Query this Trust Registry about its recognition of another Trust Registry.
query Parameters
string <uri> (VID)
Filter in only the namespace requested - show all registries otherwise. The URI-based Verifiable Identifier (VID) (e.g. DID or X.509 VID). Allows reserved characters per RFC3986.
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@
" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS sc-ckdEwu LxEPk">
Get a list of DID Methods that are supported by a particular Governance Framework.
query Parameters
Array of objects (VIDMethodListType)
Provides a list of DID-methods that are supported by this trust registry. MAY include Maximum Assurance Level
+" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">
Provides a list of VID types (DID) methods that are supported by this trust registry. MAY include Maximum Assurance Level
that a DID Method is set at under the EGF.
"description": "Professional Signing (US) - Level of Assurance 2 - see EGF for definition, terms, obligations, liabilities, and indemnity"
Get a list of the assurance levels that are in use by this Trust Registry (and its governing EGF).
query Parameters
string <uri> (Uri)
The URI-based identifier of the Ecosystem Governance Framework that the assurance levels apply to. Allows reserved characters per RFC3986.
Do NOT escape the URI.
"description": "Level of Assurance 2 - see EGF for definition, terms, obligations, liabilities, and indemnity"
"AssuranceLevels": [
"identifier": "did:example:123",
"name": "LOA2",
"description": "Level of Assurance 2 - see EGF for definition, terms, obligations, liabilities, and indemnity"
"Authorizations": [
"identifier": "did:example:abc",
"simplename": "country:role"
"identifier": "did:example:abcd",
"simplename": "canada:professional:engineer"
"Namespaces": [
"identifier": "did:example:123",
"canonicalString": [
"egfURI": [
"description": "string"
"registries": [
"identifier": "did:example:123",
"name": "Professional Engineers Ontario",
"description": "Established on June 14, 1922, Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) is the licensing and regulating body for professional engineering in the province.",
"peerType": "peer"
"entities": [
"identifier": "did:example:123",
"authorizations": [
"identifier": "did:example:abc",
"simplename": "country:role"
"identifier": "did:example:abcd",
"simplename": "canada:professional:engineer"
"governanceFrameworkVID": "did:example:456",
"DIDDocument": "string",
"validity": {
"validFromDT": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"validUntilDT": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
"status": "current",
"statusDetail": "string"
"resources": [
"identifier": "did:example:123",
"name": "Professional Engineers Ontario",
"description": "Established on June 14, 1922, Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) is the licensing and regulating body for professional engineering in the province.",
"description": "Professional Signing (US) - Level of Assurance 2 - see EGF for definition, terms, obligations, liabilities, and indemnity"
"AssuranceLevels": [
"identifier": "did:example:123",
"assuranceLevel": "signingLOA2",
"description": "Professional Signing (US) - Level of Assurance 2 - see EGF for definition, terms, obligations, liabilities, and indemnity"
"Authorizations": {
"identifier": "did:example:abc",
"simplename": "country:role"
"Namespaces": [
"identifier": "did:example:123",
"canonicalString": "ca.issuer.driverlicense",
"egfURI": "did:example:GlobalDriverLicenseDID",
"description": "string"
"registries": [
"identifier": "did:example:123",
"name": "Professional Engineers Ontario",
"description": "Established on June 14, 1922, Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) is the licensing and regulating body for professional engineering in the province.",
"peerType": "peer"
"entities": [
"identifier": "did:example:123",
"authorizations": {
"identifier": "did:example:abc",
"simplename": "country:role"
"governanceFrameworkVID": "did:example:456",
"primaryTrustRegistryVID": "did:example:456",
"additionalTrustRegistries": [
"validity": {
"validFromDT": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"validUntilDT": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
"status": "current",
"statusDetail": "string"
"resources": [
"identifier": "did:example:123",
"name": "Professional Engineers Ontario",
"description": "Established on June 14, 1922, Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) is the licensing and regulating body for professional engineering in the province.",
"peerType": "peer"
Access a full data file that can be used offline.
Allows querying to determine the status of an Issuer, as identified by their Identifier (unique),
credential type, and EGF that they are operating under.