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(function (e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).Dexie = t() })(this, function () { "use strict"; var g = function () { return (g = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function i(e, t, n) { if (n || 2 === arguments.length) for (var r, i = 0, o = t.length; i < o; i++)!r && i in t || ((r = r || Array.prototype.slice.call(t, 0, i))[i] = t[i]); return e.concat(r || Array.prototype.slice.call(t)) } var h = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : global, x = Object.keys, b = Array.isArray; function u(t, n) { return "object" != typeof n || x(n).forEach(function (e) { t[e] = n[e] }), t } "undefined" == typeof Promise || h.Promise || (h.Promise = Promise); var s = Object.getPrototypeOf, n = {}.hasOwnProperty; function m(e, t) { return n.call(e, t) } function r(t, n) { "function" == typeof n && (n = n(s(t))), ("undefined" == typeof Reflect ? x : Reflect.ownKeys)(n).forEach(function (e) { c(t, e, n[e]) }) } var a = Object.defineProperty; function c(e, t, n, r) { a(e, t, u(n && m(n, "get") && "function" == typeof n.get ? { get: n.get, set: n.set, configurable: !0 } : { value: n, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }, r)) } function o(t) { return { from: function (e) { return t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), c(t.prototype, "constructor", t), { extend: r.bind(null, t.prototype) } } } } var l = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; function f(e, t) { return l(e, t) || (e = s(e)) && f(e, t) } var d = [].slice; function y(e, t, n) { return d.call(e, t, n) } function p(e, t) { return t(e) } function v(e) { if (!e) throw new Error("Assertion Failed") } function _(e) { h.setImmediate ? setImmediate(e) : setTimeout(e, 0) } function w(e, r) { return e.reduce(function (e, t, n) { n = r(t, n); return n && (e[n[0]] = n[1]), e }, {}) } function k(e, t) { if (m(e, t)) return e[t]; if (!t) return e; if ("string" != typeof t) { for (var n = [], r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; ++r) { var o = k(e, t[r]); n.push(o) } return n } var a = t.indexOf("."); if (-1 !== a) { var u = e[t.substr(0, a)]; return void 0 === u ? void 0 : k(u, t.substr(a + 1)) } } function E(e, t, n) { if (e && void 0 !== t && !("isFrozen" in Object && Object.isFrozen(e))) if ("string" != typeof t && "length" in t) { v("string" != typeof n && "length" in n); for (var r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; ++r)E(e, t[r], n[r]) } else { var o, a = t.indexOf("."); -1 !== a ? (o = t.substr(0, a), "" === (a = t.substr(a + 1)) ? void 0 === n ? b(e) && !isNaN(parseInt(o)) ? e.splice(o, 1) : delete e[o] : e[o] = n : E(e[o] || (e[o] = {}), a, n)) : void 0 === n ? b(e) && !isNaN(parseInt(t)) ? e.splice(t, 1) : delete e[t] : e[t] = n } } function P(e) { var t, n = {}; for (t in e) m(e, t) && (n[t] = e[t]); return n } var t = [].concat; function K(e) { return t.apply([], e) } var e = "Boolean,String,Date,RegExp,Blob,File,FileList,FileSystemFileHandle,ArrayBuffer,DataView,Uint8ClampedArray,ImageBitmap,ImageData,Map,Set,CryptoKey".split(",").concat(K([8, 16, 32, 64].map(function (t) { return ["Int", "Uint", "Float"].map(function (e) { return e + t + "Array" }) }))).filter(function (e) { return h[e] }), O = e.map(function (e) { return h[e] }); w(e, function (e) { return [e, !0] }); var S = null; function A(e) { S = "undefined" != typeof WeakMap && new WeakMap; e = function e(t) { if (!t || "object" != typeof t) return t; var n = S && S.get(t); if (n) return n; if (b(t)) { n = [], S && S.set(t, n); for (var r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; ++r)n.push(e(t[r])) } else if (0 <= O.indexOf(t.constructor)) n = t; else { var o, a = s(t); for (o in n = a === Object.prototype ? {} : Object.create(a), S && S.set(t, n), t) m(t, o) && (n[o] = e(t[o])) } return n }(e); return S = null, e } var C = {}.toString; function j(e) { return C.call(e).slice(8, -1) } var D = "undefined" != typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator", B = "symbol" == typeof D ? function (e) { var t; return null != e && (t = e[D]) && t.apply(e) } : function () { return null }, I = {}; function T(e) { var t, n, r, i; if (1 === arguments.length) { if (b(e)) return e.slice(); if (this === I && "string" == typeof e) return [e]; if (i = B(e)) { for (n = []; !(r = i.next()).done;)n.push(r.value); return n } if (null == e) return [e]; if ("number" != typeof (t = e.length)) return [e]; for (n = new Array(t); t--;)n[t] = e[t]; return n } for (t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t); t--;)n[t] = arguments[t]; return n } var R = "undefined" != typeof Symbol ? function (e) { return "AsyncFunction" === e[Symbol.toStringTag] } : function () { return !1 }, F = "undefined" != typeof location && /^(http|https):\/\/(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1)/.test(location.href); function M(e, t) { F = e, N = t } var N = function () { return !0 }, q = !new Error("").stack; function U() { if (q) try { throw new Error } catch (e) { return e } return new Error } function V(e, t) { var n = e.stack; return n ? (t = t || 0, 0 === n.indexOf(e.name) && (t += (e.name + e.message).split("\n").length), n.split("\n").slice(t).filter(N).map(function (e) { return "\n" + e }).join("")) : "" } var W = ["Unknown", "Constraint", "Data", "TransactionInactive", "ReadOnly", "Version", "NotFound", "InvalidState", "InvalidAccess", "Abort", "Timeout", "QuotaExceeded", "Syntax", "DataClone"], L = ["Modify", "Bulk", "OpenFailed", "VersionChange", "Schema", "Upgrade", "InvalidTable", "MissingAPI", "NoSuchDatabase", "InvalidArgument", "SubTransaction", "Unsupported", "Internal", "DatabaseClosed", "PrematureCommit", "ForeignAwait"].concat(W), z = { VersionChanged: "Database version changed by other database connection", DatabaseClosed: "Database has been closed", Abort: "Transaction aborted", TransactionInactive: "Transaction has already completed or failed", MissingAPI: "IndexedDB API missing. Please visit https://tinyurl.com/y2uuvskb" }; function Y(e, t) { this._e = U(), this.name = e, this.message = t } function G(e, t) { return e + ". Errors: " + Object.keys(t).map(function (e) { return t[e].toString() }).filter(function (e, t, n) { return n.indexOf(e) === t }).join("\n") } function H(e, t, n, r) { this._e = U(), this.failures = t, this.failedKeys = r, this.successCount = n, this.message = G(e, t) } function Q(e, t) { this._e = U(), this.name = "BulkError", this.failures = Object.keys(t).map(function (e) { return t[e] }), this.failuresByPos = t, this.message = G(e, t) } o(Y).from(Error).extend({ stack: { get: function () { return this._stack || (this._stack = this.name + ": " + this.message + V(this._e, 2)) } }, toString: function () { return this.name + ": " + this.message } }), o(H).from(Y), o(Q).from(Y); var e = L.reduce(function (e, t) { return e[t] = t + "Error", e }, {}), X = Y, J = L.reduce(function (e, n) { var r = n + "Error"; function t(e, t) { this._e = U(), this.name = r, e ? "string" == typeof e ? (this.message = e + (t ? "\n " + t : ""), this.inner = t || null) : "object" == typeof e && (this.message = e.name + " " + e.message, this.inner = e) : (this.message = z[n] || r, this.inner = null) } return o(t).from(X), e[n] = t, e }, {}); J.Syntax = SyntaxError, J.Type = TypeError, J.Range = RangeError; var $ = W.reduce(function (e, t) { return e[t + "Error"] = J[t], e }, {}); W = L.reduce(function (e, t) { return -1 === ["Syntax", "Type", "Range"].indexOf(t) && (e[t + "Error"] = J[t]), e }, {}); function Z() { } function ee(e) { return e } function te(t, n) { return null == t || t === ee ? n : function (e) { return n(t(e)) } } function ne(e, t) { return function () { e.apply(this, arguments), t.apply(this, arguments) } } function re(i, o) { return i === Z ? o : function () { var e = i.apply(this, arguments); void 0 !== e && (arguments[0] = e); var t = this.onsuccess, n = this.onerror; this.onsuccess = null, this.onerror = null; var r = o.apply(this, arguments); return t && (this.onsuccess = this.onsuccess ? ne(t, this.onsuccess) : t), n && (this.onerror = this.onerror ? ne(n, this.onerror) : n), void 0 !== r ? r : e } } function ie(n, r) { return n === Z ? r : function () { n.apply(this, arguments); var e = this.onsuccess, t = this.onerror; this.onsuccess = this.onerror = null, r.apply(this, arguments), e && (this.onsuccess = this.onsuccess ? ne(e, this.onsuccess) : e), t && (this.onerror = this.onerror ? ne(t, this.onerror) : t) } } function oe(i, o) { return i === Z ? o : function (e) { var t = i.apply(this, arguments); u(e, t); var n = this.onsuccess, r = this.onerror; this.onsuccess = null, this.onerror = null; e = o.apply(this, arguments); return n && (this.onsuccess = this.onsuccess ? ne(n, this.onsuccess) : n), r && (this.onerror = this.onerror ? ne(r, this.onerror) : r), void 0 === t ? void 0 === e ? void 0 : e : u(t, e) } } function ae(e, t) { return e === Z ? t : function () { return !1 !== t.apply(this, arguments) && e.apply(this, arguments) } } function ue(i, o) { return i === Z ? o : function () { var e = i.apply(this, arguments); if (e && "function" == typeof e.then) { for (var t = this, n = arguments.length, r = new Array(n); n--;)r[n] = arguments[n]; return e.then(function () { return o.apply(t, r) }) } return o.apply(this, arguments) } } W.ModifyError = H, W.DexieError = Y, W.BulkError = Q; var se = {}, ce = 100, le = 100, L = "undefined" == typeof Promise ? [] : function () { var e = Promise.resolve(); if ("undefined" == typeof crypto || !crypto.subtle) return [e, s(e), e]; var t = crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-512", new Uint8Array([0])); return [t, s(t), e] }(), fe = L[0], he = L[1], de = L[2], pe = he && he.then, ye = fe && fe.constructor, ve = !!de, me = !1, ge = de ? function () { de.then(Ne) } : h.setImmediate ? setImmediate.bind(null, Ne) : h.MutationObserver ? function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); new MutationObserver(function () { Ne(), e = null }).observe(e, { attributes: !0 }), e.setAttribute("i", "1") } : function () { setTimeout(Ne, 0) }, be = function (e, t) { Se.push([e, t]), we && (ge(), we = !1) }, _e = !0, we = !0, xe = [], ke = [], Ee = null, Pe = ee, Ke = { id: "global", global: !0, ref: 0, unhandleds: [], onunhandled: ct, pgp: !1, env: {}, finalize: function () { this.unhandleds.forEach(function (e) { try { ct(e[0], e[1]) } catch (e) { } }) } }, Oe = Ke, Se = [], Ae = 0, Ce = []; function je(e) { if ("object" != typeof this) throw new TypeError("Promises must be constructed via new"); this._listeners = [], this.onuncatched = Z, this._lib = !1; var t = this._PSD = Oe; if (F && (this._stackHolder = U(), this._prev = null, this._numPrev = 0), "function" != typeof e) { if (e !== se) throw new TypeError("Not a function"); return this._state = arguments[1], this._value = arguments[2], void (!1 === this._state && Ie(this, this._value)) } this._state = null, this._value = null, ++t.ref, function t(r, e) { try { e(function (n) { if (null === r._state) { if (n === r) throw new TypeError("A promise cannot be resolved with itself."); var e = r._lib && qe(); n && "function" == typeof n.then ? t(r, function (e, t) { n instanceof je ? n._then(e, t) : n.then(e, t) }) : (r._state = !0, r._value = n, Te(r)), e && Ue() } }, Ie.bind(null, r)) } catch (e) { Ie(r, e) } }(this, e) } var De = { get: function () { var u = Oe, t = Qe; function e(n, r) { var i = this, o = !u.global && (u !== Oe || t !== Qe), a = o && !Ze(), e = new je(function (e, t) { Re(i, new Be(at(n, u, o, a), at(r, u, o, a), e, t, u)) }); return F && Me(e, this), e } return e.prototype = se, e }, set: function (e) { c(this, "then", e && e.prototype === se ? De : { get: function () { return e }, set: De.set }) } }; function Be(e, t, n, r, i) { this.onFulfilled = "function" == typeof e ? e : null, this.onRejected = "function" == typeof t ? t : null, this.resolve = n, this.reject = r, this.psd = i } function Ie(t, n) { var e, r; ke.push(n), null === t._state && (e = t._lib && qe(), n = Pe(n), t._state = !1, t._value = n, F && null !