SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(@"checkMethod:");
NSMethodSignature * signiture = [self methodSignatureForSelector:sel];
const char * sig = [signiture getArgumentTypeAtIndex:0];
sig = [signiture getArgumentTypeAtIndex:1];
sig = [signiture getArgumentTypeAtIndex:2];
NSInvocation * invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signiture];
[ invocation setSelector: sel];
// Argument 1 is at index 2, as there is self and _cmd before
[ invocation setArgument: &obj atIndex: 2 ];
[ invocation invokeWithTarget: self ];
BOOL ret = NO;
// If you need to get the return value
[ invocation getReturnValue: &ret ];
- (BOOL) checkUUID: (id) UUID {
return YES;