GET /directory/{user_id}.{format}
This method returns user information for a given WatIAM ID
Name | Value | Name | Value |
Request Protocol | GET | Requires API Key | Yes |
Method ID | 1201 | Enabled | Yes |
Service Name | directory | Service ID | 251 |
Information Steward | IST Department | Data Type | LDAP Database |
Update Frequency | Realtime LDAP lookup | Cache Time | 0 seconds |
- All calls on this endpoint are logged as a security measure
- Reverse searching or indexing this catalogue is not permitted
- Any value can be
GET /directory/{user_id}.{format}
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
key | filter | yes | Your API key |
callback | filter | no | JSONP callback format |
Output Formats
- json
- xml
GET /directory/{user_id}.{format}
Field Name | Type | Value Description |
full_name | string | Full Name |
given_name | string | Given Name |
last_name | string | Last Name |
user_id | string | User's WatIAM user ID |
department | string | User's Department/Faculty Association |
common_names | list | Other names of the user |
offices | list | Office(s) of the user |
telephone_numbers | list | All telephone numbers of the user with phone extension |
homepage | string | User's personal/department website from their profile |
Any value can be null
"message":"Request successful",
"full_name":"Kartik Talwar",
"Kartik Talwar"
"EC2 2033"
"519-888-4567 x41238"