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Paladins gain a +2 class bonus to Strength or Charisma, as long as it isn't the same ability you increase with your +2 species bonus.
Paladins get 2 skill points in any Strength or Charisma skill like Athletics, Intimidate, and Performance.
At 1st level, a paladin starts with a melee weapon or two, a ranged weapon if they want it, armor, a shield, and standard non-magical gear that is suggested by the character's background.
Paladins start with 25gp.
Armor Type | Base AC | Atk Penalty |
None | 10 | — |
Light | 12 | — |
Heavy | 16 | — |
Shield | +1 | — |
Weapon Type | One-Handed | Two-Handed |
Small | LEVELd4 dagger | LEVELd6 club |
Light or Simple | LEVELd6 scimitar, shortsword | LEVELd8 spear |
Heavy or Martial | LEVELd8 longsword, battleaxe | LEVELd10 greatsword, halberd |
Weapon Type | Thrown | Crossbow | Bow |
Small | LEVELd4 dagger | LEVELd4 hand crossbow | — |
Light or Simple | LEVELd6 javelin, axe | LEVELd6 light crossbow | LEVELd6 shortbow |
Heavy or Martial | — | LEVELd8 heavy crossbow | LEVELd8 longbow |
Paladin | Total Hit Points | Total Feats | Class Talents (H) | Level-up Ability Bonuses | Damage Bonus From Ability Score |
Level 1 Hybrid | (Avg. of both classes) x 3 | 1 adv | 3 | Not affected | ability modifier |
Level 1 | (8 + CON mod) x 3 | 1 adv | 3 | ability modifier | |
Level 2 | (8 + CON mod) x 4 | 2 adv | 3 | ability modifier | |
Level 3 | (8 + CON mod) x 5 | 3 adv | 3 | ability modifier | |
Level 4 | (8 + CON mod) x 6 | 4 adv | 3 | +1 to 3 abilities | ability modifier |
Level 5 | (8 + CON mod) x 8 | 4 adv; 1 champ | 4 | 2 x ability modifier | |
Level 6 | (8 + CON mod) x 10 | 4 adv; 2 champ | 4 | 2 x ability modifier | |
Level 7 | (8 + CON mod) x 12 | 4 adv; 3 champ | 4 | +1 to 3 abilities | 2 x ability modifier |
Level 8 | (8 + CON mod) x 16 | 4 adv; 3 champ; 1 epic | 5 | 4 x ability modifier | |
Level 9 | (8 + CON mod) x 20 | 4 adv; 3 champ; 2 epic | 5 | 4 x ability modifier | |
Level 10 | (8 + CON mod) x 24 | 4 adv; 3 champ; 3 epic | 5 | +1 to 3 abilities | 4 x ability modifier |
Ability Bonus | +2 Strength or Charisma (different from species bonus) |
Initiative | Dex mod + Level |
Armor Class (heavy armor) | 16 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level |
Armor Class (shield and heavy armor) | 17 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level |
Physical Defense | 10 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex + Level |
Mental Defense | 12 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha + Level |
Hit Points | (8 + Con mod) x Level modifier |
Recoveries | 7 |
Recovery Dice | (1d10 x Level) + Con mod |
Skills | 2, max 5 in any one skill |
Relationships | 3 points |
Talents | 3 |
Feats | 1 per Level |
Target: One enemy
Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage
Miss: Damage equal to your level
Target: One enemy
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage
Miss: —
All paladins have the Smite Evil and True Smite class features.
Close-Quarters Power
Once per battle, plus once per full recovery per Charisma modifier
Free Action
Effect: Your next paladin melee attack deals 1d12 extra damage on a hit. In addition, you can activate one smite power of your choice, which can be True Smite below, or a smite power gained through talents.
Higher Level | Effect |
4th | 2d12 extra damage |
6th | 3d12 extra damage |
8th | 4d12 extra damage |
10th | 5d12 extra damage |
Gain an additional use of Smite Evil per full recovery.
Your Smite attacks become uninterruptible. Enemies cannot trigger interrupt actions against your smite attacks.
Deal half of both melee attack and smite extra damage on a miss.
Gain a +4 bonus to the attack roll with True Smite.
Choose three of the following class talents.
You get an additional paladin class talent at champion tier, and again at epic tier.
You gain +1 AC.
In addition, once per battle when a nearby ally is hit by an attack, you can choose to lose hit points equal to half of that damage, and have your ally take only half of the damage instead. The damage you lose can come from temporary hit points, but isn't affected by damage resistance and other tricks to avoid the damage.
