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umbertozanovello edited this page Feb 1, 2021 · 4 revisions


CoSimPy is an open source Pyhton library aiming to combine results from electromagnetic (EM) simulation with circuit analysis through a co-simulation environment. The library is developed specifically to deal with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) radiofrequency (RF) coils. Nevertheless, it is sufficiently general to be adopted in any context involving EM multiport simulations.

The library is composed of three different classes:

  • S_Matrix class
  • EM_Field class
  • RF_Coil class

The S_Matrix class is defined to manage the scattering parameters associated with any specific circuit. These can be either the scattering parameters associated with the simulated RF coil or with any other circuit which has to be connected. Specific methods are defined to handle the connection between different instances of its class.

The EM_Field class is defined to manage the EM field generated by any port of the simulated device.

The RF_Coil class represents the highest level class of the library. An instance of the RF_Coil class virtually represents the simulated device being, its properties, an S_Matrix instance managing the scattering parameters associated with the RF coil and an EM_Field instance managing the EM field generated by any port of the RF coil. This class is designed to handle the interaction between the scattering parameters and the EM field allowing the computation of the latter when the RF coil is connected to any other passive device.

S_Matrix class

This class is defined to manage the scattering matrix (S matrix) associated with any specific circuit. These can be either the scattering parameters associated with the simulated RF coil or with any other circuit which has to be connected.


  • S_Matrix.S : numpy ndarray
    Nf 🞩 NP 🞩 NP numpy ndarray representing an NP ports S matrix defined over Nf frequency values
  • S_Matrix.frequencies : numpy ndarray
    Nf numpy ndarray representing the frequency values, in hertz, over which the scattering parameters are defined
  • S_Matrix.n_f : int
    number of frequency values over which the scattering parameters are defined (Nf)
  • S_Matrix.nPorts : int
    number of ports associated with the S Matrix (NP)


__init__(self, S, freqs, z0=50)

It creates an S_Matrix instance.


  • S : numpy ndarray
    Nf 🞩 NP 🞩 NP numpy ndarray representing an NP ports S Matrix defined over Nf frequency values
  • freqs : list or numpy ndarray
    Nf list or numpy ndarray representing the frequency values, in hertz, over which the scattering parameters are defined
  • z0 : float, list or numpy ndarray, optional
    port impedances in ohm. These can be given as a NP list or numpy ndarray. If all the ports share the same impedances, a float value can be passed as parameter. Default is 50 ohm


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix


import numpy as np
from cosimpy import *

n_p = 5 #Number of ports
n_f = 10 #Number of frequency values 

frequencies = np.linspace(50e6, 150e6, n_f, endpoint=False)

s_real = np.random.rand(n_f,n_p,n_p)
s_imag = np.random.rand(n_f,n_p,n_p)
s = (s_real + 1j*s_imag) / np.max(np.abs(s_real + 1j*s_imag))

S_Matrix(s, frequencies)


       S MATRIX

    |V-| = |S||V+|
    |5 x 1| = |5 x 5||5 x 1|

    Number of frequency values = 10



Method for returning a printable representation of the S_Matrix instance.


  • self : S_Matrix


  • string : string
    The string identifies the class of the instance. It gives a textual representation of the S matrix shape and reports the number of frequency values over which the scattering parameters are defined

__getitem__(self, key)

Indexing method for S_Matrix instances. Indices are interpreted as frequency values.


  • key : tuple, list, numpy ndarray, int, float, slice
    frequency values used to index the self S_Matrix


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix


import numpy as np
from cosimpy import *

n_p = 5 #Number of ports
n_f = 10 #Number of frequency values 

frequencies = np.linspace(50e6, 150e6, n_f, endpoint=False))

S_Mat = S_Matrix(np.random.uniform(size=(n_f,n_p,n_p)), frequencies)



    array([5.0e+07, 6.0e+07, 7.0e+07, 8.0e+07, 9.0e+07, 1.0e+08, 1.1e+08,
       1.2e+08, 1.3e+08, 1.4e+08])



    array([9.0e+07, 1.0e+08, 1.1e+08, 1.2e+08, 1.3e+08, 1.4e+08])



    array([9.0e+07, 1.0e+08, 1.1e+08, 1.2e+08])


'WARNING: 9.500000e+07 Hz is not contained in the frequencies list. 9.000000e+07 Hz is returned instead'


__add__(self, other)

__add__ method for S_Matrix instances. It computes the S_Matrix resultant from the series among 1-port self and other S_Matrix instances. self and other must be defined over the same frequency values and must share the same port impedance.


  • self : S_Matrix
    1-port S_Matrix
  • other : S_Matrix
    1-port S_Matrix


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix
    1-port S_Matrix


import numpy as np
from cosimpy import *

n_f = 10 #Number of frequency values 

frequencies = np.linspace(50e6, 150e6, n_f, endpoint=False))

S_Mat1 = S_Matrix(np.random.uniform(size=(n_f,1,1)), frequencies)
S_Mat2 = S_Matrix(-1*np.ones((n_f,1,1)), frequencies) #S_Mat2: short circuit

S_res = S_Mat1 + S_Mat2

(np.round(S_res.S,6) == np.round(S_Mat1.S,6)).all()




__mul__(self, other)

__mul__ method for S_Matrix instances. It computes the S_Matrix resultant from the parallel among 1-port self and other S_Matrix instances. self and other must be defined over the same frequency values and must share the same port impedance.


