- Please refer to : https://tipbot-public-api.cexswap.cc/manual
First of all, you need to get a unique API key from TipBot by doing Direct Message /cexswap apikey
. TipBot shall respond with a key and you save them in a safe place and you can reset anytime later with the same command but with extra option resetkey
= YES. You need to be in our main Discord Guild https://discord.com/invite/GpHzURM to be able to execute this command.
- get_balance (get a single token/coin balance)
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: xxxx" https://tipbot-private-api.cexswap.cc/get_balance/wrkz
- get_balances (get all balances)
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: xxxx" https://tipbot-private-api.cexswap.cc/get_balances
- get_address
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: xxxx" https://tipbot-private-api.cexswap.cc/get_address/wrkz
- sell
curl --header "Authorization: xxx" \
--request POST \
--data '{"method": "sell", "params": [{"amount": "10k", "sell_token": "wrkz", "for_token": "dego"}], "id": 99}' \
{"success": true, "sell": "10,000", "sell_token": "WRKZ", "get": "956,782.68", "for_token": "DEGO", "price_impact_percent": 0.0, "message": "Successfully traded! Get 956,782.68 DEGO from selling 10,000 WRKZ Ref: JDQCMWXJMVJZAABI", "error": null, "time": 1675655061}
- withdraw
curl --header "Authorization: xxx" \
--request POST \
--data '{"method": "withdraw", "params": [{"amount": "1.69", "address": "xxxxxx", "coin": "coin_name"}], "id": 99}' \
{"success": true, "data": {"hash": "......"}, "error": null, "id": 99, "time": 1684138746}
Bot will reject your selling through API if you are not inside our Discord Guild. This is to easier troubleshooting in case there is any issue.