== n && "object" == typeof n && !n._promise && function (e, t, n) { try { e.apply(null, n) } catch (e) { t && t(e) } }(function () { var e = f(n, "stack"); n._promise = t, c(n, "stack", { get: function () { return me ? e && (e.get ? e.get.apply(n) : e.value) : t.stack } }) }), r = t, xe.some(function (e) { return e._value === r._value }) || xe.push(r), Te(t), e && Ue()) } function Te(e) { var t = e._listeners; e._listeners = []; for (var n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; ++n)Re(e, t[n]); var i = e._PSD; --i.ref || i.finalize(), 0 === Ae && (++Ae, be(function () { 0 == --Ae && Ve() }, [])) } function Re(e, t) { if (null !== e._state) { var n = e._state ? t.onFulfilled : t.onRejected; if (null === n) return (e._state ? t.resolve : t.reject)(e._value); ++t.psd.ref, ++Ae, be(Fe, [n, e, t]) } else e._listeners.push(t) } function Fe(e, t, n) { try { var r, i = (Ee = t)._value; t._state ? r = e(i) : (ke.length && (ke = []), r = e(i), -1 === ke.indexOf(i) && function (e) { var t = xe.length; for (; t;)if (xe[--t]._value === e._value) return xe.splice(t, 1) }(t)), n.resolve(r) } catch (e) { n.reject(e) } finally { Ee = null, 0 == --Ae && Ve(), --n.psd.ref || n.psd.finalize() } } function Me(e, t) { var n = t ? t._numPrev + 1 : 0; n < ce && (e._prev = t, e._numPrev = n) } function Ne() { qe() && Ue() } function qe() { var e = _e; return we = _e = !1, e } function Ue() { var e, t, n; do { for (; 0 < Se.length;)for (e = Se, Se = [], n = e.length, t = 0; t < n; ++t) { var r = e[t]; r[0].apply(null, r[1]) } } while (0 < Se.length); we = _e = !0 } function Ve() { var e = xe; xe = [], e.forEach(function (e) { e._PSD.onunhandled.call(null, e._value, e) }); for (var t = Ce.slice(0), n = t.length; n;)t[--n]() } function We(e) { return new je(se, !1, e) } function Le(n, r) { var i = Oe; return function () { var e = qe(), t = Oe; try { return nt(i, !0), n.apply(this, arguments) } catch (e) { r && r(e) } finally { nt(t, !1), e && Ue() } } } r(je.prototype, { then: De, _then: function (e, t) { Re(this, new Be(null, null, e, t, Oe)) }, catch: function (e) { if (1 === arguments.length) return this.then(null, e); var t = e, n = arguments[1]; return "function" == typeof t ? this.then(null, function (e) { return (e instanceof t ? n : We)(e) }) : this.then(null, function (e) { return (e && e.name === t ? n : We)(e) }) }, finally: function (t) { return this.then(function (e) { return t(), e }, function (e) { return t(), We(e) }) }, stack: { get: function () { if (this._stack) return this._stack; try { me = !0; var e = function e(t, n, r) { if (n.length === r) return n; var i = ""; { var o, a, u; !1 === t._state && (null != (o = t._value) ? (a = o.name || "Error", u = o.message || o, i = V(o, 0)) : (a = o, u = ""), n.push(a + (u ? ": " + u : "") + i)) } F && ((i = V(t._stackHolder, 2)) && -1 === n.indexOf(i) && n.push(i), t._prev && e(t._prev, n, r)); return n }(this, [], 20).join("\nFrom previous: "); return null !== this._state && (this._stack = e), e } finally { me = !1 } } }, timeout: function (r, i) { var o = this; return r < 1 / 0 ? new je(function (e, t) { var n = setTimeout(function () { return t(new J.Timeout(i)) }, r); o.then(e, t).finally(clearTimeout.bind(null, n)) }) : this } }), "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && c(je.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, "Dexie.Promise"), Ke.env = rt(), r(je, { all: function () { var o = T.apply(null, arguments).map(et); return new je(function (n, r) { 0 === o.length && n([]); var i = o.length; o.forEach(function (e, t) { return je.resolve(e).then(function (e) { o[t] = e, --i || n(o) }, r) }) }) }, resolve: function (n) { if (n instanceof je) return n; if (n && "function" == typeof n.then) return new je(function (e, t) { n.then(e, t) }); var e = new je(se, !0, n); return Me(e, Ee), e }, reject: We, race: function () { var e = T.apply(null, arguments).map(et); return new je(function (t, n) { e.map(function (e) { return je.resolve(e).then(t, n) }) }) }, PSD: { get: function () { return Oe }, set: function (e) { return Oe = e } }, totalEchoes: { get: function () { return Qe } }, newPSD: Je, usePSD: it, scheduler: { get: function () { return be }, set: function (e) { be = e } }, rejectionMapper: { get: function () { return Pe }, set: function (e) { Pe = e } }, follow: function (i, n) { return new je(function (e, t) { return Je(function (n, r) { var e = Oe; e.unhandleds = [], e.onunhandled = r, e.finalize = ne(function () { var t, e = this; t = function () { 0 === e.unhandleds.length ? n() : r(e.unhandleds[0]) }, Ce.push(function e() { t(), Ce.splice(Ce.indexOf(e), 1) }), ++Ae, be(function () { 0 == --Ae && Ve() }, []) }, e.finalize), i() }, n, e, t) }) } }), ye && (ye.allSettled && c(je, "allSettled", function () { var e = T.apply(null, arguments).map(et); return new je(function (n) { 0 === e.length && n([]); var r = e.length, i = new Array(r); e.forEach(function (e, t) { return je.resolve(e).then(function (e) { return i[t] = { status: "fulfilled", value: e } }, function (e) { return i[t] = { status: "rejected", reason: e } }).then(function () { return --r || n(i) }) }) }) }), ye.any && "undefined" != typeof AggregateError && c(je, "any", function () { var e = T.apply(null, arguments).map(et); return new je(function (n, r) { 0 === e.length && r(new AggregateError([])); var i = e.length, o = new Array(i); e.forEach(function (e, t) { return je.resolve(e).then(function (e) { return n(e) }, function (e) { o[t] = e, --i || r(new AggregateError(o)) }) }) }) })); var ze = { awaits: 0, echoes: 0, id: 0 }, Ye = 0, Ge = [], He = 0, Qe = 0, Xe = 0; function Je(e, t, n, r) { var i = Oe, o = Object.create(i); o.parent = i, o.ref = 0, o.global = !1, o.id = ++Xe; var a = Ke.env; o.env = ve ? { Promise: je, PromiseProp: { value: je, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }, all: je.all, race: je.race, allSettled: je.allSettled, any: je.any, resolve: je.resolve, reject: je.reject, nthen: ut(a.nthen, o), gthen: ut(a.gthen, o) } : {}, t && u(o, t), ++i.ref, o.finalize = function () { --this.parent.ref || this.parent.finalize() }; r = it(o, e, n, r); return 0 === o.ref && o.finalize(), r } function $e() { return ze.id || (ze.id = ++Ye), ++ze.awaits, ze.echoes += le, ze.id } function Ze() { return !!ze.awaits && (0 == --ze.awaits && (ze.id = 0), ze.echoes = ze.awaits * le, !0) } function et(e) { return ze.echoes && e && e.constructor === ye ? ($e(), e.then(function (e) { return Ze(), e }, function (e) { return Ze(), lt(e) })) : e } function tt() { var e = Ge[Ge.length - 1]; Ge.pop(), nt(e, !1) } function nt(e, t) { var n, r = Oe; (t ? !ze.echoes || He++ && e === Oe : !He || --He && e === Oe) || ot(t ? function (e) { ++Qe, ze.echoes && 0 != --ze.echoes || (ze.echoes = ze.id = 0), Ge.push(Oe), nt(e, !0) }.bind(null, e) : tt), e !== Oe && (Oe = e, r === Ke && (Ke.env = rt()), ve && (n = Ke.env.Promise, t = e.env, he.then = t.nthen, n.prototype.then = t.gthen, (r.global || e.global) && (Object.defineProperty(h, "Promise", t.PromiseProp), n.all = t.all, n.race = t.race, n.resolve = t.resolve, n.reject = t.reject, t.allSettled && (n.allSettled = t.allSettled), t.any && (n.any = t.any)))) } function rt() { var e = h.Promise; return ve ? { Promise: e, PromiseProp: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(h, "Promise"), all: e.all, race: e.race, allSettled: e.allSettled, any: e.any, resolve: e.resolve, reject: e.reject, nthen: he.then, gthen: e.prototype.then } : {} } function it(e, t, n, r, i) { var o = Oe; try { return nt(e, !0), t(n, r, i) } finally { nt(o, !1) } } function ot(e) { pe.call(fe, e) } function at(t, n, r, i) { return "function" != typeof t ? t : function () { var e = Oe; r && $e(), nt(n, !0); try { return t.apply(this, arguments) } finally { nt(e, !1), i && ot(Ze) } } } function ut(n, r) { return function (e, t) { return n.call(this, at(e, r), at(t, r)) } } -1 === ("" + pe).indexOf("[native code]") && ($e = Ze = Z); var st = "unhandledrejection"; function ct(e, t) { var n; try { n = t.onuncatched(e) } catch (e) { } if (!1 !== n) try { var r, i = { promise: t, reason: e }; if (h.document && document.createEvent ? ((r = document.createEvent("Event")).initEvent(st, !0, !0), u(r, i)) : h.CustomEvent && u(r = new CustomEvent(st, { detail: i }), i), r && h.dispatchEvent && (dispatchEvent(r), !h.PromiseRejectionEvent && h.onunhandledrejection)) try { h.onunhandledrejection(r) } catch (e) { } F && r && !r.defaultPrevented && console.warn("Unhandled rejection: " + (e.stack || e)) } catch (e) { } } var lt = je.reject; function ft(e) { return !/(dexie\.js|dexie\.min\.js)/.test(e) } var ht = String.fromCharCode(65535), dt = "Invalid key provided. Keys must be of type string, number, Date or Array<string | number | Date>.", pt = "String expected.", yt = [], vt = "undefined" != typeof navigator && /(MSIE|Trident|Edge)/.test(navigator.userAgent), mt = vt, gt = vt, bt = "__dbnames", _t = "readonly", wt = "readwrite"; function xt(e, t) { return e ? t ? function () { return e.apply(this, arguments) && t.apply(this, arguments) } : e : t } var kt = { type: 3, lower: -1 / 0, lowerOpen: !1, upper: [[]], upperOpen: !1 }; function Et(t) { return "string" != typeof t || /\./.test(t) ? function (e) { return e } : function (e) { return void 0 === e[t] && t in e && delete (e = A(e))[t], e } } var Pt = (Kt.prototype._trans = function (e, r, t) { var n = this._tx || Oe.trans, i = this.name; function o(e, t, n) { if (!n.schema[i]) throw new J.NotFound("Table " + i + " not part of transaction"); return r(n.idbtrans, n) } var a = qe(); try { return n && n.db === this.db ? n === Oe.trans ? n._promise(e, o, t) : Je(function () { return n._promise(e, o, t) }, { trans: n, transless: Oe.transless || Oe }) : function e(t, n, r, i) { if (t.idbdb && (t._state.openComplete || Oe.letThrough || t._vip)) { var o = t._createTransaction(n, r, t._dbSchema); try { o.create() } catch (e) { return lt(e) } return o._promise(n, function (e, t) { return Je(function () { return Oe.trans = o, i(e, t, o) }) }).then(function (e) { return o._completion.then(function () { return e }) }) } if (t._state.openComplete) return lt(new J.DatabaseClosed(t._state.dbOpenError)); if (!t._state.isBeingOpened) { if (!t._options.autoOpen) return lt(new J.DatabaseClosed); t.open().catch(Z) } return t._state.dbReadyPromise.then(function () { return e(t, n, r, i) }) }(this.db, e, [this.name], o) } finally { a && Ue() } }, Kt.prototype.get = function (t, e) { var n = this; return t && t.constructor === Object ? this.where(t).first(e) : this._trans("readonly", function (e) { return n.core.get({ trans: e, key: t }).then(function (e) { return n.hook.reading.fire(e) }) }).then(e) }, Kt.prototype.where = function (o) { if ("string" == typeof o) return new this.db.WhereClause(this, o); if (b(o)) return new this.db.WhereClause(this, "[" + o.join("+") + "]"); var n = x(o); if (1 === n.length) return this.where(n[0]).equals(o[n[0]]); var e = this.schema.indexes.concat(this.schema.primKey).filter(function (t) { return t.compound && n.every(function (e) { return 0 <= t.keyPath.indexOf(e) }) && t.keyPath.every(function (e) { return 0 <= n.indexOf(e) }) })[0]; if (e && this.db._maxKey !