWER instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction LOWER = new(nameof(LOWER));
+ public static Instruction LOWER(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(LOWER), "LOWER(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the MAAT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MAAT = new(nameof(MAAT));
+ public static Instruction MAAT(Argument axis, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MAAT), "MAAT(axis,motion_control)", axis, motion_control);
/// Gets the MAFR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MAFR = new(nameof(MAFR));
+ public static Instruction MAFR(Argument axis, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MAFR), "MAFR(axis,motion_control)", axis, motion_control);
/// Gets the MAG instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MAG = new(nameof(MAG));
+ public static Instruction MAG(Argument slave_axis, Argument master_axis, Argument motion_control,
+ Argument direction, Argument ratio, Argument slave_counts, Argument master_counts, Argument master_reference,
+ Argument ratio_format, Argument clutch, Argument accel_rate, Argument accel_units) => new(nameof(MAG),
+ "MAG(slave_axis,master_axis,motion_control,direction,ratio,slave_counts,master_counts,master_reference,ratio_format,clutch,accel_rate,accel_units)",
+ slave_axis, master_axis, motion_control, direction, ratio, slave_counts, master_counts, master_reference,
+ ratio_format, clutch, accel_rate, accel_units);
/// Gets the MAH instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MAH = new(nameof(MAH));
+ public static Instruction MAH(Argument axis, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MAH), "MAH(axis,motion_control)", axis, motion_control);
/// Gets the MAHD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MAHD = new(nameof(MAHD));
+ public static Instruction MAHD(Argument axis, Argument motion_control, Argument diagnostic_test,
+ Argument observed_direction) => new(nameof(MAHD),
+ "MAHD(axis,motion_control,diagnostic_test,observed_direction)", axis, motion_control, diagnostic_test,
+ observed_direction);
/// Gets the MAJ instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MAJ = new(nameof(MAJ));
+ public static Instruction MAJ(Argument axis, Argument motion_control, Argument direction, Argument speed,
+ Argument speed_units, Argument accel_rate, Argument accel_units, Argument decel_rate, Argument decel_units,
+ Argument profile, Argument merge, Argument merge_speed) => new(nameof(MAJ),
+ "MAJ(axis,motion_control,direction,speed,speed_units,accel_rate,accel_units,decel_rate,decel_units,profile,merge,merge_speed)",
+ axis, motion_control, direction, speed, speed_units, accel_rate, accel_units, decel_rate, decel_units, profile,
+ merge, merge_speed);
/// Gets the MAM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MAM = new(nameof(MAM));
+ public static Instruction MAM(Argument axis, Argument motion_control, Argument move_type, Argument position,
+ Argument speed, Argument speed_units, Argument accel_rate, Argument accel_units, Argument decel_rate,
+ Argument decel_units, Argument profile, Argument merge, Argument merge_speed) => new(nameof(MAM),
+ "MAM(axis,motion_control,move_type,position,speed,speed_units,accel_rate,accel_units,decel_rate,decel_units,profile,merge,merge_speed)",
+ axis, motion_control, move_type, position, speed, speed_units, accel_rate, accel_units, decel_rate, decel_units,
+ profile, merge, merge_speed);
/// Gets the MAOC instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MAOC = new(nameof(MAOC));
+ public static Instruction MAOC(Argument axis, Argument execution_target, Argument motion_control, Argument output,
+ Argument input, Argument output_cam, Argument cam_start_position, Argument cam_end_position,
+ Argument output_compensation, Argument execution_mode, Argument execution_schedule, Argument axis_arm_position,
+ Argument cam_arm_position, Argument reference) => new(nameof(MAOC),
+ "MAOC(axis,execution_target,motion_control,output,input,output_cam,cam_start_position,cam_end_position,output_compensation,execution_mode,execution_schedule,axis_arm_position,cam_arm_position,reference)",
+ axis, execution_target, motion_control, output, input, output_cam, cam_start_position, cam_end_position,
+ output_compensation, execution_mode, execution_schedule, axis_arm_position, cam_arm_position, reference);
/// Gets the MAPC instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MAPC = new(nameof(MAPC));
+ public static Instruction MAPC(Argument slave_axis, Argument master_axis, Argument motion_control,
+ Argument direction, Argument cam_profile, Argument slave_scaling, Argument master_scaling,
+ Argument execution_mode, Argument execution_schedule, Argument master_lock_position, Argument cam_lock_position,
+ Argument master_reference, Argument master_direction) => new(nameof(MAPC),
+ "MAPC(slave_axis,master_axis,motion_control,direction,cam_profile,slave_scaling,master_scaling,execution_mode,execution_schedule,master_lock_position,cam_lock_position,master_reference,master_direction)",
+ slave_axis, master_axis, motion_control, direction, cam_profile, slave_scaling, master_scaling, execution_mode,
+ execution_schedule, master_lock_position, cam_lock_position, master_reference, master_direction);
/// Gets the MAR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MAR = new(nameof(MAR));
+ public static Instruction MAR(Argument axis, Argument motion_control, Argument trigger_condition,
+ Argument windowed_registration, Argument minimum_position, Argument maximum_position) => new(nameof(MAR),
+ "MAR(axis,motion_control,trigger_condition,windowed_registration,minimum_position,maximum_position)", axis,
+ motion_control, trigger_condition, windowed_registration, minimum_position, maximum_position);
/// Gets the MAS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MAS = new(nameof(MAS));
+ public static Instruction MAS(Argument axis, Argument motion_control, Argument stop_type, Argument change_decel,
+ Argument decel_rate, Argument decel_units) => new(nameof(MAS),
+ "MAS(axis,motion_control,stop_type,change_decel,decel_rate,decel_units)", axis, motion_control, stop_type,
+ change_decel, decel_rate, decel_units);
/// Gets the MASD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MASD = new(nameof(MASD));
+ public static Instruction MASD(Argument axis, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MASD), "MASD(axis,motion_control)", axis, motion_control);
/// Gets the MASR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MASR = new(nameof(MASR));
+ public static Instruction MASR(Argument axis, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MASR), "MASR(axis,motion_control)", axis, motion_control);
/// Gets the MATC instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MATC = new(nameof(MATC));
+ public static Instruction MATC(Argument axis, Argument motion_control, Argument direction, Argument cam_profile,
+ Argument distance_scaling, Argument time_scaling, Argument execution_mode, Argument execution_schedule) => new(
+ nameof(MATC),
+ "MATC(axis,motion_control,direction,cam_profile,distance_scaling,time_scaling,execution_mode,execution_schedule)",
+ axis, motion_control, direction, cam_profile, distance_scaling, time_scaling, execution_mode,
+ execution_schedule);
/// Gets the MAW instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MAW = new(nameof(MAW));
+ public static Instruction MAW(Argument axis, Argument motion_control, Argument trigger_condition,
+ Argument position) =>
+ new(nameof(MAW), "MAW(axis,motion_control,trigger_condition,position)", axis, motion_control,
+ trigger_condition, position);
/// Gets the MCCD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MCCD = new(nameof(MCCD));
+ public static Instruction MCCD(Argument coordinate_system, Argument motion_control, Argument motion_type,
+ Argument change_speed, Argument speed, Argument speed_units, Argument change_accel, Argument accel_rate,
+ Argument accel_units, Argument change_decel, Argument decel_rate, Argument decel_units, Argument scope) => new(
+ nameof(MCCD),
+ "MCCD(coordinate_system,motion_control,motion_type,change_speed,speed,speed_units,change_accel,accel_rate,accel_units,change_decel,decel_rate, decel_units,scope)",
+ coordinate_system, motion_control, motion_type, change_speed, speed, speed_units, change_accel, accel_rate,
+ accel_units, change_decel, decel_rate, decel_units, scope);
/// Gets the MCCM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MCCM = new(nameof(MCCM));
+ public static Instruction MCCM(Argument coordinate_system, Argument motion_control, Argument move_type,
+ Argument position, Argument circle_type, Argument radius, Argument direction, Argument speed,
