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Workflow Composing Guide

DipperCL is the control language that Honeydipper uses to configure data, assets and logic for its operation. It is basically a YAML with a Honeydipper specific schema.

Composing Workflows

workflow defines what to do and how to perform when an event is triggered. workflow can be defined in rules directly in the do section, or it can be defined independently with a name so it can be re-used/shared among multiple rules and workflows. A workflow can be as simple as invoking a single driver rawAction. It can also contains complicate logics, procedures dealing with various scenarios. All workflows are built with the same building blocks, follow the same process, and they can be stacked/combined with each other to achieve more complicated goals.

An example of a workflow defined in a rule calling an rawAction:

  - when:
      driver: webhook
        url: /test1
      call_driver: redispubsub.broadcast
        subject: internal
        channel: foo
        key: bar

An example of named workflow that can be invoked from other workflows.

    call_function: example.execute
      key1: val2
      key2: val2

  - when:
        system: example
        trigger: happened
      call_workflow: foo

Simple Actions

There are 4 types of simple actions that a workflow can perform.

  • call_workflow: calling out to another named workflow, taking a string specifying the name of the workflow
  • call_function: calling a predefined system function, taking a string in the form of system.function
  • call_driver: calling a rawAction offered by a driver, taking a string in the form of driver.rawAction
  • wait: wait for the specified amount of time or receive a wake-up request with a matching token. The time should be formatted according to the requirement for function ParseDuration. A unit suffix is required.

They can not be combined.

A function can also have no action at all. {} is a perfectly legit no-op workflow.

Complex Actions

Complex actions are groups of multiple workflows organized together to do some complex work.

  • steps: an array of child workflows that are executed in sequence
  • threads: an array of child workflows that are executed in parallel
  • switch/cases/default: taking a piece of contextual data specified in switch, chose and execute from a map of child workflows defined in cases or execute the child workflow defined in default if no branch matches

These can not be combined with each other or with any of the simple actions.

When using steps or threads, you can control the behaviour of the workflow upon failure or error status through fields on_failure or on_error. The allowed values are continue and exit. By default, on_failure is set to continue while on_error is set to exit. When using threads, exit means that when one thread returns error, the workflow returns without waiting for other threads to return.


Any of the actions can be combined with an iterate or iterate_parallel field to be executed multiple times with different values from a list. The current element of the list will be stored in a local contextual data item named current. Optionally, you can also customize the name of contextual data item using iterate_as. The elements of the lists to be iterated don't have to be simple strings, it can be a map or other complex data structures.

For example:

      - name: Peter
        role: hero
      - name: Paul
        role: villain
    call_workflow: announce
      message: '{{ }} is playing the role of `{{ .ctx.current.role }}`.'


We can also specify the conditions that the workflow checks before taking any action.

  • if_match/unless_match: specify the skeleton data to match the contextual data
  • if/unless/if_any/unless/unless_all: specify the list of strings that interpolate to truy/falsy values

Some examples for using skeleton data matching:

      foo: bar
    call_workflow: do_something

      team: :regex:engineering-.*
    call_workflow: complaint
      message: Only engineers are allowed here.

        - privileged_user1
        - privileged_user2
    call_workflow: assert
      message: you are either privileged_user1 or priviledged_user2

        age: 13
    call_workflow: assert
      message: .ctx.user matchs a data strucure with age field equal to 13

Please note how we use regular expression, list of options to match the contextual data, and how to match a field deep into the data structure.

The matching condition also supports some special keywords.

  • :absent: - true if a key is not in the data structure
  • :present: - true if a key is present in the data structure
  • :except: - true if the data structure does NOT match the given criteria

You can also use a ! suffix following a key name to negate the matching criteria. See some examples below.

      git_repo: myorg/myrepo
      git_ref!: ":regex:^refs/tags/" # except tags

      scope: production
          role: authorized
          ":present:": authorized_by

Below are some more examples of using list of conditions:

      - $ctx.exits # ctx.exits must not be empty and not one of such strings `false`, `nil`, `{}`, `[]`, `0`. 
      - $ctx.also  # ctx.also must also be truy
    call_workflow: assert
      message: `exits` and `also` are both truy

      - '{{ empty .ctx.exists | not }}'
      - '{{ empty .ctx.also | not }}'
    call_workflow: assert
      message: at least one of `exits` or `also` is not empty


We can also repeat the actions in the workflow through looping fields

  • while: specify a list of strings that interpolate into truy/falsy values
  • until: specify a list of strings that interpolate into truy/falsy values

For example:

  retry_func: # a simple forever retry
    on_error: continue
    on_failure: exit
      success: false
      - $ctx.success
      - call_function: $ctx.func
      - export:
          success: '{{ eq .labels.status "success" }}'
      - success

    on_error: continue
    on_failure: exit
      success: false
      backoff: 0
      count-: 2
      - $ctx.success
      - $ctx.count
      - if:
          - $ctx.backoff
        wait: '{{ .ctx.backoff }}s'
      - call_function: $ctx.func
      - export:
          count: '{{ sub (int .ctx.count) 1 }}'
          success: '{{ eq .labels.status "success" }}'
          backoff: '{{ .ctx.backoff | default 10 | int | mul 2 }}'
      - success
      - count
      - backoff


Hooks are child workflows executed at a specified moments in the parent workflow's lifecycle. It is a great way to separate auxiliary work, such as sending heartbeat, sending slack messages, making an announcement, clean up, data preparation etc., from the actual work. Hooks are defined through context data, so it can be pulled in through predefined contexts, which makes the actual workflow seems less cluttered.

For example,

        - on_first_action: workflow_announcement
        - on_success:
            - snooze_alert

  - when:
        system: foo
        trigger: bar
      call_workflow: do_something

  - when:
        system: opsgenie
        trigger: alert
      context: opsgenie
      call_workflow: do_something

In the above example, although not specifically spelled out in the rules, both events will trigger the execution of workflow_announcement workflow before executing the first action. And if the workflow responding to the opsgenie.alert event is successful, snooze_alert workflow will be executed.

The supported hooks:

  • on_session: when a workflow session is created, even {} no-op session will trigger this hook
  • on_first_action: before a workflow performs first simple action
  • on_action: before performs each simple action in steps
  • on_item: before execute each iteration
  • on_success: before workflow exit, and when the workflow is successful
  • on_failure: before workflow exit, and when the workflow is failed
  • on_error: before workflow exit, and when the workflow ran into error
  • on_exit: before workflow exit

Contextual Data

Contextual data is the key to stitch different events, functions, drivers and workflows together.


Every workflow receives contextual data from a few sources:

  • Exported from the event
  • Inherit context from parent workflow
  • Injected from predefined context, _default, _event and contexts listed through context or contexts
  • Local context data defined in with field
  • Exported from previous steps of the workflow

Since the data are received in that particular order listed above, the later source can override data from previous sources. Child workflow context data is independent from parent workflow, anything defined in with or inherited will only be in effect during the life cycle of current workflow, except the exported data. Once a field is exported, it will be available to all outer workflows. You can override this by specifying the list of fields that you don't want to export.

Pay attention to the example retry_func_count_with_exp_backoff in the previous section. In order to not contaminate parent context with temporary fields, we use no_export to block the exporting of certain fields. For example

The with field in the workflow can be a map or a list of maps. If it is a map, each key defines a variable. If it is a list of maps, each map is a layer. The layers are processed in the order they appear. The variables defined in previous layer can be used to define values in later layers.

call_workflow: something
  - var1: initial value
    var2: val2
      - bar
  - var3: '{{ .ctx.var2 }}, {{ .ctx.var1 }}'
      - another bar

The final value for var3 will be initial value, val2, and the final value of list foo will contain both bar and another bar.


We can use interpolation in workflows to make the workflow flexible and versatile. You can use interpolation in most of the fields of a workflow. Besides contextual data, other data available for interpolation includes:

  • labels - string values attached to latest received dipper Message indicating session status, IDs, etc.,
  • ctx - contextual data,
  • event - raw unexposed event data from the original event that triggered the workflow
  • data - raw unexposed payload from the latest received dipper message

It is recommended to avoid using event and data in workflows, and stick to ctx as much as possible. The raw unexposed data might eventually be deprecated and hidden. They may still be available in system definition.

DipperCL provides following ways of interpolation:

  • path interpolation - comma separated multiple paths following a dollar sign, e.g. $ctx.this,ctx.that,ctx.default, cannot be mixed in strings. can specify a default value using either single, double or tilde quotes if none of the keys are defined in the context, e.g. $ctx.this,ctx.that,"this value is the default". Also, can use ? following the $ to indicate that nil value is allowed.
  • inline go template - strings with go templates that get rendered at time of the workflow execution, requires quoting if template is at the start of the string
  • yaml parser - a string following a :yaml: prefix, will be parsed at the time of the execution, can be combined with go template
  • e-yaml encryption - a string with ENC[ prefix, storing base64 encoded encrypted content
  • file attachment - a relative path following a @: prefix, requires quoting

See interpolation guide for detail on how to use interpolation.

