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File metadata and controls

177 lines (130 loc) · 5.97 KB



  • Vanilo 4 requires PHP 8.2 or higher and Laravel 10 or 11
  • json, openssl, PDO, mbstring, tokenizer, xml, ctype PHP extensions
  • Supported database engines*:
    • MySQL 5.7 or higher,
    • MariaDB 10.2.7 or higher,
    • PostgreSQL 9.2 or higher,
    • SQLite 3.35 or higher.

* JSON field types are used, therefore make sure to use at least the required minimum version of your preferred DB engine.

With Composer

# Create a new project (optional):
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel vaniloapp ^11.0
cd vaniloapp

# Install the vanilo package:
composer require vanilo/framework

# Publish module loader config:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Konekt\Concord\ConcordServiceProvider" --tag=config

Edit config/concord.php and add this content:


return [
    'modules' => [

The following Concord modules should be installed now:

php artisan concord:modules -a

| #   | Name                         | Kind   | Version | Id                    | Namespace            |
| 1.  | Konekt User Module           | Module | 3.0.0   | konekt.user           | Konekt\User          |
| 2.  | Konekt Address Module        | Module | 3.4.1   | konekt.address        | Konekt\Address       |
| 3.  | Konekt Customer Module       | Module | 3.2.0   | konekt.customer       | Konekt\Customer      |
| 4.  | Vanilo Adjustments Module    | Module | 4.2.0   | vanilo.adjustments    | Vanilo\Adjustments   |
| 5.  | Vanilo Category Module       | Module | 4.2.0   | vanilo.category       | Vanilo\Category      |
| 6.  | Vanilo Product Module        | Module | 4.2.0   | vanilo.product        | Vanilo\Product       |
| 7.  | Vanilo Properties Module     | Module | 4.2.0   |     | Vanilo\Properties    |
| 8.  | Vanilo Channel Module        | Module | 4.2.0   |        | Vanilo\Channel       |
| 9.  | Vanilo Cart Module           | Module | 4.2.0   | vanilo.cart           | Vanilo\Cart          |
| 10. | Vanilo Checkout Module       | Module | 4.2.0   | vanilo.checkout       | Vanilo\Checkout      |
| 11. | Vanilo Order Module          | Module | 4.2.0   | vanilo.order          | Vanilo\Order         |
| 12. | Vanilo Payment Module        | Module | 4.2.0   | vanilo.payment        | Vanilo\Payment       |
| 13. | Vanilo Links Module          | Module | 4.2.0   | vanilo.links          | Vanilo\Links         |
| 14. | Vanilo Master Product Module | Module | 4.2.0   | vanilo.master_product | Vanilo\MasterProduct |
| 15. | Vanilo Shipment Module       | Module | 4.2.0   | vanilo.shipment       | Vanilo\Shipment      |
| 16. | Vanilo Taxes Module          | Module | 4.2.0   | vanilo.taxes          | Vanilo\Taxes         |
| 17. | Vanilo Promotion Module      | Module | 4.2.0   | vanilo.promotion      | Vanilo\Promotion     |
| 18. | Vanilo Foundation            | Box    | 4.2.0   |     | Vanilo\Foundation    |

Configure .env, along with a database. (Also create the db if necessary)

Afterward, run the migrations:

php artisan migrate

Vanilo contains about 80 migrations out of the box.

It's not mandatory but recommended to seed the countries table:

php artisan db:seed --class '\Konekt\Address\Seeds\Countries'

Laravel Auth Support

Depending on your needs, Laravel offers you several starter kits for authentication:

As a reference, here we're showing you how to install breeze with blade, but you can choose any other solution you like.

Step 1 - Installing Breeze

composer require laravel/breeze --dev

php artisan breeze:install

Step 2

Variant 1 - Simple

Modify App\Models\User so that it extends Vanilo's user model:

// app/Models/User.php
namespace App\Models;

// No need to use Laravel default traits and properties as
// they're already present in the base class exactly as
// they're defined in a default Laravel installation
class User extends \Konekt\User\Models\User

Variant 2 - Flexible

In case you don't want to extend the base User, then it's sufficient just to implement its interface:

// app/User.php
// ... The default User model or arbitrary code for your app

// You can use any other base class eg: TCG\Voyager\Models\User
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Konekt\User\Contracts\Profile;
use Konekt\User\Contracts\User as UserContract;

class User extends Authenticatable implements UserContract
    // ...
    // Add these methods to comply with the required Interface:
    public function inactivate()
        $this->is_active = false;

    public function activate()
        $this->is_active = true;

    public function getProfile(): ?Profile
        return null;
    // ...

You may also completely leave empty the implementations of the new methods.

Step 3 - Register The Model

And add this to you AppServiceProviders's boot method:

// app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

   $this->app->concord->registerModel(\Konekt\User\Contracts\User::class, \App\Models\User::class);

Next Steps

Now you have installed the Vanilo Framework, you can start building the application. Please note that Vanilo comes with no frontend or routes out of the box. As a reference here are a few tips where to continue:

  1. Install the optional Admin Panel
  2. Check the sample vanilo application on Github to see how to build the StoreFront: