First of all, let me thank you for your interest in Lomiri-Arch!
Special thanks to:
- Abhishek for the idea of the project
- Rodney (aka dobey) for guiding me when I felt lost
- Marius and Florian from the UBports Dev Team for merging my PRs and motivating me
- Dalton from the UBports Dev Team for assisting me with project management
- William Wold for helping with Mir and for the financial support on Patreon ($95 total)
- Alex for former financial support on Patreon ($40 total). He has a German YouTube channel about Linux: WarumLinuxBesserIst, and a recently created English YouTube channel: eDrive
- Jeroen Bots for financial support on Patreon ($1450 total)
- z3ntu for helping with updating and patching packages
As the project is in it's alpha stage, your contribution is very important.
You can help us by packaging the components of Lomiri.
Start off by reading the AUR wiki page. Make yourself familiar with PKGBUILDs.
All packages are listed in the STATUS of this repository. They split into 2 categories: cmake
and qmake
Try to build one of them, make a PKGBUILD for it. Even if it fails to build, PR the PKGBUILD here. Open an issue on the upstream repository if you think it's a bug. Don't forget to include the link to that issue in your PR.
You can install Lomiri on your system, and help by testing individual packages.
If something doesn't feel right, open an issue both upstream and in this repository.
If you have some coding knowledge, you can take a look at the issues list in the STATUS. There are also some undocumented issues to look for in BROKEN.txt.
Try to fix as many things as possible. PR a patch upstream, and PR a patch in this repository. A packager will include your patch at compile time until the upstream PR is merged.