##[0.2.16] - [2016-05-29] ###Added
- Added support for lexical closures
##[0.2.15] - [2016-03-18] ###Added
- vector-ref to get the element of a vector at index. ##[0.2.14] - [2016-03-18] ###Added
- Now you can use scheme reader literals, when red from strings, using the sanitize-scm->clj and print-clj->scm from the tools namespace.
- Added vectors, with scheme reader literals #(...) using the above functions from the above namespace. under the hood, they are just Clojure vectors. ###Fixed
- Fixed applying s-exp that evaluate to lambdas.
##[0.2.13] - [2016-02-24] ###Added
- Added assoc (assoc 'a '((a 1)(b 2)...)) => '(a 1)
- Added alist-cons
- Added length
- Added cadr, cddr, etc... functions
- No such things as improper lists (for now). (cons atom atom) => error
##[0.2.12] - [2016-02-17] ###Added
- Added variadic lambda in name and dotted form.
- Added define (proc args)... procedure declaration form. ###Fixed
- Now you can cons into non seq elements, though there is still no proper/improper list distinction in scheje.
##[0.2.11] - [2016-02-10] ###Fixed
- Fixed Scheje REPLs comments processing.
##[0.2.10] - [2016-02-10] ###Fixed
- Fixed Scheje version shown in the REPLs' invite.
##[0.2.9] - [2016-02-10] ###Fixed
- Fixed eval-prog to properly work with the changes introduced in 0.2.7
##[0.2.8] - [2016-02-10] ###Fixed
- Changed env update when we eval a program. now we use swap!/merge (we used to erroneously do reset!)
##[0.2.7] - [2016-02-10] ###Fixed
- Fixed a bug in program evaluations which was not recording their order properly.
##[0.2.6] - [2016-02-09] ###Added
- ClojureScript support using reader conditionals
- a REPL based on node.js
##[0.2.5] - [2016-02-08] ###Added
- Now you can play around with scheje using its little incorporated REPL.
##[0.2.4] - [2016-02-06] ###Added
- set!, named let, let*, letrec(let), and letrec(let*)* - see test files for samples.
- more tests
- Now symbols containing reserved characters can't be used. This fixes corner cases for macro expansion.
- Hygienic macro-expansion inspired by the KFFD algorithm
- Exception throwing and handling in evaluation
- Enhanced scoping of symbols to avoid clashes caused by symbols introduced by macros.
0.2.1 - [2016-02-02]
- quasiquote, unquote, unquote-splicing, and, or
- Now vars used in macros are stored in their proper scope, so they don't pile up across successive calls to same macros.
- Now scheje uses eval/apply approach. More maintainable, it can now also be used as a ClojureScript library, as it evals lists of symbols, not macros as in the 0.1.0 Version. Besides, its usage of a dedicated execution environment can make it scale to a proper programming language, as it now departs from relying on Clojure internals for evaluation, as it was the case when it was using macros.
- define-syntax works (more or less) properly. now symbols before ellipsis are properly parsed and can be respectively used in syntax-rules templates. Now, it uses unification to find relevant patterns to apply to input, and rules are stored in the execution environment.
- First version of the interpreter, using Clojure macros. Mainly a working version of the work done as TNTeam's entry for Clojure Cup 2015.