- Fixed outline style for images
- Fixed bugs related fillPoint compatibility
- Fixed minor bugs related to color fill
- Updated to new formatting model
- Fixed minor bugs related to shape
- Outline disabled for images
- Dependencies update
- Stroke color changes related to the element fill color
- ShiftKey enabled for multiple selection
- Include / exclude features added to context menu
- Dropdown options localization fixed
- Outline stroke width setting added
- Keyboard navigation support added
- README updated with shapes usage explanation
- Category and Value axes default coordinates load fix
- FillPoint default value fix
- powerbi-visuals-tools 4.2.0+
- Console error bug fixes
- API 5.2.0+
- Dependencies update
- Major bugs fixes
- Support Highlight feature add
- Eslint support
- Puppeeter support
- Backdrop URL field was restored
- API 3.2.0
- Packages updated
- Webpack integration
- Azure Pipelines integration
- API 2.5.0
- updated powerbi-visuals-utils, powerbi-visuals-tools 3.x.x
- d3 v5
- Tests for date values case
- Date formatting for X and Y Axis
- High contrast mode
- API 1.13.0
- Migrating to DataViewObjectsParser
- Code refactoring
- Images change its opacity on user's selection
- Added localization for all supported languages
- UPD: powerbi-visuals-tools has been updated to 1.11.0 to support Bookmarks
- UPD: API has been updated to 1.11.0 to support Bookmarks
- UPD: powerbi-visuals-utils-interactivityutils has been updated to 3.1.0 to support Bookmarks
- UPD: powerbi-visuals-utils-testutils has been updated to "1.2.0" to support Bookmarks
- UPD: package-lock was updated
- UPD: was added new packages
- UPD: powerbi-visuals-tools was be updated to 1.8.0
- Converts visual to the new API (1.8.0)
- Converts visual to the new API (1.7.0)