This is only partial reference of the APIs that are implemented in this Ruby Gem. For more details refer to documentation
Method | Descripion | Http Method | URL |
Midtrans.charge(data) | Charge Transaction (Core API) | POST | |
Midtrans.create_card_token(data) | Get Token for Card | GET | |
Midtrans.status(id) | Get Last Status | GET |{id}/status |
Midtrans.cancel(id) | Cancel Transaction | POST |{id}/cancel |
Midtrans.approve(id) | Approve Challenge Transaction | POST |{id}/approve |
Midtrans.refund(id) | Refund Successful Transaction | POST |{id}/refund |
Midtrans.capture(id) | Capture Authorise Transaction | POST |{id}/capture |
Midtrans.expire(id) | Expire Pending Transaction | POST |{id}/expire |
Midtrans.deny(id) | Deny Challenged Transaction | POST |{id}/deny |
Midtrans.create_snap_token(data) | Charge Transaction (SNAP) | POST | |
Midtrans.link_payment_account(data) | Link the customer's payment provider account to be used for payments using specific payment channel. | POST | |
Midtrans.get_payment_account(id) | Get account to use for specific payment channel. | GET |{account_id} |
Midtrans.unlink_payment_account(id) | Unlink the linked customer account. | POST |{account_id}/unbind |
Midtrans.create_subscription(data) | Create a subscription transaction | POST | |
Midtrans.get_subscription(id) | Retrieve the subscription details of a customer | GET |{subscription_id} |
Midtrans.disable_subscription(id) | Disable a customer's subscription account | POST |{subscription_id}/disable |
Midtrans.enable_subscription(id) | Enable a customer's subscription account | POST |{subscription_id}/enable |
Midtrans.update_subscription(data) | Update the details of a customer's existing subscription account | PATCH |{subscription_id} |
Perform a transaction with various available payment methods and features. Example below: credit card charge.
response = Midtrans.charge({
# *required
payment_type: "credit_card",
# *required
transaction_details: {
order_id: "order-2",
gross_amount: 100_000
# *required (but different for different payment type)
credit_card: {
token_id: "dcd6cd71-bc4c-4f4b-8752-49cb0a3f204c",
bank: "cimb"
# optional
item_details: [
id: "ITEM1",
price: 100_000,
quantity: 1,
name: "T-Short Infinity"
# optional
customer_details: {
first_name: "Nadia",
last_name: "Modjo",
email: "",
phone: "+6281 123 12345",
billing_address: {
address: "Jalan Raya Kalijati",
city: "Subang",
postal_code: "41271",
# optional
custom_field1: "age: 25",
custom_field2: "new_year_promo",
custom_field3: "submerchant_id: 23"
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
status_code: "200",
status_message: "Success, Credit Card transaction is successful",
transaction_id: "20bcc3dd-6fa5-4a9a-a9ad-615af992aa3d",
masked_card: "481111-1114",
order_id: "order-2",
payment_type: "credit_card",
transaction_time: "2014-11-03 16:22:52",
transaction_status: "capture",
fraud_status: "accept",
approval_code: "1415006572598",
gross_amount: "100000.00"
Snap allows you (as a merchant) to easily integrate with Midtrans payment system to start accepting payments. Snap payment page can be displayed as a seamless pop-up within your web/app during checkout, or as a (Midtrans hosted) web page url redirect. Example below: create Snap transaction.
response = Midtrans.create_snap_token(
transaction_details: {
order_id: generate_order_id,
gross_amount: 100000
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
status_code: "201",
"token": "2b3ccb6c-d0fb-499a-9d46-ef53ad51fe62",
"redirect_url": ""
Creating card token, in production create token should be handled on Frontend please refer to API docs.
card =
card_number: 4_811_111_111_111_114,
card_cvv: 123,
card_exp_month: 12,
card_exp_year: 2025
result = Midtrans.create_card_token(card)
result.token_id == "481111-1114-a901971f-2f1b-4781-802a-df326fbf0e9c"
Get Transaction Status is triggered to obtain the transaction_status and other details of a specific transaction.
response = Midtrans.status("ruby-lib-test-1633926689")
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
transaction_time: "2021-10-11 11:31:29",
gross_amount: "10000.00",
currency: "IDR",
order_id: "ruby-lib-test-1633926689",
payment_type: "bank_transfer",
signature_key: "412c0a69df9c74d05666ffb079d09b404e3d596b927dbb027bd470d072401a767b0f9ad4659248118979ce274e5bcec3dd683abf9e279ce001eab67f49de5866",
status_code: "201",
transaction_id: "569a305d-9fec-4fa1-a707-294ee97f7b2a",
transaction_status: "pending",
fraud_status: "accept",
status_message: "Success, transaction is found",
merchant_id: "G686051436",
permata_va_number: "514003740741123"
Cancel a transaction with a specific order_id. Cancelation can only be done before settlement process.
