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Learning SQL Programming

0. Introduction

0.1. Learning SQL programming

0.2. Exercise files

  • Exercise Files

    • results.db
      • is the file to use within DB Browser for SQLite.
    • quizresults.sql
      • is a SQL file suitable for importing into other DBMS tools, but will not work with DB Browser for SQLite.
    • statements.sql
      • is a listing of each SQL statement used in the course
  • Contents of the Quiz Data Database

    • The poeple table
      • Information about fictional quiz participants
      • Name, quiz score, participation gift, and other data
    • The states table
      • Abbreviations, names, and other information about the 50 US states

0.3. Exploring DB Browser for SQLite

  • Tools for Using SQL

    • To write and use SQL, we need to use software that communicates with a database
    • There are many programs that can use SQL, including many DBMS options
    • Often, setting up a database involves a lot of work
    • DB Browser for SQLite will let us get started without a lot of technical configuration (
  • DB Browser for SQLite

    • Focused on working with SQLite databases, which are widely used in mobile and desktop apps
    • We won't use many features of the DB Browser software right now
    • DB Browser makes it easy to work with SQLite databases for learning or for professional tasks
    • DB Browser is free and works on all major platforms

0.4. What is a database

  • Database

    • A collection of information, usually involving relationships between the data stored in it
    name city color
    Marilyn Austin Red
    Tim New York Green
    Chloe Seattle Blue
    • Column(filed)
    • Row(record)
    • Fields and records make up a table
    • One or more tables make up a database
  • Databases vs. Spreadsheets

    • Both store data in fields and records

    • Database tables can have specific relationships to each other

      • Schema:
        • The layout and definition of how fields, tables, and relationships are set up is called the schema of the database
        • Ref: Programming Foundations: Databases
    • Databases allow us to manage data and ask questions about data

0.5 What is SQL

  • SQL

    • Structured Query Language(SQL) lets us formulate questions a database can respond to.

    • Write a question a computer can understand

    • Express what you mean explicitly

    • Often is a series of smaller questions

    • Adopted into many DBMSs

  • Pronunciation of SQL

    • Language is called SQL
    • Originally called SEQUEL
    • Pronunciation varies by application
    • In general, pronounce the language as "S-Q-L" and product names (such as SQL Server) as "sequel"
  • SQL Statements

    • SQL is whitespace independent.

      SELECT first_name, last_name
        FROM quiz_results
        WHERE state_code = 'CA'
        ORDER BY last_name ASC;
    • Statements are composed of clauses.

      SELECT first_name, last_name  -- clause
        FROM quiz_results           -- clause
        WHERE state_code = 'CA'     -- clause
        ORDER BY last_name ASC;     -- clause
    • Keywords tell the database to take some action.

      SELECT first_name, last_name FROM quiz_results WHERE state_code = 'CA' ORDER BY last_name ASC;

    • Field and table names specify where to look and what to look for.

      SELECT first_name, last_name FROM quiz_results WHERE state_code = 'CA' ORDER BY last_name ASC;

    • Predicates are conditions, and expressions represent values.

      SELECT first_name, last_name FROM quiz_results WHERE state_code = 'CA' --'CA' is the expression ORDER BY last_name ASC;

    • Statements should end with a semicolon.

      SELECT first_name, last_name FROm quiz_results WHERE state_code = 'CA' ORDER BY last_name ASC;

    • A SQL statement is any SQL code that takes some kind of action

    • A SQL query is any statement that returns records

  • Dual Roles of SQL

    • As a data manipulation language (DML)
      • Edit data in the database
      • Create, read, update, or delete(CRUD) records
    • As a data definition language (DDL)
      • Edit the structure (schema) of the database
      • Add, change, or remove fields or tables

1. Ask for Data from a Database

1.1: Ask for data with SELECT


    • The SELECT keyword tells the database we want some information returned to us.

    • Single quote is for literal texts

      SELECT 'Hello,  World!';

1.2: Narrow down a query with WHERE

    • The WHERE keyword lets us add selection criteria to a statement.

1.3: Adding more criteria to a statement

  • Example:

    SELECT shirt_or_hat, state_code, first_name, last_name
    FROM people
    WHERE state_code='CA' OR(state_code='CO' AND shirt_or_hat='shirt');

1.4: Broadening and limiting responses

  • LIKE '%..'

