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Strongholds are an optional objective for the heroes to pursue. They are a place where the heroes can rest, recover, and prepare for the next adventure. They are also a place where the heroes can recruit new allies, and where they can train and improve their skills.
Heroes must be at least champion tier and acquire some workforce to build the stronghold. When choosing a Stronghold to build, the class associated with that stronghold must currently be in the party and the workforce must agree to build that stronghold as relevant.
If the heroes find destroyed or abandoned stronghold, they can repair it for half the usual cost and time it would normally take, so long as that stronghold is the same type as the original.
Stronghold | Associated Class | Cost (GP)* | Time (Days)* |
Camp | Barbarian | 1000 | 30 |
Chapel | Paladin | 6000 | 180 |
Establishment | Rogue | 3000 | 90 |
Fane | Occultist | 4000 | 120 |
Fortress | Warlord | 7500 | 225 |
Graveyard | Necromancer | 3000 | 90 |
Grove | Druid | 2000 | 60 |
Keep | Fighter | 5000 | 150 |
Library | Wizard | 3000 | 90 |
Lodge | Ranger | 3000 | 90 |
Monastery | Monk | 4000 | 120 |
Sanctum | Psion | 5000 | 150 |
Tavern | Any | 2000 | 60 |
Temple | Cleric | 4000 | 120 |
Theater | Bard | 4000 | 120 |
Tower | Sorcerer | 5000 | 150 |
*Heroes are allowed to pay more money to decrease the amount of time it takes to build the stronghold, the amount of time reduced is determined by the GM.
If multiple characters chip in to pay for a stronghold—or one character just spends a lot of money—it is a castle and provides multiple benefits. Complex tasks take proportionally more time and money than simple ones, so a castle costs 10% more and takes 10% longer for every basic stronghold function it incorporates. A castle cannot contain multiple of the same type of stronghold.
You can spend more money to build a larger stronghold from the start, but there is no time or cost savings.
Level | Size | Toughness | Cost (GP) | Time (Days) |
1st | d6 | 22 | - | - |
2nd | d8 | 24 | 2,500* | 50* |
3rd | d10 | 26 | 5,000 | 100 |
4th | d12 | 28 | 7,500 | 150 |
5th | d20 | 30 | 10,000 | 200 |
*Strongholds that take less time to build may have their cost and time reduced based on the original original cost and time ratio above.
- Ale within the barbarian’s demesne is particularly refreshing, bringing good cheer with no hangovers the next full recovery no matter how much is consumed.
- Wildlife within the barbarian’s demesne grows especially large and fierce, migrating as the camp moves.
- Poisons brought into the barbarian’s demesne neutralize within the hour. No such cowardly “civilized” forms of death are permitted.
Whenever the Barbarian reduces an enemy to 0 hit points, they can make an additional attack or move up to their speed. You can do this a number of times equal to your camp level. You regain all expended uses after a full recovery.
Barbarians prefer followers who are independent and don’t require a lot of oversight. They don’t classically attract a large retinue, and they don’t usually build great keeps to house their staff and servants. A barbarian’s follower must be at home in wild places, willing and able to relocate quickly and live by their wits.
d100 | Follower |
01–06 | Elite Light Infantry (Size 1d8), Unit |
07–12 | Veteran Medium Cavalry (Size 1d4), Unit |
13–15 | Regular Light Flying (Size 1d4), Unit |
16–17 | Exarch (1st Level), Retainer |
18–24 | Warlord (1st Level), Retainer |
25–29 | Skinwalker (1st Level), Retainer |
30–34 | Beast Lord (1st Level), Retainer |
35–41 | Necromancer (1st Level), Retainer |
42–47 | Swordmaster (2nd Level), Retainer |
48–52 | Diabolist (2nd Level), Retainer |
53–55 | Tracker (3rd Level), Retainer |
56–60 | Blacksmith |
61–65 | Miner |
66–70 | Sage |
71–75 | Hobgoblin Ambassador |
76–80 | Gnoll Ambassador |
81–100 | Roll on the Special Allies table |
- Clear blue skies and warm sun dominate year-round. Rain falls only at night, and thunderstorms avoid the area.
- Evil creatures in daylight have disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks.
- The paladin is instantly aware of the presence and location in his demesne of any chaotic or evil creature with more than 7 Hit Dice. The range of this awareness is a number of hexes equal to the level of the paladin’s stronghold.
