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diff --git a/hack/actions/gen/main_test.go b/hack/actions/gen/main_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b569c75b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hack/actions/gen/main_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2019-2024 vdaas.org vald team <vald@vdaas.org>
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//	https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package main
+// func TestData_initPullRequestPaths(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		AliasImage        bool
+// 		ConfigExists      bool
+// 		Year              int
+// 		ContainerType     ContainerType
+// 		AppName           string
+// 		BinDir            string
+// 		BuildUser         string
+// 		BuilderImage      string
+// 		BuilderTag        string
+// 		BuildStageName    string
+// 		Maintainer        string
+// 		PackageDir        string
+// 		RootDir           string
+// 		RuntimeImage      string
+// 		RuntimeTag        string
+// 		RuntimeUser       string
+// 		Name              string
+// 		BuildPlatforms    string
+// 		Arguments         map[string]string
+// 		Environments      map[string]string
+// 		Entrypoints       []string
+// 		EnvironmentsSlice []string
+// 		ExtraCopies       []string
+// 		ExtraImages       []string
+// 		ExtraPackages     []string
+// 		Preprocess        []string
+// 		RunCommands       []string
+// 		RunMounts         []string
+// 		StageFiles        []string
+// 		PullRequestPaths  []string
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct{}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want) error {
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           AliasImage:false,
+// 		           ConfigExists:false,
+// 		           Year:0,
+// 		           ContainerType:nil,
+// 		           AppName:"",
+// 		           BinDir:"",
+// 		           BuildUser:"",
+// 		           BuilderImage:"",
+// 		           BuilderTag:"",
+// 		           BuildStageName:"",
+// 		           Maintainer:"",
+// 		           PackageDir:"",
+// 		           RootDir:"",
+// 		           RuntimeImage:"",
+// 		           RuntimeTag:"",
+// 		           RuntimeUser:"",
+// 		           Name:"",
+// 		           BuildPlatforms:"",
+// 		           Arguments:nil,
+// 		           Environments:nil,
+// 		           Entrypoints:nil,
+// 		           EnvironmentsSlice:nil,
+// 		           ExtraCopies:nil,
+// 		           ExtraImages:nil,
+// 		           ExtraPackages:nil,
+// 		           Preprocess:nil,
+// 		           RunCommands:nil,
+// 		           RunMounts:nil,
+// 		           StageFiles:nil,
+// 		           PullRequestPaths:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           AliasImage:false,
+// 		           ConfigExists:false,
+// 		           Year:0,
+// 		           ContainerType:nil,
+// 		           AppName:"",
+// 		           BinDir:"",
+// 		           BuildUser:"",
+// 		           BuilderImage:"",
+// 		           BuilderTag:"",
+// 		           BuildStageName:"",
+// 		           Maintainer:"",
+// 		           PackageDir:"",
+// 		           RootDir:"",
+// 		           RuntimeImage:"",
+// 		           RuntimeTag:"",
+// 		           RuntimeUser:"",
+// 		           Name:"",
+// 		           BuildPlatforms:"",
+// 		           Arguments:nil,
+// 		           Environments:nil,
+// 		           Entrypoints:nil,
+// 		           EnvironmentsSlice:nil,
+// 		           ExtraCopies:nil,
+// 		           ExtraImages:nil,
+// 		           ExtraPackages:nil,
+// 		           Preprocess:nil,
+// 		           RunCommands:nil,
+// 		           RunMounts:nil,
+// 		           StageFiles:nil,
+// 		           PullRequestPaths:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			data := &Data{
+// 				AliasImage:        test.fields.AliasImage,
+// 				ConfigExists:      test.fields.ConfigExists,
+// 				Year:              test.fields.Year,
+// 				ContainerType:     test.fields.ContainerType,
+// 				AppName:           test.fields.AppName,
+// 				BinDir:            test.fields.BinDir,
+// 				BuildUser:         test.fields.BuildUser,
+// 				BuilderImage:      test.fields.BuilderImage,
+// 				BuilderTag:        test.fields.BuilderTag,
+// 				BuildStageName:    test.fields.BuildStageName,
+// 				Maintainer:        test.fields.Maintainer,
+// 				PackageDir:        test.fields.PackageDir,
+// 				RootDir:           test.fields.RootDir,
+// 				RuntimeImage:      test.fields.RuntimeImage,
+// 				RuntimeTag:        test.fields.RuntimeTag,
+// 				RuntimeUser:       test.fields.RuntimeUser,
+// 				Name:              test.fields.Name,
+// 				BuildPlatforms:    test.fields.BuildPlatforms,
+// 				Arguments:         test.fields.Arguments,
+// 				Environments:      test.fields.Environments,
+// 				Entrypoints:       test.fields.Entrypoints,
+// 				EnvironmentsSlice: test.fields.EnvironmentsSlice,
+// 				ExtraCopies:       test.fields.ExtraCopies,
+// 				ExtraImages:       test.fields.ExtraImages,
+// 				ExtraPackages:     test.fields.ExtraPackages,
+// 				Preprocess:        test.fields.Preprocess,
+// 				RunCommands:       test.fields.RunCommands,
+// 				RunMounts:         test.fields.RunMounts,
+// 				StageFiles:        test.fields.StageFiles,
+// 				PullRequestPaths:  test.fields.PullRequestPaths,
+// 			}
+// 			data.initPullRequestPaths()
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func TestData_initData(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		AliasImage        bool
+// 		ConfigExists      bool
+// 		Year              int
+// 		ContainerType     ContainerType
+// 		AppName           string
+// 		BinDir            string
+// 		BuildUser         string
+// 		BuilderImage      string
+// 		BuilderTag        string
+// 		BuildStageName    string
+// 		Maintainer        string
+// 		PackageDir        string
+// 		RootDir           string
+// 		RuntimeImage      string
+// 		RuntimeTag        string
+// 		RuntimeUser       string
+// 		Name              string
+// 		BuildPlatforms    string
+// 		Arguments         map[string]string
+// 		Environments      map[string]string
+// 		Entrypoints       []string
+// 		EnvironmentsSlice []string
+// 		ExtraCopies       []string
+// 		ExtraImages       []string
+// 		ExtraPackages     []string
+// 		Preprocess        []string
+// 		RunCommands       []string
+// 		RunMounts         []string
+// 		StageFiles        []string
+// 		PullRequestPaths  []string
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct{}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want) error {
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           AliasImage:false,
+// 		           ConfigExists:false,
+// 		           Year:0,
+// 		           ContainerType:nil,
+// 		           AppName:"",
+// 		           BinDir:"",
+// 		           BuildUser:"",
+// 		           BuilderImage:"",
+// 		           BuilderTag:"",
+// 		           BuildStageName:"",
+// 		           Maintainer:"",
+// 		           PackageDir:"",
+// 		           RootDir:"",
+// 		           RuntimeImage:"",
+// 		           RuntimeTag:"",
+// 		           RuntimeUser:"",
+// 		           Name:"",
+// 		           BuildPlatforms:"",
+// 		           Arguments:nil,
+// 		           Environments:nil,
+// 		           Entrypoints:nil,
+// 		           EnvironmentsSlice:nil,
+// 		           ExtraCopies:nil,
+// 		           ExtraImages:nil,
+// 		           ExtraPackages:nil,
+// 		           Preprocess:nil,
+// 		           RunCommands:nil,
+// 		           RunMounts:nil,
+// 		           StageFiles:nil,
+// 		           PullRequestPaths:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           AliasImage:false,
+// 		           ConfigExists:false,
+// 		           Year:0,
+// 		           ContainerType:nil,
+// 		           AppName:"",
+// 		           BinDir:"",
+// 		           BuildUser:"",
+// 		           BuilderImage:"",
+// 		           BuilderTag:"",
+// 		           BuildStageName:"",
+// 		           Maintainer:"",
+// 		           PackageDir:"",
+// 		           RootDir:"",
+// 		           RuntimeImage:"",
+// 		           RuntimeTag:"",
+// 		           RuntimeUser:"",
+// 		           Name:"",
+// 		           BuildPlatforms:"",
+// 		           Arguments:nil,
+// 		           Environments:nil,
+// 		           Entrypoints:nil,
+// 		           EnvironmentsSlice:nil,
+// 		           ExtraCopies:nil,
+// 		           ExtraImages:nil,
+// 		           ExtraPackages:nil,
+// 		           Preprocess:nil,
+// 		           RunCommands:nil,
+// 		           RunMounts:nil,
+// 		           StageFiles:nil,
+// 		           PullRequestPaths:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			data := &Data{
+// 				AliasImage:        test.fields.AliasImage,
+// 				ConfigExists:      test.fields.ConfigExists,
+// 				Year:              test.fields.Year,
+// 				ContainerType:     test.fields.ContainerType,
+// 				AppName:           test.fields.AppName,
+// 				BinDir:            test.fields.BinDir,
+// 				BuildUser:         test.fields.BuildUser,
+// 				BuilderImage:      test.fields.BuilderImage,
+// 				BuilderTag:        test.fields.BuilderTag,
+// 				BuildStageName:    test.fields.BuildStageName,
+// 				Maintainer:        test.fields.Maintainer,
+// 				PackageDir:        test.fields.PackageDir,
+// 				RootDir:           test.fields.RootDir,
+// 				RuntimeImage:      test.fields.RuntimeImage,
+// 				RuntimeTag:        test.fields.RuntimeTag,
+// 				RuntimeUser:       test.fields.RuntimeUser,
+// 				Name:              test.fields.Name,
+// 				BuildPlatforms:    test.fields.BuildPlatforms,
+// 				Arguments:         test.fields.Arguments,
+// 				Environments:      test.fields.Environments,
+// 				Entrypoints:       test.fields.Entrypoints,
+// 				EnvironmentsSlice: test.fields.EnvironmentsSlice,
+// 				ExtraCopies:       test.fields.ExtraCopies,
+// 				ExtraImages:       test.fields.ExtraImages,
+// 				ExtraPackages:     test.fields.ExtraPackages,
+// 				Preprocess:        test.fields.Preprocess,
+// 				RunCommands:       test.fields.RunCommands,
+// 				RunMounts:         test.fields.RunMounts,
+// 				StageFiles:        test.fields.StageFiles,
+// 				PullRequestPaths:  test.fields.PullRequestPaths,
+// 			}
+// 			data.initData()
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func TestData_generateWorkflowStruct(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		AliasImage        bool
+// 		ConfigExists      bool
+// 		Year              int
+// 		ContainerType     ContainerType
+// 		AppName           string
+// 		BinDir            string
+// 		BuildUser         string
+// 		BuilderImage      string
+// 		BuilderTag        string
+// 		BuildStageName    string
+// 		Maintainer        string
+// 		PackageDir        string
+// 		RootDir           string
+// 		RuntimeImage      string
+// 		RuntimeTag        string
+// 		RuntimeUser       string
+// 		Name              string
+// 		BuildPlatforms    string
+// 		Arguments         map[string]string
+// 		Environments      map[string]string
+// 		Entrypoints       []string
+// 		EnvironmentsSlice []string
+// 		ExtraCopies       []string
+// 		ExtraImages       []string
+// 		ExtraPackages     []string
+// 		Preprocess        []string
+// 		RunCommands       []string
+// 		RunMounts         []string
+// 		StageFiles        []string
+// 		PullRequestPaths  []string
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want *Workflow
+// 		err  error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, *Workflow, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got *Workflow, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           AliasImage:false,
+// 		           ConfigExists:false,
+// 		           Year:0,
+// 		           ContainerType:nil,
+// 		           AppName:"",
+// 		           BinDir:"",
+// 		           BuildUser:"",
+// 		           BuilderImage:"",
+// 		           BuilderTag:"",
+// 		           BuildStageName:"",
+// 		           Maintainer:"",
+// 		           PackageDir:"",
+// 		           RootDir:"",
+// 		           RuntimeImage:"",
+// 		           RuntimeTag:"",
+// 		           RuntimeUser:"",
+// 		           Name:"",
+// 		           BuildPlatforms:"",
+// 		           Arguments:nil,
+// 		           Environments:nil,
+// 		           Entrypoints:nil,
+// 		           EnvironmentsSlice:nil,
+// 		           ExtraCopies:nil,
+// 		           ExtraImages:nil,
+// 		           ExtraPackages:nil,
+// 		           Preprocess:nil,
+// 		           RunCommands:nil,
+// 		           RunMounts:nil,
+// 		           StageFiles:nil,
+// 		           PullRequestPaths:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           AliasImage:false,
+// 		           ConfigExists:false,
+// 		           Year:0,
+// 		           ContainerType:nil,
+// 		           AppName:"",
+// 		           BinDir:"",
+// 		           BuildUser:"",
+// 		           BuilderImage:"",
+// 		           BuilderTag:"",
+// 		           BuildStageName:"",
+// 		           Maintainer:"",
+// 		           PackageDir:"",
+// 		           RootDir:"",
+// 		           RuntimeImage:"",
+// 		           RuntimeTag:"",
+// 		           RuntimeUser:"",
+// 		           Name:"",
+// 		           BuildPlatforms:"",
+// 		           Arguments:nil,
+// 		           Environments:nil,
+// 		           Entrypoints:nil,
+// 		           EnvironmentsSlice:nil,
+// 		           ExtraCopies:nil,
+// 		           ExtraImages:nil,
+// 		           ExtraPackages:nil,
+// 		           Preprocess:nil,
+// 		           RunCommands:nil,
+// 		           RunMounts:nil,
+// 		           StageFiles:nil,
+// 		           PullRequestPaths:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			data := &Data{
+// 				AliasImage:        test.fields.AliasImage,
+// 				ConfigExists:      test.fields.ConfigExists,
+// 				Year:              test.fields.Year,
+// 				ContainerType:     test.fields.ContainerType,
+// 				AppName:           test.fields.AppName,
+// 				BinDir:            test.fields.BinDir,
+// 				BuildUser:         test.fields.BuildUser,
+// 				BuilderImage:      test.fields.BuilderImage,
+// 				BuilderTag:        test.fields.BuilderTag,
+// 				BuildStageName:    test.fields.BuildStageName,
+// 				Maintainer:        test.fields.Maintainer,
+// 				PackageDir:        test.fields.PackageDir,
+// 				RootDir:           test.fields.RootDir,
+// 				RuntimeImage:      test.fields.RuntimeImage,
+// 				RuntimeTag:        test.fields.RuntimeTag,
+// 				RuntimeUser:       test.fields.RuntimeUser,
+// 				Name:              test.fields.Name,
+// 				BuildPlatforms:    test.fields.BuildPlatforms,
+// 				Arguments:         test.fields.Arguments,
+// 				Environments:      test.fields.Environments,
+// 				Entrypoints:       test.fields.Entrypoints,
+// 				EnvironmentsSlice: test.fields.EnvironmentsSlice,
+// 				ExtraCopies:       test.fields.ExtraCopies,
+// 				ExtraImages:       test.fields.ExtraImages,
+// 				ExtraPackages:     test.fields.ExtraPackages,
+// 				Preprocess:        test.fields.Preprocess,
+// 				RunCommands:       test.fields.RunCommands,
+// 				RunMounts:         test.fields.RunMounts,
+// 				StageFiles:        test.fields.StageFiles,
+// 				PullRequestPaths:  test.fields.PullRequestPaths,
+// 			}
+// 			got, err := data.generateWorkflowStruct()
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func Test_main(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type want struct{}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want) error {
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			main()
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
diff --git a/hack/go.mod.default b/hack/go.mod.default
index 7185722665..38793cafcd 100644
--- a/hack/go.mod.default
+++ b/hack/go.mod.default
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 module github.com/vdaas/vald
-go 1.23.1
+go 1.23.2
 replace (
 	cloud.google.com/go => cloud.google.com/go upgrade
diff --git a/internal/core/algorithm/usearch/option_test.go b/internal/core/algorithm/usearch/option_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26be929db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/core/algorithm/usearch/option_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2019-2024 vdaas.org vald team <vald@vdaas.org>
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//	https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package usearch
+// func TestWithIndexPath(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		path string
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want Option
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, Option) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got Option) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           path:"",
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           path:"",
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got := WithIndexPath(test.args.path)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func TestWithQuantizationType(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		quantizationType string
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want Option
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, Option) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got Option) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           quantizationType:"",
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           quantizationType:"",
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got := WithQuantizationType(test.args.quantizationType)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func TestWithMetricType(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		metricType string
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want Option
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, Option) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got Option) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           metricType:"",
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           metricType:"",
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got := WithMetricType(test.args.metricType)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func TestWithDimension(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		dim int
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want Option
