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Characters choose a feat at 1st level, and at every subsequent level.

Feats appear in three tiers: Adventurer Tier Feats, Champion Tier Feats, and Epic Tier Feats. Adventurer Tier Feats are available to any character between level 1 and level 10. Champion Tier:s are available starting at level 5. Epic Tier Feats are available starting at level 8.

Feats per Level

Level Adv. # Cham. # Epic #
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 4 1
6 4 2
7 4 3
8 4 3 1
9 4 3 2
10 4 3 3

Since humans start with an additional feat at 1st level, add one to the number of adventurer tier feat's humans possess all the way up the chart.

Most of the feats in the game are attached to specific class talents, attacks, and spells. If a feat is attached to a talent, power, or spell, you must have the talent, power, or spell in order to choose the feat. When there is more than one feat attached to a specific talent or power, you have to choose the lower tier feats before you pick up the higher tier feats.

General Feats

These are general feats available to any character. A character can't take a specific feat more than once. A few general feats only have adventurer-tier versions; others also have champion- and epic-tier versions that can be added later in your career.


Adventurer Tier

Add a total of 2 points to skills you already have, or choose 2 points of new skills that make sense for your character. You still can't go over the 5-point-per-skill maximum.

Champion Tier

Add a total of 3 points to skills you already have, or choose 3 points of new skills that make sense for your character. You still can't go over the 5-point-per-skill maximum.

Epic Tier

Add a total of 2 points to skills you already have, or choose 2 points of new skills that make sense for your character. These points can take one of your skills over 5, to a maximum of 7.

Improved Initiative

Adventurer Tier

Gain a +4 bonus to Initiative checks.


Champion Tier

Gain a +5 bonus to Initiative checks.


Epic Tier

Gain a +6 bonus to Initiative checks.


Adventurer Tier

This feat allows you to speak enough of the standard humanoid languages to comprehend enough of what most other humanoids are saying or screaming during battle. You are not fluent in all these languages, no one will mistake you for a native speaker, and your vocabulary is adventurer-centric (heavy on words connected to danger rather than philosophy or emotions).

You can also read enough to get by in all these languages.

Champion Tier

You can speak, read, and write all the humanoid languages fluently. Stranger languages are no problem for you either. If someone is speaking it, you can figure it out.

Precise Shot

Adventurer Tier

When your ranged attack targets an enemy who is engaged with an ally, you have no chance of hitting that ally.

Rapid Reload

Adventurer Tier

Reloading a heavy crossbow now takes only a quick action. Reloading a hand or light crossbow is a free action.

Reach Tricks

Once per battle, tell the GM how you are using your weapon's reach to perform an unexpected stunt with a reach weapon such as a long spear or halberd. To use the stunt, you must roll a 6+ on a d20.

Ritual Casting

Adventurer Tier

You can cast any spells you know as rituals. Classes that are already ritual casters (cleric, wizard) don't need this feat. (See Rituals for ritual casting rules.)

Skill Escalation

Adventurer Tier

Twice per full recovery, you can add the escalation die to one of your skill checks. Choose after you roll the check.

Strong Recovery

Adventurer Tier

When you roll recovery dice, add +3 to the result. At champion tier, add +6 instead. At epic tier, add +12 instead.


Adventurer Tier

You get additional hit points equal your baseline class hit points (rounded down). At champion tier, the total hp bonus increases to double your baseline hp value. At epic tier, the total hp bonus increases to triple your baseline hp value.

Ambush Leader

Adventurer Tier

When you succeed on a skill check to avoid getting noticed, your allies gain a +3 bonus to the same skill check this scene.


Adventurer Tier

When you make a skill check based on Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, you can reroll a natural 2 on the d20 roll and take the second result instead.


Adventurer Tier


Everybody has a price, and you know it intuitively. Before making a skill check to influence an NPC, you can check with the GM what sum of money, item, service or favor that NPC would take to be more favorable. If you can offer it, reduce the difficulty of the check by one step (-5).


Adventurer Tier

Once per battle, you can move to engage a nearby enemy as part of a melee attack. When you do, enemies other than the target of your attack have advantage on attack rolls against you until the start of your next turn.

Champion Tier

You gain a +1 bonus to attack against the target of your charge.

Epic Tier

When you charge, you cannot be intercepted.

Cling to Life

Champion Tier

When you roll a death save, on an 11 to 15, you remain unconscious, but the save does not count as a failed death save. Only a 10 or less brings you closer to dying.

Full Defense

Adventurer Tier

As a standard action, you can grant yourself a +4 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.


Adventurer Tier

When you make a skill check based on Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, you can reroll a natural 2 on the d20 roll and take the second result instead.