== ht) return this.where(e.name).equals(e.keyPath.map(function (e) { return o[e] })); !e && F && console.warn("The query " + JSON.stringify(o) + " on " + this.name + " would benefit of a compound index [" + n.join("+") + "]"); var a = this.schema.idxByName, r = this.db._deps.indexedDB; function u(e, t) { try { return 0 === r.cmp(e, t) } catch (e) { return !1 } } var t = n.reduce(function (e, t) { var n = e[0], r = e[1], e = a[t], i = o[t]; return [n || e, n || !e ? xt(r, e && e.multi ? function (e) { e = k(e, t); return b(e) && e.some(function (e) { return u(i, e) }) } : function (e) { return u(i, k(e, t)) }) : r] }, [null, null]), i = t[0], t = t[1]; return i ? this.where(i.name).equals(o[i.keyPath]).filter(t) : e ? this.filter(t) : this.where(n).equals("") }, Kt.prototype.filter = function (e) { return this.toCollection().and(e) }, Kt.prototype.count = function (e) { return this.toCollection().count(e) }, Kt.prototype.offset = function (e) { return this.toCollection().offset(e) }, Kt.prototype.limit = function (e) { return this.toCollection().limit(e) }, Kt.prototype.each = function (e) { return this.toCollection().each(e) }, Kt.prototype.toArray = function (e) { return this.toCollection().toArray(e) }, Kt.prototype.toCollection = function () { return new this.db.Collection(new this.db.WhereClause(this)) }, Kt.prototype.orderBy = function (e) { return new this.db.Collection(new this.db.WhereClause(this, b(e) ? "[" + e.join("+") + "]" : e)) }, Kt.prototype.reverse = function () { return this.toCollection().reverse() }, Kt.prototype.mapToClass = function (r) { this.schema.mappedClass = r; function e(e) { if (!e) return e; var t, n = Object.create(r.prototype); for (t in e) if (m(e, t)) try { n[t] = e[t] } catch (e) { } return n } return this.schema.readHook && this.hook.reading.unsubscribe(this.schema.readHook), this.schema.readHook = e, this.hook("reading", e), r }, Kt.prototype.defineClass = function () { return this.mapToClass(function (e) { u(this, e) }) }, Kt.prototype.add = function (t, n) { var r = this, e = this.schema.primKey, i = e.auto, o = e.keyPath, a = t; return o && i && (a = Et(o)(t)), this._trans("readwrite", function (e) { return r.core.mutate({ trans: e, type: "add", keys: null != n ? [n] : null, values: [a] }) }).then(function (e) { return e.numFailures ? je.reject(e.failures[0]) : e.lastResult }).then(function (e) { if (o) try { E(t, o, e) } catch (e) { } return e }) }, Kt.prototype.update = function (t, n) { if ("object" != typeof t || b(t)) return this.where(":id").equals(t).modify(n); var e = k(t, this.schema.primKey.keyPath); if (void 0 === e) return lt(new J.InvalidArgument("Given object does not contain its primary key")); try { "function" != typeof n ? x(n).forEach(function (e) { E(t, e, n[e]) }) : n(t, { value: t, primKey: e }) } catch (e) { } return this.where(":id").equals(e).modify(n) }, Kt.prototype.put = function (t, n) { var r = this, e = this.schema.primKey, i = e.auto, o = e.keyPath, a = t; return o && i && (a = Et(o)(t)), this._trans("readwrite", function (e) { return r.core.mutate({ trans: e, type: "put", values: [a], keys: null != n ? [n] : null }) }).then(function (e) { return e.numFailures ? je.reject(e.failures[0]) : e.lastResult }).then(function (e) { if (o) try { E(t, o, e) } catch (e) { } return e }) }, Kt.prototype.delete = function (t) { var n = this; return this._trans("readwrite", function (e) { return n.core.mutate({ trans: e, type: "delete", keys: [t] }) }).then(function (e) { return e.numFailures ? je.reject(e.failures[0]) : void 0 }) }, Kt.prototype.clear = function () { var t = this; return this._trans("readwrite", function (e) { return t.core.mutate({ trans: e, type: "deleteRange", range: kt }) }).then(function (e) { return e.numFailures ? je.reject(e.failures[0]) : void 0 }) }, Kt.prototype.bulkGet = function (t) { var n = this; return this._trans("readonly", function (e) { return n.core.getMany({ keys: t, trans: e }).then(function (e) { return e.map(function (e) { return n.hook.reading.fire(e) }) }) }) }, Kt.prototype.bulkAdd = function (r, e, t) { var o = this, a = Array.isArray(e) ? e : void 0, u = (t = t || (a ? void 0 : e)) ? t.allKeys : void 0; return this._trans("readwrite", function (e) { var t = o.schema.primKey, n = t.auto, t = t.keyPath; if (t && a) throw new J.InvalidArgument("bulkAdd(): keys argument invalid on tables with inbound keys"); if (a && a.length !== r.length) throw new J.InvalidArgument("Arguments objects and keys must have the same length"); var i = r.length, t = t && n ? r.map(Et(t)) : r; return o.core.mutate({ trans: e, type: "add", keys: a, values: t, wantResults: u }).then(function (e) { var t = e.numFailures, n = e.results, r = e.lastResult, e = e.failures; if (0 === t) return u ? n : r; throw new Q(o.name + ".bulkAdd(): " + t + " of " + i + " operations failed", e) }) }) }, Kt.prototype.bulkPut = function (r, e, t) { var o = this, a = Array.isArray(e) ? e : void 0, u = (t = t || (a ? void 0 : e)) ? t.allKeys : void 0; return this._trans("readwrite", function (e) { var t = o.schema.primKey, n = t.auto, t = t.keyPath; if (t && a) throw new J.InvalidArgument("bulkPut(): keys argument invalid on tables with inbound keys"); if (a && a.length !== r.length) throw new J.InvalidArgument("Arguments objects and keys must have the same length"); var i = r.length, t = t && n ? r.map(Et(t)) : r; return o.core.mutate({ trans: e, type: "put", keys: a, values: t, wantResults: u }).then(function (e) { var t = e.numFailures, n = e.results, r = e.lastResult, e = e.failures; if (0 === t) return u ? n : r; throw new Q(o.name + ".bulkPut(): " + t + " of " + i + " operations failed", e) }) }) }, Kt.prototype.bulkDelete = function (t) { var r = this, i = t.length; return this._trans("readwrite", function (e) { return r.core.mutate({ trans: e, type: "delete", keys: t }) }).then(function (e) { var t = e.numFailures, n = e.lastResult, e = e.failures; if (0 === t) return n; throw new Q(r.name + ".bulkDelete(): " + t + " of " + i + " operations failed", e) }) }, Kt); function Kt() { } function Ot(i) { function t(e, t) { if (t) { for (var n = arguments.length, r = new Array(n - 1); --n;)r[n - 1] = arguments[n]; return a[e].subscribe.apply(null, r), i } if ("string" == typeof e) return a[e] } var a = {}; t.addEventType = u; for (var e = 1, n = arguments.length; e < n; ++e)u(arguments[e]); return t; function u(e, n, r) { if ("object" != typeof e) { var i; n = n || ae; var o = { subscribers: [], fire: r = r || Z, subscribe: function (e) { -1 === o.subscribers.indexOf(e) && (o.subscribers.push(e), o.fire = n(o.fire, e)) }, unsubscribe: function (t) { o.subscribers = o.subscribers.filter(function (e) { return e !== t }), o.fire = o.subscribers.reduce(n, r) } }; return a[e] = t[e] = o } x(i = e).forEach(function (e) { var t = i[e]; if (b(t)) u(e, i[e][0], i[e][1]); else { if ("asap" !== t) throw new J.InvalidArgument("Invalid event config"); var n = u(e, ee, function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e); e--;)t[e] = arguments[e]; n.subscribers.forEach(function (e) { _(function () { e.apply(null, t) }) }) }) } }) } } function St(e, t) { return o(t).from({ prototype: e }), t } function At(e, t) { return !(e.filter || e.algorithm || e.or) && (t ? e.justLimit : !e.replayFilter) } function Ct(e, t) { e.filter = xt(e.filter, t) } function jt(e, t, n) { var r = e.replayFilter; e.replayFilter = r ? function () { return xt(r(), t()) } : t, e.justLimit = n && !r } function Dt(e, t) { if (e.isPrimKey) return t.primaryKey; var n = t.getIndexByKeyPath(e.index); if (!n) throw new J.Schema("KeyPath " + e.index + " on object store " + t.name + " is not indexed"); return n } function Bt(e, t, n) { var r = Dt(e, t.schema); return t.openCursor({ trans: n, values: !e.keysOnly, reverse: "prev" === e.dir, unique: !!e.unique, query: { index: r, range: e.range } }) } function It(e, o, t, n) { var a = e.replayFilter ? xt(e.filter, e.replayFilter()) : e.filter; if (e.or) { var u = {}, r = function (e, t, n) { var r, i; a && !a(t, n, function (e) { return t.stop(e) }, function (e) { return t.fail(e) }) || ("[object ArrayBuffer]" === (i = "" + (r = t.primaryKey)) && (i = "" + new Uint8Array(r)), m(u, i) || (u[i] = !0, o(e, t, n))) }; return Promise.all([e.or._iterate(r, t), Tt(Bt(e, n, t), e.algorithm, r, !e.keysOnly && e.valueMapper)]) } return Tt(Bt(e, n, t), xt(e.algorithm, a), o, !e.keysOnly && e.valueMapper) } function Tt(e, r, i, o) { var a = Le(o ? function (e, t, n) { return i(o(e), t, n) } : i); return e.then(function (n) { if (n) return n.start(function () { var t = function () { return n.continue() }; r && !r(n, function (e) { return t = e }, function (e) { n.stop(e), t = Z }, function (e) { n.fail(e), t = Z }) || a(n.value, n, function (e) { return t = e }), t() }) }) } function Rt(e, t) { try { var n = Ft(e), r = Ft(t); if (n !== r) return "Array" === n ? 1 : "Array" === r ? -1 : "binary" === n ? 1 : "binary" === r ? -1 : "string" === n ? 1 : "string" === r ? -1 : "Date" === n ? 1 : "Date" !== r ? NaN : -1; switch (n) { case "number": case "Date": case "string": return t < e ? 1 : e < t ? -1 : 0; case "binary": return function (e, t) { for (var n = e.length, r = t.length, i = n < r ? n : r, o = 0; o < i; ++o)if (e[o] !== t[o]) return e[o] < t[o] ? -1 : 1; return n === r ? 0 : n < r ? -1 : 1 }(Mt(e), Mt(t)); case "Array": return function (e, t) { for (var n = e.length, r = t.length, i = n < r ? n : r, o = 0; o < i; ++o) { var a = Rt(e[o], t[o]); if (0 !== a) return a } return n === r ? 0 : n < r ? -1 : 1 }(e, t) } } catch (e) { } return NaN } function Ft(e) { var t = typeof e; if ("object" != t) return t; if (ArrayBuffer.isView(e)) return "binary"; e = j(e); return "ArrayBuffer" === e ? "binary" : e } function Mt(e) { return e instanceof Uint8Array ? e : ArrayBuffer.isView(e) ? new Uint8Array(e.buffer, e.byteOffset, e.byteLength) : new Uint8Array(e) } var Nt = (qt.prototype._read = function (e, t) { var n = this._ctx; return n.error ? n.table._trans(null, lt.bind(null, n.error)) : n.table._trans("readonly", e).then(t) }, qt.prototype._write = function (e) { var t = this._ctx; return t.error ? t.table._trans(null, lt.bind(null, t.error)) : t.table._trans("readwrite", e, "locked") }, qt.prototype._addAlgorithm = function (e) { var t = this._ctx; t.algorithm = xt(t.algorithm, e) }, qt.prototype._iterate = function (e, t) { return It(this._ctx, e, t, this._ctx.table.core) }, qt.prototype.clone = function (e) { var t = Object.create(this.constructor.prototype), n = Object.create(this._ctx); return e && u(n, e), t._ctx = n, t }, qt.prototype.raw = function () { return this._ctx.valueMapper = null, this }, qt.prototype.each = function (t) { var n = this._ctx; return this._read(function (e) { return It(n, t, e, n.table.core) }) }, qt.prototype.count = function (e) { var i = this; return this._read(function (e) { var t = i._ctx, n = t.table.core; if (At(t, !0)) return n.count({ trans: e, query: { index: Dt(t, n.schema), range: t.range } }).then(function (e) { return Math.min(e, t.limit) }); var r = 0; return It(t, function () { return ++r, !1 }, e, n).then(function () { return r }) }).then(e) }, qt.prototype.sortBy = function (e, t) { var n = e.split(".").reverse(), r = n[0], i = n.length - 1; function o(e, t) { return t ? o(e[n[t]], t - 1) : e[r] } var a = "next" === this._ctx.dir ? 