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173 lines (151 loc) · 5.86 KB


A Concourse CI resource that executes docker-compose against a remote host.

See Docker Hub for tagged image versions available.

Resource Type Configuration

- name: docker-compose
  type: docker-image
    repository: troykinsella/concourse-docker-compose-resource
    tag: latest

Source Configuration

  • ca_certs: Optional. A list of objects having the following keys. Configures CA certificates for docker registry domains.

    • domain: The domain of the docker registry.
    • cert: The CA certificate for the domain.

    Each entry specifies the x509 CA certificate for the trusted docker registry residing at the specified domain. This is used to validate the certificate of the docker registry when the registry's certificate is signed by a custom authority (or itself).

    The domain should match the first component of repository, including the port.

  • host: Required. The hostname of the Docker host to connect to.

  • port: Optional. Default: 2376. The port on the Docker host to connect to.

  • registries: Optional. A list of objects having the following keys. Performs a docker login to the listed registries in order to pull images from private registries, for example.

    • host:
    • username:
    • password:
  • verbose: Optional. Default: false. Enable verbose output from docker-compose.


- name: docker-compose
  type: docker-compose
    - host:
      username: you
      password: 1nsecure
    - domain:
      cert: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----


check: No-Op

in: No-Op

out: Execute docker-compose


  • command: Optional. Default: up. Specify the command to run with docker-compose. Supported commands are:
    • down
    • kill
    • restart
    • start
    • stop
    • up
  • compose_file: Optional. Default: docker-compose.yml. Specify the name of the Compose file, relative to path.
  • env: Optional. Mutually exclusive with env_file. A map of key-value pairs which will be made available to the docker-compose execution as environment variables.
  • env_file: Optional. Mutually exclusive with env. A path to a file containing environment variables which will be made available to the docker-compose execution.
  • options: Optional. Supply command-specific options. Options names correlate to docker-compose command options.
    • down options:
      • rmi: String. Remove images. Type must be one of:
        • all: Remove all images used by any service.
        • local: Remove only images that don't have a custom tag set by the image field.
      • volumes: Boolean. Remove named volumes declared in the volumes section of the Compose file and anonymous volumes attached to containers.
      • remove_orphans: Boolean. Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file.
      • timeout: Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds.
    • kill options:
      • signal: SIGNAL to send to the container.
    • restart options:
      • timeout: Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds.
    • start options: (none)
    • stop options:
      • timeout: Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds.
    • up options:
      • no_deps: Boolean. Don't start linked services.
      • force_recreate: Boolean. Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven't changed.
      • no_recreate: Boolean. If containers already exist, don't recreate them. Incompatible with force_recreate and renew-anon-volumes.
      • renew-anon-volumes: Boolean. Recreate anonymous volumes instead of retrieving data from the previous containers.
      • remove_orphans: Boolean. Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file.
      • scale: Object of service name keys to scale integer values. Scale SERVICE to NUM instances. Overrides the scale setting in the Compose file if present. For example:
        • scale:
            service_a: 3
            service_b: 1
      • timeout: Use this timeout in seconds for container shutdown when attached or when containers are already running.
  • path: Optional. The directory in which docker-compose will be executed.
  • print: Optional. Default: false. Print the contents of the Compose file.
  • project: Optional. Specify the project name, which is prepended to container names.
  • pull: Optional. Default: false. Run docker-compose pull prior to executing the command.
  • services: Optional. Only relevant to the kill, restart, start, stop, and up commands. A list of services named in the Compose file on which docker-compose will operate.
  • wait_before: Optional. The number of seconds to wait (sleep) before executing docker-compose.
  • wait_after: Optional. The number of seconds to wait (sleep) after executing docker-compose.


# Extends example in Source Configuration

- name:
  - do:
    - get: code # git resource
    - put: docker-compose
        command: up
        compose_file: docker-compose.test-deps.yml
        path: code
        - service_a
            service_a: 1
        wait_after: 3 # Let services come up
    - task: integration tests
      file: ...
        source: code
      put: docker-compose
        command: down
        compose_file: docker-compose.test-deps.yml
        path: code
          volumes: true


MIT © Troy Kinsella