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, Option) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got Option) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           dim:0,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           dim:0,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got := WithDimension(test.args.dim)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func TestWithConnectivity(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		connectivity int
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want Option
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, Option) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got Option) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got := WithConnectivity(test.args.connectivity)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func TestWithExpansionAdd(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		expansionAdd int
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want Option
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, Option) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got Option) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got := WithExpansionAdd(test.args.expansionAdd)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func TestWithExpansionSearch(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		expansionSearch int
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want Option
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, Option) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got Option) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got := WithExpansionSearch(test.args.expansionSearch)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func TestWithMulti(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		multi bool
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want Option
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, Option) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got Option) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got := WithMulti(test.args.multi)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
diff --git a/internal/core/algorithm/usearch/usearch_test.go b/internal/core/algorithm/usearch/usearch_test.go
index bcd03fee5b..8537488831 100644
--- a/internal/core/algorithm/usearch/usearch_test.go
+++ b/internal/core/algorithm/usearch/usearch_test.go
@@ -349,3 +349,1331 @@ func Test_usearch_Search(t *testing.T) {
+// func TestNew(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		opts []Option
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want Usearch
+// 		err  error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, Usearch, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got Usearch, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           opts:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           opts:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got, err := New(test.args.opts...)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func TestLoad(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		opts []Option
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want Usearch
+// 		err  error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, Usearch, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got Usearch, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           opts:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           opts:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got, err := Load(test.args.opts...)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func Test_gen(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		isLoad bool
+// 		opts   []Option
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want Usearch
+// 		err  error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, Usearch, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got Usearch, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           isLoad:false,
+// 		           opts:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           isLoad:false,
+// 		           opts:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got, err := gen(test.args.isLoad, test.args.opts...)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func Test_usearch_SaveIndex(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		index            *core.Index
+// 		quantizationType core.Quantization
+// 		metricType       core.Metric
+// 		dimension        uint
+// 		connectivity     uint
+// 		expansionAdd     uint
+// 		expansionSearch  uint
+// 		multi            bool
+// 		idxPath          string
+// 		mu               *sync.RWMutex
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		err error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			u := &usearch{
+// 				index:            test.fields.index,
+// 				quantizationType: test.fields.quantizationType,
+// 				metricType:       test.fields.metricType,
+// 				dimension:        test.fields.dimension,
+// 				connectivity:     test.fields.connectivity,
+// 				expansionAdd:     test.fields.expansionAdd,
+// 				expansionSearch:  test.fields.expansionSearch,
+// 				multi:            test.fields.multi,
+// 				idxPath:          test.fields.idxPath,
+// 				mu:               test.fields.mu,
+// 			}
+// 			err := u.SaveIndex()
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func Test_usearch_SaveIndexWithPath(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		idxPath string
+// 	}
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		index            *core.Index
+// 		quantizationType core.Quantization
+// 		metricType       core.Metric
+// 		dimension        uint
+// 		connectivity     uint
+// 		expansionAdd     uint
+// 		expansionSearch  uint
+// 		multi            bool
+// 		idxPath          string
+// 		mu               *sync.RWMutex
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		err error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		       },
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           },
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			u := &usearch{
+// 				index:            test.fields.index,
+// 				quantizationType: test.fields.quantizationType,
+// 				metricType:       test.fields.metricType,
+// 				dimension:        test.fields.dimension,
+// 				connectivity:     test.fields.connectivity,
+// 				expansionAdd:     test.fields.expansionAdd,
+// 				expansionSearch:  test.fields.expansionSearch,
+// 				multi:            test.fields.multi,
+// 				idxPath:          test.fields.idxPath,
+// 				mu:               test.fields.mu,
+// 			}
+// 			err := u.SaveIndexWithPath(test.args.idxPath)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func Test_usearch_GetIndicesSize(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		index            *core.Index
+// 		quantizationType core.Quantization
+// 		metricType       core.Metric
+// 		dimension        uint
+// 		connectivity     uint
+// 		expansionAdd     uint
+// 		expansionSearch  uint
+// 		multi            bool
+// 		idxPath          string
+// 		mu               *sync.RWMutex
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		wantIndicesSize int
+// 		err             error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, int, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotIndicesSize int, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotIndicesSize, w.wantIndicesSize) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotIndicesSize, w.wantIndicesSize)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			u := &usearch{
+// 				index:            test.fields.index,
+// 				quantizationType: test.fields.quantizationType,
+// 				metricType:       test.fields.metricType,
+// 				dimension:        test.fields.dimension,
+// 				connectivity:     test.fields.connectivity,
+// 				expansionAdd:     test.fields.expansionAdd,
+// 				expansionSearch:  test.fields.expansionSearch,
+// 				multi:            test.fields.multi,
+// 				idxPath:          test.fields.idxPath,
+// 				mu:               test.fields.mu,
+// 			}
+// 			gotIndicesSize, err := u.GetIndicesSize()
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotIndicesSize, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func Test_usearch_Add(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		key core.Key
+// 		vec []float32
+// 	}
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		index            *core.Index
+// 		quantizationType core.Quantization
+// 		metricType       core.Metric
+// 		dimension        uint
+// 		connectivity     uint
+// 		expansionAdd     uint
+// 		expansionSearch  uint
+// 		multi            bool
+// 		idxPath          string
+// 		mu               *sync.RWMutex
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		err error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           key:nil,
+// 		           vec:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           key:nil,
+// 		           vec:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			u := &usearch{
+// 				index:            test.fields.index,
+// 				quantizationType: test.fields.quantizationType,
+// 				metricType:       test.fields.metricType,
+// 				dimension:        test.fields.dimension,
+// 				connectivity:     test.fields.connectivity,
+// 				expansionAdd:     test.fields.expansionAdd,
+// 				expansionSearch:  test.fields.expansionSearch,
+// 				multi:            test.fields.multi,
+// 				idxPath:          test.fields.idxPath,
+// 				mu:               test.fields.mu,
+// 			}
+// 			err := u.Add(test.args.key, test.args.vec)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func Test_usearch_Reserve(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		vectorCount int
+// 	}
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		index            *core.Index
+// 		quantizationType core.Quantization
+// 		metricType       core.Metric
+// 		dimension        uint
+// 		connectivity     uint
+// 		expansionAdd     uint
+// 		expansionSearch  uint
+// 		multi            bool
+// 		idxPath          string
+// 		mu               *sync.RWMutex
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		err error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           vectorCount:0,
+// 		       },
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           vectorCount:0,
+// 		           },
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			u := &usearch{
+// 				index:            test.fields.index,
+// 				quantizationType: test.fields.quantizationType,
+// 				metricType:       test.fields.metricType,
+// 				dimension:        test.fields.dimension,
+// 				connectivity:     test.fields.connectivity,
+// 				expansionAdd:     test.fields.expansionAdd,
+// 				expansionSearch:  test.fields.expansionSearch,
+// 				multi:            test.fields.multi,
+// 				idxPath:          test.fields.idxPath,
+// 				mu:               test.fields.mu,
+// 			}
+// 			err := u.Reserve(test.args.vectorCount)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func Test_usearch_GetObject(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		key   core.Key
+// 		count int
+// 	}
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		index            *core.Index
+// 		quantizationType core.Quantization
+// 		metricType       core.Metric
+// 		dimension        uint
+// 		connectivity     uint
+// 		expansionAdd     uint
+// 		expansionSearch  uint
+// 		multi            bool
+// 		idxPath          string
+// 		mu               *sync.RWMutex
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want []float32
+// 		err  error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, []float32, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got []float32, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           key:nil,
+// 		           count:0,
+// 		       },
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           key:nil,
+// 		           count:0,
+// 		           },
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			u := &usearch{
+// 				index:            test.fields.index,
+// 				quantizationType: test.fields.quantizationType,
+// 				metricType:       test.fields.metricType,
+// 				dimension:        test.fields.dimension,
+// 				connectivity:     test.fields.connectivity,
+// 				expansionAdd:     test.fields.expansionAdd,
+// 				expansionSearch:  test.fields.expansionSearch,
+// 				multi:            test.fields.multi,
+// 				idxPath:          test.fields.idxPath,
+// 				mu:               test.fields.mu,
+// 			}
+// 			got, err := u.GetObject(test.args.key, test.args.count)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func Test_usearch_Remove(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		key core.Key
+// 	}
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		index            *core.Index
+// 		quantizationType core.Quantization
+// 		metricType       core.Metric
+// 		dimension        uint
+// 		connectivity     uint
+// 		expansionAdd     uint
+// 		expansionSearch  uint
+// 		multi            bool
+// 		idxPath          string
+// 		mu               *sync.RWMutex
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		err error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           key:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           key:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			u := &usearch{
+// 				index:            test.fields.index,
+// 				quantizationType: test.fields.quantizationType,
+// 				metricType:       test.fields.metricType,
+// 				dimension:        test.fields.dimension,
+// 				connectivity:     test.fields.connectivity,
+// 				expansionAdd:     test.fields.expansionAdd,
+// 				expansionSearch:  test.fields.expansionSearch,
+// 				multi:            test.fields.multi,
+// 				idxPath:          test.fields.idxPath,
+// 				mu:               test.fields.mu,
+// 			}
+// 			err := u.Remove(test.args.key)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func Test_usearch_Close(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		index            *core.Index
+// 		quantizationType core.Quantization
+// 		metricType       core.Metric
+// 		dimension        uint
+// 		connectivity     uint
+// 		expansionAdd     uint
+// 		expansionSearch  uint
+// 		multi            bool
+// 		idxPath          string
+// 		mu               *sync.RWMutex
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		err error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           index:nil,
+// 		           quantizationType:nil,
+// 		           metricType:nil,
+// 		           dimension:0,
+// 		           connectivity:0,
+// 		           expansionAdd:0,
+// 		           expansionSearch:0,
+// 		           multi:false,
+// 		           idxPath:"",
+// 		           mu:sync.RWMutex{},
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			u := &usearch{
+// 				index:            test.fields.index,
+// 				quantizationType: test.fields.quantizationType,
+// 				metricType:       test.fields.metricType,
+// 				dimension:        test.fields.dimension,
+// 				connectivity:     test.fields.connectivity,
+// 				expansionAdd:     test.fields.expansionAdd,
+// 				expansionSearch:  test.fields.expansionSearch,
+// 				multi:            test.fields.multi,
+// 				idxPath:          test.fields.idxPath,
+// 				mu:               test.fields.mu,
+// 			}
+// 			err := u.Close()
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
diff --git a/internal/errors/usearch_test.go b/internal/errors/usearch_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70a2325350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/errors/usearch_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2019-2024 vdaas.org vald team <vald@vdaas.org>
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//	https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package errors
+// func TestNewUsearchError(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		msg string
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		err error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, err error) error {
+// 		if !Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           msg:"",
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           msg:"",
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			err := NewUsearchError(test.args.msg)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func TestUsearchError_Error(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		Msg string
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want string
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, string) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got string) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           Msg:"",
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           Msg:"",
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			u := UsearchError{
+// 				Msg: test.fields.Msg,
+// 			}
+// 			got := u.Error()
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
diff --git a/internal/net/grpc/client_test.go b/internal/net/grpc/client_test.go
index f28d50023b..15d9e06b80 100644
--- a/internal/net/grpc/client_test.go
+++ b/internal/net/grpc/client_test.go
@@ -109,28 +109,29 @@ package grpc
 // 		ctx context.Context
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		want <-chan error
@@ -171,6 +172,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -214,6 +216,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -258,28 +261,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			got, err := g.StartConnectionMonitor(test.args.ctx)
@@ -296,28 +300,29 @@ package grpc
 // 		f   func(ctx context.Context, addr string, conn *ClientConn, copts ...CallOption) error
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		err error
@@ -355,6 +360,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -399,6 +405,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -443,28 +450,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			err := g.Range(test.args.ctx, test.args.f)
@@ -482,28 +490,29 @@ package grpc
 // 		f           func(ctx context.Context, addr string, conn *ClientConn, copts ...CallOption) error
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		err error
@@ -542,6 +551,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -587,6 +597,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -631,28 +642,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			err := g.RangeConcurrent(test.args.ctx, test.args.concurrency, test.args.f)
@@ -670,28 +682,29 @@ package grpc
