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File metadata and controls

34 lines (18 loc) · 1.4 KB


Response body schema for GET v1/loyalties/{campaignId}/members/{memberId}/transactions and /loyalties/members/{memberId}/transactions.


Name Type Description
_object ObjectEnum The type of the object represented by JSON.
dataRef DataRefEnum Identifies the name of the attribute that contains the array of transaction objects.
data List<LoyaltyCardTransaction> A dictionary that contains an array of transactions. Each entry in the array is a separate transaction object.
hasMore Boolean As query results are always limited (by the limit parameter), the `has_more` flag indicates if there are more records for given filter parameters. This lets you know if you can run another request to get more records returned in the results.
moreStartingAfter String Returns an ID that can be used to return another page of results. Use the transaction ID in the `starting_after_id` query parameter to display another page of the results starting after the transaction with that ID.

Enum: ObjectEnum

Name Value
LIST "list"

Enum: DataRefEnum

Name Value
DATA "data"