There are several terms that will be helpful to understand as you work with DefectDojo.
This is the name of any project, program, team, or company that you are currently testing.
- Examples:
- OpenStack Neutron
- Internal wiki
- Hipchat
These can be business unit divisions, different offices or locations, or any other logical way of distinguishing "types" of products.
- Examples:
- Internal / 3rd Party
- Main company / Acquisition
- San Francisco / New York offices
These can be any sort of distinguishing characteristic about the type of testing that was done in an Engagement.
- Examples
- Functional
- Security
- Nessus Scan
- API test
These describe the environment that was tested in a particular Engagement.
- Examples
- Production
- Staging
- Stable
Engagements are moments in time when testing is taking place. They are associated with a name for easy reference, a time line, a lead (the user account of the main person conducting the testing), a test strategy, and a status.
- Examples
- Beta
- Quarterly PCI Scan
- Release Version X