+ Argument speed_units, Argument accel_rate, Argument accel_units, Argument decel_rate, Argument decel_units,
+ Argument profile, Argument termination_type, Argument merge, Argument merge_speed) => new(nameof(MCCM),
+ "MCCM(coordinate_system,motion_control,move_type,position,circle_type,via/center/radius,direction,speed,speed_units,accel_rate,accel_units,decel_rate,decel_units,profile,termination_type,merge,merge_speed)",
+ coordinate_system, motion_control, move_type, position, circle_type, radius, direction, speed, speed_units,
+ accel_rate, accel_units, decel_rate, decel_units, profile, termination_type, merge, merge_speed);
/// Gets the MCCP instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MCCP = new(nameof(MCCP));
+ public static Instruction MCCP(Argument motion_control, Argument cam, Argument length, Argument start_slope,
+ Argument end_slope, Argument cam_profile) => new(nameof(MCCP),
+ "MCCP(motion_control,cam,length,start_slope,end_slope,cam_profile)", motion_control, cam, length, start_slope,
+ end_slope, cam_profile);
/// Gets the MCLM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MCLM = new(nameof(MCLM));
+ public static Instruction MCLM(Argument coordinate_system, Argument motion_control, Argument move_type,
+ Argument position, Argument speed, Argument speed_units, Argument accel_rate, Argument accel_units,
+ Argument decel_rate, Argument decel_units, Argument profile, Argument termination_type, Argument merge,
+ Argument merge_speed) => new(nameof(MCLM),
+ "MCLM(coordinate_system,motion_control,move_type,position,speed,speed_units,accel_rate,accel_units,decel_rate,decel_units,profile, termination_type,merge,merge_speed)",
+ coordinate_system, motion_control, move_type, position, speed, speed_units, accel_rate, accel_units, decel_rate,
+ decel_units, profile, termination_type, merge, merge_speed);
/// Gets the MCD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MCD = new(nameof(MCD));
+ public static Instruction MCD(Argument axis, Argument motion_control, Argument motion_type, Argument change_speed,
+ Argument speed, Argument change_accel, Argument accel_rate, Argument change_decel, Argument decel_rate,
+ Argument speed_units, Argument accel_units, Argument decel_units) => new(nameof(MCD),
+ "MCD(axis,motion_control,motion_type,change_speed,speed,change_accel,accel_rate,change_decel,decel_rate,speed_units,accel_units,decel_units)",
+ axis, motion_control, motion_type, change_speed, speed, change_accel, accel_rate, change_decel, decel_rate,
+ speed_units, accel_units, decel_units);
/// Gets the MCR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MCR = new(nameof(MCR));
+ public static Instruction MCR() => new(nameof(MCR), "MCR()");
/// Gets the MCS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MCS = new(nameof(MCS));
+ public static Instruction MCS(Argument coordinate_system, Argument motion_control, Argument stop_type,
+ Argument change_decel, Argument decel_rate, Argument decel_units) => new(nameof(MCS),
+ "MCS(coordinate_system,motion_control,stop_type,change_decel,decel_rate, decel_units)", coordinate_system,
+ motion_control, stop_type, change_decel, decel_rate, decel_units);
/// Gets the MCSD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MCSD = new(nameof(MCSD));
+ public static Instruction MCSD(Argument coordinate_system, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MCSD), "MCSD(coordinate_system,motion_control)", coordinate_system, motion_control);
/// Gets the MCSR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MCSR = new(nameof(MCSR));
+ public static Instruction MCSR(Argument coordinate_system, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MCSR), "MCSR(coordinate_system,motion_control)", coordinate_system, motion_control);
/// Gets the MCSV instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MCSV = new(nameof(MCSV));
+ public static Instruction MCSV(Argument motion_control, Argument cam_profile, Argument master_value,
+ Argument slave_value, Argument slope_value, Argument slope_derivative) => new(nameof(MCSV),
+ "MCSV(motion_control,cam_profile,master_value,slave_value,slope_value,slope_derivative)", motion_control,
+ cam_profile, master_value, slave_value, slope_value, slope_derivative);
/// Gets the MCT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MCT = new(nameof(MCT));
+ public static Instruction MCT(Argument source_system, Argument target_system, Argument motion_control,
+ Argument orientation, Argument translation) => new(nameof(MCT),
+ "MCT(source_system,target_system,motion_control,orientation,translation)", source_system, target_system,
+ motion_control, orientation, translation);
/// Gets the MCTP instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MCTP = new(nameof(MCTP));
+ public static Instruction MCTP(Argument source_system, Argument target_system, Argument motion_control,
+ Argument orientation, Argument translation, Argument transform_direction, Argument reference_position,
+ Argument transform_position) => new(nameof(MCTP),
+ "MCTP(source_system,target_system,motion_control,orientation,translation,transform_direction,reference_position,transform_position)",
+ source_system, target_system, motion_control, orientation, translation, transform_direction, reference_position,
+ transform_position);
/// Gets the MDF instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MDF = new(nameof(MDF));
+ public static Instruction MDF(Argument axis, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MDF), "MDF(axis,motion_control)", axis, motion_control);
/// Gets the MDO instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MDO = new(nameof(MDO));
+ public static Instruction MDO(Argument axis, Argument motion_control, Argument drive_output,
+ Argument drive_units) =>
+ new(nameof(MDO), "MDO(axis,motion_control,drive_output,drive_units)", axis, motion_control, drive_output,
+ drive_units);
/// Gets the MDOC instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MDOC = new(nameof(MDOC));
+ public static Instruction MDOC(Argument axis, Argument execution_target, Argument motion_control,
+ Argument disarm_type) =>
+ new(nameof(MDOC), "MDOC(axis,execution_target,motion_control,disarm_type)", axis, execution_target,
+ motion_control, disarm_type);
/// Gets the MDR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MDR = new(nameof(MDR));
+ public static Instruction MDR(Argument axis, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MDR), "MDR(axis,motion_control)", axis, motion_control);
/// Gets the MDW instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MDW = new(nameof(MDW));
+ public static Instruction MDW(Argument axis, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MDW), "MDW(axis,motion_control)", axis, motion_control);
/// Gets the MEQ instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MEQ = new(nameof(MEQ));
+ public static Instruction MEQ(Argument source, Argument mask, Argument compare) =>
+ new(nameof(MEQ), "MEQ(source,mask,compare)", source, mask, compare);
/// Gets the MGS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MGS = new(nameof(MGS));
+ public static Instruction MGS(Argument group, Argument motion_control, Argument stop_mode) =>
+ new(nameof(MGS), "MGS(group,motion_control,stop_mode)", group, motion_control, stop_mode);
/// Gets the MGSD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MGSD = new(nameof(MGSD));
+ public static Instruction MGSD(Argument group, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MGSD), "MGSD(group,motion_control)", group, motion_control);
/// Gets the MGSP instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MGSP = new(nameof(MGSP));
+ public static Instruction MGSP(Argument group, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MGSP), "MGSP(group,motion_control)", group, motion_control);
/// Gets the MGSR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MGSR = new(nameof(MGSR));
+ public static Instruction MGSR(Argument group, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MGSR), "MGSR(group,motion_control)", group, motion_control);
/// Gets the MID instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MID = new(nameof(MID));
+ public static Instruction MID(Argument source, Argument quantity, Argument start, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(MID), "MID(source,quantity,start,destination)", source, quantity, start, destination);
/// Gets the MMVC instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MMVC = new(nameof(MMVC));
+ public static Instruction MMVC(Argument mmvc_tag, Argument enable, Argument keyswitch, Argument bottom,
+ Argument flywheel_stopped, Argument safety_enable, Argument actuate, Argument input_status,
