- 35c439c: Add missing figma-related properties to the ThemeObject type
- e724106: Fix wrong union type, should be
and not&
- c38c1b9: BREAKING: $extensions['studio.tokens'] is now optional, modify inner prop is optional, $extensions is extendable with other namespaces, add originalType meta prop to studio.tokens namespace.
- 93f1cc3: Allow token value to be string for any token types, since it can always be a reference which is of type string.
- e994ecc: Add compatibility with W3C DTCG specification for design tokens.
- fc3badc: BREAKING: add strokeStyle token type and values enum, rename the following 3 type exports for consistency: BoxShadowUnion -> BoxShadowTypesUnion, ColorModifierUnion -> ColorModifierTypesUnion, ColorSpaceUnion -> ColorSpaceTypesUnion. Export union types for the enum constants that did not yet have one.
- 1bd2eaf: Add enums for complex token values
- 45729e2: Add group property to ThemeObject for multi-dimensional theming support.
- 4711628: Support nodenext module resolution compliance
- bb62787: Align SingleSpacingToken parameters, add it to SingleToken union type.
- d31aa41: Add format property to color modifier.
- 07e260c: Export enums through CJS/ESM entrypoints, as enums is not a type-level extension on JS, but rather, it contains actual constants (values).
- 9adca83: Export missing types.
- f1d051f: Add and pass Named generic from DeepKeyTokenMap to SingleToken Named generic.
- 9f4dc96: Add unions of enum types. Move constants re-exports to main entrypoint.
- 90e52b7: Expand certain types to also allow number to be passed in, if this is possible in CSS for example.
- ddb97a3: Initial release of reusable Tokens Studio type definitions.