The Paladin's Smite Evil burns through enemy resistance. Enemies automatically fail resist checks to radiant damage. Enemies immune to radiant are now only resistant to it, and make a resist 11+ check. You can do this a number of times equal to your chapel level. You regain all expended uses after a full recovery.
d100 | Follower |
01–04 | Seasoned Light Infantry (Size 1d8), Unit |
05–07 | Seasoned Medium Infantry (Size 1d8), Unit |
08–10 | Veteran Light Infantry (Size 1d8), Unit |
11–13 | Veteran Heavy Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit |
14–15 | Regular Medium Cavalry (Size 1d6), Unit |
16–17 | Seasoned Medium Cavalry (Size 1d6), Unit |
18–19 | Veteran Medium Cavalry (Size 1d6), Unit |
20 | Elite Light Cavalry (Size 1d4), Unit |
21 | Mystic (1st Level), Retainer |
22 | Acolyte of the Way (1st Level), Retainer |
23 | Loremaster (1st Level), Retainer |
24–25 | Evoker (1st Level), Retainer |
26–28 | Seer (1st Level), Retainer |
29–30 | Battle Priest (1st Level), Retainer |
31–33 | Troubadour-warrior (2nd Level), Retainer |
34–37 | Thaumaturgist (2nd Level), Retainer |
38–41 | Swordmaster (2nd Level), Retainer |
42–44 | Curate (3rd Level), Retainer |
45–47 | Exorcist (3rd Level), Retainer |
48–50 | Warlord (3rd Level), Retainer |
51–52 | Farmer |
53–55 | Mason |
56–58 | Blacksmith |
59–61 | Carpenter |
62–63 | Miner |
64–65 | Scribe |
66–68 | Sage |
69–70 | Captain |
71–74 | Tailor |
75–79 | Elf Ambassador |
80–81 | Dwarf Ambassador |
82–85 | Dragonborn Ambassador |
86–89 | Gnome Ambassador |
90 | Winged Elf Ambassador |
91–93 | Roll on the Special Paladin Mount chart |
94–100 | Roll on the Special Allies table |
d12 | Mount |
01–04 | Hippogriff |
05–07 | Griffon |
08–09 | Pegasus |
10–11 | Unicorn |
12 | Alicorn |
- One ally per level of the rogue’s stronghold can hide in the rogue’s demesne, and no mundane or magical means will reveal their location. This ability does not work on the owner of the stronghold.
- Creatures trespassing in the rogue’s demesne have the overwhelming sensation they are being spied upon.
- When a creature hostile to the rogue and aware of their existence finishes a long rest within the rogue’s demesne, roll a d20. On a roll of 10 or less, the creature triggers a hidden trap, taking 3d8 piercing damage.
When the Rogue is hit with an attack and would lose momentum, they can choose not to lose momentum as a result of that attack. You can do this a number of times equal to your establishment level. You regain all expended uses after a full recovery.
d100 | Follower |
01–04 | Seasoned Light Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit |
05–07 | Seasoned Medium Infantry (Size 1d4), Unit |
08–10 | Seasoned Medium Archers (Size 1d4), Unit |
11–12 | Theurgist (1st Level), Retainer |
13–14 | Swordmaster (1st Level), Retainer |
15–16 | Justicar (1st Level), Retainer |
17–19 | Exarch (1st Level), Retainer |
20–22 | Alienist (1st Level), Retainer |
23–24 | Thaumaturgist (1st Level), Retainer |
25–28 | Stormspeaker (2nd Level), Retainer |
29–32 | Illusionist (2nd Level), Retainer |
33–36 | Diabolist (2nd Level), Retainer |
37–40 | Acolyte of Darkness (3rd Level), Retainer |
41–45 | Shadow Priest (3rd Level), Retainer |
46–50 | Conjurer (3rd Level), Retainer |
51–53 | Alchemist |
54–56 | Blacksmith |
57–59 | Carpenter |
60–62 | Scribe |
63–65 | Sage |
66–68 | Tailor |
69–72 | Spy |
73–75 | Captain |
76–79 | Elf Ambassador |
80–83 | Dragonborn Ambassador |
84–87 | Gnome Ambassador |
88-90 | Orc Ambassador |
91–100 | Roll on the Special Allies table |
- The sun appears as a baleful orb in the sky over the occultist’s demesne.