Adventurer Tier

When you beat a skill check by 5 points or more, you get a result as if you had beaten a skill check that is a difficulty step harder. The GM should allow you to narrate that additional effect accordingly.

Exploration Leader

Adventurer Tier

When you succeed on a skill check to overcome a physical obstacle, like climbing a wall, jumping across a chasm, or swimming across a river, your allies gain a +3 bonus to their checks to overcome the same obstacle this scene.

Favorite Spell

Adventurer Tier

Choose one of your spells that is not an at-will spell. You can use multiple spell slots on it, instead of only one.

Font of Magic

Champion Tier

You gain a +1 bonus to recharge rolls for recharge after battle spells.

Font of Power

Champion Tier

You gain a +1 bonus to recharge rolls for recharge after battle powers.


Adventurer Tier

You are the rightful owner of a magic item that has been passed down in your family (your religion, your martial tradition) from generation to generation. Choose an adventurer-level true magic item (with the GM’s approval). It does not count against your limit of magic items for quirk effects. At champion tier, upgrade the item to champion tier, and at 8th level, to epic tier.

Relationship Lore

Adventurer Tier

When you make a skill check related to a relationship you have, for example regarding its history, followers, or organization, gain a +1 bonus for each positive relationship point with it.

Improved Resistance

Adventurer Tier

Choose one of your resistances (if any), and increase it by 2, up to a maximum of 18+.

Improved Two-Weapon Fighting

Epic Tier

When wielding two weapons, you can reroll your attack on a natural 3.

Improvised Weapon Proficiency

Adventurer Tier

No matter what situation you’re in, you can pretty much always grab something to fight with. Tell the GM about an item nearby that makes sense for the location you are in. It is there. The GM decides the appropriate weapon category. For example, a barstool would be a two-handed simple weapon (d6), a hot fire poker a one-handed martial weapon (d8), and so on. You fight with the item as if it was a proper weapon of that type, using the attack penalty (if any) as per your class.

Minor Magic

Adventurer Tier

Learn one cantrip from the wizard list (Core Book p. 147) per point of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (whichever is highest). You can cast one cantrip per battle, or once every 5 minutes.

Monster Lore

Adventurer Tier

Once per battle, you can ask the GM one question about a creature’s mechanics that they will answer truthfully, such as “Is its PD or MD higher?”, “Does it have resistances or vulnerabilities?”, or “What type of element are its attacks?” The GM can provide a rough description instead of specific numbers.

Negotiation Leader

Adventurer Tier

When you succeed on a skill check to interact with an NPC, your allies gain a +3 bonus to skill checks regarding that NPC this scene.

Nimble Feet

Adventurer Tier

You gain a +1 bonus to disengage checks.

Champion Tier

If you roll a natural 20 on a disengage check, you can move to a far away location as part of that action.

Paragon of Your People

Epic Tier

You can use your species power twice per battle (if it can normally be used once per battle).


Adventurer Tier

You have advantage on skill checks to notice something with any of your senses.

Poker Face

Adventurer Tier

When you roll a natural even failure on a skill check to bluff, lie, deceive, or bend the truth, you can reroll the check once.

Raw Muscle

Adventurer Tier

You have advantage on skill checks that require raw muscle strength, such as bending metal bars or lifting heavy gates.

Shield Proficiency

Adventurer Tier

You don’t take the attack penalty from your class when wielding a shield.

Spell Focus

Adventurer Tier

Choose one of your spells that is not an at-will spell. Gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with it.

Thrill of the Kill

Requires: Relationship a Lich

Adventurer Tier

When you kill a non-mook enemy, you gain temporary hit points equal to the enemy’s level.

Unusual Implement

Required: Spellcaster

Adventurer Tier

Choose a magic item type that your class normally can’t use as an implement. For example, if your bard casts their spells through dancing, you might pick boots. You can use that type of item as a spellcasting implement, i.e. you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage with your spells per tier. You can still only get that bonus from one implement at a time.

Unusual Training

Requires: A class feature or talent that gives you access to spells or powers of a class other than your own

Adventurer Tier

Replace all mentions of the secondary class with another class. For example, swap a sorcerer’s Access to Wizardry from wizard to necromancer.

Weapon Focus

Adventurer Tier

Choose one weapon category, such as one-handed light melee weapons, that you can use without attack penalty. You deal extra damage with this type of weapon equal to half your level, rounded up.


Adventurer Tier

You have advantage on skill checks regarding the lore, culture, and traditions of any region or culture.

Zombie Slayer

Adventurer Tier

You have a +2 bonus to your critical threat range against zombies, and +1 against other undead.