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Set up an API Gateway

You have a database now, and you've got a lambda, you'll need access to these from the outside. For this let's build an AWS API Gateway. This will expose a REST api to the outside that anyone can reach, if they know the url. In this tutorial you'll secure it with a secret client api key, so it will only respond to you. Everyone else gets an error if they try to use it.

Also, we're going to create 2 different "stages" for your API Gateway, one called dev and one called prod. This will allow the API Gateway to execute a different version of your lambda function, depending on which url is used (as the dev and prod urls will be a little different). You'll use the dev and prod aliases you set up for your lambda in the last page of instructions.

Having two different "stages" like this means that you can assign a stable version of your lambda for use in production, on user's devices after your capsule has been released to the marketplace. And you'll still be able to continue to work on bug fixes and improvements, in newer versions of your lambda and Bixby Studio using the dev url, without disturbing current users.

Creating an API Gateway Service

Here's how to create your API Gateway service:

  • go the API Gateway Service
  • look on the top line of the console, make sure that you have selected the same AWS region that you used for the lambda and the database
  • press the blue Create API button
  • if it asks you to create an example api for the pet store (because this is your first api), click Ok
  • select New API (instead of Example API, if necessary, see image below)
  • enter an API name, like memory-api (this name could be anything, as it's not referenced anywhere else)
  • press the Create API button

You need to create the top-level resource for your api:

  • pull down the Actions menu and choose Create Resource
  • enter a resource name and resource path (use service for both)
  • leave the CORS checkbox unchecked
  • press the Create resource button

Now create a POST method on this resource:

  • pull down the Actions menu and choose Create method
  • choose POST from the menu that appears
  • enter the name of the lambda function, as memory-lambda
  • press the Save button
  • press Ok when a popup window asks you about providing access to the lambda function

Organizing the Incoming JSON Data

You'll need the API to accept JSON data, follow these steps to create a mapping:

  • after the last step, you should be at the service POST page (see image below)
  • click on the Integration Request link

  • scroll down until you can see Mapping Templates (see image below)
  • click on the triangle to expand this section
  • click on the + button to add a mapping template

  • enter application/json into the content-type field
  • press the checkmark button

  • when a popup comes through about changing passthrough behavior, press the Yes, secure this integration button

  • scroll down further so you can see the generate template dropdown menu
  • choose Method Request passthru from the menu

  • once the code fills into the window, press the Save button

  • return to the POST method page once again by clicking on the Method Execution link

Creating Dev and Prod Deployment Stages

Once your capsule is released, you are going to need separate development and production environments. That allows you to work on new features without affecting current users. When you set up memory-lambda, you created aliases for dev and prod. Now let's create two deployment stages in your AWS API Gateway, one for each.

Here's how:

  • select the root level in your api navigation sidebar (if it's not already selected)
  • pull down the Actions menu
  • choose Deploy API (see image below)

  • select [New Stage] for the Deployment stage (see image below)
  • enter dev for the State name
  • press the Deploy button

  • select the Stage Variables tab (see image below)
  • press the + button next to Add Stage Variable

  • enter the variable name env (see image below)
  • enter the value dev
  • press the checkbox

  • click on the memory-api -> Resources link in the sidebar
  • repeat the process above to deploy another stage, but this time use prod, instead of dev

When you are done, you will have two deployment stages, dev and prod, and each wil have a stage environment variable called env that has a value equal to the stage name.

Make the Gateway API Dynamic

Now we'll make the API Gateway call a different version of the lambda, using an alias, depending on which deployment stage is used. Try this:

  • click on the memory-api -> Resources link in the sidebar (see image below)
  • expand the api service by clicking on the triangle
  • click on the POST operation
  • click on the Integration Request link

  • click on the pencil icon to edit the name of the lambda function that you entered earlier (see image below)

  • modify the name of the lambda function from memory-lambda to memory-lambda:${stageVariables.env} (see image below)
  • click on the checkbox

A popup window will appear, warning you that you need to give the API Gateway permission to call the lambda using both of the new aliases. Do the following:

  • copy all of the text from the pink background section into the clipboard (see image below, I've blocked out own account number)
  • note the location of the new lambda function call (the red rectangle in the image below)

  • open a terminal window where you have cmdline AWS access configured for this account (from the AWS setup earlier)
  • paste the clipboard text onto the command line
  • edit the command line, replacing ${stageVariables.env} with dev and press return (see image below)
  • paste the clipboard text onto the command line again
  • edit the command line, replacing ${stageVariables.env} with prod and press return

Test that the API calls the Lambda

You may test that the api calls the lambda properly for each stage, by taking the following steps:

  • click on the memory-api -> Resources link in the sidebar (see image below)
  • click in the POST method in the navigation sidebar
  • press the Test link

  • enter dev for the value of the env state variable (see image below, you may use prod instead if you like)
  • enter the following JSON into the request body:
  "secretClientApiKey": "my-client-key-0425-afgnrq-4fe6h1",
  "clientVersion": "1.0.0",
  "userId": "my-unique-user-001",
  "actionType": "list"
  • press the Test button
  • after the test runs, you'll be able to to see the output on the right of the image below, the Response Body should look similar to what you saw when you tested the lambda earlier

Note: the request gets wrapped in a body-json object by the Gateway API mapping function. That's why the code in index.js looks for the request body within a body-json property. You may remember that When you tested from the lambda earlier, you needed to wrap the request with a body-json object. You don't need to do that when testing from the Gateway API, nor when using the new REST api from the outside.

Find for your REST API URL

To find the url for accessing your api from outside AWS, look at the stage information:

  • click on the link in the left-most navigation bar that says Stages
  • click on dev or prod
  • note that the URL is displayed at the top (I blocked out the account identifier in the image below)

To use the URL, you'll need to add a forward-slash and the name of the resource we added, which was service. And it can only be called with POST. We'll test it from outside AWS, in the next section.

Test your API with Postman

It's best to test your REST api now, to work out any bugs, before you try using it from a capsule. Try this:

  • download and install Postman
  • run Postman and click on the Request link in the welcome window to create a new request (see image below)

  • give the request a name, like AWS Tutorial Request (see image below)
  • click on Create Collection and enter a collection name, like AWS Tutorial, and click on the checkbox
  • press the Save to AWS Tutorial button

  • on the new request page, where it says GET, choose POST instead for the operation type (see image below)
  • enter the URL for the Gateway API, remember to add /service to the URL that you copied from the Gateway API page above
  • click on the Body tab
  • under the body tab, click on raw
  • to the right of raw, where it says Text, choose JSON (application/json) from the dropdown menu instead
  • paste the same JSON data into this request that you used to test the Gateway API earlier:
  "secretClientApiKey": "my-client-key-0425-afgnrq-4fe6h1",
  "clientVersion": "1.0.0",
  "userId": "my-unique-user-001",
  "actionType": "list"
  • click on the Save button
  • click on the Send button

You should see results like those below:


For more information about all of this, see these excellent articles that explain how this works in more detail:

Next: Create and Publish the Capsule