- In the occultist’s demesne, constellations in the night sky are strange, and stars occasionally fall from the sky.
- The occultist is immediately aware of enemies in their demesne.
- Once per month, the occultist can summon an earthquake targeting any enemies in their demesne.
The Occultist can gain focus with a quick action rather than a standard action. This ability can be used a number of times equal to the Fane's level.
d100 | Follower |
01–04 | Regular Light Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit |
05–08 | Seasoned Light Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit |
09–12 | Veteran Light Infantry (Size 1d4), Unit |
13–15 | Seasoned Medium Archers (Size 1d4), Unit |
16–17 | Spirit Warden (1st Level), Retainer |
18–19 | Necromancer (1st Level), Retainer |
20–21 | Elemental Acolyte (1st Level), Retainer |
22–24 | Seer (1st Level), Retainer |
25–27 | Shadow Priest (1st Level), Retainer |
28–29 | Knight-sorcerer (1st Level), Retainer |
30–33 | Reaver (2nd Level), Retainer |
34–37 | Acolyte of Darkness (2nd Level), Retainer |
38–41 | Guild Adept (2nd Level), Retainer |
42–45 | Cutpurse (2nd Level), Retainer |
46–50 | Evoker (3rd Level), Retainer |
51–55 | Executioner (3rd Level), Retainer |
56–58 | Miner |
59–61 | Scribe |
62–64 | Sage |
65–67 | Tailor |
68–70 | Alchemist |
71–74 | Dragonborn Ambassador |
75–78 | Lizardfolk Ambassador |
79–80 | Gnoll Ambassador |
81–100 | Roll on the Special Allies table |
- Fortifications in the warlord's demesne grant units defending them an extra +2 Morale bonus.
- Menhirs appear in the warlord’s demesne, following anyone hostile to those who call this province home, imposing themselves between intruders and the locals.
- Archers who train in the warlord’s demesne find their arrows go farther and strike more accurately.
- Edged weapons in the warlord’s demesne are keener and do not dull.
A Warlord can use a quick action to gain 1d3 command points instead of making an attack. You can do this a number of times equal to your fortress level. You regain all expended uses after a full recovery.
d100 | Follower |
01–04 | Regular Medium Infantry (Size 1d8), Unit |
05–07 | Regular Heavy Infantry (Size 1d8), Unit |
08–10 | Seasoned Medium Infantry (Size 1d8), Unit |
11–13 | Regular Medium Cavalry (Size 1d6), Unit |
14–15 | Seasoned Medium Cavalry (Size 1d6), Unit |
16–17 | Veteran Medium Cavalry (Size 1d4), Unit |
18–19 | Seasoned Medium Archers (Size 1d6), Unit |
20 | Seasoned Heavy Archers (Size 1d4), Unit |
21 | Theurgist (1st Level), Retainer |
22 | Spirit Warden (1st Level), Retainer |
23 | Diabolist (1st Level), Retainer |
24–25 | Justicar (1st Level), Retainer |
26–27 | Stormspeaker (1st Level), Retainer |
28 | Troubadour-warrior (1st Level), Retainer |
29 | Healer (2nd Level), Retainer |
30–32 | Shaper (2nd Level), Retainer |
33–35 | Reaver (2nd Level), Retainer |
36–38 | Alienist (2nd Level), Retainer |
39–41 | Beast Lord (2nd Level), Retainer |
42–45 | Battle Priest (3rd Level), Retainer |
46–50 | Tracker (3rd Level), Retainer |
51–55 | Cavalier (3rd Level), Retainer |
56–58 | Farmer |
59–60 | Mason |
61–63 | Blacksmith |
64–65 | Carpenter |
66–68 | Miner |
69–70 | Captain |
71–76 | Elf Ambassador |
77–80 | Dwarf Ambassador |
81–84 | Lizardfolk Ambassador |
85–86 | Dragonborn Ambassador |
87–88 | Gnome Ambassador |
89 | Orc Ambassador |
90 | Hobgoblin Ambassador |
91–100 | Roll on the Special Allies table |
- Color drains from the surrounding area, and the sky is always overcast.
- In the necromancer’s demesne, undead roam the land and while travelers attempt to travel through the area, they are often attacked by the undead.
- The necromancer is immediately aware of enemies in their demesne.
When the Necromancer summons an undead creature, they gain 1d8 hit points. This ability can be used a number of times equal to the Graveyard's level. You regain all expended uses after a full recovery.