 // 		f      func(ctx context.Context, addr string, conn *ClientConn, copts ...CallOption) error
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		err error
@@ -730,6 +743,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -775,6 +789,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -819,28 +834,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			err := g.OrderedRange(test.args.ctx, test.args.orders, test.args.f)
@@ -859,28 +875,29 @@ package grpc
 // 		f           func(ctx context.Context, addr string, conn *ClientConn, copts ...CallOption) error
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		err error
@@ -920,6 +937,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -966,6 +984,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -1010,28 +1029,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			err := g.OrderedRangeConcurrent(test.args.ctx, test.args.orders, test.args.concurrency, test.args.f)
@@ -1048,28 +1068,29 @@ package grpc
 // 		f   func(ctx context.Context, conn *ClientConn, copts ...CallOption) (any, error)
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		wantData any
@@ -1111,6 +1132,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -1155,6 +1177,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -1199,28 +1222,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			gotData, err := g.RoundRobin(test.args.ctx, test.args.f)
@@ -1238,28 +1262,29 @@ package grpc
 // 		f    func(ctx context.Context, conn *ClientConn, copts ...CallOption) (any, error)
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		wantData any
@@ -1302,6 +1327,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -1347,6 +1373,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -1391,28 +1418,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			gotData, err := g.Do(test.args.ctx, test.args.addr, test.args.f)
@@ -1432,28 +1460,29 @@ package grpc
 // 		f             func(ctx context.Context, conn *ClientConn, copts ...CallOption) (any, error)
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		wantData any
@@ -1498,6 +1527,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -1545,6 +1575,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -1589,28 +1620,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			gotData, err := g.connectWithBackoff(test.args.ctx, test.args.p, test.args.addr, test.args.enableBackoff, test.args.f)
@@ -1623,28 +1655,29 @@ package grpc
 // func Test_gRPCClient_GetDialOption(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		want []DialOption
@@ -1677,6 +1710,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -1717,6 +1751,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -1761,28 +1796,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			got := g.GetDialOption()
@@ -1795,28 +1831,29 @@ package grpc
 // func Test_gRPCClient_GetCallOption(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		want []CallOption
@@ -1849,6 +1886,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -1889,6 +1927,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -1933,28 +1972,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			got := g.GetCallOption()
@@ -1967,28 +2007,29 @@ package grpc
 // func Test_gRPCClient_GetBackoff(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		want backoff.Backoff
@@ -2021,6 +2062,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -2061,6 +2103,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -2105,28 +2148,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			got := g.GetBackoff()
@@ -2137,6 +2181,190 @@ package grpc
 // 	}
 // }
+// func Test_gRPCClient_SetDisableResolveDNSAddr(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		addr     string
+// 		disabled bool
+// 	}
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct{}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want) error {
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           addr:"",
+// 		           disabled:false,
+// 		       },
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           addrs:nil,
+// 		           poolSize:0,
+// 		           clientCount:0,
+// 		           conns:nil,
+// 		           hcDur:nil,
+// 		           prDur:nil,
+// 		           dialer:nil,
+// 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
+// 		           resolveDNS:false,
+// 		           dopts:nil,
+// 		           copts:nil,
+// 		           roccd:"",
+// 		           eg:nil,
+// 		           bo:nil,
+// 		           cb:nil,
+// 		           gbo:nil,
+// 		           mcd:nil,
+// 		           group:nil,
+// 		           crl:nil,
+// 		           ech:nil,
+// 		           monitorRunning:nil,
+// 		           stopMonitor:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           addr:"",
+// 		           disabled:false,
+// 		           },
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           addrs:nil,
+// 		           poolSize:0,
+// 		           clientCount:0,
+// 		           conns:nil,
+// 		           hcDur:nil,
+// 		           prDur:nil,
+// 		           dialer:nil,
+// 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
+// 		           resolveDNS:false,
+// 		           dopts:nil,
+// 		           copts:nil,
+// 		           roccd:"",
+// 		           eg:nil,
+// 		           bo:nil,
+// 		           cb:nil,
+// 		           gbo:nil,
+// 		           mcd:nil,
+// 		           group:nil,
+// 		           crl:nil,
+// 		           ech:nil,
+// 		           monitorRunning:nil,
+// 		           stopMonitor:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			g := &gRPCClient{
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 			}
+// 			g.SetDisableResolveDNSAddr(test.args.addr, test.args.disabled)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
 // func Test_gRPCClient_Connect(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		ctx   context.Context
@@ -2144,28 +2372,29 @@ package grpc
 // 		dopts []DialOption
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		wantConn pool.Conn
@@ -2208,6 +2437,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -2253,6 +2483,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -2297,28 +2528,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			gotConn, err := g.Connect(test.args.ctx, test.args.addr, test.args.dopts...)
@@ -2335,28 +2567,29 @@ package grpc
 // 		addr string
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		want bool
@@ -2394,6 +2627,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -2438,6 +2672,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -2482,28 +2717,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			got := g.IsConnected(test.args.ctx, test.args.addr)
@@ -2520,28 +2756,29 @@ package grpc
 // 		addr string
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		err error
@@ -2579,6 +2816,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -2623,6 +2861,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -2667,28 +2906,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			err := g.Disconnect(test.args.ctx, test.args.addr)
@@ -2701,28 +2941,29 @@ package grpc
 // func Test_gRPCClient_ConnectedAddrs(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		wantAddrs []string
@@ -2755,6 +2996,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -2795,6 +3037,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -2839,28 +3082,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			gotAddrs := g.ConnectedAddrs()
@@ -2876,28 +3120,29 @@ package grpc
 // 		ctx context.Context
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		err error
@@ -2934,6 +3179,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -2977,6 +3223,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -3021,28 +3268,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			err := g.Close(test.args.ctx)
@@ -3058,28 +3306,29 @@ package grpc
 // 		fn func(addr string, p pool.Conn) bool
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
-// 		addrs               map[string]struct{}
-// 		poolSize            uint64
-// 		clientCount         uint64
-// 		conns               sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
-// 		hcDur               time.Duration
-// 		prDur               time.Duration
-// 		dialer              net.Dialer
-// 		enablePoolRebalance bool
-// 		resolveDNS          bool
-// 		dopts               []DialOption
-// 		copts               []CallOption
-// 		roccd               string
-// 		eg                  errgroup.Group
-// 		bo                  backoff.Backoff
-// 		cb                  circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
-// 		gbo                 gbackoff.Config
-// 		mcd                 time.Duration
-// 		group               singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
-// 		crl                 sync.Map[string, bool]
-// 		ech                 <-chan error
-// 		monitorRunning      atomic.Bool
-// 		stopMonitor         context.CancelFunc
+// 		addrs                  map[string]struct{}
+// 		poolSize               uint64
+// 		clientCount            uint64
+// 		conns                  sync.Map[string, pool.Conn]
+// 		hcDur                  time.Duration
+// 		prDur                  time.Duration
+// 		dialer                 net.Dialer
+// 		enablePoolRebalance    bool
+// 		disableResolveDNSAddrs sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		resolveDNS             bool
+// 		dopts                  []DialOption
+// 		copts                  []CallOption
+// 		roccd                  string
+// 		eg                     errgroup.Group
+// 		bo                     backoff.Backoff
+// 		cb                     circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker
+// 		gbo                    gbackoff.Config
+// 		mcd                    time.Duration
+// 		group                  singleflight.Group[pool.Conn]
+// 		crl                    sync.Map[string, bool]
+// 		ech                    <-chan error
+// 		monitorRunning         atomic.Bool
+// 		stopMonitor            context.CancelFunc
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		err error
@@ -3116,6 +3365,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -3159,6 +3409,7 @@ package grpc
 // 		           prDur:nil,
 // 		           dialer:nil,
 // 		           enablePoolRebalance:false,
+// 		           disableResolveDNSAddrs:nil,
 // 		           resolveDNS:false,
 // 		           dopts:nil,
 // 		           copts:nil,
@@ -3203,28 +3454,29 @@ package grpc
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
 // 			g := &gRPCClient{
-// 				addrs:               test.fields.addrs,
-// 				poolSize:            test.fields.poolSize,
-// 				clientCount:         test.fields.clientCount,
-// 				conns:               test.fields.conns,
-// 				hcDur:               test.fields.hcDur,
-// 				prDur:               test.fields.prDur,
-// 				dialer:              test.fields.dialer,
-// 				enablePoolRebalance: test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
-// 				resolveDNS:          test.fields.resolveDNS,
-// 				dopts:               test.fields.dopts,
-// 				copts:               test.fields.copts,
-// 				roccd:               test.fields.roccd,
-// 				eg:                  test.fields.eg,
-// 				bo:                  test.fields.bo,
-// 				cb:                  test.fields.cb,
-// 				gbo:                 test.fields.gbo,
-// 				mcd:                 test.fields.mcd,
-// 				group:               test.fields.group,
-// 				crl:                 test.fields.crl,
-// 				ech:                 test.fields.ech,
-// 				monitorRunning:      test.fields.monitorRunning,
-// 				stopMonitor:         test.fields.stopMonitor,
+// 				addrs:                  test.fields.addrs,
+// 				poolSize:               test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				clientCount:            test.fields.clientCount,
+// 				conns:                  test.fields.conns,
+// 				hcDur:                  test.fields.hcDur,
+// 				prDur:                  test.fields.prDur,
+// 				dialer:                 test.fields.dialer,
+// 				enablePoolRebalance:    test.fields.enablePoolRebalance,
+// 				disableResolveDNSAddrs: test.fields.disableResolveDNSAddrs,
+// 				resolveDNS:             test.fields.resolveDNS,
+// 				dopts:                  test.fields.dopts,
+// 				copts:                  test.fields.copts,
+// 				roccd:                  test.fields.roccd,
+// 				eg:                     test.fields.eg,
+// 				bo:                     test.fields.bo,
+// 				cb:                     test.fields.cb,
+// 				gbo:                    test.fields.gbo,
+// 				mcd:                    test.fields.mcd,
+// 				group:                  test.fields.group,
+// 				crl:                    test.fields.crl,
+// 				ech:                    test.fields.ech,
+// 				monitorRunning:         test.fields.monitorRunning,
+// 				stopMonitor:            test.fields.stopMonitor,
 // 			}
 // 			err := g.rangeConns(test.args.fn)
diff --git a/internal/net/grpc/codes/codes_test.go b/internal/net/grpc/codes/codes_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a478c49127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/net/grpc/codes/codes_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2019-2024 vdaas.org vald team <vald@vdaas.org>
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//	https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package codes
+// func TestToString(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		c T
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want string
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, string) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got string) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           c:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           c:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got := ToString(test.args.c)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
diff --git a/internal/net/grpc/errdetails/errdetails_test.go b/internal/net/grpc/errdetails/errdetails_test.go
index 0a80077106..6b6c8d1681 100644
--- a/internal/net/grpc/errdetails/errdetails_test.go
+++ b/internal/net/grpc/errdetails/errdetails_test.go
@@ -111,3 +111,99 @@ func TestDebugInfoFromInfoDetail(t *testing.T) {
+// func TestDetail_MarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		TypeURL string
+// 		Message proto.Message
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		wantBody []byte
+// 		err      error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, []byte, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotBody []byte, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotBody, w.wantBody) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotBody, w.wantBody)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           TypeURL:"",
+// 		           Message:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           TypeURL:"",
+// 		           Message:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			d := &Detail{
+// 				TypeURL: test.fields.TypeURL,
+// 				Message: test.fields.Message,
+// 			}
+// 			gotBody, err := d.MarshalJSON()
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotBody, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
diff --git a/internal/net/grpc/interceptor/server/logging/accesslog_test.go b/internal/net/grpc/interceptor/server/logging/accesslog_test.go
index 328f92880a..6670fc8e2a 100644
--- a/internal/net/grpc/interceptor/server/logging/accesslog_test.go
+++ b/internal/net/grpc/interceptor/server/logging/accesslog_test.go
@@ -29,6 +29,114 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
+// func TestAccessLogEntity_String(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		GRPC      *AccessLogGRPCEntity
+// 		StartTime int64
+// 		EndTime   int64
+// 		Latency   int64
+// 		TraceID   string
+// 		Error     error
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		wantStr string
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, string) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotStr string) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotStr, w.wantStr) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotStr, w.wantStr)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           GRPC:AccessLogGRPCEntity{},
+// 		           StartTime:0,
+// 		           EndTime:0,
+// 		           Latency:0,
+// 		           TraceID:"",
+// 		           Error:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           GRPC:AccessLogGRPCEntity{},
+// 		           StartTime:0,
+// 		           EndTime:0,
+// 		           Latency:0,
+// 		           TraceID:"",
+// 		           Error:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			e := AccessLogEntity{
+// 				GRPC:      test.fields.GRPC,
+// 				StartTime: test.fields.StartTime,
+// 				EndTime:   test.fields.EndTime,
+// 				Latency:   test.fields.Latency,
+// 				TraceID:   test.fields.TraceID,
+// 				Error:     test.fields.Error,
+// 			}
+// 			gotStr := e.String()
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotStr); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
 // func TestAccessLogInterceptor(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		want grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor
diff --git a/internal/net/grpc/status/status.go b/internal/net/grpc/status/status.go
index 5d61fb41cf..f24d48c458 100644
--- a/internal/net/grpc/status/status.go
+++ b/internal/net/grpc/status/status.go
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ package status
 import (
-	"os"
+	"strconv"
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import (
+	"github.com/vdaas/vald/internal/os"
 	spb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/status"
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ func ParseError(
 	st, ok = FromError(err)
 	if !ok || st == nil {
 		if defaultCode == 0 {
-			defaultCode = codes.Internal
+			defaultCode = codes.Unknown
 		if len(defaultMsg) == 0 {
 			defaultMsg = "failed to parse gRPC status from error"
@@ -158,6 +159,18 @@ func ParseError(
 		return st, msg, err
+	switch st.Code() {
+	case codes.Aborted,
+		codes.Canceled,
+		codes.DeadlineExceeded,
+		codes.AlreadyExists,
+		codes.NotFound,
+		codes.OK,
+		codes.Unimplemented:
+		return st, st.Message(), st.Err()
+	default:
+	}
 	sst := withDetails(st, err, details...)
 	if sst != nil {
 		return sst, sst.Message(), sst.Err()
@@ -239,23 +252,23 @@ func FromError(err error) (st *Status, ok bool) {
-func withDetails(st *Status, err error, details ...any) *Status {
-	if st != nil {
-		details = append(st.Details(), details...)
