<a name"3.3.3">
- IE8: fix IE8 links (12c1d143)
- component:
- core:
- font:
- navbar: fix navbar content z-index close issue #32 (3d17cb20)
- panel: update panel-heading padding left and right (91e5009f)
- scss: fix scss tooltip fix issue #29 (d055b9dd)
<a name"3.3.2">
- collapse: update collapse js, remove auto adding role presentation. (95d2229e)
- component:
- contextual-background: put back the colors for contextual background (263d0ee2)
- dropdown: focus state (abf7166e)
- responsive: update media queries for hidden-xl and hidden-lg (db4e33fa)
- scss: fix boostedIcon conversion fix issue #21 (5aa1d3ad)
- stepbar: fix arrow position error on zoom (9a8c9338)
- tablesorter: fix older use of $.browser in table sorter. doesn't work with tablesorter pager (243c6e4a)
- arrow-links:
- component: orange popin (83dccdfc)
<a name"3.3.1">
- checkbox: update custom toggle js, to prevent js activate on native checkboxes (f1713b70)
- collapse: asked by D&U, arrow need to be 14px width 7px height (4f30a6ac)
- component:
- navbar (70e3e61a)
- navbar (e90a1eb5)
- nav pills (4a8d0a0c)
- stepbar (0e151447)
- toggle (57c3a604)
- stepbar (52405a93)
- form error message (7ee6afdf)
- dropdown (2b8bbc48)
- dropdown menu scroll (9befc8ad)
- checkbox (20d0829f)
- stepbar (e58ef821)
- stepbar mobile (085a54f5)
- navbar accessibility (cbeafad0)
- navbar accessibility (544b3b60)
- doc:
- input-groups: put the 2px border to input groups (c63acf98)
- links: underline links in tag p to be well branded (0217e087)
- nav-tabs: remove margin between tabs on mobile display (4d3e77d4)
- o-checkbox: put back the top:0 value for 2 lines label case (47dcad5e)
- package.json: update package.json for webpack compatibility (04c12241)
- progressbar:
- stepbar: remove pseudo css selector with :: incompatible with IE8 (c2fa1292)
- switch:
- remove the css display none for accessibility reason (0acacd1d)
- fix color for switch buttons on green background (d63a0425)
- black color apply only for rounded switch not for icons (f24da5fc)
- put back double label, but add an aria-labelledby onto the input for accessibili (63849a8d)
- fix text color for switch on with text on green background (9c54b697)
- switches: move size to variables files for IE8 compatibility and add javascript to falback (848887c4)
- component:
- links: underline links onto tag P to fit to the brand (5ad914ab)
- sass: update sass files (d4524573)
- tabs: update tabs component for mobile display (c10af606)
<a name"3.3.0">
- checkbox:
- component:
- css for ng-boost (36f0d951)
- css for ng-boost (61cb6c9a)
- accordion (d803b5f9)
- forms (9989b959)
- accordion (5dbcd5bf)
- tabs (dd1ca2b5)
- pagination (ce6fd018)
- stepbar (6fdc7535)
- pagination (02fde00b)
- tab borders (f8848272)
- local navigation (a7db5f53)
- local navigation (d9594cf3)
- local navigation (fbc3afaa)
- doc:
- icons: update cache refresh (2cdb9377)
- test: collapse (000ab66d)
- accordions: enlarge the border for mobile display 2px, for more readability (68cd2212)
- component: toggle switches (f3aa11a8)
- font: remove the default inclusion of helvetica family. WARNING the project need to ad (051657ba)
- icons:
<a name"3.3.0-alpha.5">
<a name"3.3.0-alpha.4">
- component:
- core:
- move panel sizes to variables to be compliant with IE8 (4d4023d9)
- remove rem sizes for IE8 css (a6e6238a)
- remove rem from IE8 CSS (94bf75ff)
- update font-weight for popover and spacing for breadcrumbs (476b75c2)
- fix pagination mode (1be8a8bf)
- merge font-face declaration for bold and normal display into one font-family nam (1cfeb74e)
- fix link color on stepbarlink done state rollover (3f376865)
- update checkbox orange icon (f1f56a7c)
- update tabs font and spacing (4e2ef76a)
- Update pagination according to the brand (e71cd37c)
- fix buttons colors/alignement according to the brand (7cd160ec)
- D&U working (cb69a035)
- fix brand color (b99461a0)
- update brand color (5383cfde)
- fix labels size (8b063658)
- doc:
- test: fix csslint warning onto pagination.less (b2480427)
- build: update the dist (3c3c9341)
- component: letter spacing for headings (3a9d8664)
- core: update accordion arrow position and remove oldbrand files (5dcc2979)
- legal: update the notice.txt to explain font licences and orange copyright onto ressour (20cf91f9)
- tests: add unit tests onto accordions (ddab5f62)
<a name"3.3.0-alpha.3">
- component:
- core:
- clean notice.txt (f6cf52b7)
- fix eslint warning (cf0d7ada)
- fix glyphicons name for arrow next and previous (5b16999e)
- fix css linting errors and eslint errors (8abe3aa1)
- fix cssmap file who generate error onto chrome, update less and cssmin dependenc (2afd9c39)
- IE8 sizes (b3664785)
- remove icon-orange increment after file name for IE8 compatibility reasons (742539f0)
- doc:
- test: passing bs unit tests (2e2d2b2c)
<a name"3.3.0-alpha.2">
- build: update commit link for changelog generation (ca360ce2)
- component:
- accordion borders (77087ce9)
- accordion borders (6c1e5d32)
- navbar searchbar (f593b82e)
- nav tabs height (9ea00753)
- pagination branding (9fb67f2d)
- orange icon fonts (26d17383)
- local navigation (5079cbed)
- stepbar (f6b81927)
- navbar branding (47d483cc)
- buttons branding (29a1b4b8)
- stepbar branding (29076327)
- navbar branding (8674f7f9)
- core:
- accordions multipleatatime (0fd694a6)
- try to fix accordions multipleatatime (9c9e6163)
- remove the shadow into tabs, move the border for accordions (bdc9488a)
- update breadcrumb and navigation sizes (0421254e)
- fix step_bar padding (d9ec17f9)
- add the missing comma for font inclusion (e734a060)
- add the missing comma for font inclusion (81a490e2)
- regenerate the dist (4c801db9)
- fix navbar-text class into menu position and add a class for brand name near the (bbb04e3a)
- fix navbar-text class into menu position and add a class for brand name near the (5241a0bc)
- fix tooltip width calc onto IE11 enterprise fallback IE8 (755206e3)
- css: font loading error on chrome (013fb3af)
- doc:
- examples: icon names (19705a2a)
- build: tag v3.3.0-alpha.1 (b263ac6d)
- core:
- doc:
<a name"3.2.1">
- megamenu: fix bg color of dropdown for mobile display
- forms: button position and size in formgroups
- helvetica fontfamily: Font-familly woff was buggy (1px upper on firefox)
- core:
- Update Orange Icons library (337) solaris icons
- Update Orange grey palette
- Horizontal form : label align left according to the brand guidelines
<a name"3.2.0">
- component: panel background color (ea98d049)
- core: eorder css (02cd7667)
- examples:
- tabs: fading incompatibility (02b6b368)
- core:
- merge opensource branch (3003e1b2)
- prepare for opensource publication (62a733fa)
- prepare for opensource publication (47a2d9e4)
- prepare for opensource publication (c72f64e7)
- prepare for opensource publication (01a83c3d)
- prepare for opensource publication (588e1da7)
- prepare for opensource publication (39083a1b)
- prepare for opensource publication (44f18054)
- generate doc version (2b444fe7)
- upgrade to Bootstrap 3.3.6 documentation (5eea99a7)
- upgrade to Bootstrap 3.3.6 (167b1526)
- prepare for opensource publication (59b78fdf)
- prepare for opensource publication (7d4aaad7)
- prepare for opensource publication (f97034b1)
<a name"3.1.1">
- tabs: fading incompatibility (02b6b368)
- build: imagemin plugin (f9d4facf)
- component: carousel new look (1076e840)
- core:
- example: news search bar (69771879)
- examples: a11y on forms (17bea60c)
- less:
<a name"3.0.2">
- core:
- dropdown: btn-group dropdowns not working (5cedb421)
- examples:
- megamenu: focus and navigation (b3cff50c)
- chore:
- core:
- megamenu: aria & arrow keys management (fc5d931c)
- core:
- doc:
- core: add orange responsive tables (eb7751a0)
- doc: add orange accordions to the javascript doc page (78ec6a85)
- brand:
- chore: remove unused package - fix popin - BS 3.3.4 (dfc944f2)
- doc:
- brand: create new stylesheets for the newbrand (4cdf44cf)