Increase your total number of recoveries by 1.
Once per full recovery, you can use Bastion twice in the same battle.
When you use Bastion now, your ally takes no damage. You still lose hit points equal to half the damage.
On a hit, gain temporary hit points equal to the smite’s bonus damage roll.
Gain twice your level in temporary hit points on a miss.
Choose one cleric spell of your level or lower. That spell is now part of your powers. (You can change out the spell normally.)
You can use your Charisma as the attack ability for cleric spells you can cast.
You can now cast the cleric class feature heal spell twice per full recovery.
Choose two cleric spells instead of one.
On a hit, choose a nearby ally. That ally gains a bonus to their next attack roll equal to your Wisdom or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher).
Gain a bonus equal to your Wisdom or Charisma modifier to the Smite attack roll.
Define three moral convictions for your character, such as “protect the innocent,” “speak the truth,” and “never turn down a challenge.” When you make a skill check while acting based on one of your convictions, you add a d6 conviction die to the roll.
However, whenever you act against one of your convictions, you lose the use of the conviction die until the next full heal-up. If you have committed a gross violation, say you willfully lied while under oath in the above example, the conviction die becomes a penalty to all skill checks until you atone. Work out an appropriate atonement with your GM.
While in a battle that is aligned with your moral convictions, add the conviction die to saves.
Your conviction die becomes a d8.
If you have entered the battle based on your convictions, add your conviction die to the attack roll. In addition, the first time you miss with Smite of Conviction this battle, the smite is not expended.
You learn three runes, which you can use in battle via the Activate Rune power below. When you activate a rune, you can also use its special smite power.
The direct connection to death has taken a toll on you. You are Sorta Dead, and you have a lesser version of their Wasting Away class feature.
Wasting Away: While Death Knights aren’t quite as wasteful with their physical bodies as necromancers, the necrotic powers still come at a price. If your Constitution modifier is +2 or higher, you take a -1 penalty to attack rolls.
You gain a necromancer spell as a bonus power, at two levels below your class level. You can replace Intelligence with Charisma as the key ability for the spell.
You can choose a second necromancer spell, also at two levels lower than you class level.
For hybrid Paladin / Necromancers with this talent, there is also this special feat:
Your Death Knight paladin talent is also considered a necromancer talent, which allows you to use its benefits with necromancer talents and spells.
Close quarters power
Quick Action
Effect: Gain the rune benefit of either the Blood, Death, or Frost rune until the end of the battle. You can only have one rune active at a time — using a different rune ends the current one. When you Smite Evil, you can use the active rune‘s smite power.
Rune Benefit: When you hit with a melee attack, heal hit points equal to your level.
On a critical hit with a melee attack, you can heal using a recovery.
On a hit, heal hit points equal to the smite extra damage.
On a hit, end any ongoing damage you are currently taking.
Also deal the smite extra damage and heal hit points equal to that amount on a miss.
Effect: Increase your critical threat range with Paladin melee attacks by 1, and they deal necrotic damage. When you drop a non-mook enemy to zero hp, deal necrotic damage equal to your Smite bonus damage to another nearby enemy.
Deal the damage to ALL other nearby enemies.
If you drop a non-minion enemy to zero hp with the attack, you create a Crumbling Skeleton mook at the start of your next turn. The mook fights for you according to the summoning rules (p. XX) until the end of the battle, or until it is destroyed.
Higher Level | Effect |
3rd | You can create a Skeletal Minion of your level or lower instead. |
If you hit with the smite, you can use the necromancer‘s Deathknell talent on the target as a free action, even if you don‘t have that talent.
If you kill a large or huge creature, the skeleton mook you create has twice the hit points and deals double damage.
Rune Benefit: Your melee attacks deal cold damage. When you hit with a melee attack, deal extra damage equal to your level.
On a critical hit with a melee attack, deal 1d6 extra cold damage per level.
On a hit, the target is stuck (save ends).
The target is also vulnerable to cold (save ends both).
If the target of your smite power is already stuck or vulnerable to cold, it is frozen (can’t take actions) until the end of your next turn.
Special: You can choose Divine Domain a second time, if you wish, at champion tier or at epic tier.
Choose one of the domains listed in the cleric's class talent list. You gain all the domain's advantages, including the ability to use the domain's invocation once per full recovery.
If the domain you choose is designed to help cleric spells and attacks, reinterpret the talent to help your paladin powers. You can use the domain's feats if you wish; reinterpret them similarly if necessary.
