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grip -- A Golang Logging Library

q Overview --------

Grip is a high level logging and message system for providing a single solution for structured logging, notification, and message sending.

  1. Provide a common logging interface with support for multiple output/messaging backends.
  2. Provides tools for collecting structured logging information.

You just get a grip, folks.


grip declares its dependencies via go modules. The top level grip package provides global logging functions that use a global logging interface. You can also use the logging package to produce logger objects with the same interface to avoid relying on a global logger.

Grip is available under the terms of the Apache License (v2.)



Grip provides two main interfaces:

  • The send.Sender interfaces which implements sending messages to various output sources. Provides sending as well as the ability to support error handling, and message formating support.
  • The message.Composer which wraps messages providing both "string" formating as well as a "raw data" approach for structured data. With the message.Base implementation, it becomes possible to implement Composer for arbitrary payloads within your application, which may be useful for metrics payloads.

Additionally, there are a couple of types for convenience: the grip.Logger type provides a basic leveled application logging that uses Sender implementations, and message.Builder provides a chainable interface for building log messages.


  • Provide exceptional high-level interfaces for logging and metrics collection, with great ergonomics that simplify applications and operational stories.
  • Integrate with other logging systems (e.g. standard library logging, standard output of subprocesses, other libraries, etc.) to accommodate most usecases.
  • Minimize operational complexity and dependencies for having robust logging (e.g. make it possible to log effectively from within a program without requiring log relays or collection agents.)

Performance is not explicitly a goal, although reasonable performace should be possible and architectures should always be possible that prevent the logger from becoming a performance bottleneck in applications.


Global Logger

Following the standard library, and other logging packages, the top-level grip package has a "global" logger, that you can use without any configuration, and that wraps the standard library's global logging instance. The global functions in this package have the same signatures and types as the methods of the Logger type. The SetGlobalLogger allows you to override the global logger: note, however, that this function (and the functions,) are not thread-safe when used relative to each other, so only use SetGlobalLogger during process configuration and minimize the amount of logger re-configuration your application does.

For many applications, using and passing a copy of the Logger you want to use is preferable.


Logger instances simply wrap Sender instances and most of the configuration (e.g. levels and threshold) are actually properties of the messages and the sender. If you want to create a new logger that is a "child" of an existing logger, consider something like:

// new logger instance wrapping the sender instance from the global logger
// this is just for the sake of example:
logger := grip.NewLogger(grip.Sender())

// create new logger that annotates all messages
subLogger := grip.NewLogger(send.MakeAnnotating(
            "module": "http",
            "pid":    os.Getpid(),

Similarly, you could create an annotating logger that sent to two output targets:

multiLogger := grip.NewLogger(send.MakeMulti(
                "module": "http",
                "pid":    os.Getpid(),

While this specific example may not be useful (send all messages to the standard logger output, and also send message to the annotating sender,) but this kind of configuration can be useful if you want to filter messages of different types to different outputs, or write messages to a local output (e.g. standard output, standard error, system journal, etc.) as well as a remote service (e.g. splunk, sumo logic, etc.).

The x Packages

In an effort to reduce the impact for downstream users of additional dependencies, the x package includes code that relies on third party libraries to provide metrics collecting functionality as well as novel mechanisms for sending messages. It's possible to use senders and loggers, to propogate messages over email and sump, as well as using grip as an interface to send logs directly to external aggregation services, such as splunk.

Features implemented here include:

  • sending sumologic/splunk messages directly.
  • sending messages directly to syslog and/or the systemd journal.
  • desktop notifications
  • slack messages
  • creating jira tickets and commenting on jira issues
  • creating github issues and updating github statuses
  • sending email messages
  • message payloads the capture system metrics: - go runtime metrics - process-tree metrics - single process metrics.

While the core of grip only has dependency on a single library, fun, the packages in the x hierarchy do have external dependencies. However, the project and go mod files are structured so that these libraries are managed by different go mod files and can be versioned separately.


Senders all wrap some sort of output target, which is at some level an io.Writer or similar kind of interface. The send package contains a number of different configurations (standard error, standard output, files, etc.) as well as 1additional tools for managing output targets, notably:

  • converters for Sender implementations to io.Writer instances.
  • connections with standard library logging tools.
  • buffering and asynchronous senders to reduce backpressure from loggers and to batch workloads to (potentially) slower senders.
  • multi sender tools, to manage a group of related outputs.

Senders also permit configurable formating hooks and error handling hooks.


The Composer interface is used for all messages, and provides a flexible (and simple!) interface to create arbitrary messages, which can be particularly useful for producing structured logging messages from your application types. Fundamentally, most Composer implementations should be lazy, and require minimal runtime resources in the case that the messages aren't loggable, either as a result of their content (missing or not rising to the threshold of loggability,) or because of the priority thresholds on the logger/sender itself.

The message package provides a collection of implementations and features, including:

  • a Base type which you can compose in your own Composer implementations which provides most of the implementation interface and holds some basic message metadata (level, timestamp, pid, hostname.) As a result implementors only need to implement Loggable, String and Raw methods.
  • a GroupMessage that provides a bundle of messages, which sender implementations can use to batch output. Additionally, the Wrap and Unwrap methods provide a stack-based approach to grouping messages.
  • the Builder type provides a chainable interface for creating and sending log messages, which is integrated into the grip.Logger interface.
  • Conditional or When messages allow you to embed logging conditions in the message, which can simplify the call site for logging messages.
  • Error wrappers that convert go error objects into log messages, which are non-loggable when the error is nil, with an error-wrapping function that makes it possible to annotate messages.
  • Logging functions, or producers, which are functions that produce messages, or errors and are only called when the message loggable (e.g. for priority level thresholds).


Future Work

Grip is relatively stable, though there are additional features and areas of development:

  • structured metrics collection. This involves adding a new interface as a superset of the Composer interface, and providing ways of filtering these messages out to provide better tools for collecting diagnostic data from applications.
  • additional Sender implementations to support additional output formats and needs.
  • better integration with recent development in error wrapping in the go standard library.
  • Shims for other popular logging frameworks to facilitate migrations and provide grip users to the benefits of existing infrastructure without requiring large refactoring.

If you encounter a problem please feel free to create a github issue or open a pull request.


Grip originated as a personal project, and became the default logging and messaging tool for Evergreen and related projects at MongoDB's release infrastructure developer productivity organization.

This fork removes some legacy components and drops support older versions of Golang, thereby adding support for modules. Additionally the x hierarchy contains many external integrations that were previously in the main package. These reorganizations should improve performance and dependency management and make it easier to stablize releases.