- silent mode arg (feature)
- manual mode (feature)
- check network before update check (bug fix)
- add analytic subnode : sub analytics after generating main csv
- comparisons : values only csv
- comparisons plotter
- manual experiment mode
- linear payload chains
- auto chunk payload for optimal storage in multiple images
- linked payload chains
- randomize storage for added security against reversing
- payload in-memory execution for evading on-disk forensics
- video steganography support using ffmpeg
- automatic experiment mode
- automatic jpg to png (if specified)
- json data to csv conversion (if specified)
- support for lsb only steganography
- add encrypted message size in json data
- convert cipher_data.json to cipher_data.csv
- support for : lsb-only steganography
- add silent mode (default: verbose)
- workspace cleaner
- update system