+ Argument output_status, Argument reset) => new(nameof(MMVC),
+ "MMVC(mmvc_tag,enable,keyswitch,bottom,flywheel_stopped,safety_enable,actuate,input_status,output_status,reset)",
+ mmvc_tag, enable, keyswitch, bottom, flywheel_stopped, safety_enable, actuate, input_status, output_status,
+ reset);
/// Gets the MOD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MOD = new(nameof(MOD));
+ public static Instruction MOD(Argument source_A, Argument source_B, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(MOD), "MOD(source_A,source_B,destination)", source_A, source_B, destination);
/// Gets the MOV instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MOV = new(nameof(MOV));
+ public static Instruction MOV(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(MOV), "MOV(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the MRAT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MRAT = new(nameof(MRAT));
+ public static Instruction MRAT(Argument axis, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MRAT), "MRAT(axis,motion_control)", axis, motion_control);
/// Gets the MRHD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MRHD = new(nameof(MRHD));
+ public static Instruction MRHD(Argument axis, Argument motion_control, Argument diagnostic_test) =>
+ new(nameof(MRHD), "MRHD(axis,motion_control,diagnostic_test)", axis, motion_control, diagnostic_test);
/// Gets the MRP instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MRP = new(nameof(MRP));
+ public static Instruction MRP(Argument axis, Argument motion_control, Argument type, Argument position_select,
+ Argument position) =>
+ new(nameof(MRP), "MRP(axis,motion_control,type,position_select,position)", axis, motion_control, type,
+ position_select, position);
/// Gets the MSF instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MSF = new(nameof(MSF));
+ public static Instruction MSF(Argument axis, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MSF), "MSF(axis,motion_control)", axis, motion_control);
/// Gets the MSG instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MSG = new(nameof(MSG));
+ public static Instruction MSG(Argument message_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MSG), "MSG(message_control)", message_control);
/// Gets the MSO instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MSO = new(nameof(MSO));
+ public static Instruction MSO(Argument axis, Argument motion_control) =>
+ new(nameof(MSO), "MSO(axis,motion_control)", axis, motion_control);
/// Gets the MUL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MUL = new(nameof(MUL));
+ public static Instruction MUL(Argument source_A, Argument source_B, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(MUL), "MUL(source_A,source_B,destination)", source_A, source_B, destination);
/// Gets the MVC instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MVC = new(nameof(MVC));
+ public static Instruction MVC(Argument mvc_tag, Argument feedback_type, Argument feedback_reaction_time,
+ Argument actuate, Argument feedback_1, Argument feedback_2, Argument input_status, Argument output_status,
+ Argument reset) => new(nameof(MVC),
+ "MVC(mvc_tag,feedback_type,feedback_reaction_time,actuate,feedback_1,feedback_2,input_status,output_status,reset)",
+ mvc_tag, feedback_type, feedback_reaction_time, actuate, feedback_1, feedback_2, input_status, output_status,
+ reset);
/// Gets the MVM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction MVM = new(nameof(MVM));
+ public static Instruction MVM(Argument source, Argument mask, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(MVM), "MVM(source,mask,destination)", source, mask, destination);
/// Gets the NEG instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction NEG = new(nameof(NEG));
+ public static Instruction NEG(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(NEG), "NEG(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the NEQ instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction NEQ = new(nameof(NEQ));
+ public static Instruction NEQ(Argument source_A, Argument source_B) =>
+ new(nameof(NEQ), "NEQ(source_A,source_B)", source_A, source_B);
/// Gets the NOP instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction NOP = new(nameof(NOP));
+ public static Instruction NOP() => new(nameof(NOP), "NOP()");
/// Gets the NOT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction NOT = new(nameof(NOT));
+ public static Instruction NOT(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(NOT), "NOT(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the ONS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ONS = new(nameof(ONS));
+ public static Instruction ONS(Argument storage_bit) => new(nameof(ONS), "ONS(storage_bit)", storage_bit);
/// Gets the OR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction OR = new(nameof(OR));
+ public static Instruction OR(Argument source_A, Argument source_B, Argument destination) => new(nameof(OR),
+ "OR(source_A,source_B,destination)", source_A, source_B, destination);
/// Gets the OSF instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction OSF = new(nameof(OSF));
+ public static Instruction OSF(Argument storage_bit, Argument output_bit) =>
+ new(nameof(OSF), "OSF(storage_bit,output_bit)", storage_bit, output_bit);
/// Gets the OSR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction OSR = new(nameof(OSR));
+ public static Instruction OSR(Argument storage_bit, Argument output_bit) =>
+ new(nameof(OSR), "OSR(storage_bit,output_bit)", storage_bit, output_bit);
/// Gets the OTE instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction OTE = new(nameof(OTE));
+ public static Instruction OTE(Argument data_bit) => new(nameof(OTE), "OTE(data_bit)", data_bit);
/// Gets the OTL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction OTL = new(nameof(OTL));
+ public static Instruction OTL(Argument data_bit) => new(nameof(OTL), "OTL(data_bit)", data_bit);
/// Gets the OTU instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction OTU = new(nameof(OTU));
+ public static Instruction OTU(Argument data_bit) => new(nameof(OTU), "OTU(data_bit)", data_bit);
/// Gets the PATT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction PATT = new(nameof(PATT));
+ public static Instruction PATT(Argument phase_name, Argument result) =>
+ new(nameof(PATT), "PATT(phase_name,result)", phase_name, result);
/// Gets the PCLF instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction PCLF = new(nameof(PCLF));
+ public static Instruction PCLF(Argument phase_name) => new(nameof(PCLF), "PCLF(phase_name)", phase_name);
/// Gets the PCMD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction PCMD = new(nameof(PCMD));
+ public static Instruction PCMD(Argument phase_name, Argument command, Argument result) =>
+ new(nameof(PCMD), "PCMD(phase_name,command,result)", phase_name, command, result);
/// Gets the PDET instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction PDET = new(nameof(PDET));
+ public static Instruction PDET(Argument phase_name) => new(nameof(PDET), "PDET(phase_name)", phase_name);
/// Gets the PFL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction PFL = new(nameof(PFL));
+ public static Instruction PFL(Argument source) => new(nameof(PFL), "PFL(source)", source);
/// Gets the PID instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction PID = new(nameof(PID));
+ public static Instruction PID(Argument PID, Argument process_variable, Argument tieback, Argument control_variable,
+ Argument pid_master_loop, Argument inhold_bit, Argument inhold_value) => new(nameof(PID),
+ "PID(PID,process_variable,tieback,control_variable,pid_master_loop,inhold_bit,inhold_value)", PID,
+ process_variable, tieback, control_variable, pid_master_loop, inhold_bit, inhold_value);
/// Gets the POVR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction POVR = new(nameof(POVR));
+ public static Instruction POVR(Argument phase_name, Argument command, Argument result) =>
+ new(nameof(POVR), "POVR(phase_name,command,result)", phase_name, command, result);
/// Gets the PPD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction PPD = new(nameof(PPD));
+ public static Instruction PPD() => new(nameof(PPD), "PPD()");
/// Gets the PRNP instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction PRNP = new(nameof(PRNP));
+ public static Instruction PRNP() => new(nameof(PRNP), "PRNP()");
/// Gets the PSC instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction PSC = new(nameof(PSC));
+ public static Instruction PSC() => new(nameof(PSC), "PSC()");
/// Gets the PXRQ instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction PXRQ = new(nameof(PXRQ));