  • self : S_Matrix
    1-port S_Matrix
  • other : S_Matrix
    1-port S_Matrix


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix
    1-port S_Matrix


import numpy as np
from cosimpy import *

n_f = 10 #Number of frequency values 

frequencies = np.linspace(50e6, 150e6, n_f, endpoint=False))

S_Mat1 = S_Matrix(np.random.uniform(size=(n_f,1,1)), frequencies)
S_Mat2 = S_Matrix(-1*np.ones((n_f,1,1)), frequencies) #S_Mat2: short circuit

S_res = S_Mat1 * S_Mat2

(S_res.S == -1).all()




plotS(self, parameters, dB=True, smooth=True)

The method is used to plot the scattering parameters as a function of the frequency values over which they are defined.


  • parameters : list or numpy ndarray
    list or numpy ndarray identifying the scattering parapeters to plot. Each element of parameters must be a string formatted as "S<n1>-<n2>" where <n1> and <n2> are the relevant port numbers
  • dB : bool, optional
    if True, the scattering parameters are plotted in Decibel. Otherwise, they are plotted as magnitude and phase. Default is True
  • smooth : bool, optional
    if True, the scattering parameters are interpolated along their frequency range to produce smoother plots. Default is True


  • None


import numpy as np
from cosimpy import *

n_p = 5 #Number of ports
n_f = 10 #Number of frequency values 

frequencies = np.linspace(50e6, 150e6, n_f, endpoint=False))

S_Mat = S_Matrix(np.random.uniform(size=(n_f,n_p,n_p)), frequencies)

S_Mat.plot(["S1-1, S1-2, S3-2"])


it returns the Z matrix associated with the S_Matrix self


  • self : S_Matrix


  • Z : numpy ndarray
    Nf 🞩 NP 🞩 NP numpy ndarray of impedance parameters. Nf is the number of frequency values over which self is defined and NP is the number of ports


it returns the Y matrix associated with the S_Matrix self


  • self : S_Matrix


  • Y : numpy ndarray
    Nf 🞩 NP 🞩 NP numpy ndarray of admittance parameters. Nf is the number of frequency values over which self is defined and NP is the number of ports

_singlePortConnSMatrix(self, networks, comp_Pinc=False)

The method performs the cascade connection between self and the S_Matrix instances contained in networks list.


  • self : S_Matrix
  • networks : list
    list, with length equal to the number of ports of self, either containing None values or S_Matrix instances defined over the same frequency values of self. If the n-th element of networks is None, the n-th port of self is not connected to any other network in the returned S_Matrix. If the n-th element of networks is an N-ports S_Matrix, its first port must share the same impedance of the n-th port of self and the two ports are connected together. In the returned S_Matrix, the n-th port of self is therefore expanded into (N-ports - 1) ports. The example proposed in the image below should clarify the workflow

  • comp_Pinc : bool, optional
    if True the method returns the magnitude and 'phase' of the incident powers across the ports of self when each port of the returned S matrix is supplied with 1 W of incident power and all its other ports are closed on characteristic loads. Default is False


  • S_res : S_Matrix
    The S_Matrix which results from the connection. The S_Matrix is defined over the same frequency values of self and has a number of ports equal to NP - NT + ∑i=1NT(Np,i - 1) where NP is the number of ports of self, NT is the number of S_Matrix instances in networks and Np,i is the number of ports of the i-th S_Matrix of networks. The n-th port impedance of S_res is equal to the impedance of the relevant port of self if it derives from a None element of networks. Otherwise, it is equal to the impedance of the relevant port of the S_Matrix of networks from which the port derives
  • p_incM : numpy ndarray, optional
    Nf 🞩 NPout 🞩 NP numpy ndarray where Nf is the number of frequency values over which self is defined, NPout is the number of ports of the returned S_Matrix and NP is the number of ports of self. PincM[i,j,k] represents the magnitude of the incident power at the k-port of self when the j-port of the output S_Matrix is supplied with 1 W incident power at a frequency equal to self.frequencies[i]
  • phaseM : numpy ndarray, optional
    Nf 🞩 NPout 🞩 NP numpy ndarray where Nf is the number of frequency values over which self is defined, NPout is the number of ports of the returned S_Matrix and NP is the number of ports of self. phaseM[i,j,k] represents the 'phase' of the incident power at the k-port of self when the j-port of the output S_Matrix is supplied with 1 W incident power at a frequency equal to self.frequencies[i]


import numpy as np
from cosimpy import *

n_f = 10 #Number of frequency values 

frequencies = np.linspace(50e6, 150e6, n_f, endpoint=False))

s = np.repeat(np.array([[[0, 1], [1, 0]]]), n_f, axis=0) #Straight connection between port 1 and port 2
S_Mat = S_Matrix(s, frequencies)
S_ch = S_Matrix(np.zeros((n_f,1,1)), frequencies) #Characteristic load

S_res, p_incM, phaseM = S_Mat._singlePortConnSMatrix([None, S_ch], True)




np.array_equal(np.round(p_incM,10),np.repeat([[[1., 0.]]],n_f,axis=0))



np.equal(phaseM, np.zeros_like(phaseM)).all()




_fullPortsConnSMatrix(self, other, comp_Pinc=False)

The method performs the cascade connection between self and other S_Matrix instances.