Necromancers attract undead and other creatures of the night. They also attract common allies of the undead, such as vampires and were-creatures.
Fighting alongside undead imposes a -1 penalty on all Morale checks per graveyard level in addition to relationship effects.
d100 | Follower |
01–04 | Regular Zombie Medium Infantry (Size 1d8), Unit |
05–07 | Regular Ghoul Heavy Infantry (Size 1d8), Unit |
08–10 | Seasoned Skeleton Medium Infantry (Size 1d8), Unit |
11–13 | Regular Skeleton Medium Cavalry (Size 1d6), Unit |
14–15 | Seasoned Ghost Medium Cavalry (Size 1d6), Unit |
16–17 | Veteran Ghost Medium Cavalry (Size 1d4), Unit |
18–19 | Seasoned Skeleton Medium Archers (Size 1d6), Unit |
20 | Seasoned Ghost Heavy Archers (Size 1d4), Unit |
21 | Cultist (1st Level), Retainer |
22 | Demonologist (1st Level), Retainer |
23 | Minotaur Skeleton (1st Level), Retainer |
24–25 | Wight (1st Level), Retainer |
26–27 | Psychopath (1st Level), Retainer |
28 | Sentient Skeleton/Zombie (1st Level), Retainer |
29 | Spectre (2nd Level), Retainer |
30–32 | Banshee (2nd Level), Retainer |
33–35 | Ghast (2nd Level), Retainer |
36–38 | Necromancer (2nd Level), Retainer |
39–41 | Illrigger (2nd Level), Retainer |
42–45 | Death Priest (3rd Level), Retainer |
46–50 | Grave Cleric (3rd Level), Retainer |
51–55 | Wraith (3rd Level), Retainer |
56–59 | Groundskeeper |
60–64 | Pacifist Ghost |
65–70 | Possessed Object |
71–77 | Devil Ambassador |
78–82 | Demon Ambassador |
83–86 | Vampire Ambassador |
87–90 | Were Ambassador |
91–100 | Roll on the Special Allies table |
- Local birds and mammals in the druid’s demesne can speak Common and Elven. They enjoy talking to new people but will try to find and warn the druid if suspicious strangers enter the demesne.
- Nuts, fruits, and vegetables grown naturally (i.e., not farmed or cultivated) in the druid’s demesne grant those who eat them the effect of goodberry. If taken outside the demesne, they lose this effect.
- No roads or trails in the druid’s demesne last more than a full recovery. However, allies and the units of allies can pass through the demesne as though there were roads.
While resting the Druid and their allies can each eat a Goodberry, they gain 1 recovery and the benefits of a days sustenance. You can do this a number of times equal to your grove level. You regain all expended uses after a full recovery.
Living between civilization and wilderness, the druid attracts followers willing to put up with a life devoted to the health and well-being of nature, defending it and learning its secrets. Few are willing to walk this path, but those who do are totally devoted to the druid’s service.
Druids care little for the command and upkeep of large armies, preferring to use battle magic to raise special units when necessary. This being said, they are one of the classes that can attract flying units, often hawkriders or units mounted on giant owls.
Few artisans are interested in a life lived outside civilization, but druids are spellcasters and loremasters so it’s natural for alchemists, sages, and scribes to pledge service in exchange for greater knowledge.
Ambassadors who wish to join a druid’s retinue are usually fey, or aligned with them, or creatures who prefer the swamps and bogs that druids are naturally attracted to as sources of power. Also, druids have their own short list of special allies they may recruit from among the fey creatures of the wood.
d100 | Follower |
01–05 | Regular Medium Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit |
06–10 | Seasoned Medium Flying (Size 1d4), Unit |
11 | Loremaster (1st Level), Retainer |
12 | Warden (1st Level), Retainer |
13–19 | Elemental Acolyte (1st Level), Retainer |
20–24 | Chaos Mage (1st Level), Retainer |
25–29 | Conjurer (2nd Level), Retainer |
30–36 | Exarch (2nd Level), Retainer |
37–42 | Spirit Warden (2nd Level), Retainer |
43–47 | Knight of the Green Order (3rd Level), Retainer |
48–50 | Beast Lord (3rd Level), Retainer |
51–55 | Farmer |
56–60 | Alchemist |
61–65 | Sage |
66–71 | Elf Ambassador |
72–77 | Gnome Ambassador |
78–80 | Lizardfolk Ambassador |
81–85 | Roll on the Fey Allies chart |
86–100 | Roll on the Special Allies table |
- Fortifications in the fighter's demesne grant units defending them an extra +2 Morale bonus.
