- Rails Kata (Britney's Grabbag)
- Make it
- Perform it!
- Follow up on interview
- Things I wish people had told me about Ruby!
- Add to Grab Bag: Grab-bag idea - HTTP to my app and back
- Check out "Icon Finder" Britney recommends
- Make a place to put project ideas (nothing fancy, just a place to put ideas from your brain :)
- Portfolio
- Get a big list of things you found interesting enough to do
- For each one, think of
- A short paragraph explaining why it's interesting
- A visually interesting way to represent it (e.g. gifs, screenshots, video)
- Update domain?
- RSpotify: ability to delete a track from playlist
- Ruby, not Rails
- reach out to Chris Sexton about ruby not rails
- get Julian and Sean's ruby not rails stuffs
- Intahview! - let me know how it goes ^^
- Play with Angular, think about it interms of curating your tweets