  • self : S_Matrix
  • other : S_Matrix
    S_Matrix instance defined over the same frequency values of self and with a number of ports higher than those of self. In the returned S_Matrix, the first NP ports of other are connected with the NP ports of self and must share the same port impedances
  • comp_Pinc : bool, optional
    if True the method returns the magnitude and 'phase' of the incident powers across the ports of self when each port of the returned S matrix is supplied with 1 W of incident power and all its other ports are closed on characteristic loads. Default is False


  • S_res : S_Matrix
    The S_Matrix which results from the connection. The S_Matrix is defined over the same frequency values of self and has a number of ports equal to NPo - NP being NP the number of ports of self and NPo the number of ports of other. The port impedances of S_res will be equal to those of the last NPo ports of other

  • p_incM : numpy ndarray, optional
    Nf 🞩 NPout 🞩 NP numpy ndarray where Nf is the number of frequency values over which self is defined, NPout is the number of ports of the returned S_Matrix and NP is the number of ports of self. PincM[i,j,k] represents the magnitude of the incident power at the k-port of self when the j-port of the output S_Matrix is supplied with 1 W incident power at a frequency equal to self.frequencies[i]

  • phaseM : numpy ndarray, optional
    Nf 🞩 NPout 🞩 NP numpy ndarray where Nf is the number of frequency values over which self is defined, NPout is the number of ports of the returned S_Matrix and NP is the number of ports of self. phaseM[i,j,k] represents the 'phase' of the incident power at the k-port of self when the j-port of the output S_Matrix is supplied with 1 W incident power at a frequency equal to self.frequencies[i]


import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import circulant
from cosimpy import *

n_p = 2 #Number of ports
n_f = 10 #Number of frequency values 

frequencies = np.linspace(50e6, 150e6, n_f, endpoint=False))

S_Mat = S_Matrix(np.random.uniform(size=(n_f,n_p,n_p)), frequencies)

s_other = circulant([0,0,1,0]).T #Straight connection between ports 1 with port 3 and port 2 with port 4



    array([[0, 0, 1, 0],
          [0, 0, 0, 1],
          [1, 0, 0, 0],
          [0, 1, 0, 0]])

other = S_Matrix(np.repeat([s_other], n_f, axis=0), frequencies)

S_res, p_incM, phaseM = S_Mat._fullPortsConnSMatrix(other, True)

(np.round(S_res.S,10) == np.round(S_Mat.S,n_f)).all()



np.equal(np.round(p_incM, 10),np.repeat([[[1,0],[0,1]]], n_f, axis=0)).all()



np.equal(phaseM, np.zeros_like(phaseM)).all()




__resSMatrix(self, other)

Private method used to compute the S_Matrix instance resulting from the connection of the NP ports of self with the first NP ports of other.


  • self : S_Matrix
  • other : S_Matrix
    S_Matrix instance* defined over the same frequency values of self and with a number of ports higher than those of self. In the returned S_Matrix, the first NP ports of other are connected with the NP ports of self and must share the same port impedances


  • S_res : S_Matrix
    The S_Matrix which results from the connection of self with other. The S_Matrix is defined over the same frequency values of self and has a number of ports equal to NPo - NP being NP the number of ports of self and NPo the number of ports of other. The port impedances of S_res will be equal to those of the last NPo ports of other

__load_Pinc(self, other, comp_Pinc=False)

Private method used to compute the magnitude and 'phase' of the powers incident to the ports of self when the last port of other is supplied with 1 W incident power.


  • self : S_Matrix
  • other : S_Matrix
    S_Matrix instance* defined over the same frequency values of self and with a number of ports equal to (NP + 1) where NP is equal to the number of ports of self. The first NP ports of other must share the same port impedances of the ports of self


  • p_incM : numpy ndarray
    Nf 🞩 1 🞩 NP numpy ndarray where Nf is the number of frequency values over which self is defined and NP is the number of ports of self. PincM[i,0,k] represents the magnitude of the incident power at the k-port of self when the last port of other is supplied with 1 W incident power at a frequency equal to self.frequencies[i]
  • phaseM : numpy ndarray
    Nf 🞩 1 🞩 NP numpy ndarray where Nf is the number of frequency values over which self is defined and NP is the number of ports of self. phaseM[i,0,k] represents the 'phase' of the incident power at the k-port of self when the last port of other is supplied with 1 W incident power at a frequency equal to self.frequencies[i]

__findFreqIndex(self, freq)

Private method which returns the index of self.frequencies corresponding to the frequency freq.


  • self : S_Matrix
  • freq : float


  • idx : int
    Index of of self.frequencies corresponding to the frequency freq. In case freq is not in self.frequencies, the lower index of the nearest element of self.frequencies to freq is returned

fromZtoS(Z, freqs, z0 = 50)

static method used to return an S_Matrix starting from an impedance matrix defined over the frequency values listed in freqs.


  • Z : numpy ndarray
    Nf 🞩 NP 🞩 NP numpy ndarray of impedance parameters. Nf is the number of frequency values over which the impedance parameters are defined. NP is the number of ports
  • freqs : list, numpy ndarray
    Nf list or numpy ndarray containing the frequency values, in hertz, over which the impedance parameters are defined
  • z0 : int, float, list or numpy ndarray, optional
    port impedances in ohm. These can be given as a NP list or numpy ndarray. If all the ports share the same impedances, an int or float value can be passed as parameter. Default is 50 ohm


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix
    S_Matrix obtained from the conversion of the impedance parameters and defined over the frequency values listed in freqs. The port impedances of the returned S_Matrix are given by the relevant method parameter

fromYtoS(Z, freqs, y0 = 0.02)

static method used to return an S_Matrix starting from an admittance matrix defined over the frequency values listed in freqs.