Merging Modifier

When data from different data source is merged, by default, map structure is deeply merged, while all other type of data with the same name is replaced by the newer source. One exception is that if the data in the new source is not the same type of the existing data, the old data stays in that case.

For example, undesired merge behaviour:

    - export:
        data: # original
          foo: bar
            key1: val1
            - item1
            - item2
          foo_param: "a string"
    - export:
        data: # overriding
          foo: foo
            key2: val2
            - item3
            - item4
          foo_param: # type inconsistent
            key: val

After merging with the second step, the final exported data will be like below. Notice the fields that are replaced.

data: # final
  foo: foo
    key1: val1
    key2: val2
    - item3
    - item4
  foo_param: "a string"

We can change the behaviour by using merging modifiers at the end of the overriding data names.


var is an example name of the overriding data, the following character indicates what type of merge modifier to use.

  • var-: only use the new value if the var is not already defined and not nil
  • var+: if the var is a list or string, the new value will be appended to the existing values
  • var*: forcefully override the value

Note that, the merging modifier works in layers too. See previous example for details.

Essential Workflows

We have made a few helper workflows available in the honeydipper-config-essentials repo. Hopefully, they will make it easier for you to write your own workflows.


Sending a chat message using configured system. The chat system can be anything that provides a say and a reply function.

Required context fields

  • chat_system: system used for sending the message, by default slack_bot
  • message: the text to be sent, do your own formatting
  • message_type: used for formatting/coloring and select recipients
  • notify: a list of recipients, slack channel names if using slack_bot
  • notify_on_error: a list of additional recipients if message_type is error or failure


This workflow is intended to be invoked through on_first_action hook to send a chat message to announce what will happen.

Required context fields

  • chat_system: system used for sending the message, by default slack_bot
  • notify: a list of recipients, slack channel names if using slack_bot
  • _meta_event: every events export a _meta_event showing the driver name and the trigger name, can be overridden in trigger definition
  • _event_id: if you export a _event_id in your trigger definition, it will be used for display, by default it will be unspecified
  • _event_url: the display of the _event_id will be a link to this url, by default
  • _event_detail: if specified, will be displayed after the brief announcement

Besides the fields above, this workflow also uses a few context fields that are set internally from host workflow(not the hook itself) definition.

  • _meta_desc: the description from the workflow definition
  • _meta_name: the name from the workflow definition
  • performing: what the workflow is currently performing


This workflow is intended to be invoked through on_exit, on_error, on_success or on_failure. Required context fields

  • chat_system: system used for sending the message, by default slack_bot
  • notify: a list of recipients, slack channel names if using slack_bot
  • notify_on_error: a list of additional recipients if message_type is error or failure
  • status_detail: if available, the detail will be attached to the status notification message

Besides the fields above, this workflow also uses a few context fields and labels that are set internally from host workflow(not the hook itself).

  • _meta_desc: the description from the workflow definition
  • _meta_name: the name from the workflow definition
  • performing: what the workflow is currently performing
  • .labels.status: the latest function return status
  • .labels.reason: the reason for latest failure or error


This workflow can be used in on_success hooks or as a stand-alone step. It sends a heartbeat to the alerting system

Required context fields

  • alert_system: system used for sending the heartbeat, can be any system that implements a heartbeat function, by default opsgenie
  • heatbeat: the name of the heartbeat


This workflow can be used in on_success hooks or as a stand-alone step. It snooze the alert that triggered the workflow.

  • alert_system: system used for sending the heartbeat, can be any system that implements a snooze function, by default opsgenie
  • alert_Id: the ID of the alert

Running a Kubernetes Job

We can use a predefined run_kubernetes workflow from honeydipper-config-essentials repo to run kubernetes jobs. A simple example is below

      system: samplecluster
        - type: python
          command: |
            ...python script here...
        - type: bash
          shell: |
   script here...

Basic of run_kubernetes

run_kubernetes workflow requires a system context field that points to a predefined system. The system must be extended from kubernetes system so that it has createJob, waitForJob and getJobLog function defined. The predefined system should also have the information required to connect to the kubernetes cluster, the namespace to use etc.

The required steps context field should tell the workflow what containers to define in the kubernetes job. If there are more that one step, the steps before the last step are all defined in initContainters section of the pod, and the last step is defined in containers.

Each step of the job has its type, which defines what docker image to use. The workflow comes with a few types predefined.

