📦✨ your favorite rust
-> wasm
workflow tool!
# install wasm-pack
$ curl https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-pack/installer/init.sh -sSf | sh
$ cargo install wasm-pack
$ npm install -g wasm-pack
$ yarn global add wasm-pack
$ wasm-pack -h
wasm-pack 0.10.3
The various kinds of commands that `wasm-pack` can execute
-h, --help Prints help information
-q, --quiet No output printed to stdout
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Log verbosity is based off the number of v used
--log-level <log-level> The maximum level of messages that should be logged by wasm-pack. [possible values:
info, warn, error] [default: info]
build 🏗️ build your npm package!
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
login 👤 Add an npm registry user account! (aliases: adduser, add-user)
new 🐑 create a new project with a template
pack 🍱 create a tar of your npm package but don't publish!
publish 🎆 pack up your npm package and publish!
test 👩🔬 test your wasm!
使用 Rust 的 npm 包构建工具 wasm-pack 来构建一个 npm 包; 这个包只包含 WebAssembly 和 JavaScript 代码,以便包的用户无需安装 Rust 就能使用; 他们甚至不需要知道这里包含 WebAssembly!
# 要构建我们的包,我们需要一个额外工具 wasm-pack
# 它会帮助我们把我们的代码编译成 WebAssembly 并制造出正确的 npm 包。
$ cargo install wasm-pack
# Installed package `wasm-pack v0.10.3` (executable `wasm-pack`)
$ wasm-pack new -h
wasm-pack-new 0.10.3
🐑 create a new project with a template
wasm-pack new [OPTIONS] <name>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-m, --mode <mode> Should we install or check the presence of binary tools. [possible values: no-install,
normal, force] [default: normal]
-t, --template <template> The URL to the template [default: https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack-template]
<name> The name of the project
$ wasm-pack build -h
wasm-pack-build 0.10.3
🏗️ build your npm package!
wasm-pack build [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [ARGS]
--debug Deprecated. Renamed to `--dev`
--dev Create a development build. Enable debug info, and disable optimizations
--no-typescript By default a *.d.ts file is generated for the generated JS file, but this flag will disable
generating this TypeScript file
-h, --help Prints help information
--profiling Create a profiling build. Enable optimizations and debug info
--release Create a release build. Enable optimizations and disable debug info
-V, --version Prints version information
-m, --mode <mode> Sets steps to be run. [possible values: no-install, normal, force] [default: normal]
-d, --out-dir <out-dir> Sets the output directory with a relative path [default: pkg]
--out-name <out-name> Sets the output file names. Defaults to package name
-s, --scope <scope> The npm scope to use in package.json, if any
-t, --target <target> Sets the target environment. [possible values: bundler, nodejs, web, no-modules]
[default: bundler]
<path> The path to the Rust crate. If not set, searches up the path from the current directory
<extra-options>... List of extra options to pass to `cargo build`
# login, Add an npm registry user account! (aliases: adduser, add-user)
$ wasm-pack login
# $ wasm-pack adduser
# $ wasm-pack add-user
# new, create a new project with a template
$ wasm-pack new
# wasm-pack new <name> --mode <mode> --template <template>
$ wasm-pack new wasm-pack-demo
# build, build your npm package!
$ wasm-pack build
# create a release build. Enable optimizations and disable debug info 🚀
$ cd wasm-pack-demo && wasm-pack build --release
# 查看 npm package
$ ls pkg
# publish, pack up your npm package and publish!
$ wasm-pack publish
$ wasm-pack build --release
# warning: be sure to add `/Users/xgqfrms-mbp/Library/Caches/.wasm-pack/.wasm-bindgen-cargo-install-0.2.83/bin` to your PATH to be able to run the installed binaries
# [INFO]: Optimizing wasm binaries with `wasm-opt`...
# [INFO]: Optional fields missing from Cargo.toml: 'description', 'repository', and 'license'. These are not necessary, but recommended
# [INFO]: ✨ Done in 2m 11s
# [INFO]: 📦 Your wasm pkg is ready to publish at /Users/xgqfrms-mbp/Documents/GitHub/rust-in-action/src/wasm-pack-demo/pkg.
This tool seeks to be a one-stop shop for building and working with rust- generated WebAssembly that you would like to interop with JavaScript, in the browser or with Node.js.
helps you build rust-generated WebAssembly packages that you could publish to the npm registry, or otherwise use alongside any javascript packages in workflows that you already use, such as webpack
该工具旨在成为构建和使用 rust 生成的 WebAssembly 的一站式商店,您希望与 JavaScript、浏览器或 Node.js 进行互操作。
帮助您构建 rust 生成的 WebAssembly 包,您可以将其发布到 npm 注册表,或者与您已经使用的工作流中的任何 javascript 包一起使用,例如 webpack。
# `wasm-pack` Quickstart
Install rust using rustup.
<!-- bash -->
Install this tool.
<!-- bash -->
Run `wasm-pack new hello-wasm`.
cd hello-wasm
Run `wasm-pack build`.
This tool generates files in a `pkg` dir
To publish to npm, `run wasm-pack publish`.
You may need to login to the registry you want to publish to.
You can login using `wasm-pack login`.