  • Z : numpy ndarray
    Nf 🞩 NP 🞩 NP numpy ndarray of admittance parameters. Nf is the number of frequency values over which the admittance parameters are defined. NP is the number of ports
  • freqs : list, numpy ndarray
    Nf list or numpy ndarray containing the frequency values, in hertz, over which the admittance parameters are defined
  • y0 : int, float, list or numpy ndarray, optional
    port admittances. These can be given as a NP list or numpy ndarray. If all the ports share the same admittances, an int or float value can be passed as parameter. Default is 0.02 S


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix
    S_Matrix obtained from the conversion of the admittance parameters and defined over the frequency values listed in freqs. The port impedances of the returned S_Matrix are obtained from the port admittances given by the relevant method parameter

importTouchstone(filename, fmt='R_I', freqUnit='MHz', fix=False, n_f=None)

static method used to return an S_Matrix importing the scattering parameters from a Touchstone file.


  • filename : string
    string reporting the touchstone file name
  • fmt : string, optional
    string defining the format of the scattering parameters reported in the touchstone file. The string can be equal to:
    • 'R_I' : Real and Imaginary parts
    • 'Mag_Deg' : Magnitude and phase in degrees
    • 'dB_Deg' : Magnitude in decibel and phase in degrees
    • 'Mag_Rad' : Magnitude and phase in radians
    • 'dB_Rad' : Magnitude in decibel and phase in radians Default is 'R_I'
  • freqUnit : string, optional
    string defining the measurement unit of the frequency values reported in the touchstone file. It can be equal to 'Hz' or 'MHz'. Default is 'MHz'
  • fix : bool, optional
    if True the method tries to fix the touchstone file where more than one row of scattering parameters corresponds to each single frequency value. If True the method returns a new touchstone file in the same folder of the original one and named as 'filename_fixed.*'. Default is False
  • n_f : int, optional
    number of frequency values over which the scattering parameters reported in the touchstone file are defined. This parameter is mandatory if fix=True otherwise it can be None (default value)


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix
    S_Matrix obtained from the touchstone file

sMatrixRCseries(Rvalue, Cvalue, freqs, z0=50)

static method used to return an S_Matrix of a 1-port Resistance-Capacitance series circuit.


  • Rvalue : float
    The resistance value in ohm
  • Cvalue : float
    The capacitance value in farad
  • freqs : list, numpy ndarray
    list, numpy ndarray reporting the frequency values, in hertz, over which the returned S_Matrix is defined
  • z0 : float, optional
    The impedance, in ohm, of the port of the returned S_Matrix. Default is 50 ohm


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix
    1-port S_Matrix, defined over the frequency values passed as method parameter, of a Resistance-Capacitance series. The port impedance is specified as method parameter

sMatrixRLseries(Rvalue, Lvalue, freqs, z0=50)

static method used to return an S_Matrix of a 1-port Resistance-Inductance series circuit.


  • Rvalue : float
    The resistance value in ohm
  • Lvalue : float
    The inductance value in henry
  • freqs : list, numpy ndarray
    list, numpy ndarray reporting the frequency values, in hertz, over which the returned S_Matrix is defined
  • z0 : float, optional
    The impedance, in ohm, of the port of the returned S_Matrix. Default is 50 ohm


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix
    1-port S_Matrix, defined over the frequency values passed as method parameter, of a Resistance-Inductance series. The port impedance is specified as method parameter

sMatrixRCparallel(Rvalue, Cvalue, freqs, z0=50)

static method used to return an S_Matrix of a 1-port Resistance-Capacitance parallel circuit.


  • Rvalue : float
    The resistance value in ohm
  • Cvalue : float
    The capacitance value in farad
  • freqs : list, numpy ndarray
    list, numpy ndarray reporting the frequency values, in hertz, over which the returned S_Matrix is defined
  • z0 : float, optional
    The impedance, in ohm, of the port of the returned S_Matrix. Default is 50 ohm


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix
    1-port S_Matrix, defined over the frequency values passed as method parameter, of a Resistance-Capacitance parallel. The port impedance is specified as method parameter

sMatrixRLparallel(Rvalue, Lvalue, freqs, z0=50)

static method used to return an S_Matrix of a 1-port Resistance-Inductance parallel circuit.


  • Rvalue : float
    The resistance value in ohm
  • Lvalue : float
    The inductance value in henry
  • freqs : list, numpy ndarray
    list, numpy ndarray reporting the frequency values, in hertz, over which the returned S_Matrix is defined
  • z0 : float, optional
    The impedance, in ohm of the port of the returned S_Matrix. Default is 50 ohm


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix
    1-port S_Matrix, defined over the frequency values passed as method parameter, of a Resistance-Inductance parallel. The port impedance is specified as method parameter

sMatrixTnetwork(SL_1, SL_2, ST, z0=50)

static method used to return an S_Matrix of a 2-port T-network.