1 : -1; function u(e, t) { e = o(e, i), t = o(t, i); return e < t ? -a : t < e ? a : 0 } return this.toArray(function (e) { return e.sort(u) }).then(t) }, qt.prototype.toArray = function (e) { var o = this; return this._read(function (e) { var t = o._ctx; if ("next" === t.dir && At(t, !0) && 0 < t.limit) { var n = t.valueMapper, r = Dt(t, t.table.core.schema); return t.table.core.query({ trans: e, limit: t.limit, values: !0, query: { index: r, range: t.range } }).then(function (e) { e = e.result; return n ? e.map(n) : e }) } var i = []; return It(t, function (e) { return i.push(e) }, e, t.table.core).then(function () { return i }) }, e) }, qt.prototype.offset = function (t) { var e = this._ctx; return t <= 0 || (e.offset += t, At(e) ? jt(e, function () { var n = t; return function (e, t) { return 0 === n || (1 === n ? --n : t(function () { e.advance(n), n = 0 }), !1) } }) : jt(e, function () { var e = t; return function () { return --e < 0 } })), this }, qt.prototype.limit = function (e) { return this._ctx.limit = Math.min(this._ctx.limit, e), jt(this._ctx, function () { var r = e; return function (e, t, n) { return --r <= 0 && t(n), 0 <= r } }, !0), this }, qt.prototype.until = function (r, i) { return Ct(this._ctx, function (e, t, n) { return !r(e.value) || (t(n), i) }), this }, qt.prototype.first = function (e) { return this.limit(1).toArray(function (e) { return e[0] }).then(e) }, qt.prototype.last = function (e) { return this.reverse().first(e) }, qt.prototype.filter = function (t) { var e; return Ct(this._ctx, function (e) { return t(e.value) }), (e = this._ctx).isMatch = xt(e.isMatch, t), this }, qt.prototype.and = function (e) { return this.filter(e) }, qt.prototype.or = function (e) { return new this.db.WhereClause(this._ctx.table, e, this) }, qt.prototype.reverse = function () { return this._ctx.dir = "prev" === this._ctx.dir ? "next" : "prev", this._ondirectionchange && this._ondirectionchange(this._ctx.dir), this }, qt.prototype.desc = function () { return this.reverse() }, qt.prototype.eachKey = function (n) { var e = this._ctx; return e.keysOnly = !e.isMatch, this.each(function (e, t) { n(t.key, t) }) }, qt.prototype.eachUniqueKey = function (e) { return this._ctx.unique = "unique", this.eachKey(e) }, qt.prototype.eachPrimaryKey = function (n) { var e = this._ctx; return e.keysOnly = !e.isMatch, this.each(function (e, t) { n(t.primaryKey, t) }) }, qt.prototype.keys = function (e) { var t = this._ctx; t.keysOnly = !t.isMatch; var n = []; return this.each(function (e, t) { n.push(t.key) }).then(function () { return n }).then(e) }, qt.prototype.primaryKeys = function (e) { var n = this._ctx; if ("next" === n.dir && At(n, !0) && 0 < n.limit) return this._read(function (e) { var t = Dt(n, n.table.core.schema); return n.table.core.query({ trans: e, values: !1, limit: n.limit, query: { index: t, range: n.range } }) }).then(function (e) { return e.result }).then(e); n.keysOnly = !n.isMatch; var r = []; return this.each(function (e, t) { r.push(t.primaryKey) }).then(function () { return r }).then(e) }, qt.prototype.uniqueKeys = function (e) { return this._ctx.unique = "unique", this.keys(e) }, qt.prototype.firstKey = function (e) { return this.limit(1).keys(function (e) { return e[0] }).then(e) }, qt.prototype.lastKey = function (e) { return this.reverse().firstKey(e) }, qt.prototype.distinct = function () { var e = this._ctx, e = e.index && e.table.schema.idxByName[e.index]; if (!e || !e.multi) return this; var n = {}; return Ct(this._ctx, function (e) { var t = e.primaryKey.toString(), e = m(n, t); return n[t] = !0, !e }), this }, qt.prototype.modify = function (_) { var n = this, w = this._ctx; return this._write(function (d) { var o, a, p; p = "function" == typeof _ ? _ : (o = x(_), a = o.length, function (e) { for (var t = !1, n = 0; n < a; ++n) { var r = o[n], i = _[r]; k(e, r) !== i && (E(e, r, i), t = !0) } return t }); function y(e, t) { var n = t.failures, t = t.numFailures; s += e - t; for (var r = 0, i = x(n); r < i.length; r++) { var o = i[r]; u.push(n[o]) } } var v = w.table.core, e = v.schema.primaryKey, m = e.outbound, g = e.extractKey, b = n.db._options.modifyChunkSize || 200, u = [], s = 0, t = []; return n.clone().primaryKeys().then(function (f) { function h(c) { var l = Math.min(b, f.length - c); return v.getMany({ trans: d, keys: f.slice(c, c + l), cache: "immutable" }).then(function (e) { for (var n = [], t = [], r = m ? [] : null, i = [], o = 0; o < l; ++o) { var a = e[o], u = { value: A(a), primKey: f[c + o] }; !1 !== p.call(u, u.value, u) && (null == u.value ? i.push(f[c + o]) : m || 0 === Rt(g(a), g(u.value)) ? (t.push(u.value), m && r.push(f[c + o])) : (i.push(f[c + o]), n.push(u.value))) } var s = At(w) && w.limit === 1 / 0 && ("function" != typeof _ || _ === Ut) && { index: w.index, range: w.range }; return Promise.resolve(0 < n.length && v.mutate({ trans: d, type: "add", values: n }).then(function (e) { for (var t in e.failures) i.splice(parseInt(t), 1); y(n.length, e) })).then(function () { return (0 < t.length || s && "object" == typeof _) && v.mutate({ trans: d, type: "put", keys: r, values: t, criteria: s, changeSpec: "function" != typeof _ && _ }).then(function (e) { return y(t.length, e) }) }).then(function () { return (0 < i.length || s && _ === Ut) && v.mutate({ trans: d, type: "delete", keys: i, criteria: s }).then(function (e) { return y(i.length, e) }) }).then(function () { return f.length > c + l && h(c + b) }) }) } return h(0).then(function () { if (0 < u.length) throw new H("Error modifying one or more objects", u, s, t); return f.length }) }) }) }, qt.prototype.delete = function () { var i = this._ctx, n = i.range; return At(i) && (i.isPrimKey && !gt || 3 === n.type) ? this._write(function (e) { var t = i.table.core.schema.primaryKey, r = n; return i.table.core.count({ trans: e, query: { index: t, range: r } }).then(function (n) { return i.table.core.mutate({ trans: e, type: "deleteRange", range: r }).then(function (e) { var t = e.failures; e.lastResult, e.results; e = e.numFailures; if (e) throw new H("Could not delete some values", Object.keys(t).map(function (e) { return t[e] }), n - e); return n - e }) }) }) : this.modify(Ut) }, qt); function qt() { } var Ut = function (e, t) { return t.value = null }; function Vt(e, t) { return e < t ? -1 : e === t ? 0 : 1 } function Wt(e, t) { return t < e ? -1 : e === t ? 0 : 1 } function Lt(e, t, n) { e = e instanceof Qt ? new e.Collection(e) : e; return e._ctx.error = new (n || TypeError)(t), e } function zt(e) { return new e.Collection(e, function () { return Ht("") }).limit(0) } function Yt(e, s, n, r) { var i, c, l, f, h, d, p, y = n.length; if (!n.every(function (e) { return "string" == typeof e })) return Lt(e, pt); function t(e) { i = "next" === e ? function (e) { return e.toUpperCase() } : function (e) { return e.toLowerCase() }, c = "next" === e ? function (e) { return e.toLowerCase() } : function (e) { return e.toUpperCase() }, l = "next" === e ? Vt : Wt; var t = n.map(function (e) { return { lower: c(e), upper: i(e) } }).sort(function (e, t) { return l(e.lower, t.lower) }); f = t.map(function (e) { return e.upper }), h = t.map(function (e) { return e.lower }), p = "next" === (d = e) ? "" : r } t("next"); e = new e.Collection(e, function () { return Gt(f[0], h[y - 1] + r) }); e._ondirectionchange = function (e) { t(e) }; var v = 0; return e._addAlgorithm(function (e, t, n) { var r = e.key; if ("string" != typeof r) return !1; var i = c(r); if (s(i, h, v)) return !0; for (var o = null, a = v; a < y; ++a) { var u = function (e, t, n, r, i, o) { for (var a = Math.min(e.length, r.length), u = -1, s = 0; s < a; ++s) { var c = t[s]; if (c !== r[s]) return i(e[s], n[s]) < 0 ? e.substr(0, s) + n[s] + n.substr(s + 1) : i(e[s], r[s]) < 0 ? e.substr(0, s) + r[s] + n.substr(s + 1) : 0 <= u ? e.substr(0, u) + t[u] + n.substr(u + 1) : null; i(e[s], c) < 0 && (u = s) } return a < r.length && "next" === o ? e + n.substr(e.length) : a < e.length && "prev" === o ? e.substr(0, n.length) : u < 0 ? null : e.substr(0, u) + r[u] + n.substr(u + 1) }(r, i, f[a], h[a], l, d); null === u && null === o ? v = a + 1 : (null === o || 0 < l(o, u)) && (o = u) } return t(null !== o ? function () { e.continue(o + p) } : n), !1 }), e } function Gt(e, t, n, r) { return { type: 2, lower: e, upper: t, lowerOpen: n, upperOpen: r } } function Ht(e) { return { type: 1, lower: e, upper: e } } var Qt = (Object.defineProperty(Xt.prototype, "Collection", { get: function () { return this._ctx.table.db.Collection }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Xt.prototype.between = function (e, t, n, r) { n = !1 !== n, r = !0 === r; try { return 0 < this._cmp(e, t) || 0 === this._cmp(e, t) && (n || r) && (!n || !r) ? zt(this) : new this.Collection(this, function () { return Gt(e, t, !n, !r) }) } catch (e) { return Lt(this, dt) } }, Xt.prototype.equals = function (e) { return null == e ? Lt(this, dt) : new this.Collection(this, function () { return Ht(e) }) }, Xt.prototype.above = function (e) { return null == e ? Lt(this, dt) : new this.Collection(this, function () { return Gt(e, void 0, !0) }) }, Xt.prototype.aboveOrEqual = function (e) { return null == e ? Lt(this, dt) : new this.Collection(this, function () { return Gt(e, void 0, !1) }) }, Xt.prototype.below = function (e) { return null == e ? Lt(this, dt) : new this.Collection(this, function () { return Gt(void 0, e, !1, !0) }) }, Xt.prototype.belowOrEqual = function (e) { return null == e ? Lt(this, dt) : new this.Collection(this, function () { return Gt(void 0, e) }) }, Xt.prototype.startsWith = function (e) { return "string" != typeof e ? Lt(this, pt) : this.between(e, e + ht, !0, !0) }, Xt.prototype.startsWithIgnoreCase = function (e) { return "" === e ? this.startsWith(e) : Yt(this, function (e, t) { return 0 === e.indexOf(t[0]) }, [e], ht) }, Xt.prototype.equalsIgnoreCase = function (e) { return Yt(this, function (e, t) { return e === t[0] }, [e], "") }, Xt.prototype.anyOfIgnoreCase = function () { var e = T.apply(I, arguments); return 0 === e.length ? zt(this) : Yt(this, function (e, t) { return -1 !== t.indexOf(e) }, e, "") }, Xt.prototype.startsWithAnyOfIgnoreCase = function () { var e = T.apply(I, arguments); return 0 === e.length ? zt(this) : Yt(this, function (t, e) { return e.some(function (e) { return 0 === t.indexOf(e) }) }, e, ht) }, Xt.prototype.anyOf = function () { var t = this, i = T.apply(I, arguments), o = this._cmp; try { i.sort(o) } catch (e) { return Lt(this, dt) } if (0 === i.length) return zt(this); var e = new this.Collection(this, function () { return Gt(i[0], i[i.length - 1]) }); e._ondirectionchange = function (e) { o = "next" === e ? t._ascending : t._descending, i.sort(o) }; var a = 0; return e._addAlgorithm(function (e, t, n) { for (var r = e.key; 0 < o(r, i[a]);)if (++a === i.length) return t(n), !1; return 0 === o(r, i[a]) || (t(function () { e.continue(i[a]) }), !1) }), e }, Xt.prototype.notEqual = function (e) { return this.inAnyRange([[-1 / 0, e], [e, this.db._maxKey]], { includeLowers: !1, includeUppers: !1 }) }, Xt.prototype.noneOf = function () { var e = T.apply(I, arguments); if (0 === e.length) return new this.Collection(this); try { e.sort(this._ascending) } catch (e) { return Lt(this, dt) } var t = e.reduce(function (e, t) { return e ? e.concat([[e[e.length - 1][1], t]]) : [[-1 / 0, t]] }, null); return t.push([e[e.length - 1], this.db._maxKey]), this.inAnyRange(t, { includeLowers: !1, includeUppers: !1 }) }, Xt.prototype.inAnyRange = function (e, t) { var o = this, a = this._cmp, u = this._ascending, n = this._descending, s = this._min, c = this._max; if (0 === e.length) return zt(this); if (!e.every(function (e) { return void 0 !== e[0] && void 0 !== e[1] && u(e[0], e[1]) <= 0 })) return Lt(this, "First argument to inAnyRange() must be an Array of two-value Arrays [lower,upper] where upper must not be lower than lower", J.InvalidArgument); var r = !t || !1 !== t.includeLowers, i = t && !0 === t.includeUppers; var l, f = u; function h(e, t) { return f(e[0], t[0]) } try { (l = e.reduce(function (e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; ++n) { var i = e[n]; if (a(t[0], i[1]) < 0 && 0 < a(t[1], i[0])) { i[0] = s(i[0], t[0]), i[1] = c(i[1], t[1]); break } } return n === r && e.push(t), e }, [])).sort(h) } catch (e) { return Lt(this, dt) } var d = 0, p = i ? function (e) { return 0 < u(e, l[d][1]) } : function (e) { return 0 <= u(e, l[d][1]) }, y = r ? function (e) { return 0 < n(e, l[d][0]) } : function (e) { return 0 <= n(e, l[d][0]) }; var v = p, e = new this.Collection(this, function () { return Gt(l[0][0], l[l.length - 1][1], !r, !i) }); return e._ondirectionchange = function (e) { f = "next" === e ? (v = p, u) : (v = y, n), l.sort(h) }, e._addAlgorithm(function (e, t, n) { for (var r, i = e.key; v(i);)if (++d === l.length) return t(n), !1; return !p(r = i) && !y(r) || (0 === o._cmp(i, l[d][1]) || 0 === o._cmp(i, l[d][0]) || t(function () { f === u ? e.continue(l[d][0]) : e.continue(l[d][1]) }), !1) }), e }, Xt.prototype.startsWithAnyOf = function () { var e = T.apply(I, arguments); return e.every(function (e) { return "string" == typeof e }) ? 0 === e.length ? zt(this) : this.inAnyRange(e.map(function (e) { return [e, e + ht] })) : Lt(this, "startsWithAnyOf() only works with strings") }, Xt); function Xt() { } function Jt(t) { return Le(function (e) { return $t(e), t(e.target.error), !1 }) } function $t(e) { e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault() } var Zt = "storagemutated", en = "x-storagemutated-1", tn = Ot(null, Zt), nn = (rn.prototype._lock = function () { return v(!Oe.global), ++this._reculock, 1 !