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Releases: wonderunit/storyboarder


11 Jul 22:40
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  • Added “Edit > Paste and Replace” and “File > Import Image and Replace”.
    These will replace art on layers of the current board. With “Edit > Paste and Replace”, you can copy one board’s layers and paste them as replacements for another board’s layers, but it won’t overwrite the board’s metadata. You can also paste a single image from an external app, replacing the current board’s reference layer. “File > Import Image and Replace” will accept single image files (like PNG or JPG, but not PSD), and import them into the current board, replacing its reference layer. #1279
  • Added fine increments for small brush sizes (1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0). 8b310e2 7b49c5d


  • Fixed a bug where drawing was slow (due to invisible overlapping HTML elements getting in the way). #1280
  • Fixed a bug where key bindings using the Control key didn’t always work on Windows or Linux computers. #1282
  • Fixed a bug where changes from undo/redo weren’t always saved to the project data file. b5100e2
  • Fixed a bug where copying and pasting an image to an external app couldn't handle image transparency. f322328
  • Fixed a bug where rendered thumbnails couldn't handle image transparency. f604610
  • Fixed a bug where audio files couldn't be added to boards unless a microphone was available for recording. #1286

v1.7.0 - Stroke Opacity + Zoom / Pan

06 Jul 00:03
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NEW: Stroke Opacity + Zoom / Pan

Stroke Opacity

You can set the stroke opacity for each tool now. This allows you to make really light fills that build up with each stroke. The opacity is set and remembered for each brush type. You can set the opacity under the brush color. Just click and drag left and right.

Zoom and Pan

You can zoom and pan now for detail drawing! Use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out. If you hold shift and click and drag, you can pan around the image. You can also use Command/control + +, -, and 0 to zoom in, zoom out, and reset to 100%.

Misc. Fixes

  • The keymap file is now updated when new Storyboarder versions add new commands #1271
  • Tightened up the tone brush ec53c37

v1.6.3 [Efficiency drawing mode for slower computers]

26 Jun 23:47
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NEW: Efficiency Mode!

Storyboarder now has two drawing modes: "High Quality" (the default) and Low Quality “Efficiency Mode”, which is not “worse” but just “better, in a different way”. Efficiency Mode will run much, much faster on older computers, but it won't take advantage of the new advanced brushes we added for Storyboarder 1.6. Brushes in Efficiency Mode look kind of like the simple brushes from older versions of Storyboarder.

To try out Efficiency Mode, visit Preferences, and disable the "High Quality Drawing Engine".


21 Jun 19:16
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  • A list of detected audio input devices is now logged for troubleshooting


  • Fixed a bug that prevented scripts from loading #1225
  • Fixed a bug where layers from linked Photoshop would overlap existing layers when reloaded #1236
  • Fixed a bug where the cursor would sometimes disappear when using a pen input #1222
  • Fixed "Clear Notes Layer" in the sidebar and gave it a more obvious label #1226

Known Issues

  • We are still working on a drawing speed issue for slower graphics card. We are working to get a fix out for that soon.

v1.6.1 [Patch Fix for HighDPI Windows machines]

14 Jun 18:02
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This is a patch fix for high resolution windows machines where the canvas is too large.

There is also a known issue where the drawing is sluggish on machines with slower graphics cards: mac and windows. We are working on this now.

Please expect a few more patch releases to fix issues. The last release was a big change and we want to make sure we address all the bugs!


13 Jun 21:12
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Big Release

This is the biggest change to Storyboarder we’ve ever released!

Storyboarder 1.6 has a new drawing engine with incredibly smooth performance and delightful new brushes. We improved the layer system. We also fixed a lot of little irritating issues to make Storyboarder more reliable overall.

BREAKING CHANGE: Storyboarder 1.6 has a new file format

Projects created in Storyboarder 1.6 are NOT backwards-compatible with older versions

Storyboarder 1.6 can open old projects, and migrate them to the new format. But, once migrated, they won’t open properly in older versions of Storyboarder. It’s a one-way migration.

When you open an old project, Storyboarder 1.6 will automatically make a backup copy of your original project in case you experience problems with the migration.

If you try to open a 1.6 project with an older Storyboarder version, it will be missing images and will generally look messed up. So, don’t do that.

We hope everything is smooth, but we want to make sure you do not lose any work. PLEASE let us know any issues you find and we will be working to fix them ASAP!

Added: Completely new drawing engine

The new drawing engine is a complete overhaul of the way drawing works. It now renders using the graphics card. This should be a lot faster. Our primary focus was on performance.

Added: New drawing tools, each with their own layer

There are now 6 drawing tools (Light Pencil, Fill Brush Pen, Tone Pastel, Pencil, Ink Marker, and Note Pen). Each drawing tool saves to its own layer. Each drawing tool can be erased on its own layer.

This paves the way for user-created layers in the future.

NOTE: Because Storyboarder doesn’t combine drawings to a single “main” layer anymore, this change is NOT backwards-compatible with Storyboarder 1.5.


Various bugs: v1.5.1...master

v1.5.1 [Patch Fix for Script Loading]

08 Mar 19:55
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  • Working on a storyboard based on script: #1047

v1.5.0 New Timeline

01 Mar 23:30
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New Timeline

There’s a new timeline in town! Now you can switch the timeline mode to see the duration of your boards, including a view of the board’s audio. Re-time boards by draggin’ em’ around.


  • Experimental support for older graphics cards. #992

1.4.1 Patch Fix (Onion Skin)

21 Jan 16:32
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EEGADS. We broked the onion skin with the last release.


  • Fixed onion skin #918
  • Fixed pause button does not pause audio #978

In Development

  • We are working on timeline system that will allow you to see your boards are on a timeline with the audio so you can retime your boards by dragging.
  • New Drawing System with textured brushes and silky smooth drawing
  • Layers


17 Jan 18:28
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  • Storyboarder can export VIDEO! #965
  • Audio Export for Adobe Premiere / Final Cut Pro 7 XML and Final Cut Pro X XML #957
  • Stop audio recording immediately when the mouse button is down (to reduce audible click noise) #966
  • Added a helpful error message about AIFF files (Storyboarder can’t handle them yet) #958
  • Better error notification for Premier/FCP/FCPX exports 2c97887


  • Quick fix for “Could not parse Final Draft data. text.trim is not a function” when attempting to import from Final Draft #962
  • Fix bug where, after recording a very short audio clip, record button would not work anymore 3fefa82