+ public static Instruction PXRQ(Argument phase_instruction, Argument external_request, Argument data_value) =>
+ new(nameof(PXRQ), "PXRQ(phase_instruction,external_request,data_value)", phase_instruction, external_request,
+ data_value);
/// Gets the RAD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction RAD = new(nameof(RAD));
+ public static Instruction RAD(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(RAD), "RAD(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the RES instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction RES = new(nameof(RES));
+ public static Instruction RES(Argument structure) => new(nameof(RES), "RES(structure)", structure);
/// Gets the RET instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction RET = new(nameof(RET));
+ public static Instruction RET(params Argument[] outputs) => new(nameof(RET), "RET(return_1,return_n)", outputs);
/// Gets the RIN instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction RIN = new(nameof(RIN));
+ public static Instruction RIN(Argument rin_tag, Argument reset_type, Argument channel_A, Argument channel_B,
+ Argument circuit_reset, Argument fault_reset) => new(nameof(RIN),
+ "RIN(rin_tag,reset_type,channel_A,channel_B,circuit_reset,fault_reset)", rin_tag, reset_type, channel_A,
+ channel_B, circuit_reset, fault_reset);
/// Gets the ROUT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction ROUT = new(nameof(ROUT));
+ public static Instruction ROUT(Argument rout_tag, Argument feedback_type, Argument enable, Argument feedback_1,
+ Argument feedback_2, Argument fault_reset) => new(nameof(ROUT),
+ "ROUT(rout_tag,feedback_type,enable,feedback_1,feedback_2,fault_reset)", rout_tag, feedback_type, enable,
+ feedback_1, feedback_2, fault_reset);
/// Gets the RTO instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction RTO = new(nameof(RTO));
+ public static Instruction RTO(Argument timer, Argument preset, Argument accum) =>
+ new(nameof(RTO), "RTO(timer,preset,accum)", timer, preset, accum);
/// Gets the RTOS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction RTOS = new(nameof(RTOS));
+ public static Instruction RTOS(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(RTOS), "RTOS(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the SBR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SBR = new(nameof(SBR));
+ public static Instruction SBR(params Argument[] inputs) => new(nameof(SBR), "SBR(input_1,input_n)", inputs);
/// Gets the SFP instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SFP = new(nameof(SFP));
+ public static Instruction SFP(Argument SFC_routine_name, Argument target_state) =>
+ new(nameof(SFP), "SFP(SFC_routine_name,target_state)", SFC_routine_name, target_state);
/// Gets the SFR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SFR = new(nameof(SFR));
+ public static Instruction SFR(Argument SFC_routine_name, Argument step_name) => new(nameof(SFR),
+ "SFR(SFC_routine_name,step_name)", SFC_routine_name, step_name);
/// Gets the SIN instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SIN = new(nameof(SIN));
+ public static Instruction SIN(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(SIN), "SIN(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the SIZE instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SIZE = new(nameof(SIZE));
+ public static Instruction SIZE(Argument souce, Argument dimension_to_vary, Argument size) =>
+ new(nameof(SIZE), "SIZE(souce,dimension_to_vary,size)", souce, dimension_to_vary, size);
/// Gets the SMAT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SMAT = new(nameof(SMAT));
+ public static Instruction SMAT(Argument smat_tag, Argument restart_type, Argument short_circuit_detect_delay_time,
+ Argument channel_A, Argument channel_B, Argument input_status, Argument reset) => new(nameof(SMAT),
+ "SMAT(smat_tag,restart_type,short_circuit_detect_delay_time,channel_A,channel_B,input_status,reset)", smat_tag,
+ restart_type, short_circuit_detect_delay_time, channel_A, channel_B, input_status, reset);
/// Gets the SQI instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SQI = new(nameof(SQI));
+ public static Instruction SQI(Argument array, Argument mask, Argument source, Argument control, Argument length,
+ Argument position) =>
+ new(nameof(SQI), "SQI(array,mask,source,control,length,position)", array, mask, source, control, length,
+ position);
/// Gets the SQL instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SQL = new(nameof(SQL));
+ public static Instruction SQL(Argument array, Argument source, Argument control, Argument length,
+ Argument position) =>
+ new(nameof(SQL), "SQL(array,source,control,length,position)", array, source, control, length, position);
/// Gets the SQO instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SQO = new(nameof(SQO));
+ public static Instruction SQO(Argument array, Argument mask, Argument destination, Argument control,
+ Argument length, Argument position) =>
+ new(nameof(SQO), "SQO(array,mask,destination,control,length,position)", array, mask, destination, control,
+ length, position);
/// Gets the SQR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SQR = new(nameof(SQR));
+ public static Instruction SQR(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(SQR), "SQR(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the SRT instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SRT = new(nameof(SRT));
+ public static Instruction SRT(Argument array, Argument dim_to_vary, Argument control, Argument length,
+ Argument position) =>
+ new(nameof(SRT), "SRT(array,dim_to_vary,control,length,position)", array, dim_to_vary, control, length,
+ position);
/// Gets the SSV instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SSV = new(nameof(SSV));
+ public static Instruction SSV(Argument class_name, Argument instance_name, Argument attribute_name,
+ Argument source) =>
+ new(nameof(SSV), "SSV(class_name,instance_name,attribute_name,source)", class_name, instance_name,
+ attribute_name, source);
/// Gets the STD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction STD = new(nameof(STD));
+ public static Instruction STD(Argument array, Argument dim_to_vary, Argument destination, Argument control,
+ Argument length, Argument position) => new(nameof(STD),
+ "STD(array,dim_to_vary,destination,control,length,position)", array, dim_to_vary, destination, control, length,
+ position);
/// Gets the STOD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction STOD = new(nameof(STOD));
+ public static Instruction STOD(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(STOD), "STOD(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the STOR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction STOR = new(nameof(STOR));
+ public static Instruction STOR(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(STOR), "STOR(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the SUB instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SUB = new(nameof(SUB));
+ public static Instruction SUB(Argument source_A, Argument source_B, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(SUB), "SUB(source_A,source_B,destination)", source_A, source_B, destination);
/// Gets the SWPB instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction SWPB = new(nameof(SWPB));
+ public static Instruction SWPB(Argument source, Argument order_mode, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(SWPB), "SWPB(source,order_mode,destination)", source, order_mode, destination);
/// Gets the TAN instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction TAN = new(nameof(TAN));
+ public static Instruction TAN(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(TAN), "TAN(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the THRS instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction THRS = new(nameof(THRS));
+ public static Instruction THRS(Argument thrs_tag, Argument active_pin_type, Argument active_pin,
+ Argument right_button_normally_open, Argument right_button_normally_closed, Argument left_button_normally_open,
+ Argument left_button_normally_closed, Argument fault_reset) => new(nameof(THRS),
+ "THRS(thrs_tag,active_pin_type,active_pin,right_button_normally_open,right_button_normally_closed,left_button_normally_open,left_button_normally_closed,fault_reset)",
+ thrs_tag, active_pin_type, active_pin, right_button_normally_open, right_button_normally_closed,
+ left_button_normally_open, left_button_normally_closed, fault_reset);
/// Gets the THRSE instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction THRSE = new(nameof(THRSE));
+ public static Instruction THRSE(Argument thrse_tag, Argument discprepancy_time, Argument enable,