  • SL_1 : S_Matrix
    The 1-port S_Matrix of the longitudinal parameter of the T-network towards the first port
  • SL_2 : S_Matrix
    The 1-port S_Matrix of the longitudinal parameter of the T-network towards the second port
  • ST : S_Matrix
    The 1-port S_Matrix of the transversal parameter of the T-network
  • z0 : int, float, list or numpy ndarray, optional
    port impedances in ohm. These can be given as a NP list or numpy ndarray. If all the ports share the same impedances, an int or float value can be passed as parameter. Default is 50 ohm


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix
    2-port S_Matrix, of the T-network defined over the same frequency values over which SL_1, SL_2 and ST are defined. The impedances of the two ports are specified by the relevant method parameter

sMatrixPInetwork(ST_1, ST_2, SL, z0=50)

static method used to return an S_Matrix of a 2-port PI-network.


  • ST_1 : S_Matrix
    The 1-port S_Matrix of the transversal parameter of the PI-network towards the first port
  • ST_2 : S_Matrix
    The 1-port S_Matrix of the transversal parameter of the PI-network towards the second port
  • SL : S_Matrix
    The 1-port S_Matrix of the longitudinal parameter of the PI-network
  • z0 : int, float, list or numpy ndarray, optional
    port impedances. These can be given as a NP list or numpy ndarray. If all the ports share the same impedances, an int or float value can be passed as parameter. Default is 50 ohm


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix
    2-port S_Matrix, of the PI-network defined over the same frequency values over which ST_1, ST_2 and SL are defined. The impedances of the two ports are specified by the relevant method parameter

sMatrixTrLine(l, freqs, z0=50, c_f = 1, alpha=0)

static method used to return an S_Matrix of a low-losses transmission line.


  • l : float
    length, in meters, of the transmission line
  • freqs : list, numpy ndarray
    list, numpy ndarray reporting the frequency values, in hertz, over which the returned S_Matrix is defined
  • z0 : int, float, optional
    The characteristic impedance, in ohm, of the transmission line. Default is 50 ohm
  • c_f : float, optional <br ratio between the propagation velocity in the transmission line and the speed of light. Default is 1
  • alpha : float, optional
    attenuating coefficient of the transmission line. Default is 0


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix
    2-port S_Matrix, of the transmission line defined over the frequency values given as method parameter. The impedances of the two ports are equal to the characteristic impedance of the transmission line given as method parameter

__movePort(Smat, idx0, idx1)

private static method used to return an S_Matrix where the Smat port at index idx0 is exchanged with the port at index idx1.


  • Smat : S_Matrix
  • idx0 : int
    start point index. It can be included in the range 0 to (NP-1) where NP is the number of ports of Smat. The index can be also included in the range -NP to -1. In the last case idx0 += N_P
  • idx1 : int
    end point index. It can be included in the range 0 to (NP-1) where NP is the number of ports of Smat. The index can be also included in the range -NP to -1. In the last case idx1 += N_P


  • S_Matrix : S_Matrix
    S_Matrix where the Smat port at index idx0 is exchanged with the port at index idx1. If idx0 < idx1 it moves the port at idx0 of Smat after the port at idx1 of Smat. If idx0 > idx1 it moves the port at idx0 of Smat before the port at idx1 of Smat
    Smat_t = movePort(Smat, idx0, idx1)
    it is always verified:
    Smat == movePort(Smat_t, idx1, idx0)

EM_Field class

This class is defined to manage harmonic electric and magnetic flux density fields generated by any multiport device. The EM field must be computed on a regular cartesian grid (Δx = Δy = Δz).


  • EM_Field.b_field : numpy ndarray or None
    Nf 🞩 NP 🞩 3 🞩 NN numpy ndarray where Nf is the number of frequency values over which the magnetic flux density field, expressed in tesla, is defined. NP is the number of ports of the device and NN is the number of spatial points over which the magnetic flux density field is defined. EM_Field.b_field[i,k,j,n] represents the rms of the j component of the magnetic flux density field at the frequency identified by the index i, when the port k is supplied with 1 W incident power in the point identified by index n. The values along the last axis of the array follow a fortran-like index ordering (first index changing faster) considering a Cartesian coordinate system. It can be None if the magnetic flux density field is not defined.
  • EM_Field.e_field : numpy ndarray or None
    Nf 🞩 NP 🞩 3 🞩 NN numpy ndarray where Nf is the number of frequency values over which the electric field, expressed in volts per meter, is defined. NP is the number of ports of the device and NN is the number of spatial points over which the electric field is defined. EM_Field.e_field[i,k,j,n] represents the rms of the j component of the electric field at the frequency identified by the index i, when the port k is supplied with 1 W incident power in the point identified by index n. The values along the last axis of the array follow a fortran-like index ordering (first index changing faster) considering a Cartesian coordinate system. It can be None if the electric field is not defined.
  • EM_Field.frequencies : numpy ndarray
    Nf numpy ndarray representing the frequency values, in hertz, over which electric and magnetic flux density fields are defined
  • EM_Field.nPoints : numpy ndarray
    numpy ndarray with a length equal to three reporting the number of spatial points over which the electric and magnetic flux density fields are defined: [Nx, Ny, Nz]
  • EM_Field.n_f : int
    number of frequency values over which the electric and magnetic flux density fields are defined (Nf)
  • EM_Field.nPorts : int
    number of ports associated with the electric and magnetic flux density fields (NP)
  • : dict
    dictionary which include additional properties related to the electric and magnetic flux density fields. These can be, for example, sample electric permittivity, electrical conductivity. Each additional property has to be defined over the same spatial points over which the electric and magnetic flux density fields are defined and must be represented by a real value.


