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What Is a Table
Basic unit of storage
Consists of rows and columns
Contains information about users
Can be created anytime, even while using database
Naming Conventions
- Must begin with a letter
- Must be 1-30 characters long
- Not an Oracle reserved keyword
- No duplicate name of another object used by same user
- Contains only A-Z, a-z, 0-9,
, $, and #
User Tables
- Collection of tables created and maintained by the users
- Contains user information
- Owned by different users
Data Dictionary Tables
- Collection of tables created and maintained by Oracle server
- Contains database information
- Owned by SYS user
Data Dictionary Tables in more detail
Information about Oracle server users, privileges granted to users, table constraints
We use these tables to see database objects owned by us
Frequently used data dictionary tables:
Data Types
Data Type Description VARCHAR2(size) Variable-length character data CHAR(size) Fixed-length character data NUMBER(p, s) Variable-length numeric data DATE Date and time values LONG Variable-length character data up to 2 GB CLOB Character data up to 4 GB RAW and LONG RAW Raw binary data BLOB Binary data up to 4 GB BFILE Binary data stored in an external file, up to 4 GB ROWID Base64 numbering system representing the unique address of a row in its table
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- Syntax: INSERT INTO table_name(column1, ...) VALUES(value1, ...);
- One row is inserted at a time using this syntax
--Insert rows into dept_tab SELECT * FROM dept_tab; INSERT INTO dept_tab VALUES(10, 'Administration', 200, 1700); INSERT INTO dept_tab(deptno, location_id, mgr_id, dname) VALUES(20, 1800, 210, 'Marketing');
INSERT INTO dept_tab VALUES(50, 'Strategy', NULL, NULL);
is not equivalent emtpy value
--Insert special functions like sysdate INSERT INTO emp_tab VALUES(100, 'SCOTT', 'PROGRAMMER', 210, SYSDATE, 10000, 3000, 10);
=> 100 SCOTT PROGRAMMER 210 05-OCT-20 10000 3000 10
INSERT Using Script
Use & substitution in a SQL statement to prompt for values at runtime
INSERT INTO dept_tab VALUES (&deptno, '&dname', '&location');
Multiple rows can be inserted at a time
Save the script to a file on the computer and run the script file
Copy Rows from Another Table
Use subquery in the INSERT statement
Multiple rows can be inserted
Do not use VALUES clause in the INSERT statement
The number of columns in the subquery should be eqaul to number of columns in the INSERT clause
To make a copy of an existing table
INSERT INTO new_table_name SELECT * FROM old_table_name where condition;
To modify data in tables
UPDATE table_name SET column_name=value, [column_name=value, ...] [WHERE condition];
Can update one or more rows at a time
If WHERE clause is not specified, all rows in the table are modified
Modify one row in
SELECT * FROM emp_tab; UPDATE emp_tab SET salary=8000 WHERE empno=7001;
Modify multiple columns using subquery
Can modifiy multiple columns using subquery in
clauseUPDATE table SET column=(SELECT column FROM table WHERE condition), [column=(SELECT column FROM table WHERE condition)] WHERE condition;
Use subqueries to modify data in the same table or another table
UPDATE emp_tab SET manager=(SELECT manager FROM emp_tab WHERE empno=7001), salary=(SELECT salary FROM emp_tab WHERE empno=7001) WHERE empno=7002;
Modify row in a different table using subquery
SELECT * FROM old_emp_tab; UPDATE old_emp_tab SET salary=(SELECT salary FROM emp_tab WHERE empno=7001) WHERE empno=7001;
Integrity constraint error
- If you try to modify a row to a value that does not exist in the parent table, it returns the integrity constraint error
UPDATE emp_tab SET deptno=500 where deptno=10;
- Because there is no
which is the parent table ofemp_tab
Used to delete rows from a table
DELETE FROM table_name [WHERE condition];
Specific rows are deleted if WHERE clause is specified
All rows are deleted if WHERE clause is omitted
Delete one row from a table
SELECT * FROM emp_tab; DELETE FROM emp_tab WHERE empno=7007;
DELETE Based on Another Table
Use subqueries in DELETE to remove rows based on values in another table
DELETE FROM old_emp_tab WHERE salary=(SELECT salary from emp_tab where salary<1000);
Delete rows based on another table using a subquery
SELECT * FROM old_emp_tab; DELETE FROM old_emp_tab WHERE salary=(SELECT salary FROM emp_tab WHERE salary < 1000);
An integrity constraint error is returned when we try to delete a row that contains a primary key and is used as a foreign key in another table
DELETE FROM dept_tab WHERE deptno=10;
- To upadte or insert data in a table based on a condition
- If a row already exists in a table, it is updated
- Otherwise, it inserts a new row in the table
- Improves performance
- Useful in data warehouse applications
MERGE INTO table_name table_alias USING (table/view/subquery) alias ON (join condition) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET col1=value1, col2=value2 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (column names) VALUES(column values);
Merge statement to update or insert rows into