+ Argument disconnected, Argument right_button_normally_open, Argument right_button_normally_closed,
+ Argument left_button_normally_open, Argument left_button_normally_closed, Argument input_status,
+ Argument resest) => new(nameof(THRSE),
+ "THRSE(thrse_tag,discprepancy_time,enable,disconnected,right_button_normally_open,right_button_normally_closed,left_button_normally_open,left_button_normally_closed,input_status,resest)",
+ thrse_tag, discprepancy_time, enable, disconnected, right_button_normally_open, right_button_normally_closed,
+ left_button_normally_open, left_button_normally_closed, input_status, resest);
/// Gets the TND instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction TND = new(nameof(TND));
+ public static Instruction TND() => new(nameof(TND), "TND()");
/// Gets the TOD instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction TOD = new(nameof(TOD));
+ public static Instruction TOD(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(TOD), "TOD(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the TOF instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction TOF = new(nameof(TOF));
+ public static Instruction TOF(Argument timer, Argument preset, Argument accum) =>
+ new(nameof(TOF), "TOF(timer,preset,accum)", timer, preset, accum);
/// Gets the TON instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction TON = new(nameof(TON));
+ public static Instruction TON(Argument timer, Argument preset, Argument accum) =>
+ new(nameof(TON), "TON(timer,preset,accum)", timer, preset, accum);
/// Gets the TRN instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction TRN = new(nameof(TRN));
+ public static Instruction TRN(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(TRN), "TRN(source,destination)", source, destination);
/// Gets the TSAM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction TSAM = new(nameof(TSAM));
+ public static Instruction TSAM(Argument tsam_tag, Argument restart_type, Argument S1_S2_time, Argument S2_LC_time,
+ Argument maximum_mute_time, Argument maximum_override_time, Argument light_curtain, Argument sensor_1,
+ Argument sensor_2, Argument enable_mute, Argument @override, Argument input_status, Argument muting_lamp_status,
+ Argument reset) => new(nameof(TSAM),
+ "TSAM(tsam_tag,restart_type,S1_S2_time,S2_LC_time,maximum_mute_time,maximum_override_time,light_curtain,sensor_1,sensor_2,enable_mute,override,input_status,muting_lamp_status,reset)",
+ tsam_tag, restart_type, S1_S2_time, S2_LC_time, maximum_mute_time, maximum_override_time, light_curtain,
+ sensor_1, sensor_2, enable_mute, @override, input_status, muting_lamp_status, reset);
/// Gets the TSSM instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction TSSM = new(nameof(TSSM));
+ public static Instruction TSSM(Argument tssm_tag, Argument restart_type, Argument S1_S2_discrepancy_time,
+ Argument S1_S2_LC_minimum_time, Argument S1_S2_LC_maximum_time, Argument maximum_mute_time,
+ Argument maximum_override_time, Argument light_curtain, Argument sensor_1, Argument sensor_2,
+ Argument enable_mute, Argument @override, Argument input_status, Argument muting_lamp_status, Argument reset) =>
+ new(nameof(TSSM),
+ "TSSM(tssm_tag,restart_type,S1_S2_discrepancy_time,S1_S2_LC_minimum_time,S1_S2_LC_maximum_time,maximum_mute_time,maximum_override_time,light_curtain,sensor_1,sensor_2,enable_mute,override,input_status,muting_lamp_status,reset)",
+ tssm_tag, restart_type, S1_S2_discrepancy_time, S1_S2_LC_minimum_time, S1_S2_LC_maximum_time,
+ maximum_mute_time, maximum_override_time, light_curtain, sensor_1, sensor_2, enable_mute, @override,
+ input_status, muting_lamp_status, reset);
/// Gets the UID instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction UID = new(nameof(UID));
+ public static Instruction UID() => new(nameof(UID), "UID()");
/// Gets the UIE instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction UIE = new(nameof(UIE));
+ public static Instruction UIE() => new(nameof(UIE), "UIE()");
/// Gets the UPPER instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction UPPER = new(nameof(UPPER));
+ public static Instruction UPPER(Argument source, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(UPPER), "UPPER(source,destination)", source, destination);
- /// Gets the XIC instruction definition instance.
+ /// Creates a new XIC instruction instance with the predeinfed signature and provided instruction arguments.
- public static readonly Instruction XIC = new(nameof(XIC));
+ /// A new with initialized key, signature, and arguments.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this instruction method signature was extracted from the Rockwell L5X documentation.
+ /// Each instruction will take the set of matching the instruction signature.
+ /// It is up to the caller to know whether these can be immediate value arguments or tag name reference arguments.
+ ///
+ public static Instruction XIC(Argument data_bit) => new(nameof(XIC), "XIC(data_bit)", data_bit);
/// Gets the XIO instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction XIO = new(nameof(XIO));
+ public static Instruction XIO(Argument data_bit) => new(nameof(XIO), "XIO(data_bit)", data_bit);
/// Gets the XOR instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction XOR = new(nameof(XOR));
+ public static Instruction XOR(Argument source_A, Argument source_B, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(XOR), "XOR(source_A,source_B,destination)", source_A, source_B, destination);
/// Gets the XPY instruction definition instance.
- public static readonly Instruction XPY = new(nameof(XPY));
+ public static Instruction XPY(Argument source_A, Argument source_B, Argument destination) =>
+ new(nameof(XPY), "XPY(source_A,source_B,destination)", source_A, source_B, destination);
- /// List of known instrcution keys to used to determine if a given instruction is destructive.
+ /// Creates some default arg names for a provided number of arguments.
- private static List ConditionalKeys() => new()
+ private static string DefaultArgs(int number)
- nameof(CMP), nameof(EQU), nameof(GEQ), nameof(GRT),nameof(LEQ), nameof(LES),
- nameof(LIM), nameof(MEQ), nameof(NEQ), nameof(XIC),nameof(XIO)
- };
+ return string.Join(',', Enumerable.Range(0, number).Select(i => $"arg{i}"));
+ }
- /// Lazy list of all known instructions.
+ /// Lazy list of all known instructions and their corresponding factory method function.
- private static Lazy> _known =>
- new(() => GetInstructionFields().ToDictionary(i => i.Key, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
- LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);
+ private static Lazy>> _known =>
+ new(() => GetFactories().ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);
- /// Returns all defined instructions members for the provided type.
+ /// Indexes all instruction factory methods in the class and creates a function returning the instruction
+ /// mathcing the specified key or method name. The method is passed null argumnts and therefore will be a default
+ /// instruction instance. Callers can then use to pass argument array.
- private static IEnumerable GetInstructionFields()
+ private static IEnumerable>> GetFactories()
- var type = typeof(Instruction);
+ var methods = typeof(Instruction).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)
+ .Where(m => m.ReturnType == typeof(Instruction) && m.Name.All(char.IsUpper));
- return type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy)
- .Where(f => type.IsAssignableFrom(f.FieldType))
- .Select(f => (Instruction) f.GetValue(null))
- .ToList();
+ foreach (var method in methods)
+ {
+ var arguments = method.GetParameters()
+ .Select(p => Expression.TypeAs(Expression.Constant(null), p.ParameterType));
+ var function = Expression.Call(method, arguments);
+ var lambda = Expression.Lambda>(function);
+ yield return new KeyValuePair>(method.Name, lambda.Compile());
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/L5Sharp/Common/NeutralText.cs b/src/L5Sharp/Common/NeutralText.cs
index 34d28d2a..1cf1c35e 100644
--- a/src/L5Sharp/Common/NeutralText.cs
+++ b/src/L5Sharp/Common/NeutralText.cs
@@ -74,6 +74,14 @@ public NeutralText(string text)
/// An containing objects found in the text.
public IEnumerable Instructions() =>
Regex.Matches(_text, Instruction.Pattern).Select(m => Instruction.Parse(m.Value));
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public IEnumerable Instructions(string key) =>
+ Regex.Matches(_text, Instruction.Pattern).Select(m => Instruction.Parse(m.Value)).Where(i => i.Key == key);
/// Returns a collection of objects that were found in the current neutral text value.
