- Installation and release history
- Uses tifffile to write the image
- Uses bioformats module to generate OME-XML
- OME-XML generated is bare-bones, must add TiffData elements for multi-page OME-TIFFs
- Should also adjust filename, date, and channel elements
- Previously used internal tool from Allen Cell Institute, but APEER is for public use and recieves feedback
- Installation guide
- Does not require a server to run
- Use bioformats plugin to validate/view OME-XML data (> Plugins > Bio-Formats > Bio-Formats Importer)
- Good validation errors/warnings for incomplete OME-XML
- Drag and drop or importer to view image (for large images, will sample image data for viewing)
- Installation guide
- Requires a server to run, can request access to demo server
- Must import data through the app, cannot import through website
- Validation errors are not descriptive
- Validation is possibly better than FIJI, given this is from the developers of OME-TIFF
- Can view full resolution, colored image, can see composite of channels or toggle single channels on/off