SELECT * FROM dept_copy_tab; MERGE INTO dept_copy_tab dc USING dept_tab d ON (dc.deptno=d.deptno) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET dc.mgr_id=300 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES (d.deptno, d.dname, d.mgr_id, d.location_id);
Transaction Control Language (TCL)
- Transaction is a collection of DML statements that form a logical block
- A transaction starts with the first DML statement
- A transaction ends when:
- Commit/rollback is given
- DDL/DCL statements are executed (autocommit occurs)
- User exits the system or system crashes
- It ends current transaction and saves all the data changes
- For DML, we need to issue commit explicitly to save changes
- DDL and DCL statements are autocommit
- Autocommit also occurs when user normally exits the system without explicitly issuing a COMMIT statement
- Changes can be reverted
- Current user can view results, but others cannot view changes made by this user
- Affected rows are locked
- All changes will be permanent and can't be reverted
- All users can view the changes made by this user
- Locks on affected rows are released
discards all pending data changes and ends current transactionSAVEPOINT
creates a marker point within a transaction- AutoRollback occurs when there is a system failure or abnormal termination of the system
- By using COMMIT and ROLLBACK, we can preview data changes before making them permanent
Reverts all below changes and returns to this stage
Reverts below changes and returns toSavepoint A
<==========================================================RollbackSAVEPOINT A
Reverts below changes and returns to Savepoint B <==========================================================RollbackSAVEPOINT B
Reverts all below changes and returns to this stage
- Changes made cannot be reverted
- Affected rows are locked
- Current user can view results of data changes but others cannot view those results
- Data changes are reverted
- All locks on affected rows are released
- All data changes are discarded, so no access to anyone
CREATE Statement
A data definition language (DDL) statement
CREATE TABLE [schema.]table_name (column datatype [default expression], [...]);
Tables belonging to other users are not in the user's schema:
SELECT * FROM schema_name.table_name;
To check and confirm a table creation, we use this syntax:
DESCRIBE table_name; (or) DESC table_name;
Enforces rules at table level
Defined at table level or column level
Prevent the deletion of a table when there are dependencies
Must be satisfied for the operations to succeed
- Primary Key
- Uniquely for every row thus helps to identify each row in the table
- Foreign key
- Establishes a connection between the column in this table and the column of the referenced table
- Not NULL
- Specifies that the column cannot contain a NULL value
- Primary Key
Create a table with primary key and Not null constraints
CREATE TABLE countries ( country_id NUMBER(10), country_name VARCHAR2(20), country_code VARCHAR2(10) CONSTRAINT countries_country_code_nn NOT NULL, country_region VARCHAR2(20), total_customers NUMBER(20), profit_country_level NUMBER(20), CONSTRAINT countries_country_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(country_id) );
- As you can see, you can give
- As you can see, you can give
Create a table with foreign key constraint
CREATE TABLE states ( state_id NUMBER(10), state_name VARCHAR2(20), state_region VARCHAR2(20), country_id NUMBER(10), total_customers NUMBER(20), profit_state_level NUMBER(20), CONSTRAINT states_state_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(state_id), CONSTRAINT states_country_id_fk FOREIGN KEY(country_id) REFERENCES countries(country_id) );
Create Table Using Subquery
CREATE TABLE table [(column, column, ...)] AS subquery;
CREATE TABLE employees_dept40 AS (SELECT empno, name, job, salary FROM emp_tab where deptno=40);
ALTER Statement
DDL statement
Used to add, modify, or drop columns from a table
Add columns to a table:
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD (column datatype [default expr][, column datatype, ...]);
Ex): Add a new column in a table
ALTER TABLE states ADD (test_col VARCHAR2(5)); SELECT * FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name='STATES';
Modify columns in a table:
ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY (column datatype [default expr][, column datatype, ...]);
Ex): Change datatype or size of a column
ALTER TABLE states MODIFY(test_col VARCHAR2(20));
Drop columns from a table:
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;
Ex): Delete a column from a table
ALTER TABLE states DROP COLUMN test_col;
All DDL statements are autocommit
- Once changes are made, the old state of data cannot be recovered
Other DDL Statements
a table, syntax:DROP TABLE table_name;
Removes all rows from a table and the table structure
Pending transactions will be committed
Changes cannot be reverted as it is autocommit
Ex): Drop a table
DROP TABLE dept_copy_tab;
a table, syntax:RENAME table1 TO table2;
- Rename a table, view, synonym, or sequence
RENAME states TO states_sales_tab;
a table, syntax:TRUNCATE TABLE table_name;
- Removes all rows and also releases storage space used by the table
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