( branch: From zero to Hero )
This is a description of the process to get from fresh ubuntu 22.04 (lts after update and upgrade of system) to running yss on it.
This is not the final version but one of a first .deb based installation guides.
In terminal of your flavor run commands ...
$ echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yOyOeK1/oiyshTerminal/main/OTDM/ ./ " | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/otdmFromZetoToHero.list
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install otdm-yss
!! important !! - check what apt is proposing you to do. If you have any stuff like Node-red, mysql, mosquitto, mariadb you need to first install otdm-*-dummy package to stop package manager dependency manager to reinstall your stuff.
[newer Node-red?] In current version of otdm-node-red-installer (0.1.11) it's installing Node-red in version 2.1.5. In this version there is a need of manually setting up websockets nodes Sometimes :|
At http://yourIp:1880 you have now Node-red. In it flow with name "ySS", node need to be found: /ws/yss_In and /ws/yss
Both need to be set up with Path according to the name.
otdm-nrf-yss (0.1.17) also not set up correctly node "Main engine" In it set your values of your system. Don't know how to get in nice way your local external ip in this mess of interfaces.
msg.yssWSUrl = "ws://";
msg.yssWSUrl* - change only ip address to yours in local network set only ip this flow is making you ws:// on those paths
And Deploy.
Last step is to set external sites. You can do it by editing sites.json in yss directory. By running
$ node /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.odtm/yss/sites/sites.json
Edit section to your needs. You can turn on / off sites or add yours!
Ctrl+x (to exit) and Ctrl+y (to confirm saving)
First opening of a page is most of the time wrong. It's building index's and other things. It's only on first opening of a page after deploy.
All is now good. So open a web browser and enter http://yourIp:1880/yss
Let me know what you think about it.
You will in menu only two things:
test functions - to help you start with custom .svg pages and the yss system
Screens Manager - to have remote control to all your screens
So you can start to play with it now. Or look for more .deb's in apt repository with prefix otdm-
Green frames - Ok
Different color of frame - in progress
Installation on fresh Ubuntu