Continuous integration and continuous build delivery
cd dopaas-ci
mvn clean install -DskipTests
config on application-test.yml
- git-username is the account to log in to Git
- git-password is the password to log on to Git
- cipher-key is used to encrypt and decrypt private keys
# Deploy git configuration.
git-username: heweijie
git-password: hwj13535248668
cipher-key: 03DE18C2FC4E605F
The database is in "dopaas"
Start as a spring boot project sc ci start
sc ci shell
- Find instance ID
list -a <appName> -e <environment> -r<regular expression>
- deploy
deploy -a appName -I instanceId -b branchName
Instance IDS can be multiple, partitioned with ",".
For Examole:
deploy -a datachecker -I 64 -b master
- Support Ctrl+C forced exit in process
- Go to the database first and match the necessary configurations
- Modify the configuration to gitlab
Setting to the corresponding project - > Integrations
Set the URL: for example: http://localhost:8080/ci/hook
Check Push events
Click Add webhook to save