== this._reculock || Oe.global || (Oe.lockOwnerFor = this), this }, rn.prototype._unlock = function () { if (v(!Oe.global), 0 == --this._reculock) for (Oe.global || (Oe.lockOwnerFor = null); 0 < this._blockedFuncs.length && !this._locked();) { var e = this._blockedFuncs.shift(); try { it(e[1], e[0]) } catch (e) { } } return this }, rn.prototype._locked = function () { return this._reculock && Oe.lockOwnerFor !== this }, rn.prototype.create = function (t) { var n = this; if (!this.mode) return this; var e = this.db.idbdb, r = this.db._state.dbOpenError; if (v(!this.idbtrans), !t && !e) switch (r && r.name) { case "DatabaseClosedError": throw new J.DatabaseClosed(r); case "MissingAPIError": throw new J.MissingAPI(r.message, r); default: throw new J.OpenFailed(r) }if (!this.active) throw new J.TransactionInactive; return v(null === this._completion._state), (t = this.idbtrans = t || (this.db.core || e).transaction(this.storeNames, this.mode, { durability: this.chromeTransactionDurability })).onerror = Le(function (e) { $t(e), n._reject(t.error) }), t.onabort = Le(function (e) { $t(e), n.active && n._reject(new J.Abort(t.error)), n.active = !1, n.on("abort").fire(e) }), t.oncomplete = Le(function () { n.active = !1, n._resolve(), "mutatedParts" in t && tn.storagemutated.fire(t.mutatedParts) }), this }, rn.prototype._promise = function (n, r, i) { var o = this; if ("readwrite" === n && "readwrite" !== this.mode) return lt(new J.ReadOnly("Transaction is readonly")); if (!this.active) return lt(new J.TransactionInactive); if (this._locked()) return new je(function (e, t) { o._blockedFuncs.push([function () { o._promise(n, r, i).then(e, t) }, Oe]) }); if (i) return Je(function () { var e = new je(function (e, t) { o._lock(); var n = r(e, t, o); n && n.then && n.then(e, t) }); return e.finally(function () { return o._unlock() }), e._lib = !0, e }); var e = new je(function (e, t) { var n = r(e, t, o); n && n.then && n.then(e, t) }); return e._lib = !0, e }, rn.prototype._root = function () { return this.parent ? this.parent._root() : this }, rn.prototype.waitFor = function (e) { var t, r = this._root(), i = je.resolve(e); r._waitingFor ? r._waitingFor = r._waitingFor.then(function () { return i }) : (r._waitingFor = i, r._waitingQueue = [], t = r.idbtrans.objectStore(r.storeNames[0]), function e() { for (++r._spinCount; r._waitingQueue.length;)r._waitingQueue.shift()(); r._waitingFor && (t.get(-1 / 0).onsuccess = e) }()); var o = r._waitingFor; return new je(function (t, n) { i.then(function (e) { return r._waitingQueue.push(Le(t.bind(null, e))) }, function (e) { return r._waitingQueue.push(Le(n.bind(null, e))) }).finally(function () { r._waitingFor === o && (r._waitingFor = null) }) }) }, rn.prototype.abort = function () { this.active && (this.active = !1, this.idbtrans && this.idbtrans.abort(), this._reject(new J.Abort)) }, rn.prototype.table = function (e) { var t = this._memoizedTables || (this._memoizedTables = {}); if (m(t, e)) return t[e]; var n = this.schema[e]; if (!n) throw new J.NotFound("Table " + e + " not part of transaction"); n = new this.db.Table(e, n, this); return n.core = this.db.core.table(e), t[e] = n }, rn); function rn() { } function on(e, t, n, r, i, o, a) { return { name: e, keyPath: t, unique: n, multi: r, auto: i, compound: o, src: (n && !a ? "&" : "") + (r ? "*" : "") + (i ? "++" : "") + an(t) } } function an(e) { return "string" == typeof e ? e : e ? "[" + [].join.call(e, "+") + "]" : "" } function un(e, t, n) { return { name: e, primKey: t, indexes: n, mappedClass: null, idxByName: w(n, function (e) { return [e.name, e] }) } } var sn = function (e) { try { return e.only([[]]), sn = function () { return [[]] }, [[]] } catch (e) { return sn = function () { return ht }, ht } }; function cn(t) { return null == t ? function () { } : "string" == typeof t ? 1 === (n = t).split(".").length ? function (e) { return e[n] } : function (e) { return k(e, n) } : function (e) { return k(e, t) }; var n } function ln(e) { return [].slice.call(e) } var fn = 0; function hn(e) { return null == e ? ":id" : "string" == typeof e ? e : "[" + e.join("+") + "]" } function dn(e, i, t) { function w(e) { if (3 === e.type) return null; if (4 === e.type) throw new Error("Cannot convert never type to IDBKeyRange"); var t = e.lower, n = e.upper, r = e.lowerOpen, e = e.upperOpen; return void 0 === t ? void 0 === n ? null : i.upperBound(n, !!e) : void 0 === n ? i.lowerBound(t, !!r) : i.bound(t, n, !!r, !!e) } function n(e) { var h, _ = e.name; return { name: _, schema: e, mutate: function (e) { var y = e.trans, v = e.type, m = e.keys, g = e.values, b = e.range; return new Promise(function (t, e) { t = Le(t); var n = y.objectStore(_), r = null == n.keyPath, i = "put" === v || "add" === v; if (!i && "delete" !== v && "deleteRange" !== v) throw new Error("Invalid operation type: " + v); var o, a = (m || g || { length: 1 }).length; if (m && g && m.length !== g.length) throw new Error("Given keys array must have same length as given values array."); if (0 === a) return t({ numFailures: 0, failures: {}, results: [], lastResult: void 0 }); function u(e) { ++l, $t(e) } var s = [], c = [], l = 0; if ("deleteRange" === v) { if (4 === b.type) return t({ numFailures: l, failures: c, results: [], lastResult: void 0 }); 3 === b.type ? s.push(o = n.clear()) : s.push(o = n.delete(w(b))) } else { var r = i ? r ? [g, m] : [g, null] : [m, null], f = r[0], h = r[1]; if (i) for (var d = 0; d < a; ++d)s.push(o = h && void 0 !== h[d] ? n[v](f[d], h[d]) : n[v](f[d])), o.onerror = u; else for (d = 0; d < a; ++d)s.push(o = n[v](f[d])), o.onerror = u } function p(e) { e = e.target.result, s.forEach(function (e, t) { return null != e.error && (c[t] = e.error) }), t({ numFailures: l, failures: c, results: "delete" === v ? m : s.map(function (e) { return e.result }), lastResult: e }) } o.onerror = function (e) { u(e), p(e) }, o.onsuccess = p }) }, getMany: function (e) { var f = e.trans, h = e.keys; return new Promise(function (t, e) { t = Le(t); for (var n, r = f.objectStore(_), i = h.length, o = new Array(i), a = 0, u = 0, s = function (e) { e = e.target; o[e._pos] = e.result, ++u === a && t(o) }, c = Jt(e), l = 0; l < i; ++l)null != h[l] && ((n = r.get(h[l]))._pos = l, n.onsuccess = s, n.onerror = c, ++a); 0 === a && t(o) }) }, get: function (e) { var r = e.trans, i = e.key; return new Promise(function (t, e) { t = Le(t); var n = r.objectStore(_).get(i); n.onsuccess = function (e) { return t(e.target.result) }, n.onerror = Jt(e) }) }, query: (h = s, function (f) { return new Promise(function (n, e) { n = Le(n); var r, i, o, t = f.trans, a = f.values, u = f.limit, s = f.query, c = u === 1 / 0 ? void 0 : u, l = s.index, s = s.range, t = t.objectStore(_), l = l.isPrimaryKey ? t : t.index(l.name), s = w(s); if (0 === u) return n({ result: [] }); h ? ((c = a ? l.getAll(s, c) : l.getAllKeys(s, c)).onsuccess = function (e) { return n({ result: e.target.result }) }, c.onerror = Jt(e)) : (r = 0, i = !a && "openKeyCursor" in l ? l.openKeyCursor(s) : l.openCursor(s), o = [], i.onsuccess = function (e) { var t = i.result; return t ? (o.push(a ? t.value : t.primaryKey), ++r === u ? n({ result: o }) : void t.continue()) : n({ result: o }) }, i.onerror = Jt(e)) }) }), openCursor: function (e) { var c = e.trans, o = e.values, a = e.query, u = e.reverse, l = e.unique; return new Promise(function (t, n) { t = Le(t); var e = a.index, r = a.range, i = c.objectStore(_), i = e.isPrimaryKey ? i : i.index(e.name), e = u ? l ? "prevunique" : "prev" : l ? "nextunique" : "next", s = !o && "openKeyCursor" in i ? i.openKeyCursor(w(r), e) : i.openCursor(w(r), e); s.onerror = Jt(n), s.onsuccess = Le(function (e) { var r, i, o, a, u = s.result; u ? (u.___id = ++fn, u.done = !1, r = u.continue.bind(u), i = (i = u.continuePrimaryKey) && i.bind(u), o = u.advance.bind(u), a = function () { throw new Error("Cursor not stopped") }, u.trans = c, u.stop = u.continue = u.continuePrimaryKey = u.advance = function () { throw new Error("Cursor not started") }, u.fail = Le(n), u.next = function () { var e = this, t = 1; return this.start(function () { return t-- ? e.continue() : e.stop() }).then(function () { return e }) }, u.start = function (e) { function t() { if (s.result) try { e() } catch (e) { u.fail(e) } else u.done = !0, u.start = function () { throw new Error("Cursor behind last entry") }, u.stop() } var n = new Promise(function (t, e) { t = Le(t), s.onerror = Jt(e), u.fail = e, u.stop = function (e) { u.stop = u.continue = u.continuePrimaryKey = u.advance = a, t(e) } }); return s.onsuccess = Le(function (e) { s.onsuccess = t, t() }), u.continue = r, u.continuePrimaryKey = i, u.advance = o, t(), n }, t(u)) : t(null) }, n) }) }, count: function (e) { var t = e.query, i = e.trans, o = t.index, a = t.range; return new Promise(function (t, e) { var n = i.objectStore(_), r = o.isPrimaryKey ? n : n.index(o.name), n = w(a), r = n ? r.count(n) : r.count(); r.onsuccess = Le(function (e) { return t(e.target.result) }), r.onerror = Jt(e) }) } } } var r, o, a, u = (o = t, a = ln((r = e).objectStoreNames), { schema: { name: r.name, tables: a.map(function (e) { return o.objectStore(e) }).map(function (t) { var e = t.keyPath, n = t.autoIncrement, r = b(e), i = {}, n = { name: t.name, primaryKey: { name: null, isPrimaryKey: !0, outbound: null == e, compound: r, keyPath: e, autoIncrement: n, unique: !0, extractKey: cn(e) }, indexes: ln(t.indexNames).map(function (e) { return t.index(e) }).map(function (e) { var t = e.name, n = e.unique, r = e.multiEntry, e = e.keyPath, r = { name: t, compound: b(e), keyPath: e, unique: n, multiEntry: r, extractKey: cn(e) }; return i[hn(e)] = r }), getIndexByKeyPath: function (e) { return i[hn(e)] } }; return i[":id"] = n.primaryKey, null != e && (i[hn(e)] = n.primaryKey), n }) }, hasGetAll: 0 < a.length && "getAll" in o.objectStore(a[0]) && !("undefined" != typeof navigator && /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/(Chrome\/|Edge\/)/.test(navigator.userAgent) && [].concat(navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari\/(\d*)/))[1] < 604) }), t = u.schema, s = u.hasGetAll, u = t.tables.map(n), c = {}; return u.forEach(function (e) { return c[e.name] = e }), { stack: "dbcore", transaction: e.transaction.bind(e), table: function (e) { if (!c[e]) throw new Error("Table '" + e + "' not found"); return c[e] }, MIN_KEY: -1 / 0, MAX_KEY: sn(i), schema: t } } function pn(e, t, n, r) { var i = n.IDBKeyRange; return n.indexedDB, { dbcore: (r = dn(t, i, r), e.dbcore.reduce(function (e, t) { t = t.create; return g(g({}, e), t(e)) }, r)) } } function yn(e, t) { var n = e._novip, e = t.db, t = pn(n._middlewares, e, n._deps, t); n.core = t.dbcore, n.tables.forEach(function (e) { var t = e.name; n.core.schema.tables.some(function (e) { return e.name === t }) && (e.core = n.core.table(t), n[t] instanceof n.Table && (n[t].core = e.core)) }) } function vn(e, t, n, i) { var o = e._novip; n.forEach(function (n) { var r = i[n]; t.forEach(function (e) { var t = f(e, n); (!t || "value" in t && void 0 === t.value) && (e === o.Transaction.prototype || e instanceof o.Transaction ? c(e, n, { get: function () { return this.table(n) }, set: function (e) { a(this, n, { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0, enumerable: !0 }) } }) : e[n] = new o.Table(n, r)) }) }) } function mn(e, t) { var n = e._novip; t.forEach(function (e) { for (var t in e) e[t] instanceof n.Table && delete e[t] }) } function gn(e, t) { return e._cfg.version - t._cfg.version } function bn(n, r, i, e) { var o = n._dbSchema, a = n._createTransaction("readwrite", n._storeNames, o); a.create(i), a._completion.catch(e); var u = a._reject.bind(a), p = Oe.transless || Oe; Je(function () { var e, s, c, l, f, t, h, d; Oe.trans = a, Oe.transless = p, 0 === r ? (x(o).forEach(function (e) { wn(i, e, o[e].primKey, o[e].indexes) }), yn(n, i), je.follow(function () { return n.on.populate.fire(a) }).catch(u)) : (s = r, c = a, l = i, f = (e = n)._novip, t = [], e = f._versions, h = f._dbSchema = kn(0, f.idbdb, l), d = !1, e.filter(function (e) { return e._cfg.version >= s }).forEach(function (u) { t.push(function () { var t = h, e = u._cfg.dbschema; En(f, t, l), En(f, e, l), h = f._dbSchema = e; var n = _n(t, e); n.add.forEach(function (e) { wn(l, e[0], e[1].primKey, e[1].indexes) }), n.change.forEach(function (e) { if (e.recreate) throw new J.Upgrade("Not yet support for changing primary key"); var t = l.objectStore(e.name); e.add.forEach(function (e) { return xn(t, e) }), e.change.forEach(function (e) { t.deleteIndex(e.name), xn(t, e) }), e.del.forEach(function (e) { return t.deleteIndex(e) }) }); var r = u._cfg.contentUpgrade; if (r && u._cfg.version > s) { yn(f, l), c._memoizedTables = {}, d = !0; var i = P(e); n.del.forEach(function (e) { i[e] = t[e] }), mn(f, [f.Transaction.prototype]), vn(f, [f.Transaction.prototype], x(i), i), c.schema = i; var o, a = R(r); a && $e(); n = je.follow(function () { var e; (o = r(c)) && a && (e = Ze.bind(null, null), o.then(e, e)) }); return o && "function" == typeof o.then ? je.resolve(o) : n.then(function () { return o }) } }), t.push(function (e) { var t, n, r; d && mt || (t = u._cfg.dbschema, n = t, r = e, [].slice.call(r.db.objectStoreNames).forEach(function (e) { return null == n[e] && r.db.deleteObjectStore(e) })), mn(f, [f.Transaction.prototype]), vn(f, [f.Transaction.prototype], f._storeNames, f._dbSchema), c.schema = f._dbSchema }) }), function e() { return t.length ? je.resolve(t.shift()(c.idbtrans)).then(e) : je.resolve() }().then(function () { var t, n; n = l, x(t = h).forEach(function (e) { n.db.objectStoreNames.contains(e) || wn(n, e, t[e].primKey, t[e].indexes) }) }).catch(u)) }) } function _n(e, t) { var n, r = { del: [], add: [], change: [] }; for (n in e) t[n] || r.del.push(n); for (n in t) { var i = e[n], o = t[n]; if (i) { var a = { name: n, def: o, recreate: !1, del: [], add: [], change: [] }; if ("" + (i.primKey.keyPath || "") != "" + (o.primKey.keyPath || "") || i.primKey.auto !== o.primKey.auto && !vt) a.recreate = !0, r.change.push(a); else { var u = i.idxByName, s = o.idxByName, c = void 0; for (c in u) s[c] || a.del.push(c); for (c in s) { var l = u[c], f = s[c]; l ? l.src !== f.src && a.change.push(f) : a.add.push(f) } (0 < a.del.length || 0 < a.add.length || 0 < a.change.length) && r.change.push(a) } } else r.add.push([n, o]) } return r } function wn(e, t, n, r) { var i = e.db.createObjectStore(t, n.keyPath ? { keyPath: n.keyPath, autoIncrement: n.auto } : { autoIncrement: n.auto }); return r.forEach(function (e) { return xn(i, e) }), i } function xn(e, t) { e.createIndex(t.name, t.keyPath, { unique: t.unique, multiEntry: t.multi }) } function kn(e, t, u) { var s = {}; return y(t.objectStoreNames, 0).forEach(function (e) { for (var t = u.objectStore(e), n = on(an(a = t.keyPath), a || "", !1, !1, !!t.autoIncrement, a && "string" != typeof a, !0), r = [], i = 0; i < t.indexNames.length; ++i) { var o = t.index(t.indexNames[i]), a = o.keyPath, o = on(o.name, a, !!o.unique, !!o.multiEntry, !1, a && "string" != typeof a, !1); r.push(o) } s[e] = un(e, n, r) }), s } function En(e, t, n) { for (var r = e._novip, i = n.db.objectStoreNames, o = 0; o < i.length; ++o) { var a = i[o], u = n.objectStore(a); r._hasGetAll = "getAll" in u; for (var s = 0; s < u.indexNames.length; ++s) { var c = u.indexNames[s], l = u.index(c).keyPath, f = "string" == typeof l ? l : "[" + y(l).join("+") + "]"; !t[a] || (l = t[a].idxByName[f]) && (l.name = c, delete t[a].idxByName[f], t[a].idxByName[c] = l) } } "undefined" != typeof navigator && /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/(Chrome\/|Edge\/)/.test(navigator.userAgent) && h.WorkerGlobalScope && h instanceof h.WorkerGlobalScope && [].concat(navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari\/(\d*)/))[1] < 604 && (r._hasGetAll = !1) } var Pn = (Kn.prototype._parseStoresSpec = function (r, i) { x(r).forEach(function (e) { if (null !== r[e]) { var t = r[e].split(",").map(function (e, t) { var n = (e = e.trim()).replace(/([&*]|\+\+)/g, ""), r = /^\[/.test(n) ? n.match(/^\[(.*)\]$/)[1].split("+") : n; return on(n, r || null, /\&/.test(e), /\*/.test(e), /\+\+/.test(e), b(r), 0 === t) }), n = t.shift(); if (n.multi) throw new J.Schema("Primary key cannot be multi-valued"); t.forEach(function (e) { if (e.auto) throw new J.Schema("Only primary key can be marked as autoIncrement (++)"); if (!e.keyPath) throw new J.Schema("Index must have a name and cannot be an empty string") }), i[e] = un(e, n, t) } }) }, Kn.prototype.stores = function (e) { var t = this.db; this._cfg.storesSource = this._cfg.storesSource ? u(this._cfg.storesSource, e) : e; var e = t._versions, n = {}, r = {}; return e.forEach(function (e) { u(n, e._cfg.storesSource), r = e._cfg.dbschema = {}, e._parseStoresSpec(n, r) }), t._dbSchema = r, mn(t, [t._allTables, t, t.Transaction.prototype]), vn(t, [t._allTables, t, t.Transaction.prototype, this._cfg.tables], x(r), r), t._storeNames = x(r), this }, Kn.prototype.upgrade = function (e) { return this._cfg.contentUpgrade = ue(this._cfg.contentUpgrade || Z, e), this }, Kn); function Kn() { } function On(e, t) { var n = e._dbNamesDB; return n || (n = e._dbNamesDB = new Gn(bt, { addons: [], indexedDB: e, IDBKeyRange: t })).version(1).stores({ dbnames: "name" }), n.table("dbnames") } function Sn(e) { return e && "function" == typeof e.databases } function An(e) { return Je(function () { return Oe.letThrough = !0, e() }) } function Cn(f) { var h = f._state, r = f._deps.indexedDB; if (h.isBeingOpened || f.idbdb) return h.dbReadyPromise.then(function () { return h.dbOpenError ? lt(h.dbOpenError) : f }); F && (h.openCanceller._stackHolder = U()), h.isBeingOpened = !0, h.dbOpenError = null, h.openComplete = !1; var t = h.openCanceller; function e() { if (h.openCanceller !== t) throw new J.DatabaseClosed("db.open() was cancelled") } var n, i = h.dbReadyResolve, d = null, p = !1; return je.race([t, ("undefined" == typeof navigator ? je.resolve() : !navigator.userAgentData && /Safari\//.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Chrom(e|ium)\//.test(navigator.userAgent) && indexedDB.databases ? new Promise(function (e) { function t() { return indexedDB.databases().finally(e) } n = setInterval(t, 100), t() }).finally(function () { return clearInterval(n) }) : Promise.resolve()).then(function () { return new je(function (s, n) { if (e(), !r) throw new J.MissingAPI; var c = f.name, l = h.autoSchema ? r.open(c) : r.open(c, Math.round(10 * f.verno)); if (!l) throw new J.MissingAPI; l.onerror = Jt(n), l.onblocked = Le(f._fireOnBlocked), l.onupgradeneeded = Le(function (e) { var t; d = l.transaction, h.autoSchema && !f._options.allowEmptyDB ? (l.onerror = $t, d.abort(), l.result.close(), (t = r.deleteDatabase(c)).onsuccess = t.onerror = Le(function () { n(new J.NoSuchDatabase("Database " + c + " doesnt exist")) })) : (d.onerror = Jt(n), e = e.oldVersion > Math.pow(2, 62) ? 0 : e.oldVersion, p = e < 1, f._novip.idbdb = l.result, bn(f, e / 10, d, n)) }, n), l.onsuccess = Le(function () { d = null; var e, t, n, r, i, o = f._novip.idbdb = l.result, a = y(o.objectStoreNames); if (0 < a.length) try { var u = o.transaction(1 === (r = a).length ? r[0] : r, "readonly"); h.autoSchema ? (t = o, n = u, (e = (e = f)._novip).verno = t.version / 10, n = e._dbSchema = kn(0, t, n), e._storeNames = y(t.objectStoreNames, 0), vn(e, [e._allTables], x(n), n)) : (En(f, f._dbSchema, u), ((i = _n(kn(0, (i = f).idbdb, u), i._dbSchema)).add.length || i.change.some(function (e) { return e.add.length || e.change.length })) && console.warn("Dexie SchemaDiff: Schema was extended without increasing the number passed to db.version(). Some queries may fail.")), yn(f, u) } catch (e) { } yt.push(f), o.onversionchange = Le(function (e) { h.vcFired = !0, f.on("versionchange").fire(e) }), o.onclose = Le(function (e) { f.on("close").fire(e) }), p && (i = f._deps, u = c, o = i.indexedDB, i = i.IDBKeyRange, Sn(o) || u === bt || On(o, i).put({ name: u }).catch(Z)), s() }, n) }) })]).then(function () { return e(), h.onReadyBeingFired = [], je.resolve(An(function () { return f.on.ready.fire(f.vip) })).then(function e() { if (0 < h.onReadyBeingFired.length) { var t = h.onReadyBeingFired.reduce(ue, Z); return h.onReadyBeingFired = [], je.resolve(An(function () { return t(f.vip) })).then(e) } }) }).finally(function () { h.onReadyBeingFired = null, h.isBeingOpened = !1 }).then(function () { return f }).catch(function (e) { h.dbOpenError = e; try { d && d.abort() } catch (e) { } return t === h.openCanceller && f._close(), lt(e) }).finally(function () { h.openComplete = !0, i() }) } function jn(t) { function e(e) { return t.next(e) } var r = n(e), i = n(function (e) { return t.throw(e) }); function n(n) { return function (e) { var t = n(e), e = t.value; return t.done ? e : e && "function" == typeof e.then ? e.then(r, i) : b(e) ? Promise.all(e).then(r, i) : r(e) } } return n(e)() } function Dn(e, t, n) { for (var r = b(e) ? e.slice() : [e], i = 0; i < n; ++i)r.push(t); return r } var Bn = { stack: "dbcore", name: "VirtualIndexMiddleware", level: 1, create: function (f) { return g(g({}, f), { table: function (e) { var a = f.table(e), t = a.schema, u = {}, s = []; function c(e, t, n) { var r = hn(e), i = u[r] = u[r] || [], o = null == e ? 0 : "string" == typeof e ? 1 : e.length, r = 0 < t, r = g(g({}, n), { isVirtual: r, keyTail: t, keyLength: o, extractKey: cn(e), unique: !r && n.unique }); return i.push(r), r.isPrimaryKey || s.push(r), 1 < o && c(2 === o ? e[0] : e.slice(0, o - 1), t + 1, n), i.sort(function (e, t) { return e.keyTail - t.keyTail }), r } e = c(t.primaryKey.keyPath, 0, t.primaryKey); u[":id"] = [e]; for (var n = 0, r = t.indexes; n < r.length; n++) { var i = r[n]; c(i.keyPath, 0, i) } function l(e) { var t, n = e.query.index; return n.isVirtual ? g(g({}, e), { query: { index: n, range: (t = e.query.range, n = n.keyTail, { type: 1 === t.type ? 2 : t.type, lower: Dn(t.lower, t.lowerOpen ? f.MAX_KEY : f.MIN_KEY, n), lowerOpen: !0, upper: Dn(t.upper, t.upperOpen ? f.MIN_KEY : f.MAX_KEY, n), upperOpen: !0 }) } }) : e } return g(g({}, a), { schema: g(g({}, t), { primaryKey: e, indexes: s, getIndexByKeyPath: function (e) { return (e = u[hn(e)]) && e[0] } }), count: function (e) { return a.count(l(e)) }, query: function (e) { return a.query(l(e)) }, openCursor: function (t) { var e = t.query.index, r = e.keyTail, n = e.isVirtual, i = e.keyLength; return n ? a.openCursor(l(t)).then(function (e) { return e && o(e) }) : a.openCursor(t); function o(n) { return Object.create(n, { continue: { value: function (e) { null != e ? n.continue(Dn(e, t.reverse ? f.MAX_KEY : f.MIN_KEY, r)) : t.unique ? n.continue(n.key.slice(0, i).concat(t.reverse ? f.MIN_KEY : f.MAX_KEY, r)) : n.continue() } }, continuePrimaryKey: { value: function (e, t) { n.continuePrimaryKey(Dn(e, f.MAX_KEY, r), t) } }, primaryKey: { get: function () { return n.primaryKey } }, key: { get: function () { var e = n.key; return 1 === i ? e[0] : e.slice(0, i) } }, value: { get: function () { return n.value } } }) } } }) } }) } }; function In(i, o, a, u) { return a = a || {}, u = u || "", x(i).forEach(function (e) { var t, n, r; m(o, e) ? (t = i[e], n = o[e], "object" == typeof t && "object" == typeof n && t && n ? (r = j(t)) !== j(n) ? a[u + e] = o[e] : "Object" === r ? In(t, n, a, u + e + ".") : t !== n && (a[u + e] = o[e]) : t !