- Menhirs appear in the fighter’s demesne, following anyone hostile to those who call this province home, imposing themselves between intruders and the locals.
- Archers who train in the fighter’s demesne find their arrows go farther and strike more accurately.
- Edged weapons in the fighter’s demesne are keener and do not dull.
If an enemy attempts to disengage from the Fighter, the Fighter can knock them prone as an interrupt action. You can do this a number of times equal to your keep level. You regain all expended uses after a full recovery.
d100 | Follower |
01–12 | Green Light Infantry |
13–24 | Green Medium Infantry |
25–34 | Regular Light Infantry |
35–44 | Regular Medium Infantry |
45–46 | Seasoned Medium Infantry |
47–48 | Seasoned Heavy Infantry |
49–57 | Green Light Archers |
58–66 | Green Medium Archers |
67–72 | Regular Light Archers |
73–78 | Regular Medium Archers |
79–86 | Regular Light Cavalry |
87–95 | Regular Medium Cavalry |
96–100 | Seasoned Light Cavalry |
- The library of the wizard’s stronghold has a copy of every non-magical book anyone brings into the wizard’s demesne.
- By concentrating for 10 minutes, the wizard can scry on any person or location in their demesne as per the scrying spell. The wizard can do this while anywhere, including another plane.
- Once per full recovery, the wizard can control the weather in their demesne. The wizard doesn’t have to be in their demesne to do this. The effect is otherwise the same as the control weather ritual.
Party Ritual Casters can master a ritual in half the normal time. Party members can do this a number of times equal to your library level. You regain all expended uses after a full recovery.
d100 | Follower |
01–03 | Regular Light Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit |
04–06 | Regular Medium Infantry (Size 1d4), Unit |
07–09 | Regular Light Archers (Size 1d6), Unit |
10–11 | Regular Medium Archers (Size 1d4), Unit |
12–13 | Regular Light Flying (Size 1d4), Unit |
14–15 | Regular Medium Flying (Size 1d4), Unit |
16 | Swordmaster (1st Level), Retainer |
17 | Spirit Warden (1st Level), Retainer |
18 | Mystic (1st Level), Retainer |
19–20 | Acolyte of the Way (1st Level), Retainer |
21–22 | Knight of the Green Order (1st Level), Retainer |
23 | Elemental Acolyte (2nd Level), Retainer |
24–26 | Guild Adept (2nd Level), Retainer |
27–29 | Skinwalker (2nd Level), Retainer |
30–32 | Battle Priest (2nd Level), Retainer |
33–35 | Cavalier (2nd Level), Retainer |
36–40 | Cutpurse (3rd Level), Retainer |
41–45 | Troubadour-warrior (3rd Level), Retainer |
46–47 | Mason |
48–50 | Blacksmith |
51–53 | Carpenter |
54–55 | Miner |
56–57 | Scribe |
58–60 | Sage |
61–63 | Tailor |
64–65 | Alchemist |
66–69 | Elf Ambassador |
70–72 | Dragonborn Ambassador |
73–78 | Gnome Ambassador |
79–82 | Hobgoblin Ambassador |
83–85 | Gnoll Ambassador |
86–100 | Roll on the Special Allies table |
- Stags, harts, and other game are always plentiful in the ranger’s demesne, but they are larger and fiercer than normal.
- Enemies of the ranger and the locals must make DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) skill checks to navigate the ranger’s demesne. On a failure, they are attacked by 2d6 winter wolves.
- Allies treat the ranger’s demesne as favored terrain when moving their units. Enemy units treat it as difficult terrain.
