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Github flavored, local file browser for viewing your project's markdown documentation files.
This project was an improvement on Markdown Browser with better code layout and colored file icons. Follow the below instruction to get started,
Clone this repository,
git clone https://github.com/websemantics/markdown-browser-plus
Install Bower dependencies,
cd markdown-browser-plus
bower install
Install Composer dependencies,
composer install
View index.php
- File specific icons for PHP
- A single PHP file file browser
- Markdown Parser in PHP
- Github Markdown CSS
- Prism Syntax Highlighting
Need help or have a question? post at StackOverflow.
Please don't use the issue trackers for support/questions.
Star if you find this project useful, to show support or simply for being awesome :)
Contributions to this project are accepted in the form of feedback, bugs reports and even better - pull requests.
MIT license Copyright (c) Web Semantics, Inc.