@svelte-dev/auth 1.1.3 Patch Changes 9397876 Thanks @willin! - remove typedocs 1.1.2 Patch Changes eaf936e Thanks @willin! - fix session delete 1.1.1 Patch Changes #12 2133928 Thanks @willin! - auth handler with more checks #12 d565f53 Thanks @willin! - chore: update readme 1.1.0 Minor Changes #5 2fe58d3 Thanks @willin! - feat: 🎉 add auth handler 1.0.0 Major Changes #1 2003948 Thanks @willin! - The first major version Patch Changes Updated dependencies [2003948]: @svelte-dev/session@1.0.0 Features 🎉 cookie strategy (c8759bc) 0.0.1 (2023-12-05) Features ✨ init basic infrastructure (15aef3e) 🎉 init (823fa57) 🎉 init session class (fcc8c3a) 🎉 memory strategy done (70e9f37)