When the Ranger attempts to track a creature, they can call upon the wilds to track for them. The Ranger automatically succeeds on the skill check required to track the creature and receives help from local wildlife. You can do this a number of times equal to your lodge level. You regain all expended uses after a full recovery.
d100 | Follower |
01–04 | Regular Light Archers (Size 1d6), Unit |
05–07 | Seasoned Light Archers (Size 1d6), Unit |
08–10 | Seasoned Light Flying (Size 1d6), Unit |
11–12 | Thaumaturgist (3rd Level), Retainer |
13–14 | Stormspeaker (3rd Level), Retainer |
15–16 | Warden (3rd Level), Retainer |
17–19 | Acolyte of Darkness (3rd Level), Retainer |
20–22 | Healer (3rd Level), Retainer |
23–24 | Knight of the Green Order (5th Level), Retainer |
25–28 | Executioner (5th Level), Retainer |
29–32 | Chaos Mage (5th Level), Retainer |
33–36 | Exorcist (5th Level), Retainer |
37–40 | Skinwalker (7th Level), Retainer |
41–45 | Cutpurse (7th Level), Retainer |
46–50 | Enchanter (7th Level), Retainer |
51–53 | Mason |
54–56 | Blacksmith |
57–60 | Carpenter |
61–64 | Miner |
65–67 | Sage |
68–70 | Spy |
71–74 | Elf Ambassador |
75–76 | Dwarf Ambassador |
77–80 | Gnome Ambassador |
81–100 | Roll on the Special Allies table |
- Creatures age more slowly within the confines of the monk’s demesne.
- The temperature in the monk’s demesne is always temperate, all year round, all full recovery long.
- Violence of any kind in the demesne has a 15% chance of summoning a Source of Earth, who immediately uses Back to Earth to end the violence. The monk can reverse these effects.
Whenever you are attacked while you have unspent ki, you can ignore all of the attack’s effects except its damage. You can do this a number of times equal to your monastery level. You regain all expended uses after a full recovery.
d100 | Follower |
01–03 | Regular Light Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit |
04–06 | Regular Medium Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit |
07–09 | Seasoned Light Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit |
10–11 | Seasoned Medium Infantry (Size 1d4), Unit |
12–13 | Veteran Light Infantry (Size 1d4), Unit |
14–15 | Veteran Medium Infantry (Size 1d4), Unit |
16 | Seer (1st Level), Retainer |
17 | Exorcist (1st Level), Retainer |
18 | Knight of the Green Order (1st Level), Retainer |
19–20 | Shaper (1st Level), Retainer |
21–22 | Evoker (1st Level), Retainer |
23 | Diabolist (1st Level), Retainer |
24 | Theurgist (2nd Level), Retainer |
25–27 | Warden (2nd Level), Retainer |
28–30 | Curate (2nd Level), Retainer |
31–33 | Alienist (2nd Level), Retainer |
34–36 | Conjurer (2nd Level), Retainer |
37–40 | Illusionist (2nd Level), Retainer |
41–45 | Mystic (3rd Level), Retainer |
46–50 | Stormspeaker (3rd Level), Retainer |
51–52 | Farmer |
53–55 | Mason |
56–58 | Blacksmith |
59–60 | Carpenter |
61–62 | Miner |
63–65 | Scribe |
66–68 | Sage |
69–70 | Captain |
71–73 | Alchemist |
74–78 | Elf Ambassador |
79–81 | Dwarf Ambassador |
82–83 | Orc Ambassador |
84–85 | Lizardfolk Ambassador |
86–100 | Roll on the Special Allies table |
- Spells cast in the psion's demense have a 15% chance to result in a high weirdness effect.
- Folks who live in the psion’s demesne for a season begin to exhibit a random psionic affinity. They lose the affinity if they ever leave.
- The material properties of objects in the psion's demense will randomly lose fundamental properties. For example, gravitation loss, fusing, state change, or density change.
When the Psion would roll of the High Weirdness table, they can instead choose which High Weirdness effect to apply. You can do this a number of times equal to your sanctum level. You regain all expended uses after a full recovery.
A Psion attracts no followers, they are alone in their quest to master the mind. While a sanctum is present in a larger castle all follower rolls have a -10 per sanctum level, and if a follower roll result is below 1 they do not receive any followers.
When any party member is rolling for advantages in the tavern related to an increase in a positive relationship, roll twice and take the higher result.
Each season (or every three months, depending on the calendar of your campaign world), your establishment generates 1,000 gp per establishment level.
If your establishment is part of a larger castle, you can use this money to upgrade your castle, no problem.
During an adventure or in the lead-up to one, you can spend some money and collect some rumors about the quest you’re about to go on. The cost is 100 gp per establishment level. On a successful skill check, you learn:
- The name of one kind of creature you’ll be fighting (goblins, bandits, dragons, oozes, etc.)
- Roughly how many there will be (a few, a dozen, dozens, a score, scores, etc.).