  • python
  • python2
  • python3
  • node
  • bash
  • gcloud
  • tf
  • helm
  • git

A step can be defined using a command or a shell. A command is a string or a list of strings that are passed to the default entrypoint using args in the container spec. A shell is a string or a list of strings that passed to a customized shell script entrypoint.

For example

      system: samplecluster
        - type: python3
          command: 'print("hello world")'
        - type: python3
          shell: |
            cd /opt/app
            pip install -r requirements.txt

The first step uses the command to directly passing a python command or script to the container, while the second step uses shell to run a script using the same container image.

There is a shared emptyDir volumes mounted at /honeydipper to every step, so that the steps can use the shared storage to pass on information. One thing to be noted is that the steps don't honour the default WORKDIR defined in the image, instead all the steps are using /honeydipper as workingDir in the container spec. This can be customized using workingDir in the step definition itself.

The workflow will return success in .labels.status when the job finishes successfully. If it fails to create a job or fails to get the status or job output, the status will be error. If the job is created, but failed to complete or return non-zero status code, the .labels.status will be set to failure. The workflow will export a log context field that contains a map from pod name to a map of container name to log output. A simple string version of the output that contains all the concatenated logs are exported as output context field.

Environment Variables and Volumes

You can define environments and volumes to be used in each step or as a global context field to share them across steps. For example,

      system: samplecluster
        - name: CLOUDSDK_CONFIG
          value: /honeydipper/.config/gcloud
        - git-clone
        - type: gcloud
          shell: |
            gcloud auth activate-service-account $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_ACCOUNT --key-file=$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
              value: /etc/gcloud/service-account.json
            - mountPath: /etc/gcloud
                name: credentials-volume
                  defaultMode: 420
                  secretName: secret-gcloud-service-account
        - type: tf
          shell: |
            terraform plan -no-color

Please note that, the CLOUDSDK_CONFIG environment is shared among all the steps. This ensures that all steps use the same gcloud configuration directory. The volume definition here is a combining of volumes and volumeMounts definition from pod spec.

Predefined Step

To make writing kubernetes job workflows easier, we have created a few predefined_steps that you can use instead of writing your own from scratch. To use the predefined_step, just replace the step definition with the name of the step. See the example from the previous section, where the first step of the job is git-clone.

  • git-clone

This step clones the given repo into the shared volume /honeydipper/repo folder. It requires that the system contains a few field to identify the repo to be cloned. That includes:

  • git_url - the url of the repo
  • git_key_secret - if a key is required, it should be present in the kubernetes cluster as a secret
  • git_ref - branch

We can also use the predefined step as a skeleton to create our steps by overriding the settings. For example,

      system: samplecluster
        - use: git-clone
          volumes: [] # no need for secret volumes when cloning a public repo
            - name: REPO
            - name: BRANCH
              value: DipperCL
        - ...

Pay attention to use field of the step.

Expanding run_kubernetes

If run_kubernetes only supports built-in types or predefined steps, it won't be too useful in a lot of places. Luckily, it is very easy to expand the workflow to support more things.

To add a new step type, just extend the _default context under start_kube_job in the script_types field.

For example, to add a type with the rclone image,

          image: kovacsguido/rclone:latest
          command_prefix: []
          shell_entry: [ "/bin/ash", "-c" ]

Supported fields in a type:

  • image - the image to use for this type
  • shell_entry - the customized entrypoint if you want to run shell script with this image
  • shell_prefix - a list of strings to be placed in args of the container spec before the actual shell script
  • command_entry - in case you want to customize the entrypoint for using command
  • command_prefix - a list of strings to be placed in args before command

Similarly, to add a new predefined step, extend the predefined_steps field in the same place.

For example, to add a rclone step

          name: backup-replicate
          type: rclone
            - copy
            - --include
            - '{{ coalesce .ctx.pattern (index (default (dict) .ctx.patterns) (default "" .ctx.from)) "*" }}'
            - '{{ coalesce .ctx.source (index (default (dict) .ctx.sources) (default "" .ctx.from)) }}'
            - '{{ coalesce .ctx.destination (index (default (dict) .ctx.destinations) (default "" }}'
            - mountPath: /root/.config/rclone
                name: rcloneconf
                  defaultMode: 420
                  secretName: rclone-conf-with-ca

See Defining steps on how to define a step

Using run_kubernetes in GKE

GKE is a google managed kubernetes cluster service. You can use run_kubernetes to run jobs in GKE as you would any kubernetes cluster. There are a few more helper workflows, predefined steps specifically for GKE.

