How to deploy Visualis
Get the latest installation package from our Github releases, then:
## 1. Unzip the installation package
cd visualis-assembly-0.5.0-dist-beta.7
After installation directories ready, follow below steps to modify configurations. (Basically application.yml and under conf directory)
protocol: http
address: #The IP address of the deployment machine
port: #The port of this service
url: #The full path to vist Visualis index page
address: #The IP or host name of frontend address
port: #The port of frontend address
defaultZone: $EUREKA_URL #The eureka address
name: visualis #Service name
## davinci datasouce config
url: #The JDBC url of the application database
username: #The user name of the application database
password: #The password of the application database
default_browser: PHANTOMJS # PHANTOMJS or CHROME
timeout_second: 1800
phantomjs_path: ${DAVINCI3_HOME}/bin/phantomjs #selenium phantomjs Linux driver path(only need to be filled if PHANTOMJS is chosen for default_browser)
chromedriver_path: $your_chromedriver_path$ #selenium chrome Linux driver path(only need to be filled if CHROME is chosen for default_browser)
wds.dss.visualis.gateway.ip= #Linkis gateway ip
wds.dss.visualis.gateway.port= #Linkis gateway port
Execute the statements of davinci.sql in the application database. This file can be got from both the release package or source code.
After modifying configurations, enter the bin directory and start the application.
Enter bin deirectory, execute
Open Eureka web page, if Visualis was found on the registered server list, it can be concluded that the application has been started successfully. If Visualis was not found after 3 minutes, please got to logs directory and open visualis.out to find error messages.
Visualis frontend pages should be deployed separeted with backend services. Download the installation package and unzip to /dss/visualis directory under the path configured in nginx.