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1. Introduction

This document describes the idea behind Contrail Fabric Manager and VMware integration to manage VMware underlay networks and contains an overview of the design of Contrail vCenter Fabric Manager (CVFM).

2. Problem statement

The purpose of this project is to synchronize the configuration of VMware Distributed Portgroups with the configuration on TOR (Leaf) switch (like QFX) port connected to the host (ESXi) where this Distributed Port Groups have active instance of VM’s. This will allow customers to configure the VLAN on Distributed Port Group of the Distributed Virtual Switch and have that VLAN configuration reflect on the switch port connected to the host.

3. Proposed solution

vSphere API can be used to obtain events regarding any Distributed Virtual Portgroup configuration change in vCenter. This information can be read using pyVmomi (Python API library for vSphere) and used to update the VNC database with appropriate data (using python VNC API library). Then, the desired configuration can be propagated to the QFXs by the Device Manager.

4. Alternatives considered

5. API schema changes

6. UI changes

The following screenshots capture the use visible changes

- CVFM deployment during cluster provisioning setup

Case 1 - Provisioning

- CVFM deployment during cluster provisioning setup (HA mode)

Case 1 - Provisioning with HA

- CVFM deployment on brought up cluster

Case 2 - vCenter deployment

- CVFM update on brought up cluster

Case 2 - vCenter update

- Servers Discovery - ESXi hosts

Case 3 - Servers Discovery

7. Notification impact

8. Provisioning changes

Contrail vCenter Fabric Manager runs in separate docker container. That container is deployed using Contrail Ansible Deployer (CAD) through vcenter_fabric_manager role on contrail config node. Container requires access to config api and vCenter.

Sample instances.yaml for Contrail vCenter Fabric Manager

    ssh_user: root
    domainsuffix: local

    provider: bms

  CONTAINER_REGISTRY: opencontrailnightly

  VCENTER_USERNAME: administrator@vsphere.local
  VCENTER_WSDL_PATH: /usr/src/contrail/contrail-web-core/webroot/js/vim.wsdl

9. Implementation

Contrail vCenter Fabric Manager (CVFM) running on the config node of the contrail will perform the necessary tasks to achieve the automatic configuration and deletion of the VLANs on Switch Port based on the VLANs configured on the Distributed Port Groups of a Distributed Virtual Switch.

Contrail vCenter Fabric Manager (CVFM) will have the following behavior:

  1. Plugin communicates with vCenter to listen to all the events related to vCenter like Port Group create/delete, VM create/delete, etc.
  2. Plugin communicates with CFM to get the mapping between ESXi host and Switch Port (QFX).
  3. Plugin communicates with CFM to configure the Switch Port with VLANs corresponding to Port Group VLANs configured on Distributed Virtual Switch.


  • Not modifying the vSphere attributes if any required to handle the event/notifications from underlay.
  • vCenter DVS will be independent for vCenter Fabric manager and Contrail vCenter Manager.
  • Topology change requires CVFM plugin restart
  • CVFM only supports Port Groups with a single VLAN ID (no support for VLAN trunking or private VLAN)

Example Use Case Workflow

Example vCenter topology and corresponding CFM data model

vCenter Topology - Use Case 1 CFM Data Model - Use Case 1

Contrail Fabric Manager (CFM) workflow at high level

  1. Professional service will run the scripts to capture the topology and run the Brownfield fabric onboarding workflow to onboard TOR switches and physical interfaces into the CFM database.
  2. User creates JSON/YAML topology import file information to run the server topology import workflow in the UI. Sample JSON/YAML file looks as follows:
- name: node32
  node_type: esxi
    - name: eth0
      mac_address: 0c:c4:7a:6c:d8:92
      switch_name: qfx1
      dvs_name: dvs_dummy
      port_name: xe-0/0/1
      switch_id: 3c:61:04:63:0e:80
    - name: eth1
      mac_address: 90:e2:ba:c1:cc:5d
      switch_name: 5b12-ex3
      dvs_name: dvs_dummy2
      switch_id: d0:07:ca:2b:f2:00
      port_name: xe-0/0/2
- name: node33
  node_type: esxi
    - name: eth0
    mac_address: 0c:c4:7a:6c:d8:93
    switch_name: qfx2
    port_name: xe-0/0/3
    dvs_name: dvs_dummy
    switch_id: 3c:61:04:63:0e:81
    - name: eth1
    mac_address: 90:e2:ba:c1:cc:5a
    switch_name: 5b12-ex4
    switch_id: d0:07:ca:2b:f2:01
    port_name: xe-0/0/4
    dvs_name: dvs_dummy2
  • Port object created by topology discovery/import module will capture the DVS info.
  • Server import module will populate the following object in the data model:
    • End system (ES1) - Port1 - PI1 - PR1
    • End system (ES2) - Port2 - PI2 - PR2