    • Return results that match part of a string.

    • The % character represents the portion of the string to ignore.

    • Example:

      SELECT * FROM people
      WHERE company LIKE 'B%N';
  • LIMIT n [OFFSET m]

    • Stop returning results after n results have been returned.
    SELECT * FROM people
    LIMIT 5;
    SELECT * FROM people

1.5: Organize responses with ORDER BY

  • ORDER BY field1, field2, ...[ASC|DESC]

    • Sort the results of a query using field1, then field2, and so on.
    SELECT first_name, last_name
    FROM people
    ORDER BY first_name;

1.6: Find information about the data


    SELECT first_name, LENGTH(first_name)
    FROM people

    SELECT DISTINCT(first_name)
    FROM people
    ORDER BY first_name;

    FROM people
    WHERE state_code='CA';

1.7: Challenge - Retrieve data from the database

  • Challenge: Summary of Prizes

    • List each person's name, team, and score
    • List which prise each person wants and sort the list using that information
    • Further sort the list by team name
    • Take about 10 minutes

1.8: Solution - Retrieve data from the database

SELECT shirt_or_hat, team, first_name, last_name, quiz_points
FROM people
ORDER BY shirt_or_hat, team;

2. Ask for Data from Two or More Tables

2.1: Ask for data across two or more tables

  • JOIN

    • Ask for records across two tables that are associated with each other based on a common piece of information.
  • Using JOIN to Connect Tables

  • Example:

    • Explicit JOIN Using JOIN keyword

      SELECT *
      FROM people
      JOIN states ON people.state_code = state.state_abbrev
      WHERE people.first_name LIKE 'J%' AND states.region = 'South'
    • Implicit JOIN Using ,

      SELECT ppl.first_name, st.state_name
      FROM people ppl, states st
      WHERE ppl.state_code = st.state_abbrev;

2.2: Understand JOIN types


    SELECT * FROM people JOIN states;

    SELECT * FROM people JOIN states
    ON people.state = states.abbr;

    SELECT * FROM people LEFT JOIN states
    ON people.state = states.abbr;

    SELECT * FROM people RIGHT JOIN states
    ON people.state = states.abbr;

    SELECT * FROM people FULL OUTER JOIN states
    ON people.state = states.abbr;
  • Support for JOIN types varies across database software.

2.3: Grouping results

SELECT state_code, quiz_points, COUNT(quiz_points)
FROM people
GROUP BY state_code, quiz_points;

2.4: Challenge - Practice with JOINs

  • Challenge: Explore JOINs

      1. Create a summary of how many hats need to be shipped to each state
      1. Create a summary showing how many members of each team are in each geographic division
    • Take about 10 minutes

2.5: Solution - Practice with JOINs

    SELECT states.state_name, COUNT(people.shirt_or_hat)
    FROM states
    JOIN people ON states.state_abbrev = people.state
    WHERE peple.shirt_or_hat = 'hat'
    GROUP by people.shirt_or_hat, states.state_name;
    SELECT states.division,, COUNT(
    FROM states
    JOIN people ON states.state_abbrev = people.state
    GROUP BY states.division,;

3. Data Types, Math, and Helpful Features

3.1: Data types in SQL

  • Data Type

    • The kind of data stored in a field
    • Can be text, numeric, binary, and so on
    • Certain operations are not possible with certain types
  • SQL Data Types

    Binary Date/Time Numbers Text Other
    • Binary types

      • Store short binary sequences (like 10010)
      • Store long binary sequences (files)
    • Date and time types

      • Store a value that should be treated as date/time data(like 2021-04-05 or 2021-04-05 17:35:00)
    • Number types

      • Store values as integers of various lengths, floating-point numbers, and so on
    • Text types

      • Store values intended to be used as text strings
      • Fixed or variable numbers of characters
    • Boolean type

      • Stores a true or false value
    • NULL

      • Represents a field having no value in it whatsover
      • Not the same as false, no, or zero

3.2: Math in SQL

  • Most basic: use a SELECT statement, such as SELECT 4+2;

  • Supports arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, and %

  • Assumes integer operations unless otherwise specified

  • Supports comparison operators: >, <, >=, <=, =, !=, or <>

  • Calculation functions: SUM(), AVG(), and so on

  • ex:

    SELECT team, COUNT(*), SUM(quiz_points), SUM(quiz_points)/COUNT(*)
    FROM people
    GROUP BY team;

3.3: Compound Select

  • Subquery(or Subselect)

    SELECT first_name, last_name, quiz_points
    FROM people
    WHERE quiz_points = (SELECT MAX(quiz_points) FROM people);
    SELECT *
    FROM people
    WHERE state_code=(
      SELECT state_abbrev FROM states WHERE state_name = 'Kansas'

3.4: Transforming data

  • Ex):

    • Sarah -> SARAH
    • 9O -> 90
    • Timothy -> Tim
    • California -> Cal1forn1a

    SELECT LOWER(first_name), UPPER(last_name)
    FROM people;

    SELECT first_name, SUBSTR(last_name, 1, 5)
    FROM people;
    • SUBSTR(last_name, -2)
      • Negative number means choosing 2 characters from the end (last 2 strings)

    SELECT REPLACE(first_name, "a", "-")
    FROM people;
  • CAST

    SELECT quiz_points
    FROM people
    ORDER BY CAST(quiz_points AS CHAR);
    SELECT MAX(CAST(quiz_points AS CHAR))
    FROM people;

3.5: Creating aliases with AS

SELECT first_name AS first_name, UPPER(last_name) AS surname
FROM people
WHERE firstname='Laura';

3.6: Challenge - Calculate participant metrics

  • Challenge: Quiz Metrics
      1. Show maximum score and average scroe in each state
      1. Sort by average score, with the largest at the top of the report
    • Take about 10 minutes

3.7: Solution - Calculate participant metrics

SELECT state, MAX(quiz_points) AS maxpoints, AVG(quiz_points) AS avgpts
FROM people
GROUP BY state

4. Add or Modify Data

4.1: Add data to a table

  • INSERT Statement

    • The INSERT keyword adds a record to a table.

    • Syntax:

      INSERT INTO tablename (field1, field2)
      VALUES (value1, value2);
    • Ex):

      INSERT INTO people
      (first_name, last_name)
      ('George', 'White'),
      ('Jenn', 'Smith'),
      ('Carol', NULL);

4.2: Modify data in a table


    • The UPDATE keyword changes data stored in fields in a record.

    • Syntax:

      UPDATE tablename
      SET field1=value1, field2=value2
      WHERE condition;
    • Ex):

      UPDATE people SET company='Megacorp Inc' WHERE company='Fisher LLC'

4.3: Removing data from a table


    • Ex):

      DELETE FROM people WHERE id_number = 1001;

4.4: Challenge - Practice working with data

  • Challenge: Maintain Records

    • Process requests to change data in the database

      • TODO 2021-01-29

      • ADD: Walter St. John, 93 points, Baffled Badgers Buffalo, NY (hat)

        Emerald Chou, 92 points, Angry Ants Topeka, KS (shirt)

      • CHANGE: Bonnie Brooks wants a shirt, not a hat!

      • REMOVE: Lois Hart has requested to be removed from our list.

4.5: Solution - Practice working with data


    INSERT INTO people
    ('Walter', 'St. John', 'Buffalo', 'NY', 'hat', '93', 'Baffled Badgers', '2021-01-29', NULL),
    ('Emerald', 'Chou', 'Topeka', 'KS', 'shirt', '92', 'Angry Ants', '2021-01-29', 34);

    UPDATE people SET shirt_or_hat = 'shirt' WHERE first_name = 'Bonnie' AND last_name = 'Brooks';

    DELETE FROM people WHERE first_name = 'Lois' AND last_name = 'Hart';

5. Conclusion

5.1: Overcoming common SQL mistakes

  • Typos and syntax errors: read the error and break down the statement
  • Text values should be in single quotation mark(')
  • Field names with spaces need to be in backticks(`), but avoid spaces in field names if possible
  • keep a development journal in plain text
  • Copy and paste in plain text rather than formatted text
  • Smart quotes(’), rather than straight quotes('), will cause problems
  • Share SQL statements as plain-text.sql files or attachments rather than in chat or email
  • To find null values, use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL instead of equality operators like =
  • Test your matching conditions before using them for a destructive action like UPDATE or DELETE
  • Most database software will run all the SQL statements in a window at once; select the ones you want to run

5.2: Next steps