During the adventure, those creatures will be vulnerable to damage from your attacks, for a number of attacks equal to your establishment level.
In addition, the GM can choose to reveal any of the following:
- The location of a secret door or a hidden entrance or exit • The location and nature of a trap
- A description of one riddle or puzzle
- The location and description of one powerful magic item It may seem like this is taking the fun out of the adventure, but for the player with the establishment it will seem like the opposite. It will make them feel awesome, and at the end of the full recovery, you can always add more traps and secret doors!
- Folks who live in the cleric’s demesne are immune to disease.
- The cleric can hear the prayers of those living in their demesne who are in concordance with the cleric’s deity.
- While the cleric is hale, the weather in their demesne is fair. If the cleric is wounded or suffering, the weather turns foul. For this effect to happen, the cleric merely has to be on the same plane as their demesne.
When the Cleric casts Heal, they can choose all allies next to* them rather than just one. You can do this a number of times equal to your temple level. You regain all expended uses after a long rest.
* If they take the adventurer feat, they can choose all allies nearby to them.
d100 | Follower |
01–04 | Regular Light Infantry (Size 1d8), Unit |
05–07 | Regular Medium Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit |
08–10 | Seasoned Medium Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit |
11–13 | Regular Heavy Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit |
14–15 | Regular Light Cavalry (Size 1d6), Unit |
16–17 | Regular Medium Cavalry (Size 1d4), Unit |
18–19 | Seasoned Heavy Cavalry (Size 1d4), Unit |
20 | Regular Medium Archers (Size 1d4), Unit |
21 | Loremaster (1st Level), Retainer |
22 | Troubadour-warrior (1st Level), Retainer |
23 | Swordmaster (1st Level), Retainer |
24–25 | Tracker (1st Level), Retainer |
26–28 | Warlord (1st Level), Retainer |
29–30 | Knight-sorcerer (2nd Level), Retainer |
31–33 | Mystic (2nd Level), Retainer |
34–37 | Guild Adept (2nd Level), Retainer |
38–41 | Acolyte of the Way (2nd Level), Retainer |
42–44 | Justicar (2nd Level), Retainer |
45–47 | Enchanter (3rd Level), Retainer |
48–50 | Cavalier (3rd Level), Retainer |
51–52 | Farmer |
53–55 | Mason |
56–58 | Blacksmith |
59–60 | Carpenter |
61–62 | Miner |
63–65 | Scribe |
66–68 | Sage |
69–70 | Tailor |
71–75 | Elf Ambassador |
76–80 | Dwarf Ambassador |
81–85 | Gnome Ambassador |
86–100 | Roll on the Special Allies table |
- Whenever the wind blows through the trees in the bard’s demesne, music plays. Hooves on roads beat out a complex rhythm.
- Folks who live for a week in the bard’s demesne find themselves ending conversations with rhyming couplets.
- Thunder can be counted on to roll whenever someone in the bard’s demesne says something dramatic. Ravens obediently alight on nearby branches when it is dramatically expected of them.
While the Bard is channelling a Bardic Song, they can choose to continue the song and automatically succeed on the sustain check. You can do this a number of times equal to your theater level. You regain all expended uses after a full recovery.
d100 | Follower |
01–03 | Veteran Light Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit |
04–06 | Regular Light Cavalry (Size 1d4), Unit |
07–09 | Seasoned Light Archers (Size 1d4), Unit |
10 | Regular Light Flying (Size 1d4), Unit |
11 | Enchanter (1st Level), Retainer |
12 | Curate (1st Level), Retainer |
13 | Healer (1st Level), Retainer |
14–15 | Knight-sorcerer (1st Level), Retainer |
16–18 | Beast Lord (1st Level), Retainer |
19–20 | Knight-sorcerer (2nd Level), Retainer |
21–23 | Illusionist (2nd Level), Retainer |
24–27 | Chaos Mage (2nd Level), Retainer |
28–31 | Cutpurse (2nd Level), Retainer |
32–34 | Thaumaturgist (3rd Level), Retainer |
35–37 | Executioner (3rd Level), Retainer |
38–40 | Shaper (3rd Level), Retainer |
41–42 | Farmer |
43–44 | Mason |
45–46 | Blacksmith |
47–48 | Carpenter |
49–51 | Scribe |
52–54 | Sage |
55–57 | Tailor |
58–60 | Alchemist |
61–63 | Spy |
64–65 | Captain |
66–71 | Elf Ambassador |
72–75 | Dwarf Ambassador |
76–78 | Dragonborn Ambassador |
79–84 | Gnome Ambassador |
85 | Orc Ambassador |
86–100 | Roll on the Special Allies table |
- Curses, blessings, and oaths pronounced within the sorcerer’s demesne have a 15% chance to be cast at a higher level.