Contrail vCenter Fabric Manager (CVFM) call flow at high level

  1. When Port Group is created CVFM plugin will create a Fabric VN corresponding to it. VN name will be in this format: <DVS name>_<PG name>. When we receive the create event for PG1, we create the Fabric VN (DVS1_PG1). Similarly for when we receive the create event for PG2, we create the corresponding Fabric VN (DVS1_PG2).
  2. When the first VM (VM1) is launched on PG1 on End System (ES1), CVFM plugin will walk the data model starting from End System (ES1) up to PI (PI1) and will create the VMI which is unique per <End system>_<DVS>_<PG> so in this case VMI will be ES1_DVS1_PG1.
    Before creating VMI we will check if VPG with name ES1_DVS1 exists, if not we will create a new VPG with name ES1_DVS1, this VPG will have no references to any PI (physical interfaces) at this point. In this case the VPG will not exist so we will create it. DVS information will be retrieved from Port Object’s field. VMI creation will be taking parameters PI (PI1), VN (DVS1_PG1) and VLAN (100 of PG1), and VPG (ES1_DVS1). VPG (ES1_DVS1) at this point will have PI1 as physical interface.
  3. When the second VM (VM2) is launched on PG1 on End System (ES2), CVFM plugin will walk the data model starting from End System (ES2) up to PI (PI2) and will create the VMI which is unique per <End system>_<DVS>_<PG> so in this case VMI will be ES2_DVS1_PG1. Before creating VMI we will check if VPG with name ES2_DVS1 exists, if not we will create a new VPG with name ES2_DVS1, this VPG will have no references to any PI (physical interfaces) at this point. In this case the VPG will not exist so we will create it. DVS information will be retrieved from Port Object’s field. VMI creation will be taking parameters PI (PI2), VN (DVS1_PG1) and VLAN (100 of PG1), and VPG (ES2_DVS1). VPG (ES2_DVS1) at this point will have PI2 as physical interface.
  4. When the first VM (VM3) is launched on PG2 on End System (ES1), CVFM plugin will walk the data model starting from End System (ES1) up to PI (PI1) and will create the VMI which is unique per <End system>_<DVS>_<PG> so in this case VMI will be ES1_DVS1_PG2. Before creating VMI we will check if VPG with name ES1_DVS1 exists, if not we will create a new VPG with name ES1_DVS1, this VPG will have no references to any PI (physical interfaces) at this point. In this case VPG, ES1_DVS1 will exist, so we will use it. DVS information will be retrieved from Port Object’s field. VMI creation will be taking parameters PI (PI1), VN (DVS1_PG2) and VLAN (200 of PG2), and VPG (ES1_DVS1).
  5. When the second VM (VM4) is launched on PG2 on End System (ES2), CVFM plugin will walk the data model starting from End System (ES2) up to PI (PI2) and will create the VMI which is unique per <End system>_<DVS>_<PG> so in this case VMI will be ES2_DVS1_PG2. Before creating VMI we will check if VPG with name ES2_DVS1 exists, if not we will create a new VPG with name ES2_DVS1, this VPG will have no references to any PI (physical interfaces) at this point. In this case VPG, ES2_DVS1 will exist, so we will use it. DVS information will be retrieved from Port Object’s field. VMI creation will be taking parameters PI (PI2), VN (DVS1_PG2), VLAN (200 of PG2), and VPG (ES2_DVS1).
  6. When the VM (VM1) is deleted on ES1, CVFM plugin will receive the VM delete event and determine that it’s the last VM on Port Group (PG1) on End System (ES1). Since it’s the last VM, we will get the VMI which was created and call VMI delete with VMI (ES1_DVS1_PG1), CVFM module should walk the data model and delete the VMI (ES1_DVS1_PG1). VPG will be deleted when the last VMI on the VPG is deleted.
  7. When the VM (VM2) is deleted on ES2, CVFM plugin will receive the VM delete event and determine that it’s the last VM on Port Group (PG1) on End System (ES2). Since it’s the last VM, we will get the VMI which was created and call VMI delete with VMI (ES2_DVS1_PG1), CVFM module should walk the data model and delete the VMI (ES2_DVS1_PG1) and VN (DVS1_PG1).
  8. When the VM (VM3) is deleted on ES1, CVFM plugin will receive the VM delete event and determine that it’s the last VM on Port Group (PG2) on End System (ES1). Since it’s the last VM, we will get the VMI which was created and call VMI delete with VMI (ES1_DVS1_PG2) , CVFM module should walk the data model and delete the VMI(ES1_DVS1_PG2).
  9. When the VM (VM4) is deleted on ES2, CVFM plugin will receive the VM delete event and determine that it’s the last VM on Port Group (PG2) on End System (ES2). Since it’s the last VM, we will get the VMI which was created and call VMI delete with VMI (ES2_DVS1_PG2), CVFM module should walk the data model and delete the VMI (ES2_DVS1_PG2) and VN (DVS1_PG2).
  10. When PG1 is deleted, CVFM plugin will call CFM to delete the VN (DVS1_PG1). Since DPG are deleted only after all the VM’s are deleted we don’t have to maintain any reference for deleting VN’s.
  11. When PG2 is deleted, CVFM plugin will call CFM to delete the VN (DVS1_PG2). Since DPG are deleted only after all the VM’s are deleted we don’t have to maintain any reference for deleting VN’s

