Mixins for fluid CSS properties
npm i wasser
Include it in your LESS files.
@import 'node_modules/wasser/wasser';
body {
.wasser(padding, 40);
The method interfaces are the same as for the SASS version.
.text {
In the following snippet the mixin is first imported, then some defaults are overwritten and finally a few properties assigned.
@import 'node_modules/wasser/wasser';
@wasser-scaling-ratio: 2;
@wasser-viewport-min: 500;
.example {
.wasser(padding, 50);
.wasser(margin-bottom, 50, 10);
The following output will be generated:
.example {
padding: calc(1.5625rem + (50 - 25) * (100vw - 31.1875rem) / (1500 - 500));
margin-bottom: calc(
0.625rem + (50 - 10) * (100vw - 31.1875rem) / (1500 - 500)
// Static value above the default viewport of 1500px
// (93.75rem === 1500px @16px/rem)
@media (min-width: 93.75rem) {
.example {
padding: 3.125rem;
// Below custom viewport of 500px
@media (max-width: 31.1875rem) {
.example {
padding: 1.5625rem;
// max value is used for print, to make it easily readable.
@media print {
.example {
padding: 3.125rem;
@media (min-width: 93.75rem) {
.example {
margin-bottom: 3.125rem;
@media (max-width: 31.1875rem) {
.example {
margin-bottom: 0.625rem;
@media print {
.example {
margin-bottom: 3.125rem;