__init__(self, freqs, nPoints, b_field=None, e_field=None, **kwargs)

It creates an EM_Field instance. At least one among b_field and e_field must be different from None


  • freqs : list or numpy ndarray
    Nf list or numpy ndarray representing the frequency values, in hertz, over which the electric and magnetic flux density fields are defined
  • nPoints : list or numpy ndarray
    list or numpy ndarray with a length equal to three reporting the number of spatial points over which the electric and magnetic flux density fields are defined: [Nx, Ny, Nz]
  • b_field : numpy ndarray, optional
    Nf 🞩 NP 🞩 3 🞩 NN numpy ndarray where Nf is the number of frequency values over which the magnetic flux density field, expressed in tesla, is defined. NP is the number of ports of the device and NN is the number of spatial points over which the magnetic flux density field is defined. b_field[i,k,j,n] represents the rms of the j component of the magnetic flux density field at the frequency identified by the index i, when the port k is supplied with 1 W incident power in the point identified by index n. The values along the last axis of the array follow a fortran-like index ordering (first index changing faster) considering a Cartesian coordinate system. It can be None (default value) if the magnetic flux density field is not defined.
  • e_field : numpy ndarray, optional
    Nf 🞩 NP 🞩 3 🞩 NN numpy ndarray where Nf is the number of frequency values over which the electric field, expressed in volts per meter, is defined. NP is the number of ports of the device and NN is the number of spatial points over which the electric field is defined. EM_Field.e_field[i,k,j,n] represents the rms of the j component of the electric field at the frequency identified by the index i, when the port k is supplied with 1 W incident power in the point identified by index n. The values along the last axis of the array follow a fortran-like index ordering (first index changing faster) considering a Cartesian coordinate system. It can be None (default value) if the electric field is not defined.
  • **kwargs : list, numpy ndarray, optional
    additional properties defined over the same NN spatial points over which the electric and magnetic flux density fields are defined. They can be list or numpy ndarray with a length equal to NN


  • EM_Field : EM_Field


import numpy as np
from cosimpy import *

n_p = 5 #Number of ports
n_f = 10 #Number of frequency values
nPoints = [3,4,5] #Number of points along the three Cartesian directions

frequencies = np.linspace(50e6, 150e6, n_f, endpoint=False))

bfield = np.random.rand(n_f,n_p,3, + 1j*np.random.rand(n_f,n_p,3,

cond = np.random.uniform(

EM_Field(frequencies, nPoints, b_field=bfield, conductivity=cond)


        EM FIELD

    Number of frequency values = 10
    Number of ports = 5
    Number of point (nx, ny, nz) = 3, 4, 5

    E field not defined

    'conductivity' additional property defined



Method for returning a printable representation of the EM_Field instance.


  • self : EM_Field


  • string : string
    The string identifies the class of the instance. It reports the number of frequency values, the number of ports and the number of spatial points over which the EM field is defined


If the magnetic flux density field is defined, the method returns the complex B1+ and B1- values.


  • self : EM_Field


  • sens : numpy ndarray
    Nf 🞩 NP 🞩 2 🞩 NN numpy ndarray where Nf is the number of frequency values over which the sensitivity, expressed in tesla, are defined. NP is the number of ports of the device and NN is the number of spatial points over which the sensitivities are defined. sens[i,k,j,n] represents the B1+ (if j is equal to 0) or B1- (if j is equal to 1) complex value at the frequency identified by the index i, generated by 1 W incident power at port k in the point identified by index n. The values along the last axis of the array follow a fortran-like index ordering (first index changing faster) considering a Cartesian coordinate system

plotB(self, comp, freq, port, plane, sliceIdx, vmin=None, vmax=None)

Method for plotting the magnetic flux density field over a specific slice


  • self : EM_Field
  • comp : string
    component of the magnetic flux density field, in microtesla, to be plotted. It can take the following values:
    • 'x' : x-component
    • 'y' : y-component
    • 'z' : z-component
    • 'mag' : magnitude of the magnetic flux density field vector (rms value)
    • 'b1+' : magnitude of B1+
    • 'b1-' : magnitude of B1-
  • freq : float
    frequency, in hertz, of the magnetic flux density field to be plotted
  • port : int
    port number which is supplied with 1 W incident power to generate the magnetic flux density field. All the other ports are closed on matched loads. It can take values from 1 to NP being NP the number of ports of the device
  • plane : string
    slice to be plotted. It can take the following values:
    • 'xy' : axial slice
    • 'xz' : coronal slice
    • 'yz' : sagittal slice
  • sliceIdx : int
    index of the slice to be plotted. It can take negative values. In that case sliceIdx = Ns + sliceIdx where Ns is the total number of slices in the relevant direction
  • vmin float, optional
    minimum value, in microtesla, of the chromatic bar. Default is None
  • vmax float, optional
    maximum value, in microtesla, of the chromatic bar. Default is None


  • None

plotE(self, comp, freq, port, plane, sliceIdx, vmin=None, vmax=None)

Method for plotting the melectric field over a specific slice


  • self : EM_Field
  • comp : string
    component of the electric field, in volts per meter, to be plotted. It can take the following values:
    • 'x' : x-component
    • 'y' : y-component
    • 'z' : z-component
    • 'mag' : magnitude of the electric field vector (rms value)
  • freq : float
    frequency, in hertz, of the electric field to be plotted
  • port : int
    port number which is supplied with 1 W incident power to generate the electric field. All the other ports are closed on matched loads. It can take values from 1 to NP being NP the number of ports of the device
  • plane : string
    slice to be plotted. It can take the following values:
    • 'xy' : axial slice
    • 'xz' : coronal slice
    • 'yz' : sagittal slice
  • sliceIdx : int
    index of the slice to be plotted. It can take negative values. In that case sliceIdx = Ns + sliceIdx where Ns is the total number of slices in the relevant direction
  • vmin float, optional
    minimum value, in volts per meter, of the chromatic bar. Default is None
  • vmax float, optional
    maximum value, in volts per meter, of the chromatic bar Default is None