response = Midtrans.cancel("ruby-lib-test-1633926562")
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
status_code: "200",
status_message: "Success, transaction is canceled",
transaction_id: "7e75d03e-54a4-44c6-a385-6bbdd28d85c3",
order_id: "ruby-lib-test-1633926562",
gross_amount: "10000.00",
currency: "IDR",
payment_type: "bank_transfer",
transaction_time: "2021-10-11 11:29:23",
transaction_status: "cancel",
fraud_status: "accept",
merchant_id: "G686051436"
Approve transaction is triggered to accept the card payment transaction with fraud_status:challenge
response = Midtrans.approve("ruby-lib-test-1633926990")
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
status_code: "200",
status_message: "Success, transaction is approved",
bank: "bni",
transaction_id: "23e5ad9a-c28c-466c-8894-cbbc5445eb97",
masked_card: "551011-1115",
order_id: "ruby-lib-test-1633926990",
merchant_id: "G686051436",
payment_type: "credit_card",
transaction_time: "2021-10-11 11:36:33",
transaction_status: "capture",
fraud_status: "accept",
gross_amount: "10000.00",
currency: "IDR",
approval_code: "1633926993796"
Refund transaction is triggered to update the transaction status to refund, when the customer decides to cancel a completed transaction or a payment that is settled.
response = Midtrans.refund("ruby-example-coreapi-creditcard-1633678954")
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
status_code: "200",
status_message: "Success, refund offline request is approved",
bank: "bni",
transaction_id: "b2a62a3d-03e1-4232-b6b4-5832d5aa7eeb",
order_id: "ruby-example-coreapi-creditcard-1633678954",
merchant_id: "G686051436",
gross_amount: "10000.00",
currency: "IDR",
payment_type: "credit_card",
transaction_time: "2021-10-08 14:42:34",
transaction_status: "partial_refund",
fraud_status: "accept",
approval_code: "1633678955297",
masked_card: "521111-1117",
refund_chargeback_id: 101293,
refund_chargeback_uuid: "c720cb44-272d-4b64-b97d-47d89e86da02",
refund_amount: "2000.00",
settlement_time: "2021-10-09 16:35:04",
refund_key: "reference1"
This API method is only for merchants who have pre-authorise feature (can be requested) and have pre-authorise payments.
response = Midtrans.capture("testing-0.2072-1415086078", 101_000)
response.success? # => true
To expire pending transactions. For example if a merchant chooses to pay via ATM and then the user changes their mind and now wants to pay with credit card. In this situation the previous transaction should be expired. The same order_id can be used again.
response = Midtrans.expire("ruby-lib-test-1633927809")
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
status_code: "407",
status_message: "Success, transaction has expired",
transaction_id: "6ff22198-875e-4a6d-a15d-e23ab3345a4d",
order_id: "ruby-lib-test-1633927809",
gross_amount: "10000.00",
currency: "IDR",
payment_type: "bank_transfer",
transaction_time: "2021-10-11 11:50:09",
transaction_status: "expire",
fraud_status: "accept",
merchant_id: "G686051436"
Deny transaction is triggered to immediately deny the card payment transaction with fraud_status:challenge
response = Midtrans.deny("ruby-lib-test-1633927987")
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
status_code: "200",
status_message: "Success, transaction is denied",
bank: "bni",
transaction_id: "91cf84b9-1523-45b4-adf7-cd76751f71c6",
masked_card: "551011-1115",
order_id: "ruby-lib-test-1633927987",
merchant_id: "G686051436",
payment_type: "credit_card",
transaction_time: "2021-10-11 11:53:07",
transaction_status: "cancel",
fraud_status: "deny",
gross_amount: "10000.00",
currency: "IDR",
approval_code: "1633927988537"
Link the customer account to be used for specific payment channels.
param = {
"payment_type": "gopay",
"gopay_partner": {
"phone_number": "81987654321",
"country_code": "62",
"redirect_url": ""
response = Midtrans.link_payment_account(param)
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
"status_code": "201",
"payment_type": "gopay",
"account_id": "f2b21e66-c72d-4fc2-9296-7b2682c82a96",
"account_status": "PENDING",
"actions": [
"name": "activation-deeplink",
"method": "GET",
"url": ""
"name": "activation-link-url",
"method": "GET",
"url": ""
"name": "activation-link-app",
"method": "GET",
"url": ""
"metadata": {
"reference_id": "ec20c478-f81a-4f60-91a8-725cf0c1fd94"
Get Pay Account is triggered to get a customer account to use for specific payment channel.
response = Midtrans.get_payment_account("f2b21e66-c72d-4fc2-9296-7b2682c82a96")
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
"status_code": "201",
"payment_type": "gopay",
"account_id": "f2b21e66-c72d-4fc2-9296-7b2682c82a96",
"account_status": "PENDING"
Unbind Pay Account is triggered to remove the linked customer account.
response = Midtrans.unlink_payment_account("f2b21e66-c72d-4fc2-9296-7b2682c82a96")
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
"status_code": "204",
"payment_type": "gopay",
"account_id": "f2b21e66-c72d-4fc2-9296-7b2682c82a96",
"account_status": "DISABLED",
"channel_response_code": "0",
"channel_response_message": "Process service request successfully."
