A landing page template for a mortgage expert in a consulting company. Designed to be used for multiple experts, fetching data from a JSON database. Finally, the project was split into separate static pages, leaving database fetching for ease of text content change for the client. Client asked for a contact form fuctionality, Google Map, statistics and reviews sections. Header and contact form on large screens were designed to stick while scrolling through main content, stopping on the map/reviews section, which acts as a footer. Light and minimalistic design was used with company accent colors.
- Contact form security
- Form label transforms on focus
- Form input validation with debounce
- Handling and visualising form submission
- Modal for a contact form on mobile devices
- Dynamic copyright year notice
- Fetching data from JSON database
- Cycling through customer reviews
- Choosing to use or disable cookies
- Making use of sessionStorage & localStorage
- Implementing a loader for a smoother User Experience on load
- Using IntersectionObserverAPI for statistics animation
- Toggling navigation on mobile devices
- Integrating Google Analytics to analyse leads & traffic