- Folks who live in the sorcerer’s demesne for a season learn one random sorcerer cantrip. They lose the ability to cast it if they ever leave.
- Raindrops in the sorcerer’s demesne cast dazzling prismatic reflections during the full recovery.
The Sorcerer can start a chain even if the roll is odd. You can do this a number of times equal to your tower level. You regain all expended uses after a long rest.
Average folks find wizards weird enough, gabbling in strange languages and living up to their eyeballs in books and owl poop. But they, at least, have rules. A sorcerer, on the other hand, gains their power through an innate connection with the forces of magic. No training required. This is even less well understood by normal people. A sorcerer’s followers therefore tend to be folks who enjoy being close to raw power and do not fear what they do not understand.
A sorcerer’s army is usually light and highly mobile. Unlike other classes they eschew large, slow, heavily armed and armored soldiers and they can attract flying units. Their retainers are almost all spellcasters. Their artisans are folks who enjoy making things and probably hope that being in the court of a sorcerer will grant them the opportunity to create magic items. Their ambassadors come from cultures that do not fear sorcery and whose soldiers would have no problem serving under a warlord who can conjure fire through sheer will.
d100 | Follower |
01–05 | Veteran Light Infantry (Size 1d4), Unit |
06–10 | Regular Light Flying (Size 1d4), Unit |
11–12 | Battle Priest (1st Level), Retainer |
13–14 | Shadow Priest (1st Level), Retainer |
15–18 | Beast Lord (1st Level), Retainer |
19–23 | Guild Adept (1st Level), Retainer |
24–29 | Elemental Acolyte (2nd Level), Retainer |
30–35 | Alienist (2nd Level), Retainer |
36–42 | Skinwalker (2nd Level), Retainer |
43–50 | Reaver (3rd Level), Retainer |
51–54 | Blacksmith |
55–58 | Scribe |
59–62 | Sage |
63–66 | Tailor |
67–70 | Alchemist |
71–75 | Elf Ambassador |
76–80 | Dragonborn Ambassador |
81–100 | Roll on the Special Allies table |
Using the alignment and the result of a 1d12 roll determine which cool beastie shows up to help you out.
Alignment | Roll 1-4 | Roll 5-8 | Roll 9-10 | Roll 11 | Roll 12 |
Lawful Good | Couatl | Deva | Young Silver Dragon | Adult Bronze Dragon | Adult Gold Dragon |
Neutral Good | Cyclops | Golem | Cloud Giant | Young Topax Dragon | Adult Sapphire Dragon |
Chaotic Good | Treant | Young Brass Dragon | Djinn | Young Apocalpyse Dragon | Adult Copper Dragon |
Chaotic Neutral | Ettin | Ghost | Hill Giant | Young Emerald Dragon | Djinn |
True Neutral | Banshee | Young Sapphire Dragon | Young Topaz Dragon | Golem | Adult Ruby Dragon |
Lawful Neutral | Flesh Golem | Young Ruby Dragon | Medusa | Golem | Gynosphinx |
Neutral Evil | Hag Coven | Drow Ranger | Frost Titan | Young Amethyst Dragon | Adult Amethyst Dragon |
Lawful Evil | Oni | Young Green Dragon | Fire Titan | Illrigger | Roll on the Devil Allies chart |
Chaotic Evil | Antipaladin | Lamia | Young White Dragon | Demonologist | Roll on the Demon Allies chart |
d12 | Ally |
1–3 | Unit of Quasits |
4–6 | Succubus |
7–8 | Lesser Marilith |
9–10 | Glabrezu |
11 | Hezrou |
12 | Lesser Balor |
d12 | Ally |
1-3 | 1d4 Imps |
4–6 | Unit of Bearded Devils |
7–8 | Barbed Devil |
9–10 | Lesser Erinyes |
11 | Chain Devil |
12 | Bone Devil |
d12 | Ally |
1–3 | Pixie |
4–6 | Sprite |
7–8 | Satyr |
9–10 | Dryad |
11 | Unicorn |
12 | Treant |