diff --git a/src/L5Sharp/Elements/Block.cs b/src/L5Sharp/Elements/Block.cs
index 02534f4a..f72175f8 100644
--- a/src/L5Sharp/Elements/Block.cs
+++ b/src/L5Sharp/Elements/Block.cs
@@ -189,23 +189,13 @@ public IEnumerable Tags
public override IEnumerable References()
- var instruction = GetInstruction();
- var references = new List { new(Element, L5XName.Instruction, Type, instruction) };
- if (Operand is not null && Operand.IsTag)
- {
- references.Add(new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.Tag, Operand.ToString(), instruction));
- }
- foreach (var pin in Pins)
- {
- var endpoints = Endpoints(pin);
- var refs = endpoints.Where(e => e.IsTag)
- .Select(e => new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.Tag, e.ToString(), instruction));
- references.AddRange(refs);
- }
+ var references = new List { new(Element, L5XName.Instruction, Type) };
+ if (Operand is null || !Operand.IsTag)
+ return references;
+ references.Add(new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.Tag, Operand.ToString(), Type));
+ references.AddRange(Tags.Select(t => new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.Tag, t, Type)));
return references;
@@ -977,11 +967,11 @@ private static Block NewRoutine(string type, string routine, params string[] par
return new Block(element);
- private IEnumerable Endpoints(string? param = null)
+ private IEnumerable> Endpoints(string? param = null)
- if (Sheet is null) return Enumerable.Empty();
+ if (Sheet is null) return Enumerable.Empty>();
- var arguments = new List();
+ var arguments = new List>();
arguments.AddRange(GetInputs(Sheet, param));
arguments.AddRange(GetOutputs(Sheet, param));
@@ -989,9 +979,9 @@ private IEnumerable Endpoints(string? param = null)
return arguments;
- private IEnumerable GetInputs(Sheet sheet, string? param)
+ private IEnumerable> GetInputs(Sheet sheet, string? param)
- var arguments = new List();
+ var arguments = new List>();
var inputs = sheet.Wires().Where(w => w.IsTo(ID, param));
@@ -999,16 +989,23 @@ private IEnumerable GetInputs(Sheet sheet, string? param)
var block = sheet.Block(wire.FromID);
if (block is null) continue;
- var args = block.GetArguments(wire.FromParam);
- arguments.AddRange(args);
+ if (block.Type == L5XName.OCon)
+ {
+ arguments.AddRange(GetPair()?.Endpoints() ?? Enumerable.Empty>());
+ continue;
+ }
+ var arg = block.GetArguments(wire.FromParam);
+ arguments.Add(new KeyValuePair(arg, block.Type));
return arguments;
- private IEnumerable GetOutputs(Sheet sheet, string? param)
+ private IEnumerable> GetOutputs(Sheet sheet, string? param)
- var arguments = new List();
+ var arguments = new List>();
var wires = sheet.Wires().Where(w => w.IsFrom(ID, param));
@@ -1016,26 +1013,32 @@ private IEnumerable GetOutputs(Sheet sheet, string? param)
var block = sheet.Block(wire.ToID);
if (block is null) continue;
- var args = block.GetArguments(wire.ToParam);
- arguments.AddRange(args);
+ if (block.Type == L5XName.ICon)
+ {
+ arguments.AddRange(GetPair()?.Endpoints() ?? Enumerable.Empty>());
+ continue;
+ }
+ var arg = block.GetArguments(wire.ToParam);
+ arguments.Add(new KeyValuePair(arg, block.Type));
return arguments;
- private IEnumerable GetArguments(string? param = null)
+ private TagName GetArguments(string? param = null)
- return L5XType switch
+ var operand = Operand is not null && Operand.IsTag ? new TagName(Operand.ToString()) : TagName.Empty;
+ var parameter = param is not null ? new TagName(param) : TagName.Empty;
+ return TagName.Concat(operand, parameter);
+ /*return L5XType switch
- L5XName.IRef => new[] { Operand ?? Argument.Empty },
- L5XName.ORef => new[] { Operand ?? Argument.Empty },
- L5XName.ICon => GetPair()?.Endpoints() ?? Enumerable.Empty(),
- L5XName.OCon => GetPair()?.Endpoints() ?? Enumerable.Empty(),
- L5XName.Block => new[]
- {
- Operand is not null && param is not null ? TagName.Concat(Operand.ToString(), param) : Argument.Empty
- },
- L5XName.Function => new[] { Argument.Unknown },
+ L5XName.IRef => Operand is not null && Operand.IsTag ? (TagName)Operand : TagName.Empty,
+ L5XName.ORef => Operand is not null && Operand.IsTag ? (TagName)Operand : TagName.Empty,
+ L5XName.Block => Operand is not null && param is not null ? TagName.Concat(Operand.ToString(), param) : TagName.Empty,
+ L5XName.Function => param is not null ? new TagName(param) : Argument.Empty,
L5XName.AddOnInstruction => new[]
Operand is not null && param is not null ? TagName.Concat(Operand.ToString(), param) : Argument.Empty
@@ -1044,7 +1047,7 @@ private IEnumerable GetArguments(string? param = null)
L5XName.SBR => new[] { param is not null ? new TagName(param) : Argument.Empty },
L5XName.RET => new[] { param is not null ? new TagName(param) : Argument.Empty },
_ => new[] { Argument.Empty }
- };
+ };*/
@@ -1052,22 +1055,5 @@ private IEnumerable GetArguments(string? param = null)
private Block? GetPair() => Sheet?.Blocks().FirstOrDefault(b => b.ID != ID && Equals(b.Operand, Operand));
- ///
- /// Converts the current Block into an Instruction instance to be used for referencing.
- ///
- private Instruction GetInstruction()
- {
- var instruction = new Instruction(Type, Operand ?? Argument.Empty);
- if (Operand is null) return instruction;
- foreach (var pin in Pins)
- {
- instruction = instruction.Append(TagName.Concat(Operand.ToString(), pin));
- }
- return instruction;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/L5Sharp/Elements/Line.cs b/src/L5Sharp/Elements/Line.cs
index 34c5cb06..685329f5 100644
--- a/src/L5Sharp/Elements/Line.cs
+++ b/src/L5Sharp/Elements/Line.cs
@@ -49,15 +49,33 @@ public override IEnumerable References()
var references = new List();
- references.AddRange(Text.Tags()
- .Select(name => new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.Tag, name)));
+ foreach (var instruction in Text.Instructions())
+ {
+ references.Add(new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.Instruction, instruction.Key, instruction));
+ if (instruction.IsRoutineCall)
+ {
+ var routine = instruction.Arguments.FirstOrDefault()?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
+ references.Add(new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.Routine, routine, instruction));
+ var parameters = instruction.Arguments.Skip(1).Where(a => a.IsTag).Select(t => t.ToString());
+ references.AddRange(parameters.Select(p => new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.Tag, p, instruction)));
+ continue;
+ }
- references.AddRange(Text.Instructions()
- .Select(instruction => new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.AddOnInstructionDefinition, instruction.Key)));
+ if (instruction.IsTaskCall)
+ {
+ var task = instruction.Arguments.FirstOrDefault()?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
+ references.Add(new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.Task, task, instruction));
+ continue;
+ }
+ //todo other instructions like GSV SSV
+ references.AddRange(instruction.Text.Tags()
+ .Select(t => new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.Tag, t.ToString(), instruction)));
+ }
- //todo routines? Have to look for JSR and SBR, RET
- //todo modules? Have to look for tag names with ':'
return references;
diff --git a/src/L5Sharp/Elements/Rung.cs b/src/L5Sharp/Elements/Rung.cs
index 1644dfbb..e675f5a7 100644
--- a/src/L5Sharp/Elements/Rung.cs
+++ b/src/L5Sharp/Elements/Rung.cs