Hit or miss, you can use the at-will attack spell associated with your domain as a quick action this turn. If it is a ranged spell, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks with it. This replaces the smite extra damage.
If you have used the invocation of your domain this battle, gain a +1 bonus to both the smite and the spell attack.
Increase your critical threat range against devils and demons by 2.
Once per battle or scene, you can concentrate as a quick action and sense the presence of demons within the nearby or far away area.
Gain a +1 bonus to attacks against devils and demons.
Gain a +1 bonus to all defenses against devils and demons.
On a hit, the target takes ongoing radiant damage equal to twice your level. If the target is a demon or devil, it is also hampered (save ends both).
When you hit a staggered devil or demon with a natural 16+ on the attack roll, you banish the creature back to the Abyss.
You are immune to fear abilities and to any non-damage effects of attacks named or described as fear attacks.
In addition, you gain a +1 melee attack bonus against enemies that are not engaged by any of your allies. The bonus increases to +2 against enemies with fear abilities.
You gain a +1 bonus to death saves.
You gain a +1 bonus to all saves except death saves.
Your nearby allies gain a +1 bonus to death saves.
If you hit an enemy who has a fear aura or a fear-based attack, the target can‘t use that ability (save ends).
Deal extra damage equal to the enemy's level
In battle, when you are staggered the first time, roll 1d4 and gain a Crusader’s Boon from the table below. Each boon gives you a special interrupt action that you can use at-will until the end of the battle.
- Crusader’s Thorns: When an enemy makes a melee attack against you and the natural attack roll is lower than your Strength score, deal damage equal to your Strength modifier, twice at champion tier, and thrice at epic tier.
- Crusader’s Heart: When an enemy makes an attack against you and the natural attack roll is lower than your Constitution score, reduce the damage by your Constitution modifier, twice at champion tier, and thrice at epic tier.and immediately save against any “save ends” effects of that attack.
- Crusader’s Gaze: When an enemy makes an attack against you and the natural roll is lower than your Wisdom score, gain advantage on your next attack roll against the target.
- Crusader’s Defiance: When an enemy makes an attack against you and the natural attack roll is lower than your Charisma score, the enemy is struck by fear (dazed and can’t use the escalation die) until the end of its next turn.
For one battle per full recovery, gain the Crusader’s Boon at the start of your first turn.
When you gain the Crusader’s Boon, you can spend a recovery to heal.
If the target has fewer hit points that your maximum after you hit, it is cowering in fear (-4 to attacks and can’t use the escalation die) until the end of your next turn.
Against demons, the fear effect is (save ends).
Choose one tactic from the Warlord list up to your level and add it to your powers. You can change this tactic during a full heal-up.
While you are conscious, your nearby allies gain a +1 bonus to MD.
Choose a second tactic, up to two levels below your class level.
Gain all feats of your two current tactics.
If you hit, the target has disadvantage on their next attack roll if that attack does not target you.
Gain a flexible attack from the Warrior Druid list. You can trigger the maneuver with paladin melee basic attacks, but not with smites, unless you use Nature’s Smite below.
Choose one terrain from the druid’s Terrain Caster talent, and gain a full recovery spell of your level or lower from its list. You can switch Wisdom for Charisma in the spell’s description. You don’t need to be in the terrain to cast it.
You can cast the Wild Heal spell from the Wild Healer talent twice per full recovery.
Choose either a second flexible attack, a second full recovery spell from the same terrain, OR a third full recovery use of Wild Heal.
You can trigger your Warrior Druid flexible attack with this smite. If the target is a creature that’s not native to the current terrain, you have advantage on the attack roll, and you can trigger your Warrior Druid flexible maneuver based on either d20 roll.
You are especially trained in dealing with magic items and artifacts, both the beneficial and the dangerous kind. You gain the rogue’s Trap Sense ability. In addition to traps, you can use this ability against trapped or cursed magic items and artifacts.
When you wear heavy armor, reduce the damage you take from hits by non-mook enemies by your level. (You swear that this is a blessing by the Dwarf King and only works with armor of fine dwarven craftsmanship.)
You gain a bonus to magic item power recharge rolls equal to your Charisma modifier.
Once per full recovery, you can concentrate on a known, named artifact to gain insight into its lore or a vision of its location.
Increase the damage reduction to your level + 5.
Reroll all natural 1s and 2s on the damage dice with your Smite Evil. This applies to all damage dice, not just the extra damage.