== n && (a[u + e] = o[e])) : a[u + e] = void 0 }), x(o).forEach(function (e) { m(i, e) || (a[u + e] = o[e]) }), a } var Tn = { stack: "dbcore", name: "HooksMiddleware", level: 2, create: function (e) { return g(g({}, e), { table: function (r) { var y = e.table(r), v = y.schema.primaryKey; return g(g({}, y), { mutate: function (e) { var t = Oe.trans, n = t.table(r).hook, h = n.deleting, d = n.creating, p = n.updating; switch (e.type) { case "add": if (d.fire === Z) break; return t._promise("readwrite", function () { return a(e) }, !0); case "put": if (d.fire === Z && p.fire === Z) break; return t._promise("readwrite", function () { return a(e) }, !0); case "delete": if (h.fire === Z) break; return t._promise("readwrite", function () { return a(e) }, !0); case "deleteRange": if (h.fire === Z) break; return t._promise("readwrite", function () { return function n(r, i, o) { return y.query({ trans: r, values: !1, query: { index: v, range: i }, limit: o }).then(function (e) { var t = e.result; return a({ type: "delete", keys: t, trans: r }).then(function (e) { return 0 < e.numFailures ? Promise.reject(e.failures[0]) : t.length < o ? { failures: [], numFailures: 0, lastResult: void 0 } : n(r, g(g({}, i), { lower: t[t.length - 1], lowerOpen: !0 }), o) }) }) }(e.trans, e.range, 1e4) }, !0) }return y.mutate(e); function a(c) { var e, t, n, l = Oe.trans, f = c.keys || (t = v, "delete" === (n = c).type ? n.keys : n.keys || n.values.map(t.extractKey)); if (!f) throw new Error("Keys missing"); return "delete" !== (c = "add" === c.type || "put" === c.type ? g(g({}, c), { keys: f }) : g({}, c)).type && (c.values = i([], c.values, !0)), c.keys && (c.keys = i([], c.keys, !0)), e = y, n = f, ("add" === (t = c).type ? Promise.resolve([]) : e.getMany({ trans: t.trans, keys: n, cache: "immutable" })).then(function (u) { var s = f.map(function (e, t) { var n, r, i, o = u[t], a = { onerror: null, onsuccess: null }; return "delete" === c.type ? h.fire.call(a, e, o, l) : "add" === c.type || void 0 === o ? (n = d.fire.call(a, e, c.values[t], l), null == e && null != n && (c.keys[t] = e = n, v.outbound || E(c.values[t], v.keyPath, e))) : (n = In(o, c.values[t]), (r = p.fire.call(a, n, e, o, l)) && (i = c.values[t], Object.keys(r).forEach(function (e) { m(i, e) ? i[e] = r[e] : E(i, e, r[e]) }))), a }); return y.mutate(c).then(function (e) { for (var t = e.failures, n = e.results, r = e.numFailures, e = e.lastResult, i = 0; i < f.length; ++i) { var o = (n || f)[i], a = s[i]; null == o ? a.onerror && a.onerror(t[i]) : a.onsuccess && a.onsuccess("put" === c.type && u[i] ? c.values[i] : o) } return { failures: t, results: n, numFailures: r, lastResult: e } }).catch(function (t) { return s.forEach(function (e) { return e.onerror && e.onerror(t) }), Promise.reject(t) }) }) } } }) } }) } }; function Rn(e, t, n) { try { if (!t) return null; if (t.keys.length < e.length) return null; for (var r = [], i = 0, o = 0; i < t.keys.length && o < e.length; ++i)0 === Rt(t.keys[i], e[o]) && (r.push(n ? A(t.values[i]) : t.values[i]), ++o); return r.length === e.length ? r : null } catch (e) { return null } } var Fn = { stack: "dbcore", level: -1, create: function (t) { return { table: function (e) { var n = t.table(e); return g(g({}, n), { getMany: function (t) { if (!t.cache) return n.getMany(t); var e = Rn(t.keys, t.trans._cache, "clone" === t.cache); return e ? je.resolve(e) : n.getMany(t).then(function (e) { return t.trans._cache = { keys: t.keys, values: "clone" === t.cache ? A(e) : e }, e }) }, mutate: function (e) { return "add" !== e.type && (e.trans._cache = null), n.mutate(e) } }) } } } }; function Mn(e) { return !("from" in e) } var Nn = function (e, t) { if (!this) { var n = new Nn; return e && "d" in e && u(n, e), n } u(this, arguments.length ? { d: 1, from: e, to: 1 < arguments.length ? t : e } : { d: 0 }) }; function qn(e, t, n) { var r = Rt(t, n); if (!isNaN(r)) { if (0 < r) throw RangeError(); if (Mn(e)) return u(e, { from: t, to: n, d: 1 }); var i = e.l, r = e.r; if (Rt(n, e.from) < 0) return i ? qn(i, t, n) : e.l = { from: t, to: n, d: 1, l: null, r: null }, Ln(e); if (0 < Rt(t, e.to)) return r ? qn(r, t, n) : e.r = { from: t, to: n, d: 1, l: null, r: null }, Ln(e); Rt(t, e.from) < 0 && (e.from = t, e.l = null, e.d = r ? r.d + 1 : 1), 0 < Rt(n, e.to) && (e.to = n, e.r = null, e.d = e.l ? e.l.d + 1 : 1); n = !e.r; i && !e.l && Un(e, i), r && n && Un(e, r) } } function Un(e, t) { Mn(t) || function e(t, n) { var r = n.from, i = n.to, o = n.l, n = n.r; qn(t, r, i), o && e(t, o), n && e(t, n) }(e, t) } function Vn(e, t) { var n = Wn(t), r = n.next(); if (r.done) return !1; for (var i = r.value, o = Wn(e), a = o.next(i.from), u = a.value; !r.done && !a.done;) { if (Rt(u.from, i.to) <= 0 && 0 <= Rt(u.to, i.from)) return !0; Rt(i.from, u.from) < 0 ? i = (r = n.next(u.from)).value : u = (a = o.next(i.from)).value } return !1 } function Wn(e) { var n = Mn(e) ? null : { s: 0, n: e }; return { next: function (e) { for (var t = 0 < arguments.length; n;)switch (n.s) { case 0: if (n.s = 1, t) for (; n.n.l && Rt(e, n.n.from) < 0;)n = { up: n, n: n.n.l, s: 1 }; else for (; n.n.l;)n = { up: n, n: n.n.l, s: 1 }; case 1: if (n.s = 2, !t || Rt(e, n.n.to) <= 0) return { value: n.n, done: !1 }; case 2: if (n.n.r) { n.s = 3, n = { up: n, n: n.n.r, s: 0 }; continue } case 3: n = n.up }return { done: !0 } } } } function Ln(e) { var t, n, r = ((null === (t = e.r) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.d) || 0) - ((null === (n = e.l) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.d) || 0), i = 1 < r ? "r" : r < -1 ? "l" : ""; i && (t = "r" == i ? "l" : "r", n = g({}, e), r = e[i], e.from = r.from, e.to = r.to, e[i] = r[i], n[i] = r[t], (e[t] = n).d = zn(n)), e.d = zn(e) } function zn(e) { var t = e.r, e = e.l; return (t ? e ? Math.max(t.d, e.d) : t.d : e ? e.d : 0) + 1 } r(Nn.prototype, ((L = { add: function (e) { return Un(this, e), this }, addKey: function (e) { return qn(this, e, e), this }, addKeys: function (e) { var t = this; return e.forEach(function (e) { return qn(t, e, e) }), this } })[D] = function () { return Wn(this) }, L)); var Yn = { stack: "dbcore", level: 0, create: function (r) { var v = r.schema.name, m = new Nn(r.MIN_KEY, r.MAX_KEY); return g(g({}, r), { table: function (d) { function e(e) { var e = (t = e.query).index, t = t.range; return [e, new Nn(null !== (e = t.lower) && void 0 !== e ? e : r.MIN_KEY, null !== (t = t.upper) && void 0 !== t ? t : r.MAX_KEY)] } var p = r.table(d), y = p.schema, t = y.primaryKey, c = t.extractKey, l = t.outbound, n = g(g({}, p), { mutate: function (e) { function n(e) { return r[e = "idb://" + v + "/" + d + "/" + e] || (r[e] = new Nn) } var t = e.trans, r = t.mutatedParts || (t.mutatedParts = {}), i = n(""), s = n(":dels"), c = e.type, t = "deleteRange" === e.type ? [e.range] : "delete" === e.type ? [e.keys] : e.values.length < 50 ? [[], e.values] : [], l = t[0], f = t[1], h = e.trans._cache; return p.mutate(e).then(function (e) { var t, o, a, u; return b(l) ? ("delete" !== c && (l = e.results), i.addKeys(l), (t = Rn(l, h)) || "add" === c || s.addKeys(l), (t || f) && (o = n, a = t, u = f, y.indexes.forEach(function (t) { var n = o(t.name || ""); function r(e) { return null != e ? t.extractKey(e) : null } function i(e) { return t.multiEntry && b(e) ? e.forEach(function (e) { return n.addKey(e) }) : n.addKey(e) } (a || u).forEach(function (e, t) { var n = a && r(a[t]), t = u && r(u[t]); 0 !== Rt(n, t) && (null != n && i(n), null != t && i(t)) }) }))) : l ? (t = { from: l.lower, to: l.upper }, s.add(t), i.add(t)) : (i.add(m), s.add(m), y.indexes.forEach(function (e) { return n(e.name).add(m) })), e }) } }), f = { get: function (e) { return [t, new Nn(e.key)] }, getMany: function (e) { return [t, (new Nn).addKeys(e.keys)] }, count: e, query: e, openCursor: e }; return x(f).forEach(function (s) { n[s] = function (i) { var t = Oe.subscr; if (t) { var e = function (e) { e = "idb://" + v + "/" + d + "/" + e; return t[e] || (t[e] = new Nn) }, o = e(""), a = e(":dels"), n = f[s](i), r = n[0], n = n[1]; if (e(r.name || "").add(n), !r.isPrimaryKey) { if ("count" !== s) { var u = "query" === s && l && i.values && p.query(g(g({}, i), { values: !1 })); return p[s].apply(this, arguments).then(function (t) { if ("query" === s) { if (l && i.values) return u.then(function (e) { e = e.result; return o.addKeys(e), t }); var e = i.values ? t.result.map(c) : t.result; (i.values ? o : a).addKeys(e) } else if ("openCursor" === s) { var n = t, r = i.values; return n && Object.create(n, { key: { get: function () { return a.addKey(n.primaryKey), n.key } }, primaryKey: { get: function () { var e = n.primaryKey; return a.addKey(e), e } }, value: { get: function () { return r && o.addKey(n.primaryKey), n.value } } }) } return t }) } a.add(m) } } return p[s].apply(this, arguments) } }), n } }) } }; var Gn = (Hn.prototype.version = function (t) { if (isNaN(t) || t < .1) throw new J.Type("Given version is not a positive number"); if (t = Math.round(10 * t) / 10, this.idbdb || this._state.isBeingOpened) throw new J.Schema("Cannot add version when database is open"); this.verno = Math.max(this.verno, t); var e = this._versions, n = e.filter(function (e) { return e._cfg.version === t })[0]; return n || (n = new this.Version(t), e.push(n), e.sort(gn), n.stores({}), this._state.autoSchema = !1, n) }, Hn.prototype._whenReady = function (e) { var n = this; return this.idbdb && (this._state.openComplete || Oe.letThrough || this._vip) ? e() : new je(function (e, t) { if (n._state.openComplete) return t(new J.DatabaseClosed(n._state.dbOpenError)); if (!n._state.isBeingOpened) { if (!n._options.autoOpen) return void t(new J.DatabaseClosed); n.open().catch(Z) } n._state.dbReadyPromise.then(e, t) }).then(e) }, Hn.prototype.use = function (e) { var t = e.stack, n = e.create, r = e.level, i = e.name; i && this.unuse({ stack: t, name: i }); e = this._middlewares[t] || (this._middlewares[t] = []); return e.push({ stack: t, create: n, level: null == r ? 10 : r, name: i }), e.sort(function (e, t) { return e.level - t.level }), this }, Hn.prototype.unuse = function (e) { var t = e.stack, n = e.name, r = e.create; return t && this._middlewares[t] && (this._middlewares[t] = this._middlewares[t].filter(function (e) { return r ? e.create !== r : !!n && e.name !== n })), this }, Hn.prototype.open = function () { return Cn(this) }, Hn.prototype._close = function () { var n = this._state, e = yt.indexOf(this); if (0 <= e && yt.splice(e, 1), this.idbdb) { try { this.idbdb.close() } catch (e) { } this._novip.idbdb = null } n.dbReadyPromise = new je(function (e) { n.dbReadyResolve = e }), n.openCanceller = new je(function (e, t) { n.cancelOpen = t }) }, Hn.prototype.close = function () { this._close(); var e = this._state; this._options.autoOpen = !1, e.dbOpenError = new J.DatabaseClosed, e.isBeingOpened && e.cancelOpen(e.dbOpenError) }, Hn.prototype.delete = function () { var i = this, n = 0 < arguments.length, o = this._state; return new je(function (r, t) { function e() { i.close(); var e = i._deps.indexedDB.deleteDatabase(i.name); e.onsuccess = Le(function () { var e, t, n; e = i._deps, t = i.name, n = e.indexedDB, e = e.IDBKeyRange, Sn(n) || t === bt || On(n, e).delete(t).catch(Z), r() }), e.onerror = Jt(t), e.onblocked = i._fireOnBlocked } if (n) throw new J.InvalidArgument("Arguments not allowed in db.delete()"); o.isBeingOpened ? o.dbReadyPromise.then(e) : e() }) }, Hn.prototype.backendDB = function () { return this.idbdb }, Hn.prototype.isOpen = function () { return null !== this.idbdb }, Hn.prototype.hasBeenClosed = function () { var e = this._state.dbOpenError; return e && "DatabaseClosed" === e.name }, Hn.prototype.hasFailed = function () { return null !== this._state.dbOpenError }, Hn.prototype.dynamicallyOpened = function () { return this._state.autoSchema }, Object.defineProperty(Hn.prototype, "tables", { get: function () { var t = this; return x(this._allTables).map(function (e) { return t._allTables[e] }) }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Hn.prototype.transaction = function () { var e = function (e, t, n) { var r = arguments.length; if (r < 2) throw new J.InvalidArgument("Too few arguments"); for (var i = new Array(r - 1); --r;)i[r - 1] = arguments[r]; return n = i.pop(), [e, K(i), n] }.apply(this, arguments); return this._transaction.apply(this, e) }, Hn.prototype._transaction = function (e, t, n) { var r = this, i = Oe.trans; i && i.db === this && -1 === e.indexOf("!") || (i = null); var o, a, u = -1 !