@@ -116,7 +116,9 @@ public override IEnumerable References()
foreach (var instruction in Text.Instructions())
- if (instruction.CallsRoutine)
+ references.Add(new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.Instruction, instruction.Key, instruction));
+ if (instruction.IsRoutineCall)
var routine = instruction.Arguments.FirstOrDefault()?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
references.Add(new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.Routine, routine, instruction));
@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ public override IEnumerable References()
- if (instruction.CallsTask)
+ if (instruction.IsTaskCall)
var task = instruction.Arguments.FirstOrDefault()?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
references.Add(new CrossReference(Element, L5XName.Task, task, instruction));
diff --git a/tests/L5Sharp.Tests/Common/InstructionTests.cs b/tests/L5Sharp.Tests/Common/InstructionTests.cs
index 93b58162..39bcbf62 100644
--- a/tests/L5Sharp.Tests/Common/InstructionTests.cs
+++ b/tests/L5Sharp.Tests/Common/InstructionTests.cs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ public class InstructionTests
public void New_ValidKey_ShouldNotBeNull()
- var instruction = new Instruction("Test");
+ var instruction = Instruction.New("Test");
@@ -17,25 +17,19 @@ public void New_ValidKey_ShouldNotBeNull()
public void New_ValidKey_ShouldHaveExpectedDefaults()
- var instruction = new Instruction("Test");
+ var instruction = Instruction.New("Test");
- instruction.Signature.Should().Be("()");
- instruction.IsConditional.Should().BeFalse();
- instruction.CallsRoutine.Should().BeFalse();
- instruction.CallsTask.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.Signature.Should().Be("Test()");
+ instruction.Operadns.Should().BeEmpty();
+ instruction.IsConditional.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsRoutineCall.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsTaskCall.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsValid.Should().BeTrue();
- [Test]
- public void Known_WhenCalled_ShouldNotBeEmpty()
- {
- var known = Instruction.Known();
- known.Should().NotBeEmpty();
- }
public void Keys_WhenCalled_ShouldNotBeEmpty()
@@ -47,73 +41,106 @@ public void Keys_WhenCalled_ShouldNotBeEmpty()
public void XIC_WhenCalled_ShouldBeExpectedProperties()
- var instruction = Instruction.XIC;
+ var instruction = Instruction.XIC("MyTag");
- instruction.Signature.Should().Contain("()");
+ instruction.Signature.Should().Be("XIC(data_bit)");
+ instruction.Arguments.Should().HaveCount(1);
+ instruction.Operadns.Should().HaveCount(1);
+ instruction.Text.Should().Be("XIC(MyTag)");
- instruction.CallsRoutine.Should().BeFalse();
- instruction.CallsTask.Should().BeFalse();
- instruction.Arguments.Should().BeEmpty();
- instruction.Text.Should().Be("XIC()");
+ instruction.IsRoutineCall.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsTaskCall.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsValid.Should().BeTrue();
public void OTE_WhenCalled_ShouldBeExpectedProperties()
- var instruction = Instruction.OTE;
+ var instruction = Instruction.OTE("MyTag");
- instruction.Signature.Should().Contain("()");
+ instruction.Signature.Should().Contain("OTE(data_bit)");
+ instruction.Arguments.Should().HaveCount(1);
+ instruction.Operadns.Should().HaveCount(1);
+ instruction.Text.Should().Be("OTE(MyTag)");
- instruction.CallsRoutine.Should().BeFalse();
- instruction.CallsTask.Should().BeFalse();
- instruction.Arguments.Should().BeEmpty();
- instruction.Text.Should().Be("OTE()");
+ instruction.IsRoutineCall.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsTaskCall.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsValid.Should().BeTrue();
- public void CallsRoutine_JSR_ShouldBeTrue()
+ public void TON_ValidArgs_ShouldHaveExpectedValues()
- var instruction = Instruction.JSR;
- instruction.CallsRoutine.Should().BeTrue();
+ var instruction = Instruction.TON("SomeTimer", 5000, 0);
+ instruction.Key.Should().Be("TON");
+ instruction.Signature.Should().Contain("TON(timer,preset,accum)");
+ instruction.Arguments.Should().HaveCount(3);
+ instruction.Operadns.Should().HaveCount(3);
+ instruction.Text.Should().Be("TON(SomeTimer,5000,0)");
+ instruction.IsConditional.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsRoutineCall.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsTaskCall.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsValid.Should().BeTrue();
- public void CallsTask_EVENT_ShouldBeTrue()
+ public void JSR_WhenCalled_ShouldBeExpectedProperties()
- var instruction = Instruction.EVENT;
- instruction.CallsTask.Should().BeTrue();
+ var instruction = Instruction.JSR("Routine", 1, "In1", "Out1");
+ instruction.Key.Should().Be("JSR");
+ instruction.Signature.Should()
+ .Contain("JSR(routine_name,number_of_inputs,input_1,input_n,return_1,return_n)");
+ instruction.Arguments.Should().HaveCount(4);
+ instruction.Operadns.Should().HaveCount(6);
+ instruction.Text.Should().Be("JSR(Routine,1,In1,Out1)");
+ instruction.IsConditional.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsRoutineCall.Should().BeTrue();
+ instruction.IsTaskCall.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsValid.Should().BeTrue();
- public void Of_XIC_ShouldHaveExpectedValues()
+ public void EVENT_WhenCalled_ShouldBeExpectedProperties()
- var instruction = Instruction.XIC.Of("MyTagKey");
+ var instruction = Instruction.EVENT("MyTask");
- instruction.Key.Should().Be("XIC");
- instruction.Signature.Should().Be("(MyTagKey)");
- instruction.IsConditional.Should().BeTrue();
- instruction.CallsRoutine.Should().BeFalse();
- instruction.CallsTask.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.Key.Should().Be("EVENT");
+ instruction.Signature.Should().Contain("EVENT(task)");
- instruction.Text.Should().Be("XIC(MyTagKey)");
+ instruction.Operadns.Should().HaveCount(1);
+ instruction.Text.Should().Be("EVENT(MyTask)");
+ instruction.IsConditional.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsRoutineCall.Should().BeFalse();
+ instruction.IsTaskCall.Should().BeTrue();
+ instruction.IsValid.Should().BeTrue();
- public void Of_TON_ShouldHaveExpectedValues()
+ public void Of_ValidArguments_ShouldHaveExpectedTextAndArgumentsAndBeValid()
- var instruction = Instruction.TON.Of("SomeTimer", 5000, 0);
+ var instruction = Instruction.XIC("MyTag");
- instruction.Key.Should().Be("TON");
- instruction.Signature.Should().Be("(SomeTimer,5000,0)");
- instruction.IsConditional.Should().BeFalse();
- instruction.CallsRoutine.Should().BeFalse();
- instruction.CallsTask.Should().BeFalse();
- instruction.Arguments.Should().HaveCount(3);
- instruction.Text.Should().Be("TON(SomeTimer,5000,0)");
+ instruction = instruction.Of("NewTag");
+ instruction.Arguments.Should().HaveCount(1);
+ instruction.Text.Should().Be("XIC(NewTag)");
+ instruction.IsValid.Should().BeTrue();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void Of_InvalidArgs_ShouldHaveExpectedTextAndArgumentsAndNotBeValid()
+ {
+ var instruction = Instruction.XIC("MyTag");
+ instruction = instruction.Of("NewTag", "InvalidTag");
+ instruction.Arguments.Should().HaveCount(2);
+ instruction.Text.Should().Be("XIC(NewTag,InvalidTag)");
+ instruction.IsValid.Should().BeFalse();
@@ -121,6 +148,9 @@ public void Of_TON_ShouldHaveExpectedValues()