Your Smite Evil attacks now deal radiant damage. You gain decree of anathema as a spell of your level or lower.
This spell is now part of your powers.
When you use Smite Evil, until the end of your next turn, your basic melee attacks deal radiant damage.
When you hit an enemy with an attack, they are vulnerable to radiant until the end of your next turn.
As a quick action, you may expend a use of Smite Evil to bless an ally’s attack. That attack is now considered radiant.
Close-quarters Spell
Recharge 11+ after battle
Target: 1d4 nearby creatures.
Attack: Charisma + level vs. MD
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma psychic damage, and the target becomes vulnerable to radiant until the end of the battle.
Miss: Psychic damage equal to your level, and the target becomes vulnerable to radiant until the end of your next turn.
Higher Level | Effect |
3rd | 4d6 psychic damage |
5th | 6d6 psychic damage |
7th | 8d6 psychic damage |
9th | 11d6 psychic damage |
You can roll saves at the start of your turn instead of at the end of your turn. A successful save against ongoing damage, for example, means that you will not take the ongoing damage that turn.
You gain a +1 bonus to saves.
Once during your turn as a free action, you can choose to lose hit points equal to your level to reroll a save.
You gain a +1 bonus to Physical Defense and Mental Defense.
Choose an effect that you have successfully saved against at the start of your turn (if any). On a hit, impose that effect on the target.
Also gain the effect on a natural even miss.
You gain a 5-point skill in an inquisitor skill. When you make a skill check to detect a lie, illusion, or falsehood, and the check is a natural even failure, reroll the check once.
You gain the Counter-magic ability of the Wizard’s High Arcana talent.
You can now cast Counter-magic twice per battle.
On a hit, the target is hampered until the end of your next turn. The target can choose to take damage equal to 10 times your level to shake off the effect.
On a natural 16+ with Smite Evil, the hampered effect is now “save ends.”
Twice per full recovery as a quick action, you can heal yourself or an ally next to you with a touch. You spend the recovery while the recipient heals as if they had spent the recovery.
Add twice your Charisma modifier to the healing provided by Lay on Hands.
Lay on Hands healing uses a free recovery instead of one of your own.
You can now use Lay on Hands four times per full recovery instead of two.
Spend a recovery to heal, but grant the healing to a nearby ally.
If the ally is staggered, they heal additional hit points equal to the smite’s extra damage.
On a natural 16+ on the attack roll, the recovery is free.
Both you and the ally gain the healing.
You gain a 5-point skill to represent your excellent academic training. In addition, you can reroll a natural even failure on a skill check to remember facts or knowledge once per scene.
You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses when defending scholars, tomes of knowledge, or places of learning.
Target the enemy’s MD with your Smite Evil attack roll.
If you hit a target with a lower MD than your own, you also daze it (-4 to attacks) until the end of your next turn.
When you hit an enemy with a melee attack, you can choose to challenge that enemy as a free action. Until the end of the battle, provided that both you and the enemy you've challenged are conscious and capable of making an attack, you each take a –4 attack penalty against all other creatures and a –4 penalty to disengage checks from each other.
The attack penalty temporarily deactivates for the attacker when they make an attack roll against their rival, but only until the end of the attacker's turn. For example, if a creature with more than one attack attacks you first, its subsequent attacks against your allies are without the challenge penalty. However, the attack penalty resets at the end of its turn, so it does not help with opportunity attacks against your allies later in the round.
You can only have one enemy challenged at a time.
Your Paladin's Challenge ends when…
- …you or the creature you are challenging falls unconscious or drops to 0 hp.
- …you hit a different enemy with an attack (assuming you hit with the –4 penalty).
- …the creature flees far away and you choose to end the challenge.
An enemy can only be the subject of one Paladin's Challenge at a time; a new challenge overrides the previous one.
In the unlikely case in which two paladins fight each other, any use of Paladin's Challenge locks them into a challenge that only ends when one of them drops.
The attack and disengage penalty for challenged enemies (but not for you) is equal to –4 or to the escalation die, whichever is higher.
You can have two challenges active at the same time against different enemies.
Enemies you challenge are vulnerable to your attacks.
If you use the talent to challenge the target with your Smite Evil attack, the target takes radiant damage equal to your Smite Evil bonus damage whenever it attacks one of your allies.
The target also takes the Smite Evil bonus damage if it uses any method to no longer be engaged with you, such as disengage, pop free, or teleporting.
Special: You can't take this talent if you take the Way of Evil Bastards talent.
