Let's start...at the beginning! We'll pull in Vue 3 through a CDN, and then review the absolute basics of the framework, including Vue initialization, text interpolation, and reactivity.
Things You'll Learn
- Vue.createApp()
- Text Interpolation
- Reactivity
You'll often want to bind the value of an HTML attribute to an expression. We can allow for this by using the v-bind directive. As part of this lesson, we'll also get a first taste of event handling in Vue.
Things You'll Learn
- v-bind
- v-on
Let's dig into a few more important concepts in this episode. Using the example of an assignment list, we'll learn how to loop over arrays, conditionally display HTML, and prepare computed properties.
Things You'll Learn
- Computed Properties
- Conditionals
- Loops
We've now learned the absolute basics of Vue; however, this still looks nothing like real-life Vue applications. Let's begin digging into custom Vue components.
Things You'll Learn
- Component Basics
We can technically inline child Vue components, but you'll rarely do so. Instead, a much cleaner approach is to store each Vue component within its own file. Let's take care of that in this episode.
Things You'll Learn
- EcmaScript Imports
If we want our Vue components to be as flexible as possible, we should figure out a way to pass in data from the outside. This way, each "instance" of a component can be configurable. Props allow for this!
Things You'll Learn
- Props
- Class Object Binding
Let's now return to the simple assignment lists that we worked on in episode three. But this time, we'll approach it with fresh eyes and a new understanding of how Vue components work.
Things You'll Learn
- Component Trees
- Refactoring Steps
In this episode, we'll combine forms and events to allow a user to create new assignments on the fly.
Things You'll Learn
- Form Handling
Now, let's throw a wrench into the mix. If we extract a new Vue component, we'll then need to figure out how our components should communicate state changes.
Things You'll Learn
- Props
- Emitting Events
Once you understand the basics of Vue, you'll quickly find that things, which were incredibly time consuming years ago, can now be accomplished in seconds. Let's review a couple examples in this video.
Things You'll Learn
- Assignment Tagging
- Sets
In this episode, we'll discuss component responsibility as we refactor to an
component. I think of component responsibility in the same way that I think of server-side class responsibility. "Does this bit of logic belong here?" -
Things You'll Learn
- Component Refactoring
- Component Responsibility
We reviewed the basics of the
directive at the beginning of the series, but I think it's time that we take a deeper look. What exactly happens when we applyv-model
to an input? And can we also use it on custom Vue components? -
Things You'll Learn
- v-model
So far, we've been hard-coding the list of assignments directly within our Vue component. But of course, that's not overly realistic. Let's switch over to using the
JavaScript API to request data from a fake API. -
Things You'll Learn
- Component hooks
- json-server
- Promises
There are many ways to allow for more flexible and configurable components. Let's begin with two simple and obvious techniques: slots and flags.
Things You'll Learn
- Component Slots
- Feature Flags
So far, we've been working with components that only required a single, default slot. But, of course in real life, you'll encounter situations where you need to insert content in multiple areas. In these cases, we can used named slots.
Things You'll Learn
- Named Slots
- $slots
Great job, if you've made it this far. I think you're now ready to move on to part two of this series. Now that you understand many of the fundamentals of Vue, let's now figure out how to actually construct a single-page application using it. To demonstrate this, we'll pull in a first-party tool called Vite.
Things You'll Learn
- Vite
- Hot Reloading
- Vue Router
At this stage, I fully expect you to be confused in numerous ways. We went from building basic Vue components to scaffolding a full single-page application with routing, configuration, aliases, and more. In this lesson, let's review a handful of small things that I think you might initially find to be confusing.
Things You'll Learn
- Aliases
- RouterView
- Pascal Case for Components
- Single Use Components
I must admit, I feel bad for what I'm about to do. You were becoming so comfortable, and I had to suddenly throw a wrench into the gears. In this lesson, let's mentally adjust to working with the Composition API and script setup.
Things You'll Learn
- Composition API
- Script setup
- Reactivity
Let's talk about code re-use in this episode. We'll begin by reviewing a basic example using a traditional, mixin-based approach. And then, we'll convert it to the more recommended approach these days: composables.
Things You'll Learn
- Code Re-use
- Mixins
- Composables
Let's review another example of a composable. This time, we'll leverage localStorage and Vue reactivity to "remember" a form input's value - even if you refresh the page.
Things You'll Learn
- Composables
- localStorage
- Vue watchers
Let's review a couple other Composition API gotchas in this episode. Using the example of an enhanced "tabbable" textarea, we'll learn how to use defineProps and defineEmits when using script setup.
Things You'll Learn
- v-model for Custom Components
- defineProps
- defineEmits
Let's next move on to a discussion about dependency injection, and what that might look like within the context of a Vue application. One issue you'll quickly run into is what we refer to as "prop drilling." Let's learn what it is, and how to fix it.
Things You'll Learn
- Prop Drilling
- Dependency Injection
- provide / inject
So far, we've reviewed two different ways to share state across a wide range of components. But we're not done yet! Let's review a simple example that will take you a long way. There's nothing keeping you from extracting data, or state, to a reusable external file.
Things You'll Learn
- Global State
- Prop Drilling
- Reactivity
Before we move on to a dedicated tool for managing globally accessible state (Pinia), let's first review some new terminology and discuss potential concerns related to directly mutating state.
Things You'll Learn
- State
- Actions
- Mutating State
I think we're finally ready to review dedicated tooling for managing global state. The go-to option these days is Pinia. Compared to our make-shift store from the previous episodes, Pinia will provide us with better devtool support, hot reloading, time traveling, and more!
Things You'll Learn
- State
- Actions
- Getters
Let's work on a more realistic exercise in this chapter. Let's prepare a dashboard for managing a team - perhaps for a SaaS. In this first episode, we'll review the design and then begin organizing the layout into a series of Vue components.
Things You'll Learn
- Extract Vue Components
In this episode, we'll extract a dedicated Pinia store for managing the state for a team. We'll also discuss how you might go about seeding a store with initial date that is fetched asynchronously.
Things You'll Learn
- Extract Pinia Store
- Seed Initial Data
Before I show you how transitions work, let's first build a modal component with Vue. As you'll find, it's surprisingly easy to create and toggle.
Things You'll Learn
- Modal Components
- Emitting Events
The modal we created in the previous episode is looking decent now. The next step is to add a bit of animation for when it shows and hides. To allow for this, we can use Vue's
component. -
Things You'll Learn
- Transition Component
- CSS Transitioning
If you've ever built a modal before, you're probably aware that it's generally considered a good practice to place it at the bottom of the document, just before the closing body tag. In this episode, I'll show you how to do just that by leveraging Vue's
component. -
Things You'll Learn
- Teleport
- Conditional Teleporting
I hate to say it, but that's all she wrote. We're all wrapped up for this series. But, of course, there's still more to learn. In this final episode, we'll review
Things You'll Learn
- Continued Learning