To perform those actions the application uses vCenter event mechanism. The application shall register for specific events and VM properties.

Contrail vCenter Fabric Manager (CVFM) synchronization at high level

Before the plugin starts to work in ‘incremental mode’ by reacting for vCenter events, it has to perform a synchronization. The goal of it is to update VNC API state with brownfield vCenter state after deployment or a downtime.

Note: This section describes internal CVFM behavior - the effects of actions listed below are not directly visible to the end user.

  1. Calculate list of supported Distributed Virtual Switches (DVS) basing on Port objects in VNC API.
  2. Create mapping from (esxi name, dvs name) to list of physical interfaces that should be connected to VPG with name esxi-name_dvs-name.
  3. Populate local database with all DPGs from vCenter under supported DVSes.
  4. For every DPG under supported DVS create corresponding VN object in VNC if it does not exist.
  5. Populate local database with all VMs from vCenter under datacenter from config file.
  6. Create lacking VPGs in VNC based on collected VMs and DPGs.
  7. Validate all VPGs in VNC in terms of attached Physical Interfaces (PI). If given VPG doesn’t have actual PIs, CVFM will update it to current topology state.
  8. Create lacking VMIs based on collected VMs and DPGs.
  9. Validate all VMIs is VNC in terms of subinterface_vlan_tag value. If this value is not up-to-date, CVFM will recreate such VMI with current VLAN.
  10. Delete stale VMIs from VNC (e.g. VMI esxi-1_dvs-1_dpg-1 is stale when there is no VMs on esxi-1 connected to dpg-1).
  11. Delete stale VPGs from VNC (e.g. VPG esxi-1_dvs-1 is stale when there is no VMs on esxi-1 connected to dvs-1).
  12. Delete stale VNs from VNC (e.g. VN dvs-1_dpg-1 is stale when dpg-1 doesn’t exist under dvs-1).

Topology change

It is possible for the topology of the fabric network to be changed in VNC API during plugin’s runtime. When this happens, it is necessary that the plugin performs the synchronization process to update the list of available switches and physical interfaces. To make this possible, the plugin gets a message via RabbitMQ whenever a change is made in VNC API. Once a topology change is detected, the synchronization process is triggered.

10. Performance and scaling impact

11. Upgrade

12. Deprecations

13. Dependencies

14. Testing

Unit tests

The project repository will contain a suite of unit tests prepared by developers to verify that each code component works as expected on mocked data.

Functional tests

The project repository will contain a suite of functional tests prepared by developers and meant to be run against a working instance of Config API node. These tests will use mocked data as vSphere Events and verify that a proper configuration is being pushed to VNC database.

15. Documentation Impact

16. References