Your nearby allies gain a +1 bonus to all saves.
Once per full recovery, you can reroll your relationship advantages check with a heroic or ambiguous relationship.
All of your melee and ranged attacks deal radiant damage.
You gain an additional relationship point with a heroic or ambiguous relationship.
On a hit, a nearby ally can save against a “save ends” effect.
The save has a bonus to the roll equal to your Charisma modifier.
When you hit with a melee attack, add lightning damage equal to your Constitution modifier, twice at champion tier, thrice at epic tier).
You gain resist lightning and thunder 16+.
You can throw your melee weapon to make your Smite Evil attack as a ranged attack against a nearby or far away enemy, using Strength and your melee WEAPON dice. The weapon returns to your hand.
On a natural even hit, you can teleport to engage the target as a free action.
On an even miss, make a second attack against a different nearby enemy.
Special: You can't take this talent if you take the Path of Universal Righteous Endeavor talent.
When one of your Smite Evil attacks drops a non-mook enemy to 0 hp, that use of Smite Evil is not expended.
Once per full recovery, you can reroll your relationship advantages check with a villainous or ambiguous relationship.
When one of your Smite Evil attacks drops three or more mooks, it is not expended.
You gain an additional relationship point with a villainous or ambiguous relationship.
On a hit, the target has disadvantage on their next attack roll against you.
If the target misses with its next attack, it takes ongoing necrotic damage equal to three times your level.
Once per battle, when an enemy you are engaged with makes an attack against one of your allies, you can make a melee attack against that enemy as an interrupt action after it makes the attack. You can Smite Evil with that attack.
You can use this talent at-will (but you are still limited to one interrupt action between your turns).
If a nearby ally is dying, you have advantage on the attack roll. If both attack rolls hit, the target is stunned until the end of its next turn.
While you are staggered, increase your WEAPON and smite damage dice, as well as your recovery dice, by one step. (1d4 -> 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12 -> 2d6)
The first time you are staggered in a battle, you gain advantage on your next melee attack.
If you hit, you lose hit points equal to the smite extra damage, and deal ongoing damage to the target equal to the smite extra damage.
Also gain the ongoing damage and hit point loss on a miss.
Increase your smite damage dice by 1d12, and halve the hit point loss.
Once per full recovery per Charisma modifier, you can touch an adjacent ally (or yourself) as a quick action to end a condition they are under. You can end the condition regardless of whether it requires a save or not.
You can use this ability on nearby allies (they no longer have to be next to you).
You can expend multiple uses of this talent with the same quick action, and target a number of allies (including yourself) equal to the number of uses spent.
On a hit, you cleanse the target. Cleansed targets cannot put effects on enemies or allies (save ends). This also ends any effects that are currently active. The target can still deal damage normally, and they can still use powers that affect themselves, just not other creatures.
Once per battle, when a nearby ally is hit by an attack, you can grant the ally a normal save (11+). If the save is successful, the target takes no damage from the attack, and all its effects are negated. On a failure, the ally takes half damage and effects apply.
If you are engaged with the attacker, the save is an easy save (6+).
On a hit, gain a free use of Shield of Devotion this battle against the target’s attack against one of your allies.
You gain a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls.
For one battle per full recovery, grant all nearby allies a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls.
On a hit, the target is vulnerable to your allies’ attacks until the start of your next turn.
Once per full recovery, you can summon glowing wings of celestial origin on your back, to allow you to fly until the end of the battle or scene.
When you take the free action to activate Smite Evil, you can fly across the battlefield on ethereal wings to engage a nearby enemy. If you make the attack in mid-air, the wings let you land safely.
The wings granted by your smite power last until the end of your next turn.
If an enemy targets you with an attack, that enemy takes necrotic damage equal to 10 + your Charisma modifier. The enemy with the most hit points on the battlefield is immune to the effect.
Hit or miss, deal the Smite extra damage to a number of additional nearby enemies equal to your Charisma modifier. Choose targets by their hit point total, starting with the lowest.
Enemies engaged with you have automatic disadvantage on all saves, including disengage checks. If they fail a save, they take radiant damage equal to your level.
On a hit, the target is weakened (-4 to attacks and defenses) until the end of your next turn.
The weaken effect is “save ends.”
Once per round, when the escalation die is even, you can make a melee basic attack as a quick action.
Once per full recovery, move yourself to the start of the initiative order at the start of a round, after the escalation die is increased.
Make two Smite Evil attacks against two different enemies you are engaged with.