  • use_google_credentials workflow

If the context variable google_credentials_secret is defined, this workflow will add a step in the steps list to activate the service account. The service account must exist in the kubernetes cluster as a secret, the service account key can be specified using google_credentials_secret_key and defaults to service-account.json. This is a great way to run your job with a service account other than the default account defined through the GKE node pool. This step has to be executed before you call run_kubernetes, and the following steps in the job have to be added through append modifier.

For example:

      - call_workflow: use_google_credentials
      - call_workflow: run_kubernetes
          steps+: # using append modifier here
            - type: gcloud
              shell: gcloud container clusters create {{ .ctx.new_cluster_name }}
  • use_gcloud_kubeconfig workflow

This workflow is used for adding a step to run gcloud container clusters get-credentials to fetch the kubeconfig data for GKE clusters. This step requires that the cluster context variable is defined and describing a GKE cluster with fields like project, cluster, zone or region.

For example:

        type: gke # specify the type of the kubernetes cluster
        project: foo
        cluster: bar
        zone: us-central1-a
      - call_workflow: use_google_credentials
      - call_workflow: use_gcloud_kubeconfig
      - call_workflow: run_kubernetes:
            - type: gcloud
              shell: kubectl delete jobs {{ .ctx.job_name }}
  • use_local_kubeconfig workflow

This workflow is used for adding a step to clear the kubeconfig file so kubectl can use default in-cluster setting to work on local cluster.

For example:

      - call_workflow: use_google_credentials
      - call_workflow: use_gcloud_kubeconfig
            project: foo
            cluster: bar
            zone: us-central1-a
      - export:
            - type: gcloud
              shell: kubectl get -o yaml deployment {{ .ctx.deployment }} > kuberentes.yaml
      - call_workflow: use_local_kubeconfig
      - call_workflow: run_kubernetes
            - type: gcloud
              shell: kubectl apply -f kubernetes.yaml

Slash Commands

The new version of DipperCL comes with integration with Slack, including slash commands, right out of the box. Once the integration is setup, we can easily add/customize the slash commands. See integration guide (coming soon) for detailed instruction. There are a few predefined commands that you can try out without need of any further customization.

Predefined Commands

  • help - print the list of the supported command and a brief usage info
  • reload - force honeydipper daemon to check and reload the configuration

Adding New Commands

Let's say that you have a new workflow that you want to trigger through slash command. Define or extend a _slashcommands context to have something like below.

          workflow: <workflow>
          usage: just some brief intro to your workflow
          contexts: # optionally you can run your workflow with these contexts
            - my_context

Replace the content in <> with your own content.

Mapping Parameters

Most workflows expect certain context variables to be available in order to function, for example, you may need to specify which DB to backup or restore using a DB context variable when invoking a backup/restore workflow. When a slash command is defined, a parameters context variable is made available as a string that can be accessed through $ctx.parameters using path interpolation or {{ .ctx.parameters }} in go templates. We can use the _slashcommands context to transform the parameters context variable into the actual variables the workflow requires.

For an simple example,

          workflow: greeting
          usage: respond with greet, take a single word as greeter

    greeting: # here is the context applied to the greeting workflow
      greeter: $ctx.parameters # the parameters is transformed into the variable required

In case you want a list of words,

          workflow: greeting
          usage: respond with greet, take a list of greeters

    greeting: # here is the context applied to the greeting workflow
      greeters: :yaml:{{ splitList " " .ctx.parameters }} # this generates a list

Some complex example, command with subcommands

          workflow: jobHandler
          usage: handling internal jobs

      command: '{{ splitList " " .ctx.parameters | first }}'
      name: '{{ splitList " " .ctx.parameters | rest | first }}'
      jobParams: ':yaml:{{ splitList " " .ctx.parameters | slice 2 | toJson }}'

Messages and notifications

By default, a slashcommand will send acknowledgement and return status message to the channel where the command is launched. The messages will only be visible to the sender, in other words, is ephemeral. We can define a list of channels to receive the acknowledgement and return status in addition to the sender. This increases the visibility and auditability. This is simply done by adding a slash_notify context variable to the slashcommand workflow in the _slashcommands context.

For example,

        - "#my_team_channel"
        - "#security"
        - "#dont_tell_the_ceo"

Secure the commands

When defining each command, we can use allowed_channels field to define a whitelist of channels from where the command can be launched. For example, it is recommended to override the reload command to be launched only from the whitelist channels like below.

        reload: # predefined
            - "#sre"
            - "#ceo"