== e.indexOf("?"); e = e.replace("!", "").replace("?", ""); try { if (a = t.map(function (e) { e = e instanceof r.Table ? e.name : e; if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Invalid table argument to Dexie.transaction(). Only Table or String are allowed"); return e }), "r" == e || e === _t) o = _t; else { if ("rw" != e && e != wt) throw new J.InvalidArgument("Invalid transaction mode: " + e); o = wt } if (i) { if (i.mode === _t && o === wt) { if (!u) throw new J.SubTransaction("Cannot enter a sub-transaction with READWRITE mode when parent transaction is READONLY"); i = null } i && a.forEach(function (e) { if (i && -1 === i.storeNames.indexOf(e)) { if (!u) throw new J.SubTransaction("Table " + e + " not included in parent transaction."); i = null } }), u && i && !i.active && (i = null) } } catch (n) { return i ? i._promise(null, function (e, t) { t(n) }) : lt(n) } var s = function (i, o, a, u, s) { return je.resolve().then(function () { var e = Oe.transless || Oe, t = i._createTransaction(o, a, i._dbSchema, u), e = { trans: t, transless: e }; u ? t.idbtrans = u.idbtrans : t.create(); var n, r = R(s); r && $e(); e = je.follow(function () { var e; (n = s.call(t, t)) && (r ? (e = Ze.bind(null, null), n.then(e, e)) : "function" == typeof n.next && "function" == typeof n.throw && (n = jn(n))) }, e); return (n && "function" == typeof n.then ? je.resolve(n).then(function (e) { return t.active ? e : lt(new J.PrematureCommit("Transaction committed too early. See http://bit.ly/2kdckMn")) }) : e.then(function () { return n })).then(function (e) { return u && t._resolve(), t._completion.then(function () { return e }) }).catch(function (e) { return t._reject(e), lt(e) }) }) }.bind(null, this, o, a, i, n); return i ? i._promise(o, s, "lock") : Oe.trans ? it(Oe.transless, function () { return r._whenReady(s) }) : this._whenReady(s) }, Hn.prototype.table = function (e) { if (!m(this._allTables, e)) throw new J.InvalidTable("Table " + e + " does not exist"); return this._allTables[e] }, Hn); function Hn(e, t) { var o = this; this._middlewares = {}, this.verno = 0; var n = Hn.dependencies; this._options = t = g({ addons: Hn.addons, autoOpen: !0, indexedDB: n.indexedDB, IDBKeyRange: n.IDBKeyRange }, t), this._deps = { indexedDB: t.indexedDB, IDBKeyRange: t.IDBKeyRange }; n = t.addons; this._dbSchema = {}, this._versions = [], this._storeNames = [], this._allTables = {}, this.idbdb = null, this._novip = this; var a, r, u, i, s, c = { dbOpenError: null, isBeingOpened: !1, onReadyBeingFired: null, openComplete: !1, dbReadyResolve: Z, dbReadyPromise: null, cancelOpen: Z, openCanceller: null, autoSchema: !0 }; c.dbReadyPromise = new je(function (e) { c.dbReadyResolve = e }), c.openCanceller = new je(function (e, t) { c.cancelOpen = t }), this._state = c, this.name = e, this.on = Ot(this, "populate", "blocked", "versionchange", "close", { ready: [ue, Z] }), this.on.ready.subscribe = p(this.on.ready.subscribe, function (i) { return function (n, r) { Hn.vip(function () { var t, e = o._state; e.openComplete ? (e.dbOpenError || je.resolve().then(n), r && i(n)) : e.onReadyBeingFired ? (e.onReadyBeingFired.push(n), r && i(n)) : (i(n), t = o, r || i(function e() { t.on.ready.unsubscribe(n), t.on.ready.unsubscribe(e) })) }) } }), this.Collection = (a = this, St(Nt.prototype, function (e, t) { this.db = a; var n = kt, r = null; if (t) try { n = t() } catch (e) { r = e } var i = e._ctx, t = i.table, e = t.hook.reading.fire; this._ctx = { table: t, index: i.index, isPrimKey: !i.index || t.schema.primKey.keyPath && i.index === t.schema.primKey.name, range: n, keysOnly: !1, dir: "next", unique: "", algorithm: null, filter: null, replayFilter: null, justLimit: !0, isMatch: null, offset: 0, limit: 1 / 0, error: r, or: i.or, valueMapper: e !== ee ? e : null } })), this.Table = (r = this, St(Pt.prototype, function (e, t, n) { this.db = r, this._tx = n, this.name = e, this.schema = t, this.hook = r._allTables[e] ? r._allTables[e].hook : Ot(null, { creating: [re, Z], reading: [te, ee], updating: [oe, Z], deleting: [ie, Z] }) })), this.Transaction = (u = this, St(nn.prototype, function (e, t, n, r, i) { var o = this; this.db = u, this.mode = e, this.storeNames = t, this.schema = n, this.chromeTransactionDurability = r, this.idbtrans = null, this.on = Ot(this, "complete", "error", "abort"), this.parent = i || null, this.active = !0, this._reculock = 0, this._blockedFuncs = [], this._resolve = null, this._reject = null, this._waitingFor = null, this._waitingQueue = null, this._spinCount = 0, this._completion = new je(function (e, t) { o._resolve = e, o._reject = t }), this._completion.then(function () { o.active = !1, o.on.complete.fire() }, function (e) { var t = o.active; return o.active = !1, o.on.error.fire(e), o.parent ? o.parent._reject(e) : t && o.idbtrans && o.idbtrans.abort(), lt(e) }) })), this.Version = (i = this, St(Pn.prototype, function (e) { this.db = i, this._cfg = { version: e, storesSource: null, dbschema: {}, tables: {}, contentUpgrade: null } })), this.WhereClause = (s = this, St(Qt.prototype, function (e, t, n) { this.db = s, this._ctx = { table: e, index: ":id" === t ? null : t, or: n }; var r = s._deps.indexedDB; if (!r) throw new J.MissingAPI; this._cmp = this._ascending = r.cmp.bind(r), this._descending = function (e, t) { return r.cmp(t, e) }, this._max = function (e, t) { return 0 < r.cmp(e, t) ? e : t }, this._min = function (e, t) { return r.cmp(e, t) < 0 ? e : t }, this._IDBKeyRange = s._deps.IDBKeyRange })), this.on("versionchange", function (e) { 0 < e.newVersion ? console.warn("Another connection wants to upgrade database '" + o.name + "'. Closing db now to resume the upgrade.") : console.warn("Another connection wants to delete database '" + o.name + "'. Closing db now to resume the delete request."), o.close() }), this.on("blocked", function (e) { !e.newVersion || e.newVersion < e.oldVersion ? console.warn("Dexie.delete('" + o.name + "') was blocked") : console.warn("Upgrade '" + o.name + "' blocked by other connection holding version " + e.oldVersion / 10) }), this._maxKey = sn(t.IDBKeyRange), this._createTransaction = function (e, t, n, r) { return new o.Transaction(e, t, n, o._options.chromeTransactionDurability, r) }, this._fireOnBlocked = function (t) { o.on("blocked").fire(t), yt.filter(function (e) { return e.name === o.name && e !== o && !e._state.vcFired }).map(function (e) { return e.on("versionchange").fire(t) }) }, this.use(Bn), this.use(Tn), this.use(Yn), this.use(Fn), this.vip = Object.create(this, { _vip: { value: !0 } }), n.forEach(function (e) { return e(o) }) } var L = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && "observable" in Symbol ? Symbol.observable : "@@observable", Qn = (Xn.prototype.subscribe = function (e, t, n) { return this._subscribe(e && "function" != typeof e ? e : { next: e, error: t, complete: n }) }, Xn.prototype[L] = function () { return this }, Xn); function Xn(e) { this._subscribe = e } function Jn(t, n) { return x(n).forEach(function (e) { Un(t[e] || (t[e] = new Nn), n[e]) }), t } function $n(d) { return new Qn(function (n) { var r = R(d); var i = !1, o = {}, a = {}, u = { get closed() { return i }, unsubscribe: function () { i = !0, tn.storagemutated.unsubscribe(f) } }; n.start && n.start(u); var s = !1, c = !1; function l() { return x(a).some(function (e) { return o[e] && Vn(o[e], a[e]) }) } var f = function (e) { Jn(o, e), l() && h() }, h = function () { var t, e; s || i || (o = {}, e = function (e) { r && $e(); var t = function () { return Je(d, { subscr: e, trans: null }) }, t = Oe.trans ? it(Oe.transless, t) : t(); return r && t.then(Ze, Ze), t }(t = {}), c || (tn(Zt, f), c = !0), s = !0, Promise.resolve(e).then(function (e) { s = !1, i || (l() ? h() : (o = {}, a = t, n.next && n.next(e))) }, function (e) { s = !1, n.error && n.error(e), u.unsubscribe() })) }; return h(), u }) } try { nr = { indexedDB: h.indexedDB || h.mozIndexedDB || h.webkitIndexedDB || h.msIndexedDB, IDBKeyRange: h.IDBKeyRange || h.webkitIDBKeyRange } } catch (e) { nr = { indexedDB: null, IDBKeyRange: null } } var Zn = Gn; function er(e) { var t = rr; try { rr = !0, tn.storagemutated.fire(e) } finally { rr = t } } r(Zn, g(g({}, W), { delete: function (e) { return new Zn(e, { addons: [] }).delete() }, exists: function (e) { return new Zn(e, { addons: [] }).open().then(function (e) { return e.close(), !0 }).catch("NoSuchDatabaseError", function () { return !1 }) }, getDatabaseNames: function (e) { try { return t = Zn.dependencies, n = t.indexedDB, t = t.IDBKeyRange, (Sn(n) ? Promise.resolve(n.databases()).then(function (e) { return e.map(function (e) { return e.name }).filter(function (e) { return e !== bt }) }) : On(n, t).toCollection().primaryKeys()).then(e) } catch (e) { return lt(new J.MissingAPI) } var t, n }, defineClass: function () { return function (e) { u(this, e) } }, ignoreTransaction: function (e) { return Oe.trans ? it(Oe.transless, e) : e() }, vip: An, async: function (t) { return function () { try { var e = jn(t.apply(this, arguments)); return e && "function" == typeof e.then ? e : je.resolve(e) } catch (e) { return lt(e) } } }, spawn: function (e, t, n) { try { var r = jn(e.apply(n, t || [])); return r && "function" == typeof r.then ? r : je.resolve(r) } catch (e) { return lt(e) } }, currentTransaction: { get: function () { return Oe.trans || null } }, waitFor: function (e, t) { t = je.resolve("function" == typeof e ? Zn.ignoreTransaction(e) : e).timeout(t || 6e4); return Oe.trans ? Oe.trans.waitFor(t) : t }, Promise: je, debug: { get: function () { return F }, set: function (e) { M(e, "dexie" === e ? function () { return !0 } : ft) } }, derive: o, extend: u, props: r, override: p, Events: Ot, on: tn, liveQuery: $n, extendObservabilitySet: Jn, getByKeyPath: k, setByKeyPath: E, delByKeyPath: function (t, e) { "string" == typeof e ? E(t, e, void 0) : "length" in e && [].map.call(e, function (e) { E(t, e, void 0) }) }, shallowClone: P, deepClone: A, getObjectDiff: In, cmp: Rt, asap: _, minKey: -1 / 0, addons: [], connections: yt, errnames: e, dependencies: nr, semVer: "3.2.0", version: "3.2.0".split(".").map(function (e) { return parseInt(e) }).reduce(function (e, t, n) { return e + t / Math.pow(10, 2 * n) }) })), Zn.maxKey = sn(Zn.dependencies.IDBKeyRange), "undefined" != typeof dispatchEvent && "undefined" != typeof addEventListener && (tn(Zt, function (e) { var t; rr || (vt ? (t = document.createEvent("CustomEvent")).initCustomEvent(en, !0, !0, e) : t = new CustomEvent(en, { detail: e }), rr = !0, dispatchEvent(t), rr = !1) }), addEventListener(en, function (e) { e = e.detail; rr || er(e) })); var tr, nr, rr = !1; return "undefined" != typeof BroadcastChannel ? (tr = new BroadcastChannel(en), tn(Zt, function (e) { rr || tr.postMessage(e) }), tr.onmessage = function (e) { e.data && er(e.data) }) : "undefined" != typeof self && "undefined" != typeof navigator && (tn(Zt, function (t) { try { rr || ("undefined" != typeof localStorage && localStorage.setItem(en, JSON.stringify({ trig: Math.random(), changedParts: t })), "object" == typeof self.clients && i([], self.clients.matchAll({ includeUncontrolled: !0 }), !0).forEach(function (e) { return e.postMessage({ type: en, changedParts: t }) })) } catch (e) { } }), addEventListener("storage", function (e) { e.key !== en || (e = JSON.parse(e.newValue)) && er(e.changedParts) }), (nr = self.document && navigator.serviceWorker) && nr.addEventListener("message", function (e) { e = e.data; e && e.type === en && er(e.changedParts) })), je.rejectionMapper = function (e, t) { return !e || e instanceof Y || e instanceof TypeError || e instanceof SyntaxError || !e.name || !$[e.name] ? e : (t = new $[e.name](t || e.message, e), "stack" in e && c(t, "stack", { get: function () { return this.inner.stack } }), t) }, M(F, ft), g(Gn, Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, Dexie: Gn, liveQuery: $n, default: Gn, RangeSet: Nn, mergeRanges: Un, rangesOverlap: Vn }), { default: Gn }), Gn });