  • None

exportXMF(self, filename)

Method for generating a .xmf and a .h5 file to be imported in data analysis and visualization applications such as ParaView. In the .h5 files, the electric field and magnetic flux density field are stored as <f>MHz-p<n>-<F>_<type> where <f> is the frequency value in megahertz, <n> is the port number, <F> is 'E' (electric field) or 'B' (magnetic flux density field) and <type> can be 'real' or 'imag' identifying the real or imaginary part of the field phasor. Additional properties, defined along the EM_Field instance, are stored with their full name in the .h5 file.


  • self : EM_Field
  • filename : string
    name of the .xmf and .h5 files


  • None

_newFieldComp(self, p_inc, phase)

It returns an EM_Field instance where the EM fields are updated according to new incident powers whose magnitude and 'phase' are contained in p_inc and phase numpy ndarray


  • self : EM_Field
  • p_incM : numpy ndarray
    Nf 🞩 NPout 🞩 NP numpy ndarray where Nf is the number of frequency values over which self is defined, NPout is the number of ports of the returned EM_Field instance and NP is the number of ports of self. PincM[i,j,k] represents the magnitude of the incident power at the k-port of self when the j-port of the output EM_Field is supplied with 1 W incident power at a frequency equal to self.frequencies[i]
  • phaseM : numpy ndarray
    Nf 🞩 NPout 🞩 NP numpy ndarray where Nf is the number of frequency values over which self is defined, NPout is the number of ports of the returned EM_Field instance and NP is the number of ports of self. PincM[i,j,k] represents the magnitude of the incident power at the k-port of self when the j-port of the output EM_Field is supplied with 1 W incident power at a frequency equal to self.frequencies[i]


  • EM_Field : EM_Field
    EM_Field defined over the same frequency values of self EM_Field. The returned EM_Field is characterised by NPout different distributions of EM fields corresponding to the number of rows of p_incM and phaseM method parameters

importFields_cst(directory, freqs, nPorts, nPoints=None, Pinc_ref=1, b_multCoeff=1, pkORrms='pk', imp_efield=True, imp_bfield=True, **kwargs)

Static method which returns an EM_Field instance importing the data from CST® STUDIO SUITE standard ASCII export files whose columns are formatted as:

|x, y, z, <EM>xRe, <EM>yRe, <EM>zRe, <EM>xIm, <EM>yIm, <EM>zIm|

Results files must be collected in a dedicated directory and named as <field_str/>_<freq_str/>_port.txt where <field_str/> can be either 'efield', for the electric field result, or 'bfield' for magnetic flux density field results, <freq_str/> is a string identifying the frequency value in megahertz (e.g. '128.4') and is the number of the port supplied, in the simulation environment, to generate the relevant EM fields. All the EM quantities must be exported on the same regular grid.


  • directory : string
    string reporting the path of the directory which contains the text files
  • freqs : list, numpy ndarray
    list or numpy ndarray of string values reporting the frequency values as they are indicated in the results filenames (<freq_str/>)
  • nPorts : int
    number of ports for which the results are available
  • nPoints : list, numpy ndarray, optional
    list or numpy ndarray with a length equal to three reporting the number of spatial points over which the electric and magnetic flux density fields are defined: [Nx, Ny, Nz]. If None (default value) the method deduces them from the result files at the expenses of a slight longer import process
  • Pinc_ref : float, optional
    magnitude of the power incident at the ports which generate the EM fields. Default is 1 W.
  • b_multCoeff : float, optional
    multiplicative factor for the magnetic results. In case the exported results are magnetic field values (A/m), it has to be equal to 4π10-7 to obtain magnetic flux density values in tesla. Default is 1
  • pkORrms : string, optional
    if 'pk' the values contained in the result files are interpreted as peak values, if 'rms' they are interpreted as rms values. Default is 'pk'
  • imp_efield : bool, optional
    if True the method imports the results relevant to the electric field. Default is True
  • imp_bfield : bool, optional
    if True the method imports the results relevant to the magnetic flux density field. Default is True
  • **kwargs : list, numpy ndarray, optional
    additional properties defined over the same NN spatial points over which the electric and magnetic flux density fields are defined. They can be list or numpy ndarray with a length equal to NN


  • EM_Field : EM_Field
    EM_Field obtained from the EM results exported from CST® STUDIO SUITE. is a dictionary based on the **kwargsparameters passed to the method

importFields_s4l(directory, freqs, nPorts, Pinc_ref=1, b_multCoeff=1, pkORrms='rms', imp_efield=True, imp_bfield=True, **kwargs)

Static method which returns an EM_Field instance importing the data from Sim4Life standard export .mat files. Results files must be collected in a dedicated directory and named as <field_str/>_port.mat where <field_str/> can be either 'efield', for the electric field results, or 'bfield' for magnetic flux density field results and is the number of the ports supplied, in the simulation environment, to generate the relevant EM field. All the EM quantities must be exported on the same regular grid.