+var hostname = func() (h string) {
+	var err error
+	h, err = os.Hostname()
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Warnf("failed to fetch hostname: %s,\terror: %v", h, err)
+		h = "unknown-host"
-	dmap := make(map[string][]proto.Message, len(details)+1)
+	return h
+func toProtoMessage(err error, details ...any) (dmap map[string][]proto.Message) {
+	dmap = make(map[string][]proto.Message, len(details)+1)
 	if err != nil {
 		typeName := errdetails.ErrorInfoMessageName
 		dmap[typeName] = []proto.Message{&errdetails.ErrorInfo{
 			Reason: err.Error(),
-			Domain: func() (hostname string) {
-				var err error
-				hostname, err = os.Hostname()
-				if err != nil {
-					log.Warn("failed to fetch hostname:", err)
-				}
-				return hostname
-			}(),
+			Domain: hostname,
 	for _, detail := range details {
@@ -423,6 +436,30 @@ func withDetails(st *Status, err error, details ...any) *Status {
+	return dmap
+func withDetails(st *Status, err error, details ...any) *Status {
+	if st != nil {
+		if len(st.Details()) == 0 {
+			ds := make([]proto.MessageV1, 0, len(details))
+			for _, msgs := range toProtoMessage(err, details) {
+				for _, msg := range msgs {
+					ds = append(ds, proto.ToMessageV1(msg))
+				}
+			}
+			sst, err := st.WithDetails(ds...)
+			if err != nil {
+				return st
+			}
+			return sst
+		}
+		details = append(st.Details(), details...)
+	}
+	dmap := toProtoMessage(err, details)
 	msgs := make([]proto.MessageV1, 0, len(dmap))
 	visited := make(map[string]bool, len(dmap))
 	for typeName, ds := range dmap {
@@ -431,15 +468,18 @@ func withDetails(st *Status, err error, details ...any) *Status {
 			m := new(errdetails.DebugInfo)
 			for _, msg := range ds {
 				d, ok := msg.(*errdetails.DebugInfo)
-				if ok && d != nil && !visited[d.String()] {
-					visited[d.String()] = true
-					if m.GetDetail() == "" {
-						m.Detail = d.GetDetail()
-					} else if m.GetDetail() != d.GetDetail() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDetail(), d.GetDetail()) {
-						m.Detail += "\t" + d.GetDetail()
-					}
-					if len(m.GetStackEntries()) < len(d.GetStackEntries()) {
-						m.StackEntries = d.GetStackEntries()
+				if ok && d != nil {
+					key := errdetails.DebugInfoMessageName + d.GetDetail() + strings.Join(d.GetStackEntries(), ",")
+					if !visited[key] {
+						visited[key] = true
+						if m.GetDetail() == "" {
+							m.Detail = d.GetDetail()
+						} else if m.GetDetail() != d.GetDetail() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDetail(), d.GetDetail()) {
+							m.Detail += "\t" + d.GetDetail()
+						}
+						if len(m.GetStackEntries()) < len(d.GetStackEntries()) {
+							m.StackEntries = d.GetStackEntries()
+						}
@@ -449,24 +489,27 @@ func withDetails(st *Status, err error, details ...any) *Status {
 			m := new(errdetails.ErrorInfo)
 			for _, msg := range ds {
 				e, ok := msg.(*errdetails.ErrorInfo)
-				if ok && e != nil && !visited[e.String()] && !visited[e.GetReason()] {
-					visited[e.String()] = true
+				if ok && e != nil && !visited[e.GetReason()] {
 					visited[e.GetReason()] = true
-					if m.GetDomain() == "" {
-						m.Domain = e.GetDomain()
-					} else if m.GetDomain() != e.GetDomain() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDomain(), e.GetDomain()) {
-						m.Domain += "\t" + e.GetDomain()
-					}
-					if m.GetReason() == "" {
-						m.Reason += e.GetReason()
-					} else if m.GetReason() != e.GetReason() && !strings.Contains(m.GetReason(), e.GetReason()) {
-						m.Reason += "\t" + e.GetReason()
-					}
-					if e.GetMetadata() != nil {
-						if m.GetMetadata() == nil {
-							m.Metadata = e.GetMetadata()
-						} else {
-							m.Metadata = appendM(m.GetMetadata(), e.GetMetadata())
+					key := errdetails.ErrorInfoMessageName + e.GetDomain() + e.GetReason()
+					if !visited[key] {
+						visited[key] = true
+						if m.GetDomain() == "" {
+							m.Domain = e.GetDomain()
+						} else if m.GetDomain() != e.GetDomain() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDomain(), e.GetDomain()) {
+							m.Domain += "\t" + e.GetDomain()
+						}
+						if m.GetReason() == "" {
+							m.Reason += e.GetReason()
+						} else if m.GetReason() != e.GetReason() && !strings.Contains(m.GetReason(), e.GetReason()) {
+							m.Reason += "\t" + e.GetReason()
+						}
+						if e.GetMetadata() != nil {
+							if m.GetMetadata() == nil {
+								m.Metadata = e.GetMetadata()
+							} else {
+								m.Metadata = appendM(m.GetMetadata(), e.GetMetadata())
+							}
@@ -498,17 +541,20 @@ func withDetails(st *Status, err error, details ...any) *Status {
 			m := new(errdetails.BadRequestFieldViolation)
 			for _, msg := range ds {
 				b, ok := msg.(*errdetails.BadRequestFieldViolation)
-				if ok && b != nil && !visited[b.String()] {
-					visited[b.String()] = true
-					if m.GetField() == "" {
-						m.Field = b.GetField()
-					} else if m.GetField() != b.GetField() && !strings.Contains(m.GetField(), b.GetField()) {
-						m.Field += "\t" + b.GetField()
-					}
-					if m.GetDescription() == "" {
-						m.Description = b.GetDescription()
-					} else if m.GetDescription() != b.GetDescription() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDescription(), b.GetDescription()) {
-						m.Description += "\t" + b.GetDescription()
+				if ok && b != nil {
+					key := errdetails.BadRequestFieldViolationMessageName + b.GetField() + b.GetDescription()
+					if !visited[key] {
+						visited[key] = true
+						if m.GetField() == "" {
+							m.Field = b.GetField()
+						} else if m.GetField() != b.GetField() && !strings.Contains(m.GetField(), b.GetField()) {
+							m.Field += "\t" + b.GetField()
+						}
+						if m.GetDescription() == "" {
+							m.Description = b.GetDescription()
+						} else if m.GetDescription() != b.GetDescription() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDescription(), b.GetDescription()) {
+							m.Description += "\t" + b.GetDescription()
+						}
@@ -517,17 +563,20 @@ func withDetails(st *Status, err error, details ...any) *Status {
 			m := new(errdetails.LocalizedMessage)
 			for _, msg := range ds {
 				l, ok := msg.(*errdetails.LocalizedMessage)
-				if ok && l != nil && !visited[l.String()] {
-					visited[l.String()] = true
-					if m.GetLocale() == "" {
-						m.Locale = l.GetLocale()
-					} else if m.GetLocale() != l.GetLocale() && !strings.Contains(m.GetLocale(), l.GetLocale()) {
-						m.Locale += "\t" + l.GetLocale()
-					}
-					if m.GetMessage() == "" {
-						m.Message = l.GetMessage()
-					} else if m.GetMessage() != l.GetMessage() && !strings.Contains(m.GetMessage(), l.GetMessage()) {
-						m.Message += "\t" + l.GetMessage()
+				if ok && l != nil {
+					key := errdetails.LocalizedMessageMessageName + l.GetLocale() + l.GetMessage()
+					if !visited[key] {
+						visited[key] = true
+						if m.GetLocale() == "" {
+							m.Locale = l.GetLocale()
+						} else if m.GetLocale() != l.GetLocale() && !strings.Contains(m.GetLocale(), l.GetLocale()) {
+							m.Locale += "\t" + l.GetLocale()
+						}
+						if m.GetMessage() == "" {
+							m.Message = l.GetMessage()
+						} else if m.GetMessage() != l.GetMessage() && !strings.Contains(m.GetMessage(), l.GetMessage()) {
+							m.Message += "\t" + l.GetMessage()
+						}
@@ -556,22 +605,25 @@ func withDetails(st *Status, err error, details ...any) *Status {
 			m := new(errdetails.PreconditionFailureViolation)
 			for _, msg := range ds {
 				p, ok := msg.(*errdetails.PreconditionFailureViolation)
-				if ok && p != nil && !visited[p.String()] {
-					visited[p.String()] = true
-					if m.GetType() == "" {
-						m.Type = p.GetType()
-					} else if m.GetType() != p.GetType() && !strings.Contains(m.GetType(), p.GetType()) {
-						m.Type += "\t" + p.GetType()
-					}
-					if m.GetSubject() == "" {
-						m.Subject = p.GetSubject()
-					} else if m.GetSubject() != p.GetSubject() && !strings.Contains(m.GetSubject(), p.GetSubject()) {
-						m.Subject += "\t" + p.GetSubject()
-					}
-					if m.GetDescription() == "" {
-						m.Description = p.GetDescription()
-					} else if m.GetDescription() != p.GetDescription() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDescription(), p.GetDescription()) {
-						m.Description += "\t" + p.GetDescription()
+				if ok && p != nil {
+					key := errdetails.PreconditionFailureViolationMessageName + p.GetType() + p.GetSubject() + p.GetDescription()
+					if !visited[key] {
+						visited[key] = true
+						if m.GetType() == "" {
+							m.Type = p.GetType()
+						} else if m.GetType() != p.GetType() && !strings.Contains(m.GetType(), p.GetType()) {
+							m.Type += "\t" + p.GetType()
+						}
+						if m.GetSubject() == "" {
+							m.Subject = p.GetSubject()
+						} else if m.GetSubject() != p.GetSubject() && !strings.Contains(m.GetSubject(), p.GetSubject()) {
+							m.Subject += "\t" + p.GetSubject()
+						}
+						if m.GetDescription() == "" {
+							m.Description = p.GetDescription()
+						} else if m.GetDescription() != p.GetDescription() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDescription(), p.GetDescription()) {
+							m.Description += "\t" + p.GetDescription()
+						}
@@ -600,17 +652,20 @@ func withDetails(st *Status, err error, details ...any) *Status {
 			m := new(errdetails.HelpLink)
 			for _, msg := range ds {
 				h, ok := msg.(*errdetails.HelpLink)
-				if ok && h != nil && !visited[h.String()] {
-					visited[h.String()] = true
-					if m.GetUrl() == "" {
-						m.Url = h.GetUrl()
-					} else if m.GetUrl() != h.GetUrl() && !strings.Contains(m.GetUrl(), h.GetUrl()) {
-						m.Url += "\t" + h.GetUrl()
-					}
-					if m.GetDescription() == "" {
-						m.Description = h.GetDescription()
-					} else if m.GetDescription() != h.GetDescription() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDescription(), h.GetDescription()) {
-						m.Description += "\t" + h.GetDescription()
+				if ok && h != nil {
+					key := errdetails.HelpLinkMessageName + h.GetUrl() + h.GetDescription()
+					if !visited[key] {
+						visited[key] = true
+						if m.GetUrl() == "" {
+							m.Url = h.GetUrl()
+						} else if m.GetUrl() != h.GetUrl() && !strings.Contains(m.GetUrl(), h.GetUrl()) {
+							m.Url += "\t" + h.GetUrl()
+						}
+						if m.GetDescription() == "" {
+							m.Description = h.GetDescription()
+						} else if m.GetDescription() != h.GetDescription() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDescription(), h.GetDescription()) {
+							m.Description += "\t" + h.GetDescription()
+						}
@@ -639,17 +694,20 @@ func withDetails(st *Status, err error, details ...any) *Status {
 			m := new(errdetails.QuotaFailureViolation)
 			for _, msg := range ds {
 				q, ok := msg.(*errdetails.QuotaFailureViolation)
-				if ok && q != nil && !visited[q.String()] {
-					visited[q.String()] = true
-					if m.GetSubject() == "" {
-						m.Subject = q.GetSubject()
-					} else if m.GetSubject() != q.GetSubject() && !strings.Contains(m.GetSubject(), q.GetSubject()) {
-						m.Subject += "\t" + q.GetSubject()
-					}
-					if m.GetDescription() == "" {
-						m.Description = q.GetDescription()
-					} else if m.GetDescription() != q.GetDescription() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDescription(), q.GetDescription()) {
-						m.Description += "\t" + q.GetDescription()
+				if ok && q != nil {
+					key := errdetails.QuotaFailureViolationMessageName + q.GetSubject() + q.GetDescription()
+					if !visited[key] {
+						visited[key] = true
+						if m.GetSubject() == "" {
+							m.Subject = q.GetSubject()
+						} else if m.GetSubject() != q.GetSubject() && !strings.Contains(m.GetSubject(), q.GetSubject()) {
+							m.Subject += "\t" + q.GetSubject()
+						}
+						if m.GetDescription() == "" {
+							m.Description = q.GetDescription()
+						} else if m.GetDescription() != q.GetDescription() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDescription(), q.GetDescription()) {
+							m.Description += "\t" + q.GetDescription()
+						}
@@ -658,17 +716,20 @@ func withDetails(st *Status, err error, details ...any) *Status {
 			m := new(errdetails.RequestInfo)
 			for _, msg := range ds {
 				r, ok := msg.(*errdetails.RequestInfo)
-				if ok && r != nil && !visited[r.String()] {
-					visited[r.String()] = true
-					if m.GetRequestId() == "" {
-						m.RequestId = r.GetRequestId()
-					} else if m.GetRequestId() != r.GetRequestId() && !strings.Contains(m.GetRequestId(), r.GetRequestId()) {
-						m.RequestId += "\t" + r.GetRequestId()
-					}
-					if m.GetServingData() == "" {
-						m.ServingData = r.GetServingData()
-					} else if m.GetServingData() != r.GetServingData() && !strings.Contains(m.GetServingData(), r.GetServingData()) {
-						m.ServingData += "\t" + r.GetServingData()
+				if ok && r != nil {
+					key := errdetails.RequestInfoMessageName + r.GetRequestId() + r.GetServingData()
+					if !visited[key] {
+						visited[key] = true
+						if m.GetRequestId() == "" {
+							m.RequestId = r.GetRequestId()
+						} else if m.GetRequestId() != r.GetRequestId() && !strings.Contains(m.GetRequestId(), r.GetRequestId()) {
+							m.RequestId += "\t" + r.GetRequestId()
+						}
+						if m.GetServingData() == "" {
+							m.ServingData = r.GetServingData()
+						} else if m.GetServingData() != r.GetServingData() && !strings.Contains(m.GetServingData(), r.GetServingData()) {
+							m.ServingData += "\t" + r.GetServingData()
+						}
@@ -677,22 +738,25 @@ func withDetails(st *Status, err error, details ...any) *Status {
 			m := new(errdetails.ResourceInfo)
 			for _, msg := range ds {
 				r, ok := msg.(*errdetails.ResourceInfo)
-				if ok && r != nil && !visited[r.String()] {
-					visited[r.String()] = true
-					if m.GetResourceType() == "" {
-						m.ResourceType = r.GetResourceType()
-					} else if m.GetResourceType() != r.GetResourceType() && len(m.GetResourceType()) < len(r.GetResourceType()) {
-						m.ResourceType += r.GetResourceType()
-					}
-					if m.GetResourceName() == "" {
-						m.ResourceName = r.GetResourceName()
-					} else if m.GetResourceName() != r.GetResourceName() && !strings.Contains(m.GetResourceName(), r.GetResourceName()) {
-						m.ResourceName += "\t" + r.GetResourceName()
-					}
-					if m.GetDescription() == "" {
-						m.Description = r.GetDescription()
-					} else if m.GetDescription() != r.GetDescription() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDescription(), r.GetDescription()) {
-						m.Description += "\t" + r.GetDescription()
+				if ok && r != nil {
+					key := errdetails.ResourceInfoMessageName + r.GetResourceType() + r.GetResourceName() + r.GetDescription()
+					if !visited[key] {
+						visited[key] = true
+						if m.GetResourceType() == "" {
+							m.ResourceType = r.GetResourceType()
+						} else if m.GetResourceType() != r.GetResourceType() && len(m.GetResourceType()) < len(r.GetResourceType()) {
+							m.ResourceType += r.GetResourceType()
+						}
+						if m.GetResourceName() == "" {
+							m.ResourceName = r.GetResourceName()
+						} else if m.GetResourceName() != r.GetResourceName() && !strings.Contains(m.GetResourceName(), r.GetResourceName()) {
+							m.ResourceName += "\t" + r.GetResourceName()
+						}
+						if m.GetDescription() == "" {
+							m.Description = r.GetDescription()
+						} else if m.GetDescription() != r.GetDescription() && !strings.Contains(m.GetDescription(), r.GetDescription()) {
+							m.Description += "\t" + r.GetDescription()
+						}
@@ -701,10 +765,13 @@ func withDetails(st *Status, err error, details ...any) *Status {
 			m := new(errdetails.RetryInfo)
 			for _, msg := range ds {
 				r, ok := msg.(*errdetails.RetryInfo)
-				if ok && r != nil && !visited[r.String()] {
-					visited[r.String()] = true
-					if m.GetRetryDelay() == nil || r.GetRetryDelay().Seconds < m.GetRetryDelay().Seconds {
-						m.RetryDelay = r.GetRetryDelay()
+				if ok && r != nil {
+					key := errdetails.RetryInfoMessageName + strconv.FormatInt(r.GetRetryDelay().GetSeconds(), 10) + strconv.FormatInt(int64(r.GetRetryDelay().GetNanos()), 10)
+					if !visited[key] {
+						visited[key] = true
+						if m.GetRetryDelay() == nil || r.GetRetryDelay().GetSeconds() < m.GetRetryDelay().GetSeconds() {
+							m.RetryDelay = r.GetRetryDelay()
+						}
diff --git a/internal/net/grpc/status/status_test.go b/internal/net/grpc/status/status_test.go
index 5d9f6d818f..f0d526c482 100644
--- a/internal/net/grpc/status/status_test.go
+++ b/internal/net/grpc/status/status_test.go
@@ -2151,6 +2151,94 @@ func TestParseError(t *testing.T) {
 // 	}
 // }
+// func Test_toProtoMessage(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		err     error
+// 		details []any
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		wantDmap map[string][]proto.Message
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, map[string][]proto.Message) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotDmap map[string][]proto.Message) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotDmap, w.wantDmap) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotDmap, w.wantDmap)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           err:nil,
+// 		           details:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           err:nil,
+// 		           details:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			gotDmap := toProtoMessage(test.args.err, test.args.details...)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotDmap); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
 // func Test_withDetails(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		st      *Status
@@ -2242,6 +2330,261 @@ func TestParseError(t *testing.T) {
 // 	}
 // }
+// func Test_typeURL(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		msg proto.Message
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want string
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, string) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got string) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           msg:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           msg:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got := typeURL(test.args.msg)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func Test_appendM(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		maps []map[K]string
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		wantResult map[K]string
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, map[K]string) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotResult map[K]string) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotResult, w.wantResult) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotResult, w.wantResult)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           maps:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           maps:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			gotResult := appendM(test.args.maps...)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotResult); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func Test_removeDuplicatesFromTSVLine(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		line string
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		want string
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, string) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got string) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           line:"",
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           line:"",
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			got := removeDuplicatesFromTSVLine(test.args.line)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
 // func TestLog(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		code codes.Code
diff --git a/internal/net/http/json/json.go b/internal/net/http/json/json.go
index f93608be5e..33f9b86f72 100644
--- a/internal/net/http/json/json.go
+++ b/internal/net/http/json/json.go
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import (
-	"os"
@@ -28,6 +27,7 @@ import (
+	"github.com/vdaas/vald/internal/os"
 // RFC7807Error represents RFC 7807 error.
diff --git a/internal/os/hostname.go b/internal/os/hostname.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0bc060ba98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/os/hostname.go
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2019-2024 vdaas.org vald team <vald@vdaas.org>
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//    https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Package os provides os functions
+package os
+import (
+	"net"
+	"os"
+	"github.com/vdaas/vald/internal/strings"
+const unknownHost = "unknown-host"
+var hostname = func() string {
+	h, err := os.Hostname()
+	if err != nil {
+		addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs()
+		if err != nil {
+			return unknownHost
+		}
+		ips := make([]string, 0, len(addrs))
+		for _, addr := range addrs {
+			if ipn, ok := addr.(*net.IPNet); ok && !ipn.IP.IsLoopback() {
+				ips = append(ips, ipn.IP.String())
+			}
+		}
+		if len(ips) == 0 {
+			return unknownHost
+		}
+		return strings.Join(ips, ",\t")
+	}
+	return h
+func Hostname() (hn string, err error) {
+	if hostname != "" {
+		return hostname, nil
+	}
+	return os.Hostname()
diff --git a/internal/os/hostname_test.go b/internal/os/hostname_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc6f6bfad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/os/hostname_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2019-2024 vdaas.org vald team <vald@vdaas.org>
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//	https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package os
+// func TestHostname(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		wantHn string
+// 		err    error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, string, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotHn string, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotHn, w.wantHn) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotHn, w.wantHn)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			gotHn, err := Hostname()
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotHn, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
diff --git a/pkg/agent/core/faiss/handler/grpc/option.go b/pkg/agent/core/faiss/handler/grpc/option.go
index 439889b7bf..3a7ba5a338 100644
--- a/pkg/agent/core/faiss/handler/grpc/option.go
+++ b/pkg/agent/core/faiss/handler/grpc/option.go
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
 package grpc
 import (
-	"os"
+	"github.com/vdaas/vald/internal/os"
diff --git a/pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/option.go b/pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/option.go
index d7af083e0c..2b1d32c45b 100644
--- a/pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/option.go
+++ b/pkg/agent/core/ngt/handler/grpc/option.go
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
 package grpc
 import (
-	"os"
+	"github.com/vdaas/vald/internal/os"
diff --git a/pkg/agent/core/ngt/service/ngt_test.go b/pkg/agent/core/ngt/service/ngt_test.go
index e85c19993f..1da0b1a286 100644
--- a/pkg/agent/core/ngt/service/ngt_test.go
+++ b/pkg/agent/core/ngt/service/ngt_test.go
@@ -1784,10 +1784,423 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
+// func Test_ngt_copyNGT(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		src *ngt
+// 	}
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		core                    core.NGT
+// 		eg                      errgroup.Group
+// 		kvs                     kvs.BidiMap
+// 		fmap                    map[string]int64
+// 		vq                      vqueue.Queue
+// 		indexing                atomic.Value
+// 		flushing                atomic.Bool
+// 		saving                  atomic.Value
+// 		lastNocie               uint64
+// 		nocie                   uint64
+// 		nogce                   uint64
+// 		wfci                    uint64
+// 		nobic                   uint64
+// 		nopvq                   atomic.Uint64
+// 		cfg                     *config.NGT
+// 		opts                    []Option
+// 		inMem                   bool
+// 		dim                     int
+// 		alen                    int
+// 		lim                     time.Duration
+// 		dur                     time.Duration
+// 		sdur                    time.Duration
+// 		minLit                  time.Duration
+// 		maxLit                  time.Duration
+// 		litFactor               time.Duration
+// 		enableProactiveGC       bool
+// 		enableCopyOnWrite       bool
+// 		podName                 string
+// 		podNamespace            string
+// 		path                    string
+// 		tmpPath                 atomic.Value
+// 		oldPath                 string
+// 		basePath                string
+// 		brokenPath              string
+// 		poolSize                uint32
+// 		radius                  float32
+// 		epsilon                 float32
+// 		idelay                  time.Duration
+// 		dcd                     bool
+// 		kvsdbConcurrency        int
+// 		historyLimit            int
+// 		isReadReplica           bool
+// 		enableExportIndexInfo   bool
+// 		exportIndexInfoDuration time.Duration
+// 		patcher                 client.Patcher
+// 		enableStatistics        bool
+// 		statisticsCache         atomic.Pointer[payload.Info_Index_Statistics]
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct{}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		fields     fields
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want) error {
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           src:ngt{},
+// 		       },
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           core:nil,
+// 		           eg:nil,
+// 		           kvs:nil,
+// 		           fmap:nil,
+// 		           vq:nil,
+// 		           indexing:nil,
+// 		           flushing:nil,
+// 		           saving:nil,
+// 		           lastNocie:0,
+// 		           nocie:0,
+// 		           nogce:0,
+// 		           wfci:0,
+// 		           nobic:0,
+// 		           nopvq:nil,
+// 		           cfg:nil,
+// 		           opts:nil,
+// 		           inMem:false,
+// 		           dim:0,
+// 		           alen:0,
+// 		           lim:nil,
+// 		           dur:nil,
+// 		           sdur:nil,
+// 		           minLit:nil,
+// 		           maxLit:nil,
+// 		           litFactor:nil,
+// 		           enableProactiveGC:false,
+// 		           enableCopyOnWrite:false,
+// 		           podName:"",
+// 		           podNamespace:"",
+// 		           path:"",
+// 		           tmpPath:nil,
+// 		           oldPath:"",
+// 		           basePath:"",
+// 		           brokenPath:"",
+// 		           poolSize:0,
+// 		           radius:0,
+// 		           epsilon:0,
+// 		           idelay:nil,
+// 		           dcd:false,
+// 		           kvsdbConcurrency:0,
+// 		           historyLimit:0,
+// 		           isReadReplica:false,
+// 		           enableExportIndexInfo:false,
+// 		           exportIndexInfoDuration:nil,
+// 		           patcher:nil,
+// 		           enableStatistics:false,
+// 		           statisticsCache:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           src:ngt{},
+// 		           },
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           core:nil,
+// 		           eg:nil,
+// 		           kvs:nil,
+// 		           fmap:nil,
+// 		           vq:nil,
+// 		           indexing:nil,
+// 		           flushing:nil,
+// 		           saving:nil,
+// 		           lastNocie:0,
+// 		           nocie:0,
+// 		           nogce:0,
+// 		           wfci:0,
+// 		           nobic:0,
+// 		           nopvq:nil,
+// 		           cfg:nil,
+// 		           opts:nil,
+// 		           inMem:false,
+// 		           dim:0,
+// 		           alen:0,
+// 		           lim:nil,
+// 		           dur:nil,
+// 		           sdur:nil,
+// 		           minLit:nil,
+// 		           maxLit:nil,
+// 		           litFactor:nil,
+// 		           enableProactiveGC:false,
+// 		           enableCopyOnWrite:false,
+// 		           podName:"",
+// 		           podNamespace:"",
+// 		           path:"",
+// 		           tmpPath:nil,
+// 		           oldPath:"",
+// 		           basePath:"",
+// 		           brokenPath:"",
+// 		           poolSize:0,
+// 		           radius:0,
+// 		           epsilon:0,
+// 		           idelay:nil,
+// 		           dcd:false,
+// 		           kvsdbConcurrency:0,
+// 		           historyLimit:0,
+// 		           isReadReplica:false,
+// 		           enableExportIndexInfo:false,
+// 		           exportIndexInfoDuration:nil,
+// 		           patcher:nil,
+// 		           enableStatistics:false,
+// 		           statisticsCache:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			n := &ngt{
+// 				core:                    test.fields.core,
+// 				eg:                      test.fields.eg,
+// 				kvs:                     test.fields.kvs,
+// 				fmap:                    test.fields.fmap,
+// 				vq:                      test.fields.vq,
+// 				indexing:                test.fields.indexing,
+// 				flushing:                test.fields.flushing,
+// 				saving:                  test.fields.saving,
+// 				lastNocie:               test.fields.lastNocie,
+// 				nocie:                   test.fields.nocie,
+// 				nogce:                   test.fields.nogce,
+// 				wfci:                    test.fields.wfci,
+// 				nobic:                   test.fields.nobic,
+// 				nopvq:                   test.fields.nopvq,
+// 				cfg:                     test.fields.cfg,
+// 				opts:                    test.fields.opts,
+// 				inMem:                   test.fields.inMem,
+// 				dim:                     test.fields.dim,
+// 				alen:                    test.fields.alen,
+// 				lim:                     test.fields.lim,
+// 				dur:                     test.fields.dur,
+// 				sdur:                    test.fields.sdur,
+// 				minLit:                  test.fields.minLit,
+// 				maxLit:                  test.fields.maxLit,
+// 				litFactor:               test.fields.litFactor,
+// 				enableProactiveGC:       test.fields.enableProactiveGC,
+// 				enableCopyOnWrite:       test.fields.enableCopyOnWrite,
+// 				podName:                 test.fields.podName,
+// 				podNamespace:            test.fields.podNamespace,
+// 				path:                    test.fields.path,
+// 				tmpPath:                 test.fields.tmpPath,
+// 				oldPath:                 test.fields.oldPath,
+// 				basePath:                test.fields.basePath,
+// 				brokenPath:              test.fields.brokenPath,
+// 				poolSize:                test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				radius:                  test.fields.radius,
+// 				epsilon:                 test.fields.epsilon,
+// 				idelay:                  test.fields.idelay,
+// 				dcd:                     test.fields.dcd,
+// 				kvsdbConcurrency:        test.fields.kvsdbConcurrency,
+// 				historyLimit:            test.fields.historyLimit,
+// 				isReadReplica:           test.fields.isReadReplica,
+// 				enableExportIndexInfo:   test.fields.enableExportIndexInfo,
+// 				exportIndexInfoDuration: test.fields.exportIndexInfoDuration,
+// 				patcher:                 test.fields.patcher,
+// 				enableStatistics:        test.fields.enableStatistics,
+// 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
+// 			}
+// 			n.copyNGT(test.args.src)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
 // func Test_migrate(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		ctx  context.Context
-// 		path string
+// 		ctx  context.Context
+// 		path string
+// 	}
+// 	type want struct {
+// 		err error
+// 	}
+// 	type test struct {
+// 		name       string
+// 		args       args
+// 		want       want
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, error) error
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 	}
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		return nil
+// 	}
+// 	tests := []test{
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   {
+// 		       name: "test_case_1",
+// 		       args: args {
+// 		           ctx:nil,
+// 		           path:"",
+// 		       },
+// 		       want: want{},
+// 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           t.Helper()
+// 		       },
+// 		   },
+// 		*/
+// 		// TODO test cases
+// 		/*
+// 		   func() test {
+// 		       return test {
+// 		           name: "test_case_2",
+// 		           args: args {
+// 		           ctx:nil,
+// 		           path:"",
+// 		           },
+// 		           want: want{},
+// 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		               t.Helper()
+// 		           },
+// 		       }
+// 		   }(),
+// 		*/
+// 	}
+// 	for _, tc := range tests {
+// 		test := tc
+// 		t.Run(test.name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+// 			tt.Parallel()
+// 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
+// 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 			}
+// 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
+// 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
+// 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
+// 			}
+// 			err := migrate(test.args.ctx, test.args.path)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
+// 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		})
+// 	}
+// }
+// func Test_ngt_prepareFolders(t *testing.T) {
+// 	type args struct {
+// 		ctx context.Context
+// 	}
+// 	type fields struct {
+// 		core                    core.NGT
+// 		eg                      errgroup.Group
+// 		kvs                     kvs.BidiMap
+// 		fmap                    map[string]int64
+// 		vq                      vqueue.Queue
+// 		indexing                atomic.Value
+// 		flushing                atomic.Bool
+// 		saving                  atomic.Value
+// 		lastNocie               uint64
+// 		nocie                   uint64
+// 		nogce                   uint64
+// 		wfci                    uint64
+// 		nobic                   uint64
+// 		nopvq                   atomic.Uint64
+// 		cfg                     *config.NGT
+// 		opts                    []Option
+// 		inMem                   bool
+// 		dim                     int
+// 		alen                    int
+// 		lim                     time.Duration
+// 		dur                     time.Duration
+// 		sdur                    time.Duration
+// 		minLit                  time.Duration
+// 		maxLit                  time.Duration
+// 		litFactor               time.Duration
+// 		enableProactiveGC       bool
+// 		enableCopyOnWrite       bool
+// 		podName                 string
+// 		podNamespace            string
+// 		path                    string
+// 		tmpPath                 atomic.Value
+// 		oldPath                 string
+// 		basePath                string
+// 		brokenPath              string
+// 		poolSize                uint32
+// 		radius                  float32
+// 		epsilon                 float32
+// 		idelay                  time.Duration
+// 		dcd                     bool
+// 		kvsdbConcurrency        int
+// 		historyLimit            int
+// 		isReadReplica           bool
+// 		enableExportIndexInfo   bool
+// 		exportIndexInfoDuration time.Duration
+// 		patcher                 client.Patcher
+// 		enableStatistics        bool
+// 		statisticsCache         atomic.Pointer[payload.Info_Index_Statistics]
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
 // 		err error
@@ -1795,6 +2208,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	type test struct {
 // 		name       string
 // 		args       args
+// 		fields     fields
 // 		want       want
 // 		checkFunc  func(want, error) error
 // 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
@@ -1813,7 +2227,55 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
+// 		       },
+// 		       fields: fields {
+// 		           core:nil,
+// 		           eg:nil,
+// 		           kvs:nil,
+// 		           fmap:nil,
+// 		           vq:nil,
+// 		           indexing:nil,
+// 		           flushing:nil,
+// 		           saving:nil,
+// 		           lastNocie:0,
+// 		           nocie:0,
+// 		           nogce:0,
+// 		           wfci:0,
+// 		           nobic:0,
+// 		           nopvq:nil,
+// 		           cfg:nil,
+// 		           opts:nil,
+// 		           inMem:false,
+// 		           dim:0,
+// 		           alen:0,
+// 		           lim:nil,
+// 		           dur:nil,
+// 		           sdur:nil,
+// 		           minLit:nil,
+// 		           maxLit:nil,
+// 		           litFactor:nil,
+// 		           enableProactiveGC:false,
+// 		           enableCopyOnWrite:false,
+// 		           podName:"",
+// 		           podNamespace:"",
 // 		           path:"",
+// 		           tmpPath:nil,
+// 		           oldPath:"",
+// 		           basePath:"",
+// 		           brokenPath:"",
+// 		           poolSize:0,
+// 		           radius:0,
+// 		           epsilon:0,
+// 		           idelay:nil,
+// 		           dcd:false,
+// 		           kvsdbConcurrency:0,
+// 		           historyLimit:0,
+// 		           isReadReplica:false,
+// 		           enableExportIndexInfo:false,
+// 		           exportIndexInfoDuration:nil,
+// 		           patcher:nil,
+// 		           enableStatistics:false,
+// 		           statisticsCache:nil,
 // 		       },
 // 		       want: want{},
 // 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
@@ -1833,7 +2295,55 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
+// 		           },
+// 		           fields: fields {
+// 		           core:nil,
+// 		           eg:nil,
+// 		           kvs:nil,
+// 		           fmap:nil,
+// 		           vq:nil,
+// 		           indexing:nil,
+// 		           flushing:nil,
+// 		           saving:nil,
+// 		           lastNocie:0,
+// 		           nocie:0,
+// 		           nogce:0,
+// 		           wfci:0,
+// 		           nobic:0,
+// 		           nopvq:nil,
+// 		           cfg:nil,
+// 		           opts:nil,
+// 		           inMem:false,
+// 		           dim:0,
+// 		           alen:0,
+// 		           lim:nil,
+// 		           dur:nil,
+// 		           sdur:nil,
+// 		           minLit:nil,
+// 		           maxLit:nil,
+// 		           litFactor:nil,
+// 		           enableProactiveGC:false,
+// 		           enableCopyOnWrite:false,
+// 		           podName:"",
+// 		           podNamespace:"",
 // 		           path:"",
+// 		           tmpPath:nil,
+// 		           oldPath:"",
+// 		           basePath:"",
+// 		           brokenPath:"",
+// 		           poolSize:0,
+// 		           radius:0,
+// 		           epsilon:0,
+// 		           idelay:nil,
+// 		           dcd:false,
+// 		           kvsdbConcurrency:0,
+// 		           historyLimit:0,
+// 		           isReadReplica:false,
+// 		           enableExportIndexInfo:false,
+// 		           exportIndexInfoDuration:nil,
+// 		           patcher:nil,
+// 		           enableStatistics:false,
+// 		           statisticsCache:nil,
 // 		           },
 // 		           want: want{},
 // 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
@@ -1863,8 +2373,57 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
 // 				checkFunc = defaultCheckFunc
 // 			}
+// 			n := &ngt{
+// 				core:                    test.fields.core,
+// 				eg:                      test.fields.eg,
+// 				kvs:                     test.fields.kvs,
+// 				fmap:                    test.fields.fmap,
+// 				vq:                      test.fields.vq,
+// 				indexing:                test.fields.indexing,
+// 				flushing:                test.fields.flushing,
+// 				saving:                  test.fields.saving,
+// 				lastNocie:               test.fields.lastNocie,
+// 				nocie:                   test.fields.nocie,
+// 				nogce:                   test.fields.nogce,
+// 				wfci:                    test.fields.wfci,
+// 				nobic:                   test.fields.nobic,
+// 				nopvq:                   test.fields.nopvq,
+// 				cfg:                     test.fields.cfg,
+// 				opts:                    test.fields.opts,
+// 				inMem:                   test.fields.inMem,
+// 				dim:                     test.fields.dim,
+// 				alen:                    test.fields.alen,
+// 				lim:                     test.fields.lim,
+// 				dur:                     test.fields.dur,
+// 				sdur:                    test.fields.sdur,
+// 				minLit:                  test.fields.minLit,
+// 				maxLit:                  test.fields.maxLit,
+// 				litFactor:               test.fields.litFactor,
+// 				enableProactiveGC:       test.fields.enableProactiveGC,
+// 				enableCopyOnWrite:       test.fields.enableCopyOnWrite,
+// 				podName:                 test.fields.podName,
+// 				podNamespace:            test.fields.podNamespace,
+// 				path:                    test.fields.path,
+// 				tmpPath:                 test.fields.tmpPath,
+// 				oldPath:                 test.fields.oldPath,
+// 				basePath:                test.fields.basePath,
+// 				brokenPath:              test.fields.brokenPath,
+// 				poolSize:                test.fields.poolSize,
+// 				radius:                  test.fields.radius,
+// 				epsilon:                 test.fields.epsilon,
+// 				idelay:                  test.fields.idelay,
+// 				dcd:                     test.fields.dcd,
+// 				kvsdbConcurrency:        test.fields.kvsdbConcurrency,
+// 				historyLimit:            test.fields.historyLimit,
+// 				isReadReplica:           test.fields.isReadReplica,
+// 				enableExportIndexInfo:   test.fields.enableExportIndexInfo,
+// 				exportIndexInfoDuration: test.fields.exportIndexInfoDuration,
+// 				patcher:                 test.fields.patcher,
+// 				enableStatistics:        test.fields.enableStatistics,
+// 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
+// 			}
-// 			err := migrate(test.args.ctx, test.args.path)
+// 			err := n.prepareFolders(test.args.ctx)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -1872,9 +2431,11 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_prepareFolders(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_load(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		ctx context.Context
+// 		ctx  context.Context
+// 		path string
+// 		opts []core.Option
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -1950,6 +2511,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
+// 		           path:"",
+// 		           opts:nil,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -2018,6 +2581,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
+// 		           path:"",
+// 		           opts:nil,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -2146,7 +2711,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.prepareFolders(test.args.ctx)
+// 			err := n.load(test.args.ctx, test.args.path, test.args.opts...)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -2154,11 +2719,9 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_load(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_backupBroken(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		ctx  context.Context
-// 		path string
-// 		opts []core.Option
+// 		ctx context.Context
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -2234,8 +2797,6 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		           path:"",
-// 		           opts:nil,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -2304,8 +2865,6 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		           path:"",
-// 		           opts:nil,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -2434,7 +2993,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.load(test.args.ctx, test.args.path, test.args.opts...)
+// 			err := n.backupBroken(test.args.ctx)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -2442,9 +3001,11 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_backupBroken(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_rebuild(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		ctx context.Context
+// 		ctx  context.Context
+// 		path string
+// 		opts []core.Option
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -2520,6 +3081,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
+// 		           path:"",
+// 		           opts:nil,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -2588,6 +3151,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
+// 		           path:"",
+// 		           opts:nil,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -2716,7 +3281,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.backupBroken(test.args.ctx)
+// 			err := n.rebuild(test.args.ctx, test.args.path, test.args.opts...)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -2724,10 +3289,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_rebuild(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_initNGT(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		ctx  context.Context
-// 		path string
 // 		opts []core.Option
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
@@ -2803,8 +3366,6 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		   {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
-// 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		           path:"",
 // 		           opts:nil,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
@@ -2873,8 +3434,6 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       return test {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
-// 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		           path:"",
 // 		           opts:nil,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
@@ -3004,7 +3563,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.rebuild(test.args.ctx, test.args.path, test.args.opts...)
+// 			err := n.initNGT(test.args.opts...)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -3012,9 +3571,11 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_initNGT(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_loadKVS(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		opts []core.Option
+// 		ctx     context.Context
+// 		path    string
+// 		timeout time.Duration
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -3089,7 +3650,9 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		   {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
-// 		           opts:nil,
+// 		           ctx:nil,
+// 		           path:"",
+// 		           timeout:nil,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -3157,7 +3720,9 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       return test {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
-// 		           opts:nil,
+// 		           ctx:nil,
+// 		           path:"",
+// 		           timeout:nil,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -3286,7 +3851,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.initNGT(test.args.opts...)
+// 			err := n.loadKVS(test.args.ctx, test.args.path, test.args.timeout)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -3294,11 +3859,9 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_loadKVS(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_Start(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		ctx     context.Context
-// 		path    string
-// 		timeout time.Duration
+// 		ctx context.Context
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -3350,20 +3913,20 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		statisticsCache         atomic.Pointer[payload.Info_Index_Statistics]
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
-// 		err error
+// 		want <-chan error
 // 	}
 // 	type test struct {
 // 		name       string
 // 		args       args
 // 		fields     fields
 // 		want       want
-// 		checkFunc  func(want, error) error
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, <-chan error) error
 // 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
 // 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
 // 	}
-// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, err error) error {
-// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
-// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got <-chan error) error {
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
 // 		}
 // 		return nil
 // 	}
@@ -3374,8 +3937,6 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		           path:"",
-// 		           timeout:nil,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -3444,8 +4005,6 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		           path:"",
-// 		           timeout:nil,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -3574,17 +4133,21 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.loadKVS(test.args.ctx, test.args.path, test.args.timeout)
-// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
+// 			got := n.Start(test.args.ctx)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
 // 		})
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_Start(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_Search(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		ctx context.Context
+// 		ctx     context.Context
+// 		vec     []float32
+// 		size    uint32
+// 		epsilon float32
+// 		radius  float32
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -3636,20 +4199,24 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		statisticsCache         atomic.Pointer[payload.Info_Index_Statistics]
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
-// 		want <-chan error
+// 		wantRes *payload.Search_Response
+// 		err     error
 // 	}
 // 	type test struct {
 // 		name       string
 // 		args       args
 // 		fields     fields
 // 		want       want
-// 		checkFunc  func(want, <-chan error) error
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, *payload.Search_Response, error) error
 // 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
 // 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
 // 	}
-// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, got <-chan error) error {
-// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w.want) {
-// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", got, w.want)
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotRes *payload.Search_Response, err error) error {
+// 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
+// 		}
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotRes, w.wantRes) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotRes, w.wantRes)
 // 		}
 // 		return nil
 // 	}
@@ -3660,6 +4227,10 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
+// 		           vec:nil,
+// 		           size:0,
+// 		           epsilon:0,
+// 		           radius:0,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -3728,6 +4299,10 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
+// 		           vec:nil,
+// 		           size:0,
+// 		           epsilon:0,
+// 		           radius:0,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -3856,18 +4431,18 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			got := n.Start(test.args.ctx)
-// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
+// 			gotRes, err := n.Search(test.args.ctx, test.args.vec, test.args.size, test.args.epsilon, test.args.radius)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotRes, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
 // 		})
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_Search(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_SearchByID(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		ctx     context.Context
-// 		vec     []float32
+// 		uuid    string
 // 		size    uint32
 // 		epsilon float32
 // 		radius  float32
@@ -3922,7 +4497,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		statisticsCache         atomic.Pointer[payload.Info_Index_Statistics]
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
-// 		wantRes *payload.Search_Response
+// 		wantVec []float32
+// 		wantDst *payload.Search_Response
 // 		err     error
 // 	}
 // 	type test struct {
@@ -3930,16 +4506,19 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		args       args
 // 		fields     fields
 // 		want       want
-// 		checkFunc  func(want, *payload.Search_Response, error) error
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, []float32, *payload.Search_Response, error) error
 // 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
 // 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
 // 	}
-// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotRes *payload.Search_Response, err error) error {
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotVec []float32, gotDst *payload.Search_Response, err error) error {
 // 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
 // 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
 // 		}
-// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotRes, w.wantRes) {
-// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotRes, w.wantRes)
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotVec, w.wantVec) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotVec, w.wantVec)
+// 		}
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotDst, w.wantDst) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotDst, w.wantDst)
 // 		}
 // 		return nil
 // 	}
@@ -3950,7 +4529,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		           vec:nil,
+// 		           uuid:"",
 // 		           size:0,
 // 		           epsilon:0,
 // 		           radius:0,
@@ -4022,7 +4601,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		           vec:nil,
+// 		           uuid:"",
 // 		           size:0,
 // 		           epsilon:0,
 // 		           radius:0,
@@ -4154,21 +4733,19 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			gotRes, err := n.Search(test.args.ctx, test.args.vec, test.args.size, test.args.epsilon, test.args.radius)
-// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotRes, err); err != nil {
+// 			gotVec, gotDst, err := n.SearchByID(test.args.ctx, test.args.uuid, test.args.size, test.args.epsilon, test.args.radius)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotVec, gotDst, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
 // 		})
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_SearchByID(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_LinearSearch(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		ctx     context.Context
-// 		uuid    string
-// 		size    uint32
-// 		epsilon float32
-// 		radius  float32
+// 		ctx  context.Context
+// 		vec  []float32
+// 		size uint32
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -4220,8 +4797,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		statisticsCache         atomic.Pointer[payload.Info_Index_Statistics]
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
-// 		wantVec []float32
-// 		wantDst *payload.Search_Response
+// 		wantRes *payload.Search_Response
 // 		err     error
 // 	}
 // 	type test struct {
@@ -4229,19 +4805,16 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		args       args
 // 		fields     fields
 // 		want       want
-// 		checkFunc  func(want, []float32, *payload.Search_Response, error) error
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, *payload.Search_Response, error) error
 // 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
 // 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
 // 	}
-// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotVec []float32, gotDst *payload.Search_Response, err error) error {
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotRes *payload.Search_Response, err error) error {
 // 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
 // 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
 // 		}
-// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotVec, w.wantVec) {
-// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotVec, w.wantVec)
-// 		}
-// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotDst, w.wantDst) {
-// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotDst, w.wantDst)
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotRes, w.wantRes) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotRes, w.wantRes)
 // 		}
 // 		return nil
 // 	}
@@ -4252,10 +4825,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		           uuid:"",
+// 		           vec:nil,
 // 		           size:0,
-// 		           epsilon:0,
-// 		           radius:0,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -4324,10 +4895,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		           uuid:"",
+// 		           vec:nil,
 // 		           size:0,
-// 		           epsilon:0,
-// 		           radius:0,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -4456,18 +5025,18 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			gotVec, gotDst, err := n.SearchByID(test.args.ctx, test.args.uuid, test.args.size, test.args.epsilon, test.args.radius)
-// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotVec, gotDst, err); err != nil {
+// 			gotRes, err := n.LinearSearch(test.args.ctx, test.args.vec, test.args.size)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotRes, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
 // 		})
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_LinearSearch(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_LinearSearchByID(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		ctx  context.Context
-// 		vec  []float32
+// 		uuid string
 // 		size uint32
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
@@ -4520,7 +5089,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		statisticsCache         atomic.Pointer[payload.Info_Index_Statistics]
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
-// 		wantRes *payload.Search_Response
+// 		wantVec []float32
+// 		wantDst *payload.Search_Response
 // 		err     error
 // 	}
 // 	type test struct {
@@ -4528,16 +5098,19 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		args       args
 // 		fields     fields
 // 		want       want
-// 		checkFunc  func(want, *payload.Search_Response, error) error
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, []float32, *payload.Search_Response, error) error
 // 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
 // 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
 // 	}
-// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotRes *payload.Search_Response, err error) error {
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotVec []float32, gotDst *payload.Search_Response, err error) error {
 // 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
 // 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
 // 		}
-// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotRes, w.wantRes) {
-// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotRes, w.wantRes)
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotVec, w.wantVec) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotVec, w.wantVec)
+// 		}
+// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotDst, w.wantDst) {
+// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotDst, w.wantDst)
 // 		}
 // 		return nil
 // 	}
@@ -4548,7 +5121,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		           vec:nil,
+// 		           uuid:"",
 // 		           size:0,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
@@ -4618,7 +5191,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		           vec:nil,
+// 		           uuid:"",
 // 		           size:0,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
@@ -4748,19 +5321,18 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			gotRes, err := n.LinearSearch(test.args.ctx, test.args.vec, test.args.size)
-// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotRes, err); err != nil {
+// 			gotVec, gotDst, err := n.LinearSearchByID(test.args.ctx, test.args.uuid, test.args.size)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotVec, gotDst, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
 // 		})
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_LinearSearchByID(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_Insert(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		ctx  context.Context
 // 		uuid string
-// 		size uint32
+// 		vec  []float32
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -4812,29 +5384,21 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		statisticsCache         atomic.Pointer[payload.Info_Index_Statistics]
 // 	}
 // 	type want struct {
-// 		wantVec []float32
-// 		wantDst *payload.Search_Response
-// 		err     error
+// 		err error
 // 	}
 // 	type test struct {
 // 		name       string
 // 		args       args
 // 		fields     fields
 // 		want       want
-// 		checkFunc  func(want, []float32, *payload.Search_Response, error) error
+// 		checkFunc  func(want, error) error
 // 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
 // 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
 // 	}
-// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, gotVec []float32, gotDst *payload.Search_Response, err error) error {
+// 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, err error) error {
 // 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
 // 			return errors.Errorf("got_error: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", err, w.err)
 // 		}
-// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotVec, w.wantVec) {
-// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotVec, w.wantVec)
-// 		}
-// 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotDst, w.wantDst) {
-// 			return errors.Errorf("got: \"%#v\",\n\t\t\t\twant: \"%#v\"", gotDst, w.wantDst)
-// 		}
 // 		return nil
 // 	}
 // 	tests := []test{
@@ -4843,9 +5407,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		   {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
-// 		           ctx:nil,
 // 		           uuid:"",
-// 		           size:0,
+// 		           vec:nil,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -4913,9 +5476,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       return test {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
-// 		           ctx:nil,
 // 		           uuid:"",
-// 		           size:0,
+// 		           vec:nil,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -5044,18 +5606,19 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			gotVec, gotDst, err := n.LinearSearchByID(test.args.ctx, test.args.uuid, test.args.size)
-// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, gotVec, gotDst, err); err != nil {
+// 			err := n.Insert(test.args.uuid, test.args.vec)
+// 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
 // 		})
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_Insert(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_InsertWithTime(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		uuid string
 // 		vec  []float32
+// 		t    int64
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -5132,6 +5695,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           uuid:"",
 // 		           vec:nil,
+// 		           t:0,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -5201,6 +5765,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           uuid:"",
 // 		           vec:nil,
+// 		           t:0,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -5329,7 +5894,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.Insert(test.args.uuid, test.args.vec)
+// 			err := n.InsertWithTime(test.args.uuid, test.args.vec, test.args.t)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -5337,11 +5902,12 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_InsertWithTime(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_insert(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		uuid string
-// 		vec  []float32
-// 		t    int64
+// 		uuid       string
+// 		vec        []float32
+// 		t          int64
+// 		validation bool
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -5419,6 +5985,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           uuid:"",
 // 		           vec:nil,
 // 		           t:0,
+// 		           validation:false,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -5489,6 +6056,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           uuid:"",
 // 		           vec:nil,
 // 		           t:0,
+// 		           validation:false,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -5617,7 +6185,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.InsertWithTime(test.args.uuid, test.args.vec, test.args.t)
+// 			err := n.insert(test.args.uuid, test.args.vec, test.args.t, test.args.validation)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -5625,12 +6193,9 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_insert(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_InsertMultiple(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		uuid       string
-// 		vec        []float32
-// 		t          int64
-// 		validation bool
+// 		vecs map[string][]float32
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -5705,10 +6270,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		   {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
-// 		           uuid:"",
-// 		           vec:nil,
-// 		           t:0,
-// 		           validation:false,
+// 		           vecs:nil,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -5776,10 +6338,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       return test {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
-// 		           uuid:"",
-// 		           vec:nil,
-// 		           t:0,
-// 		           validation:false,
+// 		           vecs:nil,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -5908,7 +6467,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.insert(test.args.uuid, test.args.vec, test.args.t, test.args.validation)
+// 			err := n.InsertMultiple(test.args.vecs)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -5916,9 +6475,10 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_InsertMultiple(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_InsertMultipleWithTime(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		vecs map[string][]float32
+// 		t    int64
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -5994,6 +6554,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           vecs:nil,
+// 		           t:0,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -6062,6 +6623,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           vecs:nil,
+// 		           t:0,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -6190,7 +6752,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.InsertMultiple(test.args.vecs)
+// 			err := n.InsertMultipleWithTime(test.args.vecs, test.args.t)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -6198,10 +6760,11 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_InsertMultipleWithTime(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_insertMultiple(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		vecs map[string][]float32
