- KEYWORDS: Pulse Width Modulation,PWM,Pulse,Analog,Built-In
Pulse Width Modulation allows you to create an 'average' analog value using only a digital output. It does this by outputting a square wave, where the pulse is high for the a certain proportion of the time. If you want a 'real' analog output, see [[DAC]].
In Espruino, you can perform Pulse Width Modulation using the following function:
analogWrite(PIN, value)
eg. analogWrite(A0, 0.2)
(Pulse high 20% of the time, low 80%)
Note: Not all pins are capable of PWM. See the [[Reference]] for your board and look for PWM
. Some pins are also capable of proper Analog [[DAC]] outputs and for these, analogWrite will use the DAC by default.
To force Espruino to use PWM (instead of the DAC) or to specify a certain frequency, use:
analogWrite(PIN, value, { freq : my_freq_in_hz } )