  • directory : string
    string reporting the path of the directory which contains the .mat files
  • freqs : list, numpy ndarray
    list or numpy ndarray of float values reporting the sorted frequency values at which the results have been exported from Sim4Life
  • nPorts : int
    number of ports for which the results are available
  • nPoints : list, numpy ndarray, optional
    list or numpy ndarray with a length equal to three reporting the number of spatial points over which the electric and magnetic flux density fields are defined: [Nx, Ny, Nz]. If None (default value) the method deduces them from the result files at the expenses of a slight longer import process
  • Pinc_ref : float, optional
    magnitude of the power incident at the ports which generate the EM fields. Default is 1 W.
  • b_multCoeff : float, optional
    multiplicative factor for the magnetic results. In case the exported results are magnetic field values (A/m), it has to be equal to 4π10-7 to obtain magnetic flux density values in tesla. Default is 1
  • pkORrms : string, optional
    if 'pk' the values contained in the result files are interpreted as peak values, if 'rms' they are interpreted as rms values. Default is 'rms'
  • imp_efield : bool, optional
    if True the method imports the results relevant to the electric field. Default is True
  • imp_bfield : bool, optional
    if True the method imports the results relevant to the magnetic flux density field. Default is True
  • **kwargs : list, numpy ndarray, optional
    additional properties defined over the same NN spatial points over which the electric and magnetic flux density fields are defined. They can be list or numpy ndarray with a length equal to NN


  • EM_Field : EM_Field
    EM_Field obtained from the EM results exported from Sim4Life. is a dictionary based on the **kwargs parameters passed to the method

RF_Coil class

This class represents the link between the S_Matrix and EM_Field classes. An instance of this class represents the simulated device being, its properties, an S_Matrix and an EM_Field instance. The S_Matrix must be defined over all the frequency values at which the EM_Field is defined.


  • RF_Coil.s_matrix : S_Matrix
    S_Matrix instance defined over Nf,s frequency values and with NP ports
  • RF_Coil.em_field : EM_Field
    EM_Field instance defined over Nf,em frequency values and with NP ports


__init__(self, s_matrix, em_field=None)

It creates an RF_Coil instance.


  • s_matrix : S_Matrix
    S_Matrix instance defined over Nf,s frequency values and with NP ports
  • em_field : EM_Field, optional
    EM_Field instance defined over Nf,em frequency values and with NP ports. Default is None


  • RF_Coil : RF_Coil


import numpy as np
from cosimpy import *

n_p = 5 #Number of ports
n_f = 10 #Number of frequency values
nPoints = [3,4,5] #Number of points for EM field along the three Cartesian directions

frequencies = np.linspace(50e6, 150e6, n_f, endpoint=False))

s_matrix = S_Matrix(np.random.uniform(size=(n_f,n_p,n_p)), freqs=frequencies)

bfield = np.random.rand(n_f,n_p,3,

em_field = EM_Field(frequencies, nPoints, b_field=bfield)


        RF COIL


|V-| = |S||V+|
|5 x 1| = |5 x 5||5 x 1|

Number of frequency values = 10


Number of frequency values = 10

Number of points = (3, 4, 5)

E field not defined



Method for returning a printable representation of the RF_Coil instance.


  • self : RF_Coil


  • string : string
    The string identifies the class of the instance. It reports information about the S_Matrix and EM_Field properties

singlePortConnRFcoil(self, networks, comp_Pinc=False)

The method performs the cascade connection between self and the S_Matrix instances contained in networks list.


  • self : RF_Coil
  • networks : list
    list with length equal to the number of port of self.s_matrix either containing None values or S_Matrix instances defined over the same frequency values of self.s_matrix. If the n-th element of networks is None, the n-th port of self is not connected to any other network in the returned RF_Coil. If the n-th element of networks is an N-ports S_Matrix, its first port must share the same impedance of the n-th port of self and the two ports are connected together. In the returned RF_Coil, the n-th port of self is therefore expanded into (N-ports - 1) ports. The example proposed in the image below should clarify the workflow

  • comp_Pinc : bool, optional
    if True the method returns an RF_Coil instance whose em_field property is updated according to the new connections. If False (default value), the em_field property of the returned RF_Coil is None


  • RF_Coil : RF_Coil
    The new RF_Coil resulting form the connection of the original self RF_Coil with the S_Matrix instances contained in networks. It is worth noting that, if any of the network in the networks list, generates, under the given supplying conditions, an EM field which is not negligible with respect to that generated by the unconnected RF coil, the EM field associated with the returned RF_Coil can be inaccurate

fullPortsConnRFcoil(self, s_matrix_other, comp_Pinc=False)

The method performs the cascade connection between self and other S_Matrix instance.


  • self : RF_Coil
  • other : S_Matrix
    S_Matrix instance defined over the same frequency values of self.s_matrix and with a number of ports higher than those of self. In the returned RF_Coil, the first NP ports of other are connected with the NP ports of self and must share the same port impedances
  • comp_Pinc : bool, optional
    if True the method returns an RF_Coil instance whose em_field property is updated according to the new connections. If False (default value), the em_field property of the returned RF_Coil is None


  • RF_Coil : RF_Coil
    The new RF_Coil resulting form the connection of the original self RF_Coil with the S_Matrix other. It is worth noting that, if the network, described by the S_Matrix other, generates, under the given supplying conditions, an EM field which is not negligible with respect to that generated by the unconnected RF coil, the EM field associated with the returned RF_Coil can be inaccurate
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