- Added a vignette
- Added automatic testing procedures
- Rcpp code implementation for the main function qad()
- Code improvements for zeta1() and ECBC() which replaces the deprecated function emp_c_copula()
- Adapted permutation test for independence which works irrespectively of the marginal distribution
- Added a new (experimental) bootstrap test which tests for asymmetry in dependence (thus provides a p-value for the measure a)
- Additional parameters for graphics (title, x.axis, y.axis)
- Added warnings for checkerboard resolution less or equal 3
- the deprecated function cci() was finally removed
- Implementation of a new p-value (based on Monte Carlo simulation).
- New implementation of the distribution function and quantile function of qad in the setting of independence: pqad(), qqad().
- Function cci() is deprecated.
- Additional parameter configurations in pairwise.qad: (1) double 0 entries can be removed, (2) a minimum necessary resolution can be selected.
- Correction of a wrong p-value (by permutation test) of qad for a checkerboard resolution of N = 1.
- Code simplifications (replace several functions of the data.table package by dplyr functions).
- Update of functions using melt from data.table
- New color options are available in the plot functions
- New labeling in the heatmap plot
- Updated output of the main function qad
- New option for parallel computing
- Package news are now provided as markdown document (NEWS.md)
- Package description in form of a README.md file is available