[TestCase("TON(SomeTimer,5000,0);", "TON", 3)]
[TestCase("TON(SomeTimer,?,?);", "TON", 3)]
[TestCase("CMP(ATN(_Test) > 1.0);", "CMP", 1)]
+ [TestCase("JSR(Routine,2,in1,in2,out1,out2,out3);", "JSR", 7)]
+ [TestCase("SBR(Routine,in1,in2);", "SBR", 3)]
+ [TestCase("RET(Routine,out1,out2);", "RET", 3)]
public void Parse_ValidInput_ShouldHaveExpectedKeyAndArguments(string text, string key, int args)
var instruction = Instruction.Parse(text);
@@ -133,47 +163,24 @@ public void Parse_ValidInput_ShouldHaveExpectedKeyAndArguments(string text, stri
public void Parse_ExpressionTypeInput_ShouldThrowNewException()
- FluentActions.Invoking(() => Instruction.Parse("(SomeTag > 1.0)/100")).Should().Throw();
- }
- [Test]
- public void IsEquivalent_EqualInstructionSignatures_ShouldBeTrue()
- {
- var first = Instruction.XIC.Of("MyTag");
- var second = Instruction.XIC.Of("MyTag");
- var result = first.IsEquivalent(second);
- result.Should().BeTrue();
+ FluentActions.Invoking(() => Instruction.Parse("(SomeTag > 1.0)/100")).Should().Throw();
- [Test]
- public void IsEquivalent_SameKeyDifferentSignature_ShouldBeFalse()
- {
- var first = Instruction.XIC.Of("MyTag");
- var second = Instruction.XIC.Of("MyOtherTag");
- var result = first.IsEquivalent(second);
- result.Should().BeFalse();
- }
- public void IsEquivalent_DifferentKeySameSignature_ShouldBeFalse()
+ public void GetArgument_ValidOperand_ShouldNotBeNull()
- var first = Instruction.XIC.Of("MyTag");
- var second = Instruction.OTE.Of("MyTag");
+ var instruction = Instruction.ADD(1, 1, "Test");
- var result = first.IsEquivalent(second);
+ var argument = instruction.GetArgument("source_B");
- result.Should().BeFalse();
+ argument.Should().NotBeNull();
- public void Equals_EqualInstances_ShouldBeTrue()
+ public void Equals_AreEqual_ShouldBeTrue()
- var first = Instruction.XIC;
- var second = Instruction.XIC;
+ var first = Instruction.XIC("MyTag");
+ var second = Instruction.XIC("MyTag");
var result = first.Equals(second);
@@ -183,7 +190,7 @@ public void Equals_EqualInstances_ShouldBeTrue()
public void Equals_SameInstances_ShouldBeTrue()
- var first = Instruction.XIC;
+ var first = Instruction.XIC("MyTag");
// ReSharper disable once EqualExpressionComparison
var result = first.Equals(first);
@@ -194,7 +201,7 @@ public void Equals_SameInstances_ShouldBeTrue()
public void Equals_Null_ShouldBeFalse()
- var first = Instruction.XIC;
+ var first = Instruction.XIC("MyTag");
// ReSharper disable once EqualExpressionComparison
var result = first.Equals(null);
@@ -205,10 +212,10 @@ public void Equals_Null_ShouldBeFalse()
public void Equals_EqualString_ShouldBeTrue()
- var first = Instruction.TON;
+ var first = Instruction.XIC("MyTag");
// ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
- var result = first.Equals("TON");
+ var result = first.Equals("XIC(MyTag)");
@@ -216,19 +223,19 @@ public void Equals_EqualString_ShouldBeTrue()
public void EqualsOperator_EqualInstances_ShouldBeTure()
- var first = Instruction.XIC;
- var second = Instruction.XIC;
+ var first = Instruction.XIC("MyTag");
+ var second = Instruction.XIC("MyTag");
var result = first == second;
public void NotEqualsOperator_EqualInstances_ShouldBeFalse()
- var first = Instruction.XIC;
- var second = Instruction.XIC;
+ var first = Instruction.XIC("MyTag");
+ var second = Instruction.XIC("MyTag");
var result = first != second;
@@ -238,17 +245,19 @@ public void NotEqualsOperator_EqualInstances_ShouldBeFalse()
public void GetHasCode_WhenCalled_ReturnsHasOfKey()
- var instruction = Instruction.XIC;
+ var instruction = Instruction.XIC("MyTag");
var result = instruction.GetHashCode();
- result.Should().Be(instruction.Key.GetHashCode());
+ result.Should().Be(instruction.Text.GetHashCode());
- public void ToString_WhenCalled_ShouldBeKey()
+ public void ToString_WhenCalled_ShouldBeText()
- Instruction.OTE.ToString().Should().Be("OTE");
+ var text = Instruction.OTE("MyTag").ToString();
+ text.Should().Be("OTE(MyTag)");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/L5Sharp.Tests/Common/NeutralTextTests.cs b/tests/L5Sharp.Tests/Common/NeutralTextTests.cs
index fe5a4851..09de5210 100644
--- a/tests/L5Sharp.Tests/Common/NeutralTextTests.cs
+++ b/tests/L5Sharp.Tests/Common/NeutralTextTests.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-using System.Text;
-using AutoFixture;
+using AutoFixture;
using FluentAssertions;
using L5Sharp.Common;
@@ -174,7 +173,7 @@ public void InstructionsBy_WithExistingInstructionPresent_ShouldContainExpectedT
var text = new NeutralText(
- var result = text.Instructions(Instruction.XIC).ToList();
+ var result = text.Instructions("XIC").ToList();
@@ -186,9 +185,9 @@ public void InstructionsBy_WithExistingInstructionPresent_ShouldHaveExpectedCoun
var text = new NeutralText(
- var result = text.Instructions(Instruction.XIC);
+ var result = text.Instructions(Instruction.XIC("Tag.Status.Active"));
- result.Should().HaveCount(2);
+ result.Should().HaveCount(1);
@@ -226,22 +225,11 @@ public void TagsIn_OTE_ShouldHaveExpectedTagName()
var text = new NeutralText("[XIC(SomeBit),XIO(AnotherBit)]OTE(OutputBit);");
- var tagNames = text.TagsIn(Instruction.OTE);
+ var tagNames = text.TagsIn("OTE");
- [Test]
- public void HasPattern_ConcatenatedXICOTE_ShouldBeTrue()
- {
- var text = new NeutralText(
- "[XIC(Input_Data.Pt00.Data)OTE(Ch0.ChData),XIC(Input_Data.Pt00.Fault)OTE(Ch0.ChFault)];");
- var result = text.HasPattern(string.Concat(Instruction.XIC.Signature, Instruction.OTE.Signature));
- result.Should().BeTrue();
- }
public void StructuredText_New_ShouldNotBeNull()
diff --git a/tests/L5Sharp.Tests/ProofTesting.cs b/tests/L5Sharp.Tests/ProofTesting.cs
index 042b33e9..b1e293a4 100644
--- a/tests/L5Sharp.Tests/ProofTesting.cs
+++ b/tests/L5Sharp.Tests/ProofTesting.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Linq.Expressions;
+using System.Reflection;
using FluentAssertions;
+using L5Sharp.Common;
+using L5Sharp.Components;
using L5Sharp.Elements;
using L5Sharp.Samples;
@@ -13,10 +17,10 @@ public void HowLongDoesThisShitTake()
var content = L5X.Load(Known.LotOfTags);
var element = content.Serialize();
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
Console.WriteLine($"Elapsed: {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}");
@@ -27,18 +31,44 @@ public void Scratch()
var content = Logix.Load(Known.Test);
var sheet = content.Query().First();
- var references = sheet.References().ToList();
+ var references = sheet.References().Where(c => c.Type == nameof(Tag)).ToList();
+ [Test]
+ public void GetInstructionMethods()
+ {
+ var type = typeof(Instruction);
+ var method = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)
+ .FirstOrDefault(m => m.ReturnType == typeof(Instruction) && m.Name == "XIO");
+ var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Argument[]), "args");
+ var function = Expression.Call(method!, parameter);
+ var factory = Expression.Lambda>(function, parameter);
+ var instruction = factory.Compile().Invoke(new Argument[]{"MyTagName"});
+ instruction.Should().NotBeNull();
+ instruction.Key.Should().Be("XIO");
+ instruction.Signature.Should().Be("XIO(data_bit);");
+ instruction.Text.Should().Be("XIO(MyTagName)");
+ instruction.Arguments.Should().HaveCount(1);
+ }
public void Query()
var content = L5X.Load(Known.Example);
var test = content.Query().ToList().First();
var parent = test.Parent;