- The projects page is accessible from the homepage and displays a full list of projects visible to the user.
- Users have the ability to search or sort the list and can edit or delete projects from this page.
- If a project is selected the user is brought to the specific project Overview page.
- The title and action button should be changed to match labels used on the homepage.
- Projects should change to "My Projects"
- New Project should change to "+ Create Project"
- The Create project button should open the shared component used on the homepage.
- The current implementation of the projects list should be maintained for the MVP version of this work. In the future, a PatternFly List and Card view may be implemented.
- Add a "last updated" date to the project cards and sort by most recently updated, not by created date.
- Add status as a column to the left of the project name and display only when status is not okay.
- Move actions into the kebab menu.
- Add utilization metrics projects.
- NOTE: TBD - How to handle performance issues with longer project lists.
- Update the projects list page to use a PatternFly List View
- Add a filtering mechanism and use the PF Toolbar layout for filter and sort.
- Allow direct access to this filtered view of warning status from the homepage.
- Update the projects list page to include a toggle to a PatternFly Card View
- Include utilization trendlines on the card view
- PatternFly design patterns:
- Icon References:
- Memory: TBD
- CPU: pficon-cpu
- Network: pficon-network