-// 		t    int64
+// 		vecs       map[string][]float32
+// 		now        int64
+// 		validation bool
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -6277,7 +6840,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           vecs:nil,
-// 		           t:0,
+// 		           now:0,
+// 		           validation:false,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -6346,7 +6910,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           vecs:nil,
-// 		           t:0,
+// 		           now:0,
+// 		           validation:false,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -6475,7 +7040,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.InsertMultipleWithTime(test.args.vecs, test.args.t)
+// 			err := n.insertMultiple(test.args.vecs, test.args.now, test.args.validation)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -6483,11 +7048,10 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_insertMultiple(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_Update(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		vecs       map[string][]float32
-// 		now        int64
-// 		validation bool
+// 		uuid string
+// 		vec  []float32
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -6562,9 +7126,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		   {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
-// 		           vecs:nil,
-// 		           now:0,
-// 		           validation:false,
+// 		           uuid:"",
+// 		           vec:nil,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -6632,9 +7195,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       return test {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
-// 		           vecs:nil,
-// 		           now:0,
-// 		           validation:false,
+// 		           uuid:"",
+// 		           vec:nil,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -6763,7 +7325,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.insertMultiple(test.args.vecs, test.args.now, test.args.validation)
+// 			err := n.Update(test.args.uuid, test.args.vec)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -6771,10 +7333,11 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_Update(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_UpdateWithTime(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		uuid string
 // 		vec  []float32
+// 		t    int64
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -6851,6 +7414,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           uuid:"",
 // 		           vec:nil,
+// 		           t:0,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -6920,6 +7484,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           uuid:"",
 // 		           vec:nil,
+// 		           t:0,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -7048,7 +7613,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.Update(test.args.uuid, test.args.vec)
+// 			err := n.UpdateWithTime(test.args.uuid, test.args.vec, test.args.t)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -7056,7 +7621,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_UpdateWithTime(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_update(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		uuid string
 // 		vec  []float32
@@ -7336,7 +7901,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.UpdateWithTime(test.args.uuid, test.args.vec, test.args.t)
+// 			err := n.update(test.args.uuid, test.args.vec, test.args.t)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -7344,11 +7909,9 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_update(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_UpdateMultiple(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		uuid string
-// 		vec  []float32
-// 		t    int64
+// 		vecs map[string][]float32
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -7423,9 +7986,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		   {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
-// 		           uuid:"",
-// 		           vec:nil,
-// 		           t:0,
+// 		           vecs:nil,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -7493,9 +8054,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       return test {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
-// 		           uuid:"",
-// 		           vec:nil,
-// 		           t:0,
+// 		           vecs:nil,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -7624,7 +8183,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.update(test.args.uuid, test.args.vec, test.args.t)
+// 			err := n.UpdateMultiple(test.args.vecs)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -7632,9 +8191,10 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_UpdateMultiple(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_UpdateMultipleWithTime(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		vecs map[string][]float32
+// 		t    int64
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -7710,6 +8270,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           vecs:nil,
+// 		           t:0,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -7778,6 +8339,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           vecs:nil,
+// 		           t:0,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -7906,7 +8468,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.UpdateMultiple(test.args.vecs)
+// 			err := n.UpdateMultipleWithTime(test.args.vecs, test.args.t)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -7914,7 +8476,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_UpdateMultipleWithTime(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_updateMultiple(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		vecs map[string][]float32
 // 		t    int64
@@ -8191,7 +8753,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.UpdateMultipleWithTime(test.args.vecs, test.args.t)
+// 			err := n.updateMultiple(test.args.vecs, test.args.t)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -8199,10 +8761,11 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_updateMultiple(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_UpdateTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		vecs map[string][]float32
-// 		t    int64
+// 		uuid  string
+// 		ts    int64
+// 		force bool
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -8277,8 +8840,9 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		   {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
-// 		           vecs:nil,
-// 		           t:0,
+// 		           uuid:"",
+// 		           ts:0,
+// 		           force:false,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -8346,8 +8910,9 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       return test {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
-// 		           vecs:nil,
-// 		           t:0,
+// 		           uuid:"",
+// 		           ts:0,
+// 		           force:false,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -8476,7 +9041,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.updateMultiple(test.args.vecs, test.args.t)
+// 			err := n.UpdateTimestamp(test.args.uuid, test.args.ts, test.args.force)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -8484,11 +9049,9 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_UpdateTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_Delete(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		uuid  string
-// 		ts    int64
-// 		force bool
+// 		uuid string
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -8564,8 +9127,6 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           uuid:"",
-// 		           ts:0,
-// 		           force:false,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -8634,8 +9195,6 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           uuid:"",
-// 		           ts:0,
-// 		           force:false,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -8764,7 +9323,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.UpdateTimestamp(test.args.uuid, test.args.ts, test.args.force)
+// 			err := n.Delete(test.args.uuid)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -8772,9 +9331,10 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_Delete(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_DeleteWithTime(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		uuid string
+// 		t    int64
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -8850,6 +9410,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           uuid:"",
+// 		           t:0,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -8918,6 +9479,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           uuid:"",
+// 		           t:0,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -9046,7 +9608,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.Delete(test.args.uuid)
+// 			err := n.DeleteWithTime(test.args.uuid, test.args.t)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -9054,10 +9616,11 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_DeleteWithTime(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_delete(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		uuid string
-// 		t    int64
+// 		uuid       string
+// 		t          int64
+// 		validation bool
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -9134,6 +9697,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           uuid:"",
 // 		           t:0,
+// 		           validation:false,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -9203,6 +9767,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           uuid:"",
 // 		           t:0,
+// 		           validation:false,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -9331,7 +9896,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.DeleteWithTime(test.args.uuid, test.args.t)
+// 			err := n.delete(test.args.uuid, test.args.t, test.args.validation)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -9339,11 +9904,9 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_delete(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_DeleteMultiple(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		uuid       string
-// 		t          int64
-// 		validation bool
+// 		uuids []string
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -9418,9 +9981,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		   {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
-// 		           uuid:"",
-// 		           t:0,
-// 		           validation:false,
+// 		           uuids:nil,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -9488,9 +10049,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       return test {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
-// 		           uuid:"",
-// 		           t:0,
-// 		           validation:false,
+// 		           uuids:nil,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -9619,7 +10178,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.delete(test.args.uuid, test.args.t, test.args.validation)
+// 			err := n.DeleteMultiple(test.args.uuids...)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -9627,9 +10186,10 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_DeleteMultiple(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_DeleteMultipleWithTime(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		uuids []string
+// 		t     int64
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -9705,6 +10265,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           uuids:nil,
+// 		           t:0,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -9773,6 +10334,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           uuids:nil,
+// 		           t:0,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -9901,7 +10463,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.DeleteMultiple(test.args.uuids...)
+// 			err := n.DeleteMultipleWithTime(test.args.uuids, test.args.t)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -9909,10 +10471,11 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_DeleteMultipleWithTime(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_deleteMultiple(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		uuids []string
-// 		t     int64
+// 		uuids      []string
+// 		now        int64
+// 		validation bool
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -9988,7 +10551,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
 // 		           uuids:nil,
-// 		           t:0,
+// 		           now:0,
+// 		           validation:false,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -10057,7 +10621,8 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
 // 		           uuids:nil,
-// 		           t:0,
+// 		           now:0,
+// 		           validation:false,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -10186,7 +10751,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.DeleteMultipleWithTime(test.args.uuids, test.args.t)
+// 			err := n.deleteMultiple(test.args.uuids, test.args.now, test.args.validation)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -10194,11 +10759,9 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_deleteMultiple(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_ngt_RegenerateIndexes(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
-// 		uuids      []string
-// 		now        int64
-// 		validation bool
+// 		ctx context.Context
 // 	}
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
@@ -10273,9 +10836,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		   {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
 // 		       args: args {
-// 		           uuids:nil,
-// 		           now:0,
-// 		           validation:false,
+// 		           ctx:nil,
 // 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -10343,9 +10904,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       return test {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
 // 		           args: args {
-// 		           uuids:nil,
-// 		           now:0,
-// 		           validation:false,
+// 		           ctx:nil,
 // 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
@@ -10474,7 +11033,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.deleteMultiple(test.args.uuids, test.args.now, test.args.validation)
+// 			err := n.RegenerateIndexes(test.args.ctx)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
@@ -10482,10 +11041,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_ngt_RegenerateIndexes(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		ctx context.Context
-// 	}
+// func Test_ngt_loadStatistics(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type fields struct {
 // 		core                    core.NGT
 // 		eg                      errgroup.Group
@@ -10540,12 +11096,11 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 	}
 // 	type test struct {
 // 		name       string
-// 		args       args
 // 		fields     fields
 // 		want       want
 // 		checkFunc  func(want, error) error
-// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T, args)
-// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T, args)
+// 		beforeFunc func(*testing.T)
+// 		afterFunc  func(*testing.T)
 // 	}
 // 	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want, err error) error {
 // 		if !errors.Is(err, w.err) {
@@ -10558,9 +11113,6 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		/*
 // 		   {
 // 		       name: "test_case_1",
-// 		       args: args {
-// 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		       },
 // 		       fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
 // 		           eg:nil,
@@ -10612,10 +11164,10 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		       },
 // 		       want: want{},
 // 		       checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
-// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		       beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
 // 		           t.Helper()
 // 		       },
-// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		       afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
 // 		           t.Helper()
 // 		       },
 // 		   },
@@ -10626,9 +11178,6 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		   func() test {
 // 		       return test {
 // 		           name: "test_case_2",
-// 		           args: args {
-// 		           ctx:nil,
-// 		           },
 // 		           fields: fields {
 // 		           core:nil,
 // 		           eg:nil,
@@ -10680,10 +11229,10 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 		           },
 // 		           want: want{},
 // 		           checkFunc: defaultCheckFunc,
-// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           beforeFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
 // 		               t.Helper()
 // 		           },
-// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T, args args) {
+// 		           afterFunc: func(t *testing.T,) {
 // 		               t.Helper()
 // 		           },
 // 		       }
@@ -10697,10 +11246,10 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 			tt.Parallel()
 // 			defer goleak.VerifyNone(tt, goleak.IgnoreCurrent())
 // 			if test.beforeFunc != nil {
-// 				test.beforeFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 				test.beforeFunc(tt)
 // 			}
 // 			if test.afterFunc != nil {
-// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt, test.args)
+// 				defer test.afterFunc(tt)
 // 			}
 // 			checkFunc := test.checkFunc
 // 			if test.checkFunc == nil {
@@ -10756,7 +11305,7 @@ func createRandomData(num int, cfg *createRandomDataConfig) []index {
 // 				statisticsCache:         test.fields.statisticsCache,
 // 			}
-// 			err := n.RegenerateIndexes(test.args.ctx)
+// 			err := n.loadStatistics()
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, err); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
diff --git a/pkg/discoverer/k8s/handler/grpc/option.go b/pkg/discoverer/k8s/handler/grpc/option.go
index 9a7280bcff..b18a7f0a3e 100644
--- a/pkg/discoverer/k8s/handler/grpc/option.go
+++ b/pkg/discoverer/k8s/handler/grpc/option.go
@@ -18,11 +18,10 @@
 package grpc
 import (
-	"os"
+	"github.com/vdaas/vald/internal/os"
diff --git a/pkg/gateway/filter/handler/grpc/option.go b/pkg/gateway/filter/handler/grpc/option.go
index f3e96f0b64..0d240a6d5d 100644
--- a/pkg/gateway/filter/handler/grpc/option.go
+++ b/pkg/gateway/filter/handler/grpc/option.go
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 package grpc
 import (
-	"os"
@@ -26,6 +25,7 @@ import (
+	"github.com/vdaas/vald/internal/os"
diff --git a/pkg/gateway/lb/handler/grpc/option.go b/pkg/gateway/lb/handler/grpc/option.go
index aa1d3b8ecd..2e97e25115 100644
--- a/pkg/gateway/lb/handler/grpc/option.go
+++ b/pkg/gateway/lb/handler/grpc/option.go
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
 package grpc
 import (
-	"os"
+	"github.com/vdaas/vald/internal/os"
diff --git a/pkg/gateway/mirror/handler/grpc/option.go b/pkg/gateway/mirror/handler/grpc/option.go
index 5832e37be9..e2d14869db 100644
--- a/pkg/gateway/mirror/handler/grpc/option.go
+++ b/pkg/gateway/mirror/handler/grpc/option.go
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
 package grpc
 import (
-	"os"
+	"github.com/vdaas/vald/internal/os"
diff --git a/pkg/gateway/mirror/service/gateway_test.go b/pkg/gateway/mirror/service/gateway_test.go
index 526132ecd0..ed53443040 100644
--- a/pkg/gateway/mirror/service/gateway_test.go
+++ b/pkg/gateway/mirror/service/gateway_test.go
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ package service
 // 	}
 // }
-// func Test_gateway_ForwardedContext(t *testing.T) {
+// func Test_gateway_forwardedContext(t *testing.T) {
 // 	type args struct {
 // 		ctx     context.Context
 // 		podName string
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ package service
 // 				podName: test.fields.podName,
 // 			}
-// 			got := g.ForwardedContext(test.args.ctx, test.args.podName)
+// 			got := g.forwardedContext(test.args.ctx, test.args.podName)
 // 			if err := checkFunc(test.want, got); err != nil {
 // 				tt.Errorf("error = %v", err)
 // 			}
diff --git a/rust/Cargo.lock b/rust/Cargo.lock
index 7f3a192f22..d8b61afc05 100644
--- a/rust/Cargo.lock
+++ b/rust/Cargo.lock
@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ checksum = "69f7f8c3906b62b754cd5326047894316021dcfe5a194c8ea52bdd94934a3457"
 name = "async-stream"
-version = "0.3.5"
+version = "0.3.6"
 source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
-checksum = "cd56dd203fef61ac097dd65721a419ddccb106b2d2b70ba60a6b529f03961a51"
+checksum = "0b5a71a6f37880a80d1d7f19efd781e4b5de42c88f0722cc13bcb6cc2cfe8476"
 dependencies = [
@@ -155,9 +155,9 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "async-stream-impl"
-version = "0.3.5"
+version = "0.3.6"
 source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
-checksum = "16e62a023e7c117e27523144c5d2459f4397fcc3cab0085af8e2224f643a0193"
+checksum = "c7c24de15d275a1ecfd47a380fb4d5ec9bfe0933f309ed5e705b775596a3574d"
 dependencies = [
@@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "axum"
-version = "0.7.6"
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