Create a subscription transaction by sending all the details required to create a transaction. The details such as name, amount, currency, payment_type, token, and schedule are sent in the request. Successful request returns id status:active, and other subscription details.
param = {
"name": "MONTHLY_2021",
"amount": "17000",
"currency": "IDR",
"payment_type": "credit_card",
"token": "dummy",
"schedule": {
"interval": 1,
"interval_unit": "month",
"max_interval": 12,
"start_time": "2021-10-10 07:25:01 +0700"
"metadata": {
"description": "Recurring payment for A"
"customer_details": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "",
"phone": "+62812345678"
response = Midtrans.create_subscription(param)
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
"id": "d137e7f4-9474-4fc2-9847-672e09cb16f6",
"name": "MONTHLY_2021",
"amount": "17000",
"currency": "IDR",
"created_at": "2021-09-28 10:40:29",
"schedule": {
"interval": 1,
"current_interval": 0,
"max_interval": 12,
"interval_unit": "month",
"start_time": "2021-10-10 07:25:01",
"next_execution_at": "2021-10-10 07:25:01"
"status": "active",
"token": "dummy",
"payment_type": "credit_card",
"transaction_ids": [
"metadata": {
"description": "Recurring payment for A"
"customer_details": {
"email": "",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"phone": "+62812345678"
Retrieve the subscription details of a customer using the subscription_id. Successful request returns subscription object and status:active.
response = Midtrans.get_subscription("d137e7f4-9474-4fc2-9847-672e09cb16f6")
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
"id": "d137e7f4-9474-4fc2-9847-672e09cb16f6",
"name": "MONTHLY_2021",
"amount": "17000",
"currency": "IDR",
"created_at": "2021-09-28 10:40:30",
"schedule": {
"interval": 1,
"current_interval": 0,
"max_interval": 12,
"interval_unit": "month",
"start_time": "2021-10-10 07:25:01",
"next_execution_at": "2021-10-10 07:25:01"
"status": "active",
"token": "dummy",
"payment_type": "credit_card",
"transaction_ids": [
"metadata": {
"description": "Recurring payment for A"
"customer_details": {
"email": "",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"phone": "+62812345678"
Disable a customer's subscription account with a specific subscription_id so that the customer is not charged for the subscription in the future. Successful request returns status_message indicating that the subscription details are updated.
response = Midtrans.disable_subscription("d137e7f4-9474-4fc2-9847-672e09cb16f6")
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
"status_message": "Subscription is updated."
Activate a customer's subscription account with a specific subscription_id, so that the customer can start paying for the subscription immediately. Successful request returns status_message indicating that the subscription details are updated.
response = Midtrans.enable_subscription("d137e7f4-9474-4fc2-9847-672e09cb16f6")
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
"status_message": "Subscription is updated."
Update the details of a customer's existing subscription account with the specific subscription_id. Successful request returns status_message indicating that the subscription details are updated.
param = {
"name": "MONTHLY_2021",
"amount": "21000",
"currency": "IDR",
"token": "dummy",
"schedule": {
"interval": 1
response = Midtrans.update_subscription("d137e7f4-9474-4fc2-9847-672e09cb16f6", param)
# this will be Hash representation of the API JSON response:
puts == {
"status_message": "Subscription is updated."
result = Midtrans.charge(...)
# If in the future there is a new attribute in the Midtrans Result.
# The recommended way to retrieve the value is like example below.
# :new_attribute is the new field name in API response JSON[:new_attribute]
# Alternatively you can also retrieve the value like below.
# When the field name is not actually exists on the API response JSON, it will trigger an error. Make sure to handle it.
, Based onstatus_code
field in API response JSONMidtrans::Result#status_code
, e.g. 200, 402. Documentation
, e.g."Success, Credit Card transaction is successful"Midtrans::Result#redirect_url
, For Snap payment page, where customer can be redirected to complete the paymentMidtrans::Result#body
, Raw HTTP response bodyMidtrans::Result#data
, Parsed API